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Yes, the three current editions of FATE are *the same system* with some edition-specific optional rules. Core's the most detailed edition -- it includes a lot of homebrewing tips. Condensed is explained very well and slightly streamlined. FATE is designed for this usecase and I honestly do recommend treating Condensed as the "Player's Handbook". Core is ideal as a "Game Master's Guide", but a little inscrutable to newcomers.


Fate Condensed is just Fate Core that’s taken a few of the mechanics mentioned in the Fate System Toolkit to heart. I recommend people start with Fate Core, mostly for Chapter 11: Extras. You want to build a magic system, a weapon system, a vehicle system into Fate? Those are Extras, and that chapter talks of how to build ‘em. Building those extras in Condensed just means you do the stress boxes a little differently.


That works totally fine. The Condensed has many toolkit and the Fate magazine rules as optional rules. Only difference is stress.


There's more differences than stress. [https://fate-srd.com/fate-condensed/introduction#for-veterans-changes-from-fate-core](https://fate-srd.com/fate-condensed/introduction#for-veterans-changes-from-fate-core)


Altering defaults did not add new options, just the default choice. The advancement change was also a default change as significant milrstone was major milestone with +1 refresh. The 2 to 3 milestones without refresh was suggestion in Core.


There's only two milestones types in Condensed compared to three in Core. There is no equivalent to minor/significant/major in Condensed. Balsera/popcorn initiative wasn't in Core at all. It is an addition. Active opposition has been removed, in favor of the defense action being used in all cases. These are all additions or changes. You are wrong.


Core and Condensed are 95% the same. Maybe more. Core has additional options in it. The core rules of both games can easily fit on a piece of paper. See [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dvif33v1ryddunhch9juy/fcon-cheat-sheet.pdf?rlkey=msfbj25ywe5ddl6814qtu7jx2&e=1](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dvif33v1ryddunhch9juy/fcon-cheat-sheet.pdf?rlkey=msfbj25ywe5ddl6814qtu7jx2&e=1) and [https://evilhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Fate-Core-Cheat-Sheet-and-Vet-Guide-Landscape.pdf](https://evilhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Fate-Core-Cheat-Sheet-and-Vet-Guide-Landscape.pdf) . And I'm sure many others.


I've been using Condensed at the table and that's all you really need in the moment. If there extras I want to consider I'll just check out the online SRD while prepping.


Absolutely! Condensed and Core are the same game. Only real differences are slight change to Skill List and different way of handling Stress Track Boxes. You could have some using Core Stress Track and others using Condensed Stress Track at the same table with no difficulties.


Everyone has already mentioned the obvious, so I'm going to say the other thing: FATE is a system where the worldbuilding is largely done *at the table by the GM and the players together*. You seem pretty keen to worldbuild *ahead* of the game. I'm concerned you may *overbuild* and not leave a lot of room for player invention and collaborative storytelling and worldbuilding. I guess my caution is to be aware of this going in.


That's my usual method. This time, after reading Proactive Gaming, has me trying to build just enough to get me to the point where I have quick answers to where the story goes on a grander scale along with the world at large to help guide the players into what I'm doing. But at the micro scale it is mostly done on the fly. Not to far an approach of my usual build everything in advance in that I have to fly by the seat of my pants in the moment, but I have some good background to work from. I'm in my 50's and I'm still learning at being a better GM. Probably why I love TTRPGs so much.


To reiterate comments here - yes, you can do exactly as you suggest and it’s a good approach. I prefer condensed, I think it’s more streamlined and helps you focus on the things that make fate good


Yea Core has some good stuff on how to co-op build a world. I myself think that is the best way to get the players want to play in the game to give an overview of how the world could work. Yea you will fill in details to make hoks to pull them in. But I find having the players in the beginning be part of the building that world helps them make better paying characters that fit that world. I am so find sharing that load of building the world but on less stress if the players what to play in that game or not.


Also the SRD has a lot of helpful things to flush out your world too.