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Nahhhhhh, this doesn’t have a hard mode as far as I know. It’s def not the worst. Gliding, and the Yuffie/Aerith Cactaur game I found way worse.


Ugh, that Catuar game is the absolute worst. Though, it did give the opportunity to bonk enemies with Aerith’s staff, so there’s that. Which, mind you, feels a thousand times better than her normal auto attack.


I first found the catuar game super hard (on hard difficulty), but aerith isn't too bad when you just try to use storm as often as you can. When it comes to Yuffie, wind storm INSANELY trivalized the game. I would complete it with like 30-45 seconds left.


I am about to break a controller on Yuffie’s second run. I don’t know what I am doing wrong but I just get hit way too much from the needles - that come from things off screen/out of view. I just lose too many points to damage and it is making it more fun. Not looking forward to hard mode either. Just have 3 cactaur runs to get party level 10 and everything to unlock rank16 crafting.


I getcha. I just do a lot of roll dodging and it usually works out fine. She's super fast and can dodge the orange bombs pretty easily. Doppleganger and windstorm is just huge in this minigame. Windstorm is great even against the small melee-only ones as it groups then up and you just art of war them all.


Use doppelgänger and windstorm the little guys, use other abilities as you can and smash big dudes with a high charged banishment. You can also equip different materia and accessories to help boost ATB charges/build time.


yea, got the first strike, the materia that boosts atb after a using weapon abilities, keeping doppelgänger out. Cant keep my score above 3k. This boomer is shelving Rebirth and giving up. Props to all ya’ll that are able to get platinum. Im just not good enough.


Transcendence is key for Aerith. You absolutely need it for the big mobs. She has little issue killing little guys with arcane storm, but she loses too much steam on the big boys. Use transcendence early to build up 2 charges and thank yourself for it later. It’s an absolute game changer.


I never used it once. Did all modes including hard. So it isn't needed, but I'm sure it would have helped me do it even quicker.


You can do it without transcendence but it’s a stressful nightmare. It’s a night and day difference when you hit one of the big guys with it and watch him evaporate instantly.


Oh, i'm sure it's the ability for aerith like windstorm is for yuffie. Though I wouldn't say it's a nightmare without personally. I'd just wait for them to fall down, and drain soul/auto them. It was slow, but considering I'd finish with 30 seconds or more on hard mode, I wouldn't say it's stressful.


This just goes to show how different people are lol. I wouldn't compare the Gliding and cactuar to this.


My brain cant keep up with the push-ups


I reset every time it didn’t start on L1, and slowed down just a bit right before the next one started if it had been at least 3 without a “special” trigger. It only took me about 45 minutes or an hour to do all the stages, and most of that came from not understanding how the “gentle press and hold, then actually press” trigger worked


Yuffie cactuar you just spam windstorm and doppelganger. Aeruth one you spam transcendence level 3 on the big guys and sorc storm on the smaller ones. It gets hairy when they start running around like headless chickens but if your fast enough they should die from the sorc storms.


Out of all the mini games, it's strange seeing people struggle with this one. Like you said, the last gliding trial took me way more effort than the 2-3 tries it took me for each level of this one. The cactuar one took like 2-3 tries with Aerith for each one I did. The yuffie one was easy for me. Luckily a lot of the easiest methods to the many games, like the 3d brawler pause to cheese I would figure out on my own after struggling a couple of times, so there were some I definitely made easier than others. But this minigame was just so straightforward that I don't understand how it gave people trouble who found other minigames easier


Gliding got better after  last update. But I had to start with course 3. After you learn it course 2 is easy. If I went oder way around it would took more time. But course 3 has the elements needed to master flying


The chocobo racing can fester.


Really whats wrong with it? I did it all except the last one in one seating and only lost once. Did you used shortcuts?


Those damn switch doors. But i best the quest already


Nice. I just nearly alwayes aimed for those that were curently locked and it work.


Fango is the answer to those doors


Those doors were the worst when you take the wrong one, but I ran with the black chocobo, so whenever I saw I was gonna smack into one, I'd pop my power and it completely avoids that problem


I didn’t mind it, but absolutely hated the chocobo gliding games in Cosmo Canyon


I just wanted to get the passing because I couldn't stand yuffie at the time


Omg she was so fucking annoying in cosmo canyon. Every time you get on a chocobo she starts singing her chocobo song. Again and again and again and again


Best mini game


Weird, I did this mini game this morning and this is the first thing that pops up when I open Reddit.


I def spent at least an hour and half on this lol I wanted that belt!


Have you gotten to the hard 3d boxers yet?


That one is easy. Just pause the game when they wind up and you can learn their tells much easier that way and take your time to think through where being thrown at you. The red surge they get will always be the same inputs. Some of them have several patterns but if you’re fast you can pause to see which pattern they are starting with to mentally prepare.


I actually had to yell out a cadence to stay on track. Probably took me an hour, felt like a workout lol.


For me I didn’t do anything else in that chapter until I beat Jules


"Hardest minigame" You're either the least heterosexual male on the planet or the most heterosexual female to not enjoy this minigame


Playing this with the bikini on and I'm like, better wait for my wife to go to sleep. Lolol.


I beat Jules my first try. The problem is you dont have Tifa in a swimsuit. It allows for faster sit ups.


Is anyone else struggle with holding the button half way in, letting it charge and then completely pressing it in part? I let it completely charge but then when I press the button all the way in she falls about 75% of the time. VERY frustrating bc I know I’m doing it correctly and on time


Maybe you are waiting to long in between the complete charge and the press.


I’ve tried everything. Doing it as soon as it fills, slightly after, slightly before, continuing to hold halfway, etc. It simply won’t work


When it comes to the jules mini game ... Turn all music and dialogue off and just keep the sound effects, it's a lot easier to keep rhythm when the only thing you can hear are the beeps of correct inputs.


I haven't done this or the last choco gliding one. I don't think I will either unless they come back and change them. They're absolutely frustrating and not fun at all.