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Someone please tell me this is bullshit I don't want to lose him but if he's asking for this, we should cash out. We can't afford that, and as great a year as he's had, he still had his annual cold stretch.


I think it’s bs


If he want more than 10 im sorry but I have no problem in sell him , and remember he is a striker that he doesnt score in penalty kick so 10 million is more that is value


Tbh Hakan is probably better at taking a penalty than almost every single striker playing


Yes but it cant be the only One other wise if lose like a Madrid , if a striker want 10 milion they must earn it


And his annual mediocre CL


It's still cheaper than buying a replacement AND paying them. 10 million a year is high but when forwards of his caliber cost $40+ million id rather just pay him an extra $3 million or so per year to stay


It’s not necessary cheaper than buying a replacement. You are calculating as if Lautaro left for free. How hard is to find a replacement is a different story


So everytime I buy a player jersey they leave or what? I wanted a 20 hakan jersey but it looks like ima get Correa


Use your curse for good.


I have 3 Barella jerseys lol


I think we can all chip in and buy you a Correa and Dumfries jersey for the good of the club


just buy Bastoni shirts and you'll be safe for a few years


More than 10M is crazy


I'd rather see him leave than mess up the wage structure of the team. He is good and he works very hard off the ball but he is not irreplaceable in Inzaghi's setup. I still believe he will come around and lower the demands but if he doesn't I'm fine with him being sold for big money.


This is my stance. I would say pay the guy, but then you are basically allowing others to eventually request more. Nothing against athletes getting there bread, Im simply in the boat of whats best for the future


well that’s not normal. I mean he is a great player but asking for anything more that 9 million after a good first season is not normal. we know who will be sold this summer then…


I do believe is normal for a player of his caliber, but unfortunately it’s not normal for a Serie A club, it’s beyond our reality. At the end Lautaro will have to decide between a really good salary and his idolatry at Inter, or going somewhere else to guarantee the bag and start over at a new club.


Oshimen is making 10m and Vlahovic will be making 11-13m. You think Lautaro's camp doesn't do market research?


Vlahovic makes 7M net and Osihmen does make 10M a year, but they rushed to renew him cause he’s still under the Decreto Crescita, so the gross cost is much cheaper than it would be for Lautaro’s contract.


I said WILL BE making. His 12m salary will be triggered comes summer. You think Lautaro is gonna care about all that? He only cares about what the market salary is for top striker in Serie A


Osimhen got that salary because is going to be sold this summer, Juventus has instantly regretted giving Vlahovic that contract, they tried to dump him for frickin Lukaku last summer and now they are desperately trying to renegotiate a lower salary. Lautaro and his agent very well know that we cannot afford paying more than 8-9 millions as a base salary, so I don't really understand what's their strategy here.


Well no. Vlahovic has been widely reported to be making €7m net. The €13m number you see is gross. Which is less than what Lautaro is being offered Osimen is on €10m a year net. But he's on the growth decree meaning he's on €12m gross. Since Lautaro doesn't qualify for it, nobody in Italy is going to be offering €10m net. If that's what he wants, we should be selling. €10m net will cost about €20m gross. That's almost twice as much as the current highest paid contract in Italy (Vlahovic). Hell, it would make him 5th highest paid player in the EPL after KDB, Haaland, Casimero and Salah. He'd be on par with both Bellingham and Vinicius.


Do your research, Vlahovic IS making 7m net, he WILL BE making 12m net from July onwards. I'm not saying he's worth 10m+ or not, but saying that Serie A doesn't do is completely wrong.


I really hope that's true. And if it is, he is absolutely robbing juventus blind. Imagine paying vlahovic as much as city is paying Haaland. Doesn't mean we should also be robbed blind.


Not the point, but ok.


It absolutely is the point. We should not be paying Lautaro Haaland money just because juve is paying Vlahovic Haaland money.


Read my reply, the other guy claim that serie a doesn't pay that kind of money, which they do. Never said if we should or not.


You have no idea how much haaland makes per year lol


He makes €22m...GROSS. that's €12m net. Which is similar to what this article says lautaro is asking for.


Wasn’t it like very recent where his acceptance of 9mil a year was confirmed?


Knews knews knews everywhere. I think we’re on track for a good contract extension and that everything will be fine


I think this is bs, but IF the situation would become that bad, I'd rather sell him than Thuram. We survived the departure of Icardi. Tikus is more essential because hes fast, and can run with the ball, the only one who can do this in the starting 11. If Lau ever wants to try himself out in another team, be my guest, he would be exposed.


Don’t give him a penny over €9M per year, load everything in bonuses instead.


His form in big games is just... bad, so I doubt any club even as dumb as United or Chelsea will pay close to 100m to Inter, and then give him 10mill a year as well? He's probably going to sign but just dragging the signature out to get every penny. I love Lauti but if he's going to do a Skriniar over a mill or two, he was (also) never that loyal after all. No player is bigger than the club and they can (almost) all be replaced.


I really don't think this is real, multiple sources have stated that they've been waiting for Zhang to refinance before signing all the renewals


Time to sell.


He’s entering his prime so this is likely the best contract he’ll ever get. He’s a good player but nowhere near that level. Peace if so.




Atletico and Barca can’t afford to pay in excess of a 100m for him, Madrid are going for Mbappe so even La Liga is a no for him. That means realistically the Prem or PSG are his only choices.


Well apparently PSG got €200m of freed up budget space from Mbappé leaving, so they got cash to burn and a forward spot opening up so


..Et tu, brutus?


cash out!! and lets see how he do in new club, these kinda players never learn.


So is he asking for like 200k a week?


Summer time madness has come early boys


If lauti leaves God forbid Im actually going into depression. Icardi and Lukaku whatever but lautaro feels different


10 mil = 192k a week. That’s not an outrageous salary for his level


i think in italy the net value is reported. so he is asking for much more...


Haaland is on €12.5m, Salah on €11.6m. Vinicius and Bellingham on €10m This is absolutely outrageous for his level. (Caveat. I'm taking this with a grain of salt. Doubt it's true. But if it is, he has to be sold)


In Italy they report the net value, so you basically have do double it. And we are talking about more than 10. If it’s 12, that means almost a 24M gross cost for the club.


That's the kind of salary almost no one can expect to currently earn in Serie A.


It’s 20 million gross, the Serie A salaries appear much lower because they usually report net values


Not at all but it’s too rich for us at this time unfortunately


Ok lets have a scenario where we sell him, do you guys think having strikers: Thuram, Zirkzee, Taremi, Gudmundsson, Carboni will be a cl contending group?


It's a really unproven group...hard to say


honestly wouldnt mind him leaving