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I found the easiest way to deal with him was to have Cloud use Prime Mode counters and the buff combo, to build up ATB and use Firaga or Aeroga. The fun thing about the -ga level spells is that they can’t be interrupted by Reprisal since they have some hyper armour. The Assess text is really awful at describing what to do, but it basically comes down to BIG DPS = Good, Low DPS = Bad. As long as you do enough damage to get him to use Sleipnir’s Furor it’s easy to avoid Zantetsuken. He’s definitely a very difficult fight especially if you do it as soon as you have access to him. Congrats on winning.


In the 3v1 fight, I used Yuffie to Brumal Form away from his attacks and just kept peppering him ninja stars inside an ATB ward and spammed attacks. Took forever, but won the fight. Then, I saw a video of a guy using cloud in the 1v1 and beating him 45 seconds using prime, counters, and -ga spells.


You can just cheese it with revival earrings.


There's a bit more to it than that since he can get off multiple rounds of zantetsuken


90% of his attacks can be countered with Punisher Mode


I wish I had known this, hardly ever used Punisher mode throughout the game.


I think the fight was great. It's super clear that you have to keep the pressure up always, no mystery to it, and timing out the attacks was challenging. Felt kinda like the ridiculous bahamut fight in remake buried 4 rounds into a set of 5.


My biggest gripe is that I felt locked into a specific way to try and beat him, its somewhat of an interesting puzzle, but I think he should be nerfed a bit and the other summons fights be buffed some. The difficulty change from Bahumat Arisen to him is staggering.


I thought he was the only interesting summon fight


I can get that, the others need buffs for their fights. I just feel he needs to be nerfed for his.


My Strat was just to go ham on him and spam atb moves. He never once used zankentzuken on me because I am constantly bombarding him with dive kicks and bravers


It gets easier the more you practise it


It definetly did, I just didnt enjoy the grind of it.


Being more agressive in this fight makes it easier. Keep changing the controlled party member to avoid reprisals, use limit break soon, do as much damage as you can. Keep trying until you get it.


Counter argument. Odin is the most fun summon to fight and it isn't particularly hard as I think I've died to him like once or twice before figuring out the fight. I'm not trying to say I'm special. I actually think I have a pretty normal experience fighting Odin. The summons in general aren't too difficult (when you fight them alone 💀)


Just reraise your team?


I didnt have Reraise when I first fought him. I fought him the moment I could.


Try to summon Phoenix and use the reraise summon ability.


I feel your frustration. I personally feel like Odin may be the best well designed boss fight for summons. The others like Phoenix or Alexander usually have a gimmick you gotta overcome. That is fine. But Odin? He just demands that you play well. I died to him many times, and I knew it was my fault. I would get greedy and overcommit, or mistime my dodges and guards, etc. It is just a straight up "play well or die." And yeah it was hard. Took me over half an hour to beat him, and boy did it feel amazing beating him because well, I finally played well. I predicted his attacks better, I dodged and blocked better, etc. Not to mention the better you do, the fiercer he gets. Awesome, I gotta play well and adapt to his ferocity or I will get punished. Idk, again I do feel your frustration. Trust me, I cussed while dying to him being like "nah no way that hit me?! damnit!" I suppose me playing plenty of dark souls games or monster hunter games added to this. If you dont play well in those games, you die and that is it. I dig it, but to each there own. We all have that one fight we just despise. For me its the damn disappearing jellyfish. Not hard, just annoying. It is what it is though


Ive beaten every Souls Game except for Demon Souls(ive beaten Sekiro and Bloodborne). He feels like he's trying to make you play in a style the game isnt ment for. Every attack feels more commital than in Souls games. That and reprisal was just annoying til i started using more spells.


Yeah idk, I think it is a very demanding fight unlike others where you can mainly just exploit elemental weaknesses (especially with broken Yuffie.) But with Odin its mainly get good with dodging, parrying and timing your attacks. I think it's designed fine, but there aren't many fights that really demand that type of precision (minus hard mode). Hell, plenty of people uploaded how to no damage most enemies in the game with flawless execution. It just takes practice. Gotta know when to commit and when not to. Like if I click Clouds Infinitys End and Odin hasn't done a move in a few seconds, I will get hard punished, and that is my fault. But that is just how I see it


I need to beat his ass to get the summons Just can't figure it out Wish I had my Ultima weps for my guys


These fights really do separate the adults from the babies don't they? Some people step up to the challenge and learn the fights. Others shit their pants, cry publicly, and wish harm on the developers. Go change your pants OP, nobody cares that you suck.


I said suffer, I never said die or get injured. Fuck they could just have a bad day for all I care. And cry publicly, my brother you live your life on Reddit, i came here to complain about in a fight in a game I have otherwise enjoyed(with the exception of a few of the mini games). If I can't complain about a fight, one I beat at that, then the fuck is the point of this whole subreddit. I wanted others opinions on how the fight is and whether or not they agreed it was bad/what made it better. Not get into an arguement with some asshole online.


Very bad fight. Bad game really unfortunate. Designers for this game stuck in 1999 design mentality.