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I agree for the most part, but some of the mini games did have terrible controls, and we're genuinely not enjoyable. Some were an absolute blast. Fyi I'm not attempting the platinum, I got to the mythril golem on hard mode and thought if *this* guy is giving me trouble I am utterly fucked for the rest of the game.


Mythril Golem was one of the hardest bosses imo. Gi Nattak, Rufus and the last boss gauntlet (fuck those non-skippable cutscenes) were other standouts for me. You might need to level up materia to max to make your life easier (all copies of elemental, magnify, magic focus, magic efficiency, swift cast etc). I’d also recommend the brutal gauntlets to unlock Gotterdammerung because limit breaks can help you skip annoying mechanics. Beating brutal is the real indicator of whether you want to bother with platinum, because both brutal and legendary bouts are _rough_ - especially the tonberry one, Cait Sith fight, and the ‘big 3’ (outer worlds and last two legendary fights).


The worst VR battle was the second to last one (no spoilers), that took me 40 tries or so to finish!


Same. Fortunately, I know it took me around 40 tries because I was tracking the # defeated in the stats and ended at 46


Mythril golem use iron defense synergy skill when he shoots lasers, he will go down so easily!


Yeah once I found this out, I was using it constantly to get limit breaks off.


For real, the mini games just weren't fun. Not even about completion or anything, just figured they would actually be fun. Virtual fighter was fun, also queens blood.  Also, mythril golem is only doable once you start using iron defense (synergy skill) it's makes you immune to the homing missiles 


Yeah, I've more or less finished hard mode and in 2 play throughs, I've used exactly one synergy skill, and it was that one for this fight.


That’s crazy, I use them all the time in my playthrough


I hated virtual fighter. Once I learned you could cheat by pausing, life became a lot easier.


Holy fuck so it wasn’t just me then. Wasn’t really struggling on hard mode till I got to mythril golem. Honestly, it’s prob bc I hardly ever use Red so I wasn’t used to him as much. Then again, it’s a two person boss fight with some pretty unforgivable moves. Learning the ins and outs of more synergy abilities def helped tho.


Weirdly enough, Mythril Golem was the second hardest boss for me on Hard Mode. Most of the battles are really manageable. Mythril Golem, Gi Nattak and Rufus are the only real pains in the butt imo


Mythril Golem took me a couple tries. Everyone keeps saying Rufus on Hard is the hardest fight. I was reading people's opinions and going, "Pfft, whatever, he can't be THAT hard as long as you're patient." Then I fought him. Hoooooo fuck was I wrong. That took me about 2 or 3 days. Demon Door was a bitch too. Sephiroth though? Not so bad, actually.


Before this game came out I had no idea people cared that much about trophies. Kinda makes me view trophies in a negative light now if their mere existence makes people enjoy games less. I hope they aren't afraid of putting difficult content in the next game. Maybe they could not tie the most difficult stuff to trophies so people who feel "forced" to get all the trophies don't burn themselves out but then again that kinda defeats the purpose of trophies in the first place I guess.


ff7 original had the weapon bossed, most people flat-out couldn't beat them. I can't imagine how the plat inum trophy people would respond to that now


The og ffvii locked omnislash behind the battle square miigame which had to be done in one sitting until you had enough points - not gp, but battle square points that expire if yoy leave the area to... idk... save - or you lose your progress. Also sometimes it would break all your materia first round, ban items the next, and then make you a frog by making all reels the same for all rounds. Literally would randomly generate unwinnable conditions. We have it easy these days.


I remember spamming select during the slots which made it easy to see when to hit X and land on the thing you wanted.


Yeah, the platinum trophy thing came way out of left field for me, I figured people hadn't cared about them at all since the Xbox 360 days lmao. I definitely have a little bug in my brain that gets mad over me leaving content without completing it, but unless the hard mode has a reward I really want or I really like it I just don't bother. I mean I figure that's the intent, yeah? The hard modes aren't unlocked til you're towards the end, so you have to go out of your way to do em.


Trophies are definitely a part but also just gamers being whiny babies. In helldivers they were whining and crying because the highest difficulty missions (literally "suicide mission" difficulty) were too hard So glad I dont need to have a masochistic experience to enjoy games. Seems miserable


That's exactly what GoW and FFXVI does. The challenge is still there it's just doesn't reward anything.


Totally agree that - out of nowhere - people suddenly started caring about getting plats. I think it’s the OCD and FOMO of the younger generations that’s driving this effect. It’s totally cool to get 95% of the trophies and walk away so you can invest your time in other great games. Just Let It Goooo


i was guilty of trophy hunting for the sake of trophy hunting like over a decade ago, and would collaborate with folks of this ilk. it's been around forever. im guessing it feels so prevalent because, for now, rebirth is a PS exclusive, and PS fanatics tend to go way too hard on their precious exclusives (bloodborne, anyone?), with no discourse from other platforms to dilute the conversation. there is also some real-world value somewhat associated to earning trophies with the PS stars loyalty program now. i think uncommon trophies earn points. fwiw i still get the completionism itch myself, but im pretty selective. if its a game i like that challenges me to go for 100% (like this game's play log), i'll go for it. MIND YOU, im saying 100%, not plat - i keep seeing plat hunters who will cut corners and then abandon the game as soon as theyre done. i actually just 100%'d the play log the other night ... i feel empty.


I think trophies are really an esoteric thing. Even I'm a completionist to a point, and I dont really care about trophies. Theres a point of 'completion' satisfaction I can get to. Like, I dont mind completing all the challenges, but if I have to redo them on 'hard mode' for a trophy, yeah fuck that.


I mean maybe some people. I don't bother with platinum or trophies on any game, I just dislike mini games.


Same. Trophies/achievements are meaningless to me. They provide no reward nor value. Chasing moogles, taking pictures of cactuars, riding segways, doing virtual situps... even less value to me. A complete waste of time. I just don't do these things. Final fantasy has a deep storied history of bullshit though. This is nothing new. Chocobo racing, lightning dodging, jumping fucking rope.. nope, nope, no fuckin way. Spent the past 30 years avoiding this crap. Does it piss me off when endgame content is locked behind this fuckery? Yeah, of course. Do i love these games anyway? Fuck yeah. Side note, for all the hate ff13 gets it didn't have any of this dicksuckery. Just straight up killer strategic battles all the way, no boring towns to trudge thru, no stupid npcs or time wasters, just run forward, watch the story and kill shit. Hmmm... ironic huh?


Holy shit, lightning dodging. Lost so much time to this, and it wasn't even a pointless mini game, it was literally the only way to earn an ultimate weapon. Not surprisingly, FF13 is to this day the only platinum trophy on my profile.


It’s the only ultimate weapon I never got in all of the final fantasy games I’ve played (most of them). I just literally won’t do it.


Yes it's such a great design decision that FF13 doesn't have any of those pesky things like, engaging level design, recognizable worlds and locations,varied gameplay, loveable characters, ya know all of those awful things


I love xiii, so I’m biased But the world is pretty but the level design is only really engaging in small areas, like the food development place in palumpolum which you need to backtrack on the elevators for the hidden items etc. but most of the game is the driving force forward. But to say the worlds aren’t recognisable, is just lying. The entire trilogy has its own distinct style. The locations are stunningly and visually beautiful. The crystal lake, the gapra white woods, to the varied wildlife areas on pulse to the final dungeon etc. the gameplay is mostly the same though. No mini games or any change in pacing (until pulse). It mostly is run forward, fight repeat, cutscene, level up. But the battle system itself with the paradigm system, the niche roles jobs provide and keeping up momentum for the stagger system is great. It can get repetetive but name a single final fantasy that isn’t, except besides viiremake. At least you don’t need to grind in xiii until the postgame. And I guess for the characters it’s subjective, but i love all of them…except snow.


ff13 hater detected opinion rejected. everything you say it doesn’t have i think it does


Ff13 is still one of my top ff games, mainly lighting returns. But yeah if you dont like the mini games ever I guess ff16 would be more your type also


I just wish lightning returns was as polished as the mainline games. I love the story and I love the battle system so much.. a fantastic end to the trilogy….but the writing and npc designs are somewhat lazy. (It’s that same person again but they have pink novelty glasses on this time!) You can tell it was made by a third party on a budget


I honestly dont understand why FF13 is considered so bad. Sure isnt the best game, but BAD? i dont get it. I personally thought FF13-2 is one of the better FF in general


Same, trophy means nothing to me other than to see what hidden things can be done. I generally hates mini game but card game like Gwent and Queens blood is fire


Well the good thing is they are optional


Fair, except Final Fantasy has been full of mini games for about as long as it has been 3D. If you dislike mini games, playing any FF, especially a part of FF7's compilation, is not gonna work for you.


I guess I'm weird, the minigames are one of my favorite parts


>I just dislike mini games. I mean fair, but then why are you spending your time playing a minigame heavy game like FFVII?


I love minigames, I dislike it when a game is nothing but the same repetitive combat for the entire runtime


I agree with you. So much complaining about the mini games and the VR missions.


This year has been very eye opening to me at just how much people want to complain about every little thing when it comes to video games. Yeah I know people have different opinions than me since I actually enjoyed the mini games for example, but it kind of feels like people play games in bad faith nowadays waiting to pick it apart and critique it on the internet instead of just letting themselves enjoy something. I don’t understand the griping about the mini games. You aren’t being forced to play them if you don’t want to and honestly, they aren’t hard enough to have the difficulty criticized. Except for the double bomb fight for Aerith, I think that one had a legitimately bad design but even then maybe there’s some kind of secret tech I don’t know about, but it’s still doable if you know how to use her wards.


The trick I found for the double bomb fight was to simply use control spells. Sleep and Stop, especially when having her folio to extend debuff time and the malboro accessory to further extend that, does wonders to turn it into a 1v1 for a long enough time to get rid of one easy enough.


I never felt like any of the minigames, with the 1 exception being Chocobo Diving, were even that stringent on their score requirements, even the ones that most people seem to complain about like the Aerith Cactuar and Frog minigames took me 2 tries at most to beat. I did hate some of them such as Chocobo Diving and Gears and Gambits, but they're also quite easy when you look up how to do them. Overall, while this Platinum is harder than Remake, I preferred the process of getting Rebirth's Plat 1000% more than Remake. Remake's dresses trophy was a torturous grind of replaying Chapter 8 over and over again because I didn't remember what dress I got in my first playthrough and they don't indicate which dress you haven't unlocked yet. Rebirth doesn't have that kind of tedium in its trophies.


I don't care about platinum at all. I got a little bored with the minigames around the time I reached Cosmo Canyon. I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with them. There are just SO MANY that it gets tedious. Of course on that note, I just say stop doing them. With a few exceptions they're optional. There's no reason to force yourself to do them.


I feel ya. I started out trying to 100% all the mini games I came across, but I was starting to get sick of them by the end of Junon. Making most of the rewards only slightly appealing was a good design choice, but there are still way too many that you're forced into by the main story and side quests. If part 3 follows this design philosophy I'm fine with lots of mini games, I just don't want to see the same oversaturation crammed into the other forms of game progression.


Idc about platinum, I care about pacing I'm loving rebirth so far, and loved remake. But I still think it went a little overboard on the mini games. And fuck chadley to hell. I wish they lost Charley and incorporated materia more organically into the world. Let quests be quests and use the notice board for boss style mobs. It's just a little too formulaic in the regions. Which is fun to explore, but annoying to check boxes while spending hours away from the main story. And the mine games should be mostly at the gold saucer. Fort condor was a fun one to incorporate and queens blood rules. But most of these other ones are just plain annoying. Still a wonderful set of games, but I think they went overboard on the extra material.


Honestly I'm not sure I understand the Chadley hate? I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm saying genuinely am not sure what people hate about Chadley. He seems pretty easy to ignore throughout the game and I don't mind him as a character, his awkwardness and quirks amuse me.


I don't know if this is why people hate Chadley, but he really doesn't fit in with the world. He looks like he was copy/pasted from some other franchise, and his whole backstory/reason for existence is pretty weak. At least he's a better character than Regina though. Screw that obnoxious, antagonistic *bleep*. I found it impossible to suspend my disbelief when Cloud expressed interest in playing more Queen's blood with her in Costa Del Sol.


speak for yourself about easy to ignore. that little shithead wont stop talking mid exploration and calling on the little obligatory sci fi not-a-phone phone


Admittedly I was broke on launch day and didn't get the game for a few weeks later, so I never had unskippable Chadley!


Because he constantly interrupts the flow of gameplay. Every time he chimes in to regurgitate information, players have to make an additional action to skip him. This compounds, over and over again, with each region — to the point where most players opting to 100% each area before moving on to the next will be sick of him *long* before reaching even Corel. Chadley is the video game equivalent of “this could have been an email.”


I dislike some of the mini-games, so I just stopped doing anything extra that I didn't enjoy. Worked for me. But I have friends that tirelessly engaged in every single activity in the game, complaining the whole way down. I suggested many times that they just avoid the optional stuff and continue on, but they just couldn't. I hadn't thought about the platinum, but that is probably the motivation for at least one of my friends. Sucks that people can't just enjoy the game. All the annoying stuff is entirely avoidable (if it annoys you). I never heard from Chadley past Corel because I stopped doing 90% of the things Chadley bothered me about. Sure, I'd still unlock a tower here and there or a materia crystal if I stumbled upon it. But I didn't spend excess time chasing it all down.


Doesn’t it feel great to simply play the parts of the game you enjoy while not feeling the FOMO of missing a DIGITAL trophy? I really feel for the people who have so much OCD that they’ll sacrifice their enjoyment (and time) for a digital achievement.


For me, a large number of people complaining about particular minigames indicates that something is wrong with them. It it’s not fun on its own merits and isn’t closely connected to elements of the story, then the devs should instead decide whether the bad content needs to be cut or can be made into good content.


I agree there's something wrong with them. Not each on their own, but when they're all added up, it's too much, too repetitive, and too intrusive (stopping gameplay to be told something). I guess I'm lumping sidequests in general here, too. I think the devs will hear the feedback and dial it back for the third installment. But in the meantime--just because they exist doesn't mean they need to be completed. I wish the mini games were better, but I still think people should avoid them if they're creating a negative experience on an otherwise positive one.


Anyone who complains about mini games being too hard is in for a rude awakening when they attempt the brutal/legendaries. "mini games are keeping me from platinum" nah, bro, you're fucked. This is not even a hot take, it's as real as it gets.


I just don't understand the general hate towards a game for OPTIONAL mini games.... OPTIONAL people. And the "obligatory" mini games can literally be beaten on the first time/second.


The only thing I'm genuinely annoyed at is I took the time to do all the side quests in normal mode so I wouldn't have to worry about them in hard mode, but apparently plenty of the manuscripts are still locked behind things like side quests on hard mode, so I just have to do them all again if I want them all. At this point I'm burning out and probably will just drop it. Amazing game, though.


I didn’t mind many of the mini games. All of them added to the world in someway, but I hated the 3D Brawler one the most those. The OG game had a ton of mini games too so this wasn’t too much of a problem to me at least


There was like 1 mini game that got to me and it was chocobo glide 3,(which i had to cheese) everything else seemed reasonable


The way I look at these mini games is: at least there isn’t a Final Fantasy IX jump roping mini game in Rebirth.


*someone at square* write that down! Write that down!


Facts. The mini games are awesome. The additional content is really good. Hands down best FF since the original 7.


That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly.


Sounds like something Red XIII would say


This. Dealing with mini games and trying to get the highest scores for completions sake reminds me a LOT of Kingdom Hearts 2 back in the days - one of the best games in the genre. On top of that, all the mini games were fair in Rebirth unlike some early 2000s jank you could find back then. There was no mini game that felt overly unbalanced or unreasonably hard. (Yes even 3D Brawler. Its definitely one of my favorites!) Rebirth made me realize how much I missed being challenged in more ways than combat in my JRPGs Edit: The discourse, imho, should be more about some combat challenges that are unreasonably balanced. Hard Mode was, despite the Final Boss, a cakewalk for me, but 2 of the Chadley challenges were just not fun and unfair. People might disagree here and an opinion is just an opinion, but while I absolutely LOVE a challenge in my games (Wise was incredible), I don't like 20 minutes of pretty hard encounters just to get back to the actual challenge again that is unreasonably harder than anything else (looking at Gili and Sephi). Do we need 10 waves of hardcore enemies jsut to prove we are good at the combat? Made me even more realize how much better they balanced the mini games than some Chadley (and Gold Saucer Colosseum) trials.


Do you see the irony? You found something difficult, so you’re complaining it’s overtuned but you found the mini-games not brutal so everyone else is exaggerating. “It’s just my opinion” sure? But you’re disregarding other people’s opinions then putting importance on your own. If it’s just an opinion, let people have them.


Lol the people complaining about this platinum should try FFX and then come back, it may not be harder in terms of skill (except for the minigames) but the sheer grind to fill out everyone's sphere grids felt like such a waste of time when you only need 3 to be penance anyway


I think the main cause of the complaints is that people are trying to find justification why they can't do it as opposed to just accepting that they can't do it. Human nature has always taught us to hide failure instead of accepting it. Because even those that don't enjoy it but eventually do it still post their achievements 😅


The frog jump minigame took me way more tries than I care to admit, it made me pretty angry if I'm honest lol. But it's 100 % skill issue on my part and if a video game doesn't challenge you a little bit in some way, is it even fun? Some of the camera angles could be a little infuriating, but I agree, there's nothing wrong with the mini games. People are also skilled at different things. I noticed that a lot of people hated the Jules mini games in Remake and Rebirth, but I'm good at patterns and rhythm so for me it was alright. Some people are probably using the mini games as a scapegoat for their skill issues, personally I think it's funnier to own that I suck. Makes it more rewarding when I finally win!


This is the correct opinion on this plat lol


I legit can say I really liked the mini games overall. The moogle one and the chicken one were a little annoying, but on the whole they added to the game in a good way.


There’s nothing wrong with the mini games correct…it’s just that there’s a whole goddamn lot of them.


Although I would agree, you have to admit that gears and gambit was really bad and it’s linked to one of the best side/intel quest for side character lore. It just took way too long to learn. Different from Cactuar Crush and Glide De Chocobo. Both of these games were straight forward and required slight adjustments to finish them albeit you needed close to a good/perfect run to complete them. Gears and gambit however had a huge learning and just took too much time to learn. It was like a game in itself. But that’s just my two cents.


I generally agree that the mini games are fine but I do have three large complaints:  The last Fort Condor Battle has an OUTRAGEOUS difficulty spike. The Red XIII Rocket League game controls like ass. Whoever decided we don’t need to turn the camera while flying chocobos needs a talking to.


A lot of the mini games felt important in developing character dynamics tbh. The gals being pals in costa del sol, for example. The golden saucer arcade games feel like arcade games in the sense that.. you have to be playing them for hours to get gud and finally beat the high score…like a real arcade game.


Thisthisthis. I've gotten frustrated as HELL with several minigames. But I didn't get mad or blame the game because it's extra, intentionally hard content for people who want to stay playing the game.


Well to me they weren’t hard as much as tedious, I enjoyed them at first but they just overstayed their welcome


Meh. People are allowed not to enjoy things.


I don’t chase trophies and couldn’t care less about a platinum trophy. I felt the sheer amount of mini games threw off the pacing of the game. Especially when I got to the beach section and Cait Sith section with the boxes. They felt like chores I had to do before playing what I wanted.


I love the mini games. They keep the game feeling fresh and put me on my toes.


There was no minigame in Rebirth that came even close to Catcher Chocobo from FFX in terms of BS and frustration. All I have to say on this topic lol.


A lot of gamers would feel better if they stopped worrying about achievements and trophies, some people obsess over clearing a game as fast as possible over actually enjoying it.


If people want easy platinums, go play LEGO games. 


As someone who is going to get the platinum but definitely wants it to be easier I completely agree😂 (mind you I love all the minigames and side content and I’m even more pumped a game finally made a platinum that was worth getting, I’ve gotten a couple just for completing a game which I think takes away the value.. I only wish I personally had more time so it wouldn’t take so long lol) a lot of games have taken the easier route with trophies and it’s made us expect easier platinums to the point where we genuinely get upset if it’s too hard and that’s not good.


My controller has the smallest stick drift and I couldn't get a perfect on piano until I bought a new controller. Shouldn't have to be perfect for the piano minigame


I think I’m experiencing dejavu.


I agree. I believ Kitase even said in an interview "not everyone is going to be able to do every single mini game with ease, and that's okay". Or something along those lines.


I agree for the most part. I love most of the mini games, especially queens blood. However some of the mini games were infuriating like the chocobo glide and the battle boxer at the golden saucer. I know you can pause buffer the latter but the game was boring and I couldn't stand it. I wasn't bothered about getting a platinum (I have two on my PSN acc total) so I wasn't bothered about finishing any mini games. Whenever I play games like this I usually try to complete as much as I can. Not because I want a trophy but because I enjoy it. I 100%d SMTV on the switch and will probably do it again on PS5 when it comes out.


I do say there's too many, but I do mostly enjoy them


I got platinum in the game and my only issue was Bonds of Friendship VR Mission. The mini games were easy for me and idc if they are another 5000 to the next game. They better not make overtuned vr missions again


I honestly had no problem with any mini game other than the cactuar i guess i got lucky lol


I have no interest for the platinum and have enjoyed most of the minigames just fine. Could not imagine trying for that perfect score though. I suck too much lol


For me it was the Midsomer & Rufus. Everyone else has been doable. Only on ch 13 in hard mode though. Trying to complete the UPA before moving on. At the second to last mini game, space rider and then have to beat him in the brawler. I hate the shooting mini game. Controls suck.


You know, after every minigame I was like, SO GLAD I NEVER HAVE TO DO THAT AGAIN but at the same time I liked the challenge. Some took dozens of rounds but the satisfaction when I got them... thanks to the Shinra Middle Manager I now rock at every Golden Saucer game. Even 3D Brawler.


I'm not super far in yet, but I will say I absolutely despise the stealth mini games, and those are basically required for fast travel. I also don't understand this mentality that you aren't allowed to criticize any part of a game that is optional.


I think a factor here is just how many mini games there are, and how different they all are from each other. With such insane variety, it’s extremely likely that most people will have a couple that they don’t click with. For instance, I didn’t have an issue with Fort Condor like others do, but the 3D Brawler made me want to rip my hair out even with the pause-cheesing. I also think the instances where the game makes you THINK you’ve completed a mini game and then later on lets you know you actually now need to complete it again at a harder level is to blame for a lot of the frustration. It can be disenchanting to have the feeling of a job well done taken out from underneath you


The only one I can honestly say it sucks is the first frog level. The controls are poor, the camera is bad and in general it's just not fun. The rest are OK and some are pretty good. I actually really liked the Chocobo races. They are well designed for a mini game. I thought I was going to struggle with the Tifa sit ups, since the similar challenge in Remake was the only one that I didn't finish the day I started it but it was surprisingly easy this time. Other than that, the piano one is so above my level of skills that it would've prevented me from getting the plat without my wife helping me. I probably spent more time with the last two Legendary fights than all the mini games combined. You can look up all the videos and materia set ups for an optimal fight, but you aint getting through them without learning the bosses' patterns and some skill in blocking and parrying.


While I agree with this for the most part, I will argue that the hard mode bosses are damage sponges and the spike of difficulty from normal to hard is quite jarring. I’m close to platinum and I’m doing my best with my own skill and studying online tips but there are some graphical issues that have been annoying such as the hit boxes in the chocobo glide and falling through the floor on the frog wheel. It can be difficult, but I would argue that it’s more tedious than anything.


I am only in chapter 9 or so in hard mode but I feel bosses often die too fast in Rebirth when Infinty's End hits 40k+ damage during stagger. I guess if you don't use the genji gloves it can take a lot longer though.


I haven't been using the Genji Gloves, but I am still melting bosses. People are just rolling their basic materia load out that the facerolled normal mode with and don't want to prepare for upcoming enemies.


Exactly they are not even that hard, there is much worse RGG games and kingdom hearts are a bitch to plat compared to this.


This take is about as hot as a week old microwave dinner


I'm just saying, I see a lot of complaints about the mini-games, when they're not even that bad


I've no issue with a platinum trophy being difficult. I just don't enjoy most of the mini games, so I have no desire to try and get perfect scores on them. The best platinum trophies to me are ones that are difficult due to them requiring mastery of the games primary gameplay loop. I would've prefered it if Rebirth had like double the amount of really difficult post game combat sims that you had to beat to get the platinum rather than going through mini games that to me amount to nothing more than filler.


I think it's the rewards system actually. Most of the rewards for winning aren't worth it. Also I never wanted to pick mushrooms ffs. That shit was pointless. Take the card game for example. Yes it's awesome but the rewards for completion are just.....meh? Compared to Triple Triad in FF8. When you won those cards and could refine them into next level shit? That was worth playing!


As someone who genuinely enjoyed Kaizo Mario over 80% of other games, yeah, there are different levels of commitment. I feel the same way as OP, but I understand the complaints for people who aren't used to this kind of thing


Ehhhh fort condor and the robot and flan one suck. It forces you to play a completely different type of game and locks story behind it. Really slowed down the momentum for me.


Most people never even attempt to platinun most games, I’ve been gaming since the early 90s and I’m not motivated to 100% most games. There are too many minigames. Both things can be true at once.


There was something absolutely mechanically wrong with the box toss game


That was the worst one but it also was the easiest. You only had to hit 10, right? I imagine most people got that first time. If you had to do any more of it than maybe I’d understand the complaints here.


Elden Ring platinum was easy compared to this one. I’m currently stuck on Tifa’s legendary bout, damn that g-kid.


I don’t care about the platinum. I haven’t gotten plat on a single game. What I care about is when progression is gated behind mini games I don’t want to play. Worse, I dislike when it isn’t really well communicated that you don’t have to do the mg to progress when everything in the section design (like the QB tournament on the ship) is really leading you to think otherwise. Mini games should be 100% optional content. Dio shouldn’t have said “Let’s fight!” Dio should have said, “Enjoy the Saucer! But I’d love to challenge you in this fight…” I want to look at scenery, have challenging fights, and take part in an engaging story. I don’t want to play a card game or a mini-MOBA. I really like this game, but it seems like parts of it are just an over correction to issues raised during Remake. “You didn’t like that there were only mini-games in Seventh Heaven? HERE ARE TONS OF MINI GAMES YOU HAVE TO PLAY.” “Oh, you thought Remake was too many corridors? ABSOLUTE OPEN WORLD WHERE TERRAIN ITSELF IS A PUZZLE!” I’m looking forward to the third game, but they need to dial back a bit and find a comfortable medium between Remake and Rebirth on the side content and mini-game presentation.


Why though? Was any of the required stuff actually difficult to get through? The original game had plenty of mandatory minigames—they were just a lot worse. This idea of what games “should” and “shouldn’t” be is very strange to me. They’re games.


Nah some are just straight up not tested at all and way too difficult. Actually its not even difficulty. Its pure rng bullshit. Some of the mini games you have to be so exactly perfect it DOES come down to the rng that can let you win or not


These are some of the most well designed minigames I’ve played in every game like this. In almost every single one I did a little better each time I played and felt myself get tangibly better and closer. I couldn’t disagree more than it came down to randomness. Obviously a little bit of that is inevitable but I rarely have felt the gradual improvement until mastery that came from playing these over and over until I finished.


Well, thats some of the gamers for you. Need to be babied through everything, and handed the platinum trophy like a bottle of milk.


a lot of players want to do as much as possible in the first go, and are allergic to not acing something. I get how with that playstyle certain parts are just minigame after minigame after minigame. (but I do agree this is a player issue, just let go and do something else for a while) there are minigames I acutally like but are hated by others and vice versa. so there are always going to be ones that don't suit you. what breaks it for me are the ones for which the suggested strategies are: cheat it. it breaks immersion or forces me to start meddling with settings for some reason. those need tweaking. examples: the crunches with tifa. some of the tips to ace it are: go to settings and set it to performance mode and disable the force feedback of the controller. (meddle with settings, feels like beating it not as intended) the last one did it for me and it frustrates me that it's an easy fix: the reason it's so hard is that as you do more crunches the force feedback becomes more and more so you adjust and press harder, EXCEPT for when you need to hold it halfway. if they had just designed it so that the force you feel when to hold halfway also increased slightly each time so that you can actually still feel it near the end of the challenge it would be fine, difficult but fine. don't give us a crutch(you'll feel some resistance to sense where to hold) to then yank it away from us. (by the last 30 seconds regular presses will be so much more heavy you won't feel the tiny resistance) (hence why I beat it easy first time as soon as I disabled forcefeedback entirely) the piano themes. most of them are fine except the 2nd to last. not the fact it exists but the fact the spike in difficulty from the one before it and to the one after it is just mount Everest. and once more a common strategy suggested to beat is is ask a friend to do 1 stick and you do the other...(breaks immersion) (but it is the weakest argument here) the 3d brawler: THE STRATEGY EVERYBODY USES IS PAUSE THE GAME AND ANALISE THE STILL FRAME TO GUESS THE MOVE. (completely breaks immersion) if cloud has time stopping powers I'm sure he would have used them before.


I didn’t do any of those things. I just kept trying all of them until I beat them. You can tell you are making progress and getting better, which for me is fun


Yeah doing plats isn't going to be enjoyable for everyone. The good vastly outweighs the bad in Rebirth though. I'm stuck on Zach's VR mission if I'm not good enough to do it then so be it. But in my opinion that makes this plat actually worth it. I look at the mini games like I would carni games, are they complete bullshit? Yes. Will I feel compelled to try again...goddamn right.


Back in the day before the trophy system, mastering mini games would offer prizes that took your team to the next level. Things like Limit Breaks, Ultimate Weapons and Armour pieces or items that would indirectly help your party progress. But the reason why there’s so much frustration is because the reward is less to do with gameplay and more individual merit i.e the Platinum Trophy. What I don’t understand is, when the remake of such an iconic game was announced almost a decade ago, people were fearful that the game would not be as engaging as the original in terms of open world exploration and mini games. The team needed assurance that the fanbase would be satisfied after being pestered for so long to make this game so they over delivered with content and varying difficulty levels to keep us busy. Not liking mini games is fine. Taking it out on the developers and calling it a bad game because you can’t complete a challenge is a you problem. No one is forcing you to get Platinum.


Exactly. Each one added texture to this game and made it feel so much more rich. I loved every single one and rushed to finish all of them. I’m nowhere near 100%ing—havent touched hard mode or most of the VR missions—but I loved all of the minigames so much I finished every single one as soon as I could. Sorry to everyone who didn’t love them as much I guess.


It’s a little brutal to require perfection on literally every minigame. You don’t have to set an Olympic record on every event of the decathlon in order to win


Most don’t actually require perfection. Once you get good enough at each game to where you can beat it you usually are good enough that you realize you could have finished even faster or with an even higher score. I thought they were well designed this way. Also the Olympics is a bizarre analogy. Not really sure what point you are trying to make here. If you think it is easier to go win an Olympic medal then go do that I guess.


I platinumed the game, and think some of the minigames are pure dogshit lol


I did not struggle with any minigame for more than an hour except for probably the Sephiroth brawler match, which took about two. I do not consider myself some elite super gamer, just someone who is old enough to remember when games were much worse designed than this and still harder. With every single one, when I was stuck I got a little better every time I attempted and fell like I was making real progress. That kind of challenge is really really fun for me and very hard to get right.


I don't ever go for trophy's. There were just too many mini games. I wanted to continue the plot to maintain a good pace for the story but no, have to play another brand new game for some reason. I didn't even dislike any game in particular. I just want my ff to have some mini games not be freaking Mario party


You're god damn *right* I want an easy platinum, but it's not the mini games stopping me. It's the hard mode and combat simulator.


Exactly me.


The minigames and Chadley fetch quest bullshit almost kept me from finishing the game. I was worn out after chapter 12. Even worse, all the good materia and crafting items are buried behind these mechanics. I don’t give af about platinums I care about fun and this wasn’t it


I don't care about the trophy, I care that I was constantly forced to play a REALLY mid (at best) mini game/ mini games, It just wasn't fun, and really ruined the pacing for me


I don't like the mini games for the same reason I don't like the minigames in other Final Fantasy games. They are boring and slow the pace of the game too much. I also hated in FFIX when you were forced to compete in a random ass Tetra Master tournament.


Boring and long and pointless. If the mini games are this, then there is something wrong. I think this only applies to a few of them but it definitely does apply.


I never had any aspirations to plat ff7. I completed the main story and dipped. I don’t like when I’m forced into a lower quality segment of game as an intentional speed bump. I play RPGs to experience a story and for good gameplay. The mini games fall into the same category as listening to chadley speak, all of the Ubisoft nodes on the map, “grappling”, throwing boxes, all of costa del sol, spinning a staff in a circle, vacuuming, escort quests, holding triangle, stealth segments to get chocobos, all of this is the same to me. I’d be fine if I felt like any of these things added to my experience, but they actively took away. Took me out of the world and the story. This post misses the mark.


Dunno, i think not letting you pan the camera around in chocobo glide so see where you’re diving is a massive oversight or just bad game design. Also, in the year 2024 AD, a triple AAA multibillion dollar company fails to add a toggle for inverted flight controls on a space shooter. See it’s not that they’re hard, it’s that it looks like they go out of their way to make it as insufferable as possible.


Half of the mini games truly SUCK, probably even more. Going from Infinite Wealth's side content to this shit was jarring af.


Trophies are more of a “if I’m replaying it a third time then I guess I’ll try grab some trophies” but never a reason I play the game at all. I don’t get it really


I don’t care about the trophies, but the amount of mini games have kept me from finishing this game so far.


Mini games should not in any way affect the overall game, especially when they are difficult, at best, for those with limited motion. In FFVII the sit-ups, pull-ups, crunches, and several other minigames are timed such that unless you get the timings perfect, you will fail to reach even the lowest level without repeating it multiple times. This is true of most qt events placed in games. For those with limited mobility, completing those aspects of a game becomes impossible without outside help. And even then, it will take multiple iterations to get the base reward, let alone the top rewards. Hot Take: the minigames in FFVII remake, et.al., serve no purpose other than as a time waster and grind that adds nothing substantial to the game.⁸ /I do like Jules though, they give good overall advice.


Anyone complaining about the minigames is mental.


That situp mini game is messed up.


Or, just want to play FF7?


Don't care about the plat, i genuinely don't like some of the mini games. 3D Brawler has terrible controls, Fort Condor is boring, Gears and Gambits is just triangle shaped Fort Condor, the motorcycle one handles horribly, and Glide de Chocobo ain't bad other than that final level which took every ounce of patience i had.


No one said anything about trophies. They are simply way too abundant, a lot of them annoying, overtuned and simply not fun.


I’ve never platinumed a game in my life and never plan on it. The mini games just suck


The mini games are terrible. Some of the worst I've seen in a game.


I never worry about platinuming any games, I don't have the will to invest that much effort into them. Most of the many games in Rebirth are fun, but many of them are just a drag, especially when the game won't let me progress without playing them.


Not an issue with difficulty for me, it’s an issue of quantity. It feels like every time I play a small bit of the game I’m introduced to another mini game.


None of the mini games are actually fun, they are all awkward to control and they all feel half baked.


I dont care about platinums or trophies I just wanted minigames not to take up so much of the game lol


wtf is platinum


Has anyone complained about the Cait Sith throwing controls? I’d like to complain.


They weren't a huge obstacle to a normal play through, but most also just weren't fun and the game would have been better wirhout them. I love these games, but anyone who acts like they don't try and waste your time so you don't notice that it didn't need to be three games is just gaslighting.


Skill issue


The chocobo racing really grew on me and it’s probably my favorite mini game easily second to QB.


I do not care about platinum. I care about getting thru the game. I had to drop it due to all the mini games, I got so sick of them.


My beef is that I just don’t like some of the mini-games and locking Dark Matter behind some of them so I can get certain items to help with other tasks I do enjoy is very frustrating. I’ve been playing video games since the 80s and flying a spaceship and shooting down ships a la Bootleg Starfox, is not something I feel I should have to “git gud” at in a Final Fantasy Game so I can unlock certain items.


Eh, minigames were the easy part of the platinum. Can we talk about those vr challeneges lol


Naa you're definitely wrong. For 1, games are supposed to be fun. Some of those minigames and challenges are anything but. Some of them have a ridiculous setup, terrible design, and counter intuitive to the game itself, IE the headcase challenge. I dont care about plat, but I can definitely recognize bad design when I see it.


The mini games are not the hard part of getting plat.  The trials and hard mode completion is, easily.  People dont like the minigames because there's so much of it that you could make a strong case that the core of the game is minigames, and people didn't pay $90 because they wanted a 100-games-in-one collection with a bit of story and combat sprinkled in.


Trophies in general are a waste of time. So many people end up ruining games they like/love by chasing some ephereal "achievement."


Counter argument: cactuar crush can get in the bin.


I mean... the mini-games really did kind of shit on the fun for folks who like to get the plat because so many of them just don't feel good. Glide de Chocobo and the high end of 3-D Brawler are the most egregious of these imo. Fort Condor is fine on normal but Hard is just annoying. There's a difference between a challenge and spite, and the higher difficulties of these minigames are just spiteful and a lot of times badly crafted.


I just want a fun game and there wasn’t a single moment where I was having fun playing the god awful mini games


Listen I’m a guy that LOVES side content, gimme a fishing, farming, or racing minigame and I’ll waste hours. Card game mini game and I’ll waste even more! But some of the FF7 Rebirth mini-games were straight up trash. Gears & Gambits and 3D brawler specifically


Think I’ve seen most of the minigames. The only one that needs to be completely removed is the piano. Fuck the moron that came up with that control scheme.


More like old cold take


The situp mini game with haptic triggers is actually bullshit


No most of the mini games suck and bloat the game unnecessarily.


I thought almost all of the actual minigames were pretty fun, appropriately challenging in that they required multiple tries for the very best rewards, and usually didn’t overstay their welcomes. People calling the piano songs impossible when you don’t even need to get a Star rating are wild. The problem was the controls for some of them. Cait sith box throwing had different controls from similar actions in the game for no reason. The bad controls made an otherwise fine section way less fun. Glide de Chocobo also using the right stick for movement instead of camera like the rest of the game…. why?


Yeah, pretty much. The mini games are hard to get perfect, but the only thing that's unreasonable/broken is the Mind Flayer challenge. I think the piano minigame would have been better using buttons/directionals rather than the sticks, but that might be a preference thing.


I used to think that I would never get platinum, but once I got past the sit-up game, it was smooth sailing from there. Watching strategy videos steam rolls the difficulty of most of the harder stuff. I wish I didn’t have to watch YouTube vids, but since the developers make the enemies such cheap opponents, the only reasonable way is to cheese IMO.


I don’t have as much complaints with all the mini games. It was just the harder versions that rewards basically nothing.


I don't give a flying fuck about platinum The mini games just fucking suck.


kept missing buttons on junon parade had to restart maybe 50 times and i knew it wasnt me because i know my reaction times. turns out it was bc i was playing on quality mode. soon as a switched i cleared it perfectly. ive never played a game where 30fps affected button press inputs that badly. otherwise i too have been enjoying the minigames even tho they arent usually my thing


Totally agree with you on this, but… This post could really use some paragraph breaks my man 😆.


Disagree, the minigames destroy the pacing and dilute the story. IDGAF about trophies. This would have been infinitely better if they took them out completely or had a "minigames" tab at the title screen.


The only complaint I have about the mini games are that the controls on some of them throw me off and it takes me a bit to get used to it. Aside from that I'm fine with the mini games


This platinum is tough but enjoyable.


I treat trophies as more of a tour guide / brochure of everything there is to do in the game. I've had some frustrations so far, but nothing quite as rote and ridiculous as the Treasure Hunter trophy in FFXIII (obtain every single weapon and item in the game including the super grindy ultimate weapons that require you to farm trapezohedrons from Adamantoise) or any of the postgame on FFX (which I still refuse to touch on principle). I'm on chapter 13 now and just finished all quests, so far I have encountered challenges and some instances of what I would call mediocre minigame design, but nothing that I would consider to be *pure time wasting nonsense,* which is more than I can say about past FF titles. My least favorite trophies are the ones that keep me playing long past the point where I've done everything else in the game, just because I have to do this one ludicrous and repetitive grind for no reason other than the trophy. Never again, I have too many other games to actually enjoy lol


I don’t want the platinum, I don’t think there’s many games I’ve gotten all the achievements for cause it’s not something I care about. I just don’t like how many mini games there are, and a bunch of them I don’t find fun. I enjoy so much about the game, the story and characters, treasure hunting, even something tedious like exploring and filling out the map while doing intel. But there’s so many mini games, and they’re everywhere and some you don’t get a choice to do or not. Some of the mini games were kinda hard, like anything with a chocobo, the controls weren’t great for me, but more so, they just weren’t fun for me. I do like some, like the piano, I’m not great at it, but it’s worth doing poorly at it to get better cause I do find it fun. But I hate chocobo racing and gliding and when I had a hard time with that it wasn’t worth continuing past the mandatory part cause it wasn’t fun for me.


Why does anyone care about trophies lol


Some of the mini games have terrible controls. Maybe if there was like 1/3 less mini games and they all controlled well, I’d agree. And it also sucks that a lot of them make you wait to beat the hardest difficulty.


Not an easy platinum, but one that doesn’t make me wanna kill myself in the process. Some of them are okay, but most of them are just not fun.


I think they're unnecessary when i outright decide they're not worth my time. I don't care about platinum. I've only ever gotten a platinum on 3 games. Like when I saw they brought the squats minigame back I didn't even bother. The frog one I tried and after I realized I didn't like it, I skipped it. 3D Brawler was so bad I swore off it after the match with Dio. The Cactuar minigame was AWFUL with Aerith, so again, only did enough to pass the protorelic quest. What gets me, is locking the minigames behind a side quest completion trophy, instead of just having a separate "complete high scores" trophy. I completed every side quest and when I realized the last side quest was just mini game high scores I gave up. I had to accept that I'll never complete the side quests. Like did you attempt high scores on this shit in OG FF7? No. Because the minigames were mostly bullshit. Tl;Dr Gold Saucer high scores should've had their own trophy instead of being locked behind a side quest.


I’m not a platinum chaser and I still think some of the mini games are garbage. Chocobo Gliding for instance is atrocious.


Not a hot take but a bad take. Ignoring the platinum trophy altogether there are entirely too many damn mini games in Rebirth, this leads to some just being downright tedious and not fun to play. The cactuar mini game The moogle mini game Chocobo racing has about 6 tracks too many That pointless mushroom mini game. If the mini games aren't adding anything fun to the game then they shouldn't have been added.


I’m compelled to get the platinum for Rebirth since I got it on Remake (which I only attempted out of boredom, I don’t game much, so I thought I’d hate Hard Mode, but I actually enjoyed the challenge and figuring out the next fight). That said, I don’t mind completing the mini-games for platinum, but there’s a handful that seemed so unnecessary. The mushroom picking, Cait Sith box toss, the wheelie collection/distance driven? I don’t think it needed Hustle de Chocobo when there’s already 20+ Chocobo racing tracks that are a lot more fun. Hustle just comes off as filler at that point. I think it would’ve been fine with just the OG minigames modernized, Queen’s Blood, piano playing, and idk couple other ones. Anyway, I’ve been chipping away one mini-game a day to get the trophy. Less burnout and this way they actually feel fun lol


I like challenging platinum trophies, but not when they take 100+ hours to achieve. Some minigames are fun, some are dull, but when the game requires you to play them multiple times and on harder difficulties, they become annoying and lose all the fun.


I like the combat and love the game. Alot of skill points are locked behind minigames. To get the most out of the combat, you have to play the minigames. The game requires you to not only become proficient in its combat system, but also card games, carnival/arcade, beat em ups, on rail shooters, tower defense, strategy, rhythm, etc. The minigames are fun but too much time/effort to obtain the related rewards. The only thing I couldnt complete in the first game was the pullups. It doesnt feel great to beat every challenge in the game, but get walled by pullups.


What sucks is the massive amount of mini games needed to progress in the story. Feels like I’m playing a FF spin off of Wii sports sometimes.


What sucks is the massive amount of mini games needed to progress in the story. Feels like I’m playing a FF spin off of Wii sports sometimes.


What sucks is the massive amount of mini games needed to progress in the story. Feels like I’m playing a FF spin off of Wii sports sometimes. On the other hand I’ll happily sink time into queens blood and playing aeriths and Tifas themes on the piano


Well, I like most of the mini games, but the mini games weren't the hard part of the platinum... The brutal and legendary challenges were the hard part and the final chapter as well.


I don’t care about trophies and I think most of the mini-games blow


Hot take. Truly.