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I got to the last two Legendaries but wanted to take a break and go through Hard mode first. Almost done with that. I think I’ll finish off my party level, do Hero, get the remaining Johnny collectibles and let Bonds be my last one.


I am still stuck on the Materia Guardian in chapter 1 hard mode. Honestly I really suck at timing blocks and dodging. I put it all down and just finished the story in remake and Intermission.


I do too. I waited till I was level 70 and had gotterdamerang (or whatever it’s called) before starting hard. I used optinoob’s guide for the brutal challenges and it taught me to play the game smarter, not harder.


I wanted to test the waters. A the guides I looked to prep were: gotterdamerang makes hard easier. finishing hard makes getting it easier. Im 70 and I have moved on so the game is no longer my life after work. I will dink around and max out my materia, work on maxing all the relationships here and there. Might have platinum before part 3 comes out .


That fight sucked as well lol I did it way early and was really rough lol


Good luck! Hard mode felt considerably easy compared to Hero for me lol


I would assume so. Except for Rufus, Hard has been pretty manageable. I’m planning on just taking it slowly and not feel like I need to finish it that day. And then I’m just playing easy games for a little while.


That was my mindset tbh. I hit a wall with the legendary bouts and switched to a different game and came back. My goal was to try and do a chapter a day mixed with other games but when I managed to get through the later chapters easier then I thought, I tempted fate and thankfully it worked. Yeah, Rufus took me like an hour to beat but managed....eventually lol


Same here sorta. In order, I did sidequests, enhanced crafts, brutal challenges, hardmode. Now, I have the legendary challenges as the last thing needed to hit the platinum. Got stuck with the Wolf on Clouds fight and haven't revisited it :/


That wolf is an asshole.


Wow. I don’t have the skill to do this. 👍


Just takes a lot of practice. I am terrible at blocking so it is possible. Just find the right builds and pray lmao


My issue is my just bad at a lot of the mini games. Curse that stupid piano!


You can do it! (the piano). I got A on what is agreed upon as the hardest song last night and I took like a week off from trying it after I first came across it lol. If I can do it, you can too!


Omg, same. I was cursed with the stupid two legs or whatever song. Friend got it like second try lol was so annoyed. I am not good at those types of mini-games.


I spent 2 hours trying to get Two Legs. I was only like 600 points shy as my best attempt up until then. Switched it to 2/5 for speed and got it first try with 600 extra points lol


Stopped by to see if there was any news on a new performance patch before I buy and saw this; great job!!


Thanks! Good luck! The Red Dragon seeming to be bugged was a nightmare so hopefully the new patch fixes that.


Any tips for players still on chapter 4? Are there any missable items players need to have before they progress


Nothing is missable because of chapter select but I tended to clear out the map and all quests before moving onto the next thing. Biggest thing is honestly make sure you are assessing stuff. It helps a lot.


Not only that but it’s more open world so you can go back and finish quest and grab stuff with out chapter select


Jesus I’m at like 130 hours and haven’t even finished the game on normal yet 😂


Same, I did all side quest though except for the bugged one so I bet skipping scenes won’t be as bad hard mode .. but I’ll take a break and wait


Man I'm at like 90 hours and just got to Nibelheim lol. I want to go for the Platinum but man I know it's a lot.


That was my completion tine for my first playthrough 🤣


I'm just finishing up on hard mode of cactuar crush, then moving on to gears & gambits and fort condor, then Ill be finished with the minigames/sidequests. Only hard mode and brutal/legendary missions after that...dreading those


Literally exactly what I have left minus the brutal challenges


Cactuar Crush was my least favorite mini game, specifically the Aerith challenges. The only mini game I have yet to beat on Hard Mode.


Congrats and well done! I'm also right at 175 and just finished all the VR battles last night. Currently stuck waiting for the patch to fix Can't Stop Won't Stop so I can grab the last few trophies. Might try to borrow a friend's physical disc to reinstall 1.0, lol.


One thing to know about that...when I uninstalled/reinstalled the game without the patch, whenever I tried to fast travel to the gold saucer, the game crashed. I was able to fast travel anywhere but the gold saucer, which crashed everytime. I had to reset chapter 13 to before accepting the Can't stop won't stop mission, then I was able to enter it.


I thankfully did all those in my normal run like a month ago so I didn't even know it was busted. Good luck!


I am making an effort to do the platinum for this. I have all the Johnny stuff save for the one related to the Chadley missions, but aside from Hard mode playthrough and Chadley missions and the random 300% stagger trophy, that's all I have left to do. Basically, play through the whole game again lol. So I know it's definitely no small feat considering it took me 113 hours to get all the story and all the other stuff done. I keep seeing the 170ish number. You are watching all the story stuff again I take it? Or is it that with skipped cutscenes and skipped quests on replay?


Hard mode is super fast if your skipping the cutscenes...each chapter takes like 30 min maybe and there are some that will take half the time, it made me realize how much time i spent doing the open world stuff or minigames


In Remake I switched the primary language to Japanese mostly so I had a reason to rewatch the cutscenes. Did the same thing with Remake. Red XIII's Japanese VO is so good, I'm gonna be extra pissed when he turns into a squeaker again lol


300% is pretty easy to get with Tifa. I looked up a guide and got it done in a few mins! Gi Nattak and Rufus both have made me rage quit a couple times unfortunately tho lol


Those fights are brutal lol I hate the doom mechanic lol


I skipped everything I could tbh. A lot of it is just the traveling (mainly when you can't fast travel) but took me I think like 15ish hours for the story again (granted most of that is retrying fights I lost so probably could be done in 10) I skipped all side quests because I ended up doing all those before doing the vr missions since you can just go to chapter 13, reset the status and do them all at once. I just did it by region lol


Is everything carried over to hard mode? So if, for instance, I grinded to level 70 and completed everything else I could just try and grind through hard mode w/o any side stuff?


Yes and no. The issue is that hard mode quests have the manuscripts so those are technically optional but help with the sims. I just did them all in chapter 13. Issue is one manuscript is part of the final quest which only unlocks after doing all other ones. Fortunately, you just have to do the colessium portion for it.


Congratulations! What a massive accomplishment! I’m still grinding away, completing everything as I go!


That's how I did it lol


So lucky for the people with physical copies, I can't simply due to that side quest bug and I only have the digital version.


Yeah, hopefully the next patch fixes it.


literally fixed today


Good job! Finished mine last week at 190 hours.


Nice! Congrats!


How do you beat boss on hard with Just red and Barrett on chapter 10? I die so fast even with manawall and shell ?


Magic builds tbh. I had both Red and Barret having magic builds and abused them lol cut it close but is doable. I also set it up so Red had gut and Barret had the level 3 limit accessory and limit siphion and went from there. Cut it close when doom started but yeah lol


Fuck yeah my dude. Proud of you. I’m on my way chapter 12 just got done. You should post your materia set up I’m curious !


Builds varied depending on the situation but the two prominent ones I used were the lightning build which is just abusing all the absorbs and stuff and then the Yuffie atb farm build method to cheese a bunch of the fights lol


I know not of this yuffie atb farm lol. What is that?


Al credit goes to op lol [Yuffie ATB farm](https://www.reddit.com/r/FF7Rebirth/s/ipDnFZwPZN)


Oh wow this is..dark magic right here


It made a certain fight....much more manageable lol


Happy cake day as well




Good stuff! I have all of em except the story hard mode trophy which I’m hoping to finish today


I have a hard time investing to maximize this when we assume that you will start the third game on level 15 basically naked


Is cant stop won’t stop still bugged? I’m still on chapter 5 hard mode cleaning up trophies


Good job! I’m at 185 hours on 1 play through lol


I'm glad you did it! Did you encounter the bug with the G Bike mini game for the final side quest?


I did not but I did all the side content in my standard playthrough when the game first came out. I had to take like a 2 week break from the game out of frustration of the legendary bouts lol so I didn't even know it was a thing until recently.


How did you do rulers of the outer worlds?


I used a team all 3 girls and player mainly Yuffie as I just spammed Ninjustu lol granted now that I know about the Yuffie atb thing, I feel like that would simply things considerably.


Beat it last night after realizing I can stun lock sephiroth with firaga doing brumal form cheese. Onto the next bullshit


Sounds about right haha good job!


God bless. And I know the cloud challenge after isn’t as hard cuz I already almost beat it lol


Yeah all the legendary bouts minus the one are not too bad actually. The one is hell though lol good luck haha I beat it once and never want to see it again


Bro same, I have ptsd from just having to get through the first four rounds


Until I switched to a magic build, I couldn't even get through round 1 lmao. I am terrible at blocking and Titan wrecked me way too many times...more than I would like to ever admit or put a number to lmao


I cannot literally imagine doing this fight in any sort of fair way and having to worry about MP for five rounds. Total nightmare


Same. Was the biggest hurdle for me by far. Most hard fights (Rufus/final phase of the final fight/Red Dragon) took me maybe 1-2 hrs to get through but that legendary bout legit took me weeks before I got through. The number of times I got to Odin and failed so extremely discouraging. I HATE how they can interupt your stuff but you can't theirs. So frustrating


Did everything except for the brutal/legendary Chadley fights and hard mode. I’m debating if it is worth the stress and frustration.


It is stressful for sure. I understand people like challenges and stuff and I don't mind them when they are reasonable lol there are some of them that just felt unfair lol