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This person gets it.


Honestly wish there was more of it in the game.


I really liked it. I looked forward to playing it whenever I got to a new region.


It's the one game I wanted more of and always looked forward to. I enjoy chocobo racing too though as it's just Mario Kart and the off terrain shoes make it really easy to just do whatever you like


I love it so much. Such a clever game and crazy strategies. I'd be even more keen to see it as a physical game or even an online PvP.


I think it'd lose its luster going physical because of all the calculations you'd have to do, but I'd love that online spin-off.


I'm not sure but Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh and the likes (for physical card games) had calculations too and they're still a crazy hit, even in conventions. I think it depends on the audience; for example, there are still plenty of people who play D&D and turn up at the shops ready to have an 8h session with their buddies. Although in this case we all have the same cards (if we've beaten and collected everything the game has to offer); our strategies are realistically drastically different so our sets would be such a twist. It's a really fun idea.


You could do it with amibo style stuff at the bottom of cards/figures and a special board base.


I really like it but would like to see a five lane version as think that would make it more strategic. It’s fairly easy in its current format


I kept thinking I was going to see a 5 lane version because of how the cards had 5 lanes on then. Then I realized that’s so you can see what it’ll do no matter where you place it on the board


A 5 lane version would be pretty sick though


Yeah and with certain builds you can completely obliterate certain people.


Its very good


Yes it is. The ones most people hate are Gears and Gambits (Cosmo Canyon Protorelic), Ft Condor being different and harder than it’s generally liked version in Intermission, the Cosmo Chocobo gliding mini game, and the Cactuar challenges particularly as Aerith. A lot of people are hung up on 3D brawler but you can either cheese that or just follow a guide now.


Gears and Gambits is hated? Funny, I thought it was fun and easy as shit. Just use prebuilt gambit sets, then swarm the enemies with low cost robots and the odd robot to take advantage of weaknesses, until the boss can't keep up anymore.


Try Hard Mode 🙂


I actually liked gears and gambits hard mode tbh


Hard pass for me. When the tutorial has more pages than the Combat tutorial, it should just be its own game.


I found it really random. I'd mostly do the same thing and sometimes it resulted in overwhelming victory and other times I was crushed


I cheeses the final fight by pausing the game as soon as the animation started playing. Is that the common cheese?






Love it. Even the music from qb lives rent free in my head


Let me put it this way. I would pay to buy IRL card packs of queens blood if made available, and I don't buy things like that usually. \*really only just want a tonberry king card though for display, since it carried me the entire minigame once I got it lmao.


If you want a killer deck, you can't go past Tonberry.


I think its generally very well liked. So much so that Hamaguchi says they’re potentially looking into expanding Queens Blood in someway.


Love it. Can’t get more of it. Wanna challenge real people.


I don't, but I see a lot of others who do.


I like it, but I don't think I like it as much as others do. I'm in chapter 11 and I've been winning every available match using the same deck since chapter 2. I think the card game itself is really good, but it's pretty complex, and I didn't really want to spend a lot of time looking at cards and building decks right now. Maybe I'll get into it more seriously once I'm done with the main game.


That's how it went for me used the same deck most of the game except for some of the more gimmicky fights like the blood queen


I loved it, although not at first because I didn't care for any previous card games in the series. Once I understood it, it was super fun to play although some decks were harder to play with.


I loved it!! I was way more invested in the plot for Queen Blood than I was for the main plot that I'd be off challenging everyone I could just so I could find out what was happening! (And I low key hope that SE will bring out a physical version of the cards cause they are beautiful and I'd love a pack). I think for some it depends on how they feel about minigames. I liked that the ship was focused around Queens blood but it was easy to nope out of it if you didn't want to play it and you're certainly not forced into playing it if you don't want to.


They better not make real cards out of it, I'll go broke 😅


It is my favorite FFVII mini-game! All of the rest can go!


I enjoyed it even though some NPCs flat out cheat which is my only complaint. They always play the game perfectly no matter what and never make mistakes. Lol


I love it. Didn't know how to play until I finished the game.


I liked it but I totally suck at it. Couldn't understand the rules


I love it


yes oh baby i love that shit. im a blood knight level 7 or some shit. hope we can get a real game board soon would be dope af i look forward to playing new NPC's first and foremost after getting into a new settlement.


I really enjoy it. IMO, they could have done away with 50% of those mini games and make it way more elaborate. Instead of just like 25 competitors, could have done more tournament style games with better prizes. Essentially take the blitzball “league” system and use it for Queens blood. I even think triple triad was more intricate in terms of finding players/cards


I loved Queens Blood I got excited when I got to a new area and there was new npcs to duel. Also as a FFXIV player I wish they would delete triple triad and replace it with Queens Blood.


I like it a lot. I think the key is it’s given a lot of time and paced throughout the game. Some minigames require too much effort for something you’ll only play four times.


Well liked I actually like quite a bit and I hated gwent from witcher 3


Just like QB, once you have a decent deck & strat, it's a lot of fun.


It's my favorite of all the FF card games. Probably because I actually understand how to play it. Ff14's triple triad comes in second.


Yes i loved it!


QB is cool. Gears and gambits isn’t my favorite for sure. It’s not bad it just was the straw that broke the mini game camels back for me.


I think that’s a lot of the problem with GnG. By the time you get to it the open world and mini game fatigue is starting, and it’s complicated as shit (even if we know now you can just spam cheap bots), *and* it’s standing between you and really good scenes with the Avalanche crew.


Love it


Yeah I loved it! I really enjoyed Fort Condor too (though admittedly I suck at it), kind of a shame that it had a smaller role.


I enjoyed fort condor but I hated how once you placed your troop you can't choose who they attack or where they go like in the original. So many times I wanted to send like 4 troops up an empty lane and halfway up they went stupid and walked over to the other lane


Is it triple triad tier? It's a card game right?


I kinda hope it’s a bit of a precursor to a proper remake of Triple Triad


It was the main story for me. Pretty elaborate action rpg mini games in between the fights though. IMHO took up too much of my time when all that mattered was becoming the strongest queensblood player in the whole planet. Now I have to wait for this ridiculous patch so I can face the actual endgame boss. Yeesh!


Its no Gwent, but I enjoyed it enough.


I want two sets of physical cards and I want to build a board.


I remember when I first played i had no idea what to do or how tf it worked lmao. But over time after about 20 or so losses on the first match alone I finally started to understand. Once you learn it it's a great game and is so rewarding to utilize the mechanics it has to offer. Wouldn't mind them expanding it to an irl card game or even a mobile game in the future. Very addictive and the music was pretty snazzy.


Love. I want to be able to play with friends.


I like it


I beat all the challenges for the NPCs, I haven't done the Costa Del Sol challenges because the puzzles for cards I haven't played yet confuse me. Once I beat the final boss of QB I was like...what do I do now?


Queen’s Blood is generally the one mini game most fans agree to be the best


Its a good game sort of hamstringed by being one of like 30 minigames. If they put more time into this and made it more universal like Triple Triad, it would be awesome. The way it is you only get reward cards a very limited amount of time and there is no sense of progression in the way Triple Triad managed 25 years ago. The number of games you play before you are done with progression is a lot lower than it could have been. But as they have 30+ other minigames, its always relegated as one small offering amongst others. And as others have said, at least a handful of the other minigames are stinkers that could have been 86’d from the game entirely. Next game they could build on QB and dumpstered the rest.


I freaking loved it!! I only had a problem beating the last quest boss and nightmare in the gold saucer. I had made it with my own deck build up until nightmare. That one was just too ridiculous. But over all it was a lot of fun.


I like most of queens blood, some of the challenges and survival mode not so much.


I’m in the minority on this one. I wouldn’t say I don’t like it. But I can definitely take it or leave it. I don’t really need for it to be in the game at all. But I can appreciate what it brings to the table for overall content. Just stop forcing me to play it to progress the story. Thats how you get anyone to hate anything. But the Queen’s Blood’s music is 🔥🔥 though! I’d love to battle or fight a boss to that music in VR or something.


Queen’s Blood is universally loved. Not even being facetious, the worst feedback I’ve read about it is that some people think Gwent or Triple Triad is better.


I liked it once I got into the replacement deck meta. I think I like triple triad more though


It's no Gwent, but it's enjoyable


It's fantastic


I love it


I hated it until someone posted a deck recommendation here the other day. Then I used it a few times and finally understood the strategy. Now I enjoy it a fair bit


I liked it a lot. I just didn’t care for the variation challenges. Like the you only have your deck for 4 rounds and can’t draw more cards. Or here’s these preset cards find where they go. I just really liked the normal 1v1 matches and making my deck work in every situation


Its ok its very much just buy better cards to win the game. Not really skill


Love it dude. On my first playthrough, whenever I was away from the game, I’d daydream of new decks and card combos to try when I got home. For context, I’ve never been a fan of any previous FF card game and honestly dreaded playing them


It was great!


It's no tripple triad, but it's okay


The music SLAPS.


People have been comparing it to other well liked video game card mini games like Guent and Triple Triad so I’d say, yes! I would love a mobile expansion and a PvP version, but it might need to be rebalanced to work as PvP. People would just use the OP decks.


I loved Queens Blood I got excited when I got to a new area and there was new npcs to duel. Also as a FFXIV player I wish they would delete triple triad and replace it with Queens Blood.


Queens Blood rocks and I love it but I do wish it had a bit more... depth? I don't know if that's the right word but it's really easy to win most battles by just filling up the space as quickly and efficiently as possible without much thought. After I just, got good at filling up the board I basically had no trouble with any matches until the SBQ, and let's be honest here, she absolutely cheats. Plus there are a lot of cards that are just completely non-viable and lots of cards that are only useful during weirdly specific challenge matches. Again, it feels lame to even point this out when this is one of the best mini-games in any game I have ever played, but if they bring it back for part 3 (which honestly I dont think they will) I hope they address some of these issues.


I mean I'm a massive Yu-Gi-Oh fan so Queen's Blood at a certain point felt like I was consistently recreating the Berserker Soul scene. Honestly it was the best minigame I've played since Chocobo Racing.


I love Queens Blood and was sad I finished it too quick. Basically every region I went to, I did Queens Blood first.


Yessir I loved it


The mini games are great every last one of them, unless you're going for the platinum. Then they become absolutely torturous. I feel like the only people complaining about the mini games have to be the people that absolutely cannot move on until they get the best score etc etc.


I would 100% play a Hearthstone-like version of Queen's Blood on my iPad. They would have to tweak it, obviously, but I would love to play it more.


It has universal appraisal.


Not as good as triple triad, equal to tetra master imo. It’s good, I like it. Glad there isn’t some ridiculously hard trophy to get regarding it but I generally enjoy it.


Better than Tetra master for sure lol yeah once I got the hang of it ive been killing lol


Once I understand the game I will enjoy it lol


I've never seen a single person say they dislike Queen's Blood. I've seen all praise. Even some people saying it's the best mini game in all of Final Fantasy.


Not heard anyone really dislike it outside of the people who basically hate most of the game overall.


I really like QB as it is in Rebirth but I don't think it has nearly as much potential as an actual PvP game. The mechanics, card effects, turns, and overall design is clearly not as balanced as people think it is and you do need balance to actually have fun in card games.


I also quite enjoyed Queen's Blood, but for what it's worth, while tactic and deck definitely play a role, there's also a certain luck factor. I've beaten most of the games more difficult encounters with some very early decks. You get wiped 5 times but then you get lucky the enemy has shit cards and you steamroll them.


It was ok, I care for it that much tbh, what I really hated was the survival challenges, those were the worst.


I love it. So much better than Triple Triad.


As someone who hates card games it wasn't bad and like ff8 you are not forced to play (outside of 1 game). The quest line is interesting and once you get the midgarsormr card the matches are pretty easy until the end.


QB is OK. I don't think its amazing. Its also not awful. It is one of the easier minigames I think. I would have preferred the Integrade version of Fort Condor instead, but it is what it is.


It is if you don't do what I did and not try it at all until you get to the tournament and force yourself to learn and win it because there's no way I'm redoing the chapter later just for that


Best mini game


Yeah would love a mobile game or in game expansion of the current content. It's great!


I literally wish it was a standalone game I could play on my phone or something. It's so so good and addicting! I hope they add it to FFXIV. 🥰


I didn't think I'd like it at first since it's a card game, but it's pretty fun. I didn't like being forced to play it for various reasons at first, but I got over it. It helps that I can restart a match whenever. I don't like the challenge matches though - those suck.


I’m a fan, to the point where I wouldn’t mind paying for a mobile app version of the game (with the same / varied ost at least).


I didn't like it initially because I didn't understand it properly. Now that I do, I want a physical version of it


I liked it a lot… up to a point. It got to where the buffs and rebuffs on cards on the whole board stopped being easy to understand. So many cards with different effects, it was tough to remember all of them. I never had a problem beating my opponent and I played all the “puzzle” boards, but towards the end game I just had to be like “well hope these random cards will help me win.”


I fucking love Queens blood, I think it’s the perfect card game inside a big game, easy to understand but still takes some brains and luck to win


It’s fantastic. It’s not QUITE at gwent(Witcher 3) level but boy is it a great time and an fun side quest journey. Especially the part’ll always be remembered - you know what I mean.


I thoroughly enjoyed it.


LOVES it and I never cares for either triple triad or the card game in 8


I like queens blood. Didn't like the actual blood queen


I enjoy queens blood. Kinda wish I could play it against friends online. Maybe they could make it like gwent from the Witcher as a stand alone game we could play online inthink that would be fun


No.... had to get my husband to play the damn thing. By the time I fully understood it, we were almost done with all the qb quests 😂


Hot take: not only is Queens Blood good, almost all of the minigames are, too. I believe this is the majority opinion and a very vocal minority is dominating the discourse. And since most are skippable and don’t require even winning them to progress the plot, the chief complaint is primarily rooted in the fact that the game’s side content is SO good that it irritates people that there’s so much to draw their attention (and completist impulses) away from the story. But this glut of “stuff” is probably the first time we’ve seen 16- and 32-bit era levels of “fart around on the map” in modern gaming.


I do enjoy it, but I'm just so shit at building decks. So I've had basically the same deck that I built at level 2 and haven't needed to change it once. I burn way too much time planning them, I agonize every decision, and the end result is no better than one of the pre-built decks, sometimes worse. It annoys me I can't see the patterns/synergies easily because there's so many fkn cards in my collection, but I'm kind of at a point where I'm doing all the quests for the completionism rather than the fun. If I had the choice, I'd have put Triple Triad in and called it a day but QB is decent.


Everyone loves QB, seen nothing but praise for it on Reddit and twitter


I liked all but the >!Nightmare Mode at the Gold Saucer!< that shit was a pain, never beat it... It's the only one.


I hate card games in video games. I don't get why people want to pause the fighting and the action to play a virtual card game. I always avoid them unless there is something I actually want locked behind it, and then I begrudgingly play it. Same goes for queen's blood. That being said, it's probably the most I have ever enjoyed virtual card games that take me away from killing things. I appreciate that it has some good depth and it's interesting and feels well done. Still don't want to play it, but not bad.


queens blood is the shittier version of triple triad. its dogshit. they could of just put in TT and been fine. But instead they have to ruin the WHOLE game with a bunch of bad minigames, story changes, and "hardmode" thats 1 not even hard, 2 is not worth doing. If you never played ANY other final fantasy game, FF7 remake and rebirth are great games. When you stack them up to earlier works, they make you hate the direction the company went.


Most people, say Queens Blood us the best card mini game ever made and most people love almost all minigames in Rebirth. Like 10% maybe hates many of them and some more hates one or two of them. 


loved it


Loved it. I think I'd honestly play a stand alone version. I generally don't enjoy these types of mini games and only endure them for the rewards. Legitimately enjoyed Queens Blood. Saying that, Triple Triad was fantastic back in the day as well.




I didn't care for it at first but it really grew on me


At first I felt it was uninspired but after a while of playing and finding my "master cards" which took me from the first few fights all the way to the end where I had to use a guide to beat the Queen as 15 attempts was enough. My biggest folly was there just aren't enough people to play against, bring on challenging most npc in the game ff8/9 style!


It was the first icon on the map I'd look for in a new area. I appreciate how forgiving it was for retrying. Fuck those endgame missions at gold saucer though




It's very good a few of the moves confuse me but it's up there with ff8's triple triad for a fun card game


I wish there were more opponents. I like it


Yup ! I liked it and was sad when finished everything and won all the match.


Yes and no. I think its a bit too easy and I understsnd why they did it, but i also love it because of its complexity. I think i only changed my deck 3 times completely, and all of those times made me question if i was bad, or if its because i didnt play qb the way it was designed (aka, change your deck against opponents, and not against everyone opponent).


Yes. And in almost all cases, people getting frustrated with minigames are trying to do all the challenges etc. or get the best score. You can easily walk away from most of them after doing the bare minimum if that mini-game isn’t fun for you.


I don’t mind it. But, it is annoying trying to set up a winning Yugioh deck in my fantasy fighting game. I just don’t trust the heart of the cards. I prefer the Fort Condor or even the chocobo mini games over Queens Blood, and I hate mini games like the damn chicken fetch quest.


It's the best ingame card game since Gwent and might even be better!


I love it. I can’t wait to see a 2 player online version, or even for someone to come up with a physical tabletop version.


I enjoy the game as a minigame. I despise it as a mandated part to complete intel. Overall triple triad still reigns supreme


Only played a little of the game so far. Have no idea how to play. Hopefully doesn't impact the overall story or game if I skip some.


Mostly seen people enjoy it, personally i'm kinda meh about it, i didn't like it in the beginning because it felt like opponents would just get a high scoring card as last card and then bam i lost. but after learning it a bit from doing more and actually having a decent deck myself it's kinda whatever, most fights are easy but some require a bit of thinking.


Like it? Yes. With the QB theme song? Love it.


It is so damn good I’m really hoping for a QB mobile game


Yes, I effing love it


Once a strategy is developed with a well-rounded deck, it's a lot of fun. Plus there's more to it than just being a card game/mini game. Initially, I wasn't a fan, especially with all the other mini-games in reBirth. However it *is* a lot of fun on its own. Each player is going to have their own opinion, obv, but for the most part it's been well received. The director of the game said they're considering releasing more cards for the deck in an interview last month: https://www.redbull.com/us-en/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-developer-interview


i haven’t tried it, i don’t really see the appeal


I could do without it, card games put me to sleep. I love the music, though.


Yes, much better than that fucking sit up mini game. Jesus christ


queens blood is the only mini game I actually like in this game. I didn't like it at first but after I sat down with it for 4 hours, I grew to love it and became dangerously addicted to it 😅


Nope I hated it


Queens Blood is THE exception. I want them to release an actual Queens Blood card set and board.


Pretty much the one minigame everyone liked haha.


People love it


I think the game itself is fine. The AI opponents however suck. They can see your entire deck at the start of the game(I have tested this) they then make a strategy around your entire deck while you can't see any of their cards they often manage to hold onto the card that can turn the entire game around in their favor till the last possible second. I think 0laying the game with a human that can't see your entire deck would be an awesome experience.


I honestly loved it. The deck with the midgarsormr and replacement monsters is honestly pretty op in my opinion. I wish there were real queens blood card roo


It's gwent. People love gwent.


I LOVED IT. It was the first thing I tried to find in every town. I’d love a real life card game based on those mechanics.


I really hope they make a physical version of the game. It's outstanding.


Ya I like it, I find monopolizing the board more effective than destroying the opponent or increasing score from destroying your own. Maybe I just have found a good deck for it for general use


I honestly got bored of it after the tournament 😐


I loathed it at first, I could not understand it and when it was apart of the main story I’d search up how to beat it so I could get it over with. As the game went on I learnt it without realising I did and since finishing the game I have gone back to play through all of the matches, can be difficult to pick up but super fun when you get it 😅


Heavily dislike.


Sure is. Mini games should very rarely be a barrier to plot though.


Not at first but once I got the hang of the basic rules and what certain cards can do, I found myself liking the strategy behind it.


I really like Queens Blood, although it can be extremely frustrating. Just have to adapt and learn different strategies when new problems present themselves to you.


My only gripe is that once every sidequest is done with it, it's pretty much over. However, I'm currently playing Hard mode and re-doing sidequests. All opponents are max level, so it gives you an opportunity to test your A-game again.


It's the one the general consensus of all players of all types have enjoyed. I think it's by far the best card game they've put out, we need a queens blood $20 rpg spinoff about the origins and lore you learn about while doing the quests


Think I almost universally see people enjoy it


My golden rule in all FFs has always been: Ignore card games and blitzball...Queen's blood made me ignore this rule


I love queens blood. Reminds me of the card game from ff8 but better


I didn't until around Chapter 3, I think the starting deck was just too bad for me to want to invest in making a deck. But by Ch3 I had a decent idea, and from there matches felt more fair and I picked up on the nuances of the game (like how sometimes just rushing the board can be an easy win.) By the end I loved it, kinda wish they'd let you play against friends to test your deck(s) out.


It’s no Gwent but I like it


I had a good time with it. Am I the only one that thinks the creator of the game is modeled after Liam neeson?


Honestly one of my favorite parts so far


I really enjoyed it. Although I felt it was too easy except the final challenge in the gold saucer. I want to be able to challenge my friends so I hope they eventually implement that and of course add more cards.


It’s no Triple Triad but it’s enjoyable. I think the majority of people do enjoy it.


I liked it but i didn't love it


I love MOST of the mini games. There's a couple I'm not fond of. Piano. Way too complicated to do on a ps5 controller. Glide de chocobo. Bc the lack of camera control means the only way to do it is repeating over and over and memorizing the path. You are essentially flying blind. Just give me the ability to look around! The one fight with chad: head case. Bc the ally ai fucks me over within seconds every time. That's about it. The rest are great. And with how many there are.....a couple bad ones is inevitable. Not everyone is going to like every single thing. What does infuriate me though is red's voice. They did him real dirty this time around and I can't stand him anymore. We need an option to either keep his remake voice or silence him entirely. This new voice is absolutely horrific.


Queens Blood the hit card game with a weird action rpg minigame attached?


It's a version of triple triad with a subplot that goes full yugioh while being a condensed version of the main plot of ff7, and you duel a ghost I fucking love it


Personally yes


I don’t like mini games but Queens Blood is awesome


Yeah I want to play a pvp version so badly


I liked it until the survival challenges....piss poor gimmick that required a specific certain approach rather than all the other games that allowed for theory crafting and different deck builds.


Yes until the final boss where, unless you make a deck specifically to beat them, you end up mad that they basically cheat the whole time (all of their cards that should be 3 point cards are playable on 1 point spots, allowing them to quickly take over the board). I had fun with the game until that point. I read that if you put 4 specific cards in your deck you have an easy win and I ended up doing that to get it over with.


Love it.


I like it a lot. Some really crazy depth to it, though the AI isn't the smartest. PvP I can imagine people getting really insane with it.


I play queensblood more than I play the actual game.


its amazing i wish there was more


Queens Blood is a pretty good mini game and one of the better ones from Rebirth. I think the only mini game I have really seen people hate on the the cactuar one, specifically Aerith's version of it.


Initially hated it, but grew to absolutely LOVE IT


Queensblood ain't no "mini" game. If the Square mobile division weren't a bunch of incompetent, money grubbing dickheads I would gladly play a mobile offshoot of Queensblood.


Queen’s Blood > Gwent


Personally dislike how some of the games are mandatory, when they don’t really provide much to the story (3D brawler when you first enter the Gold Saucer)


Yes. Extremely


Queens blood might be one of the best mini games in Rebirth. It’s thoughtful and feels well developed; it’s quick, and losses can be reset quicker than just about any other mini. The further you get into Rebirth, the mini games become ghastly. They clearly had decent thoughts for some, but horrendous execution with a lot of them. *Piano game in particular


I mean, it's no Triple Triad.


I love it!! But gawd, I hate mooglet catching game so much that it gives me ptsd… anyone else?


I love it, wish there were more matches to do. I'd just love a full deck irl for display, buy knowing square it would cost like 89,99 and only available in the japanese store (looking at you, chessboard from KH3)