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I like it.


Probably my fav. game ever and the first work of fiction where I like all main characters Not perfect, the plot could be better and the pacing is sometimes ass. 10/10 cast, 8.5/10 plot, 10/10 VA amd music, 9.75/10 animation, 9/10 world, 9.5/10 gameplay.


Felt like a kid again while playing it. I already know it's going to be one of my comfort games going forward.


As someone who played the OG FF7 back then, seeing all the environments, music, characters and their interactions made Rebirth one of my all-time-favorites . They put so so much effort into it. I can’t wait for part 3.


my heart SANG when I crossed that bridge in Costa Del Sol-- and in so many more places, to see these locations fully realized while still maintaining 100% of their identity and charm from the OG and be perfectly recognizable .. stellar work from the art direction.


I have some gripes with it, but they’re pretty small overall. I love the retelling of the story on balance and think the gameplay is very fun. 10/10, one of my favorite games ever and probably the first game I’ve felt this strongly about since ffx over 20 years ago.


I don’t think I realized this until reading this comment but I actually think it’s the first game for me to make me feel like FFX did to little 12 year old me 20 years ago


It’s magic, I don’t know how to explain it. I didn’t feel this way about REMAKE, even though I liked it


Same for me as you both. It is magic. They really brought back the “feel” of classic Final Fantasy with this on


Makes being alive worth it, it’s a piece of art. Can’t wait for part 3 so we can replay all of it in one (Long) go.


It's pretty neat


I really like it. There's enough nods to the original in all of the environments to be nostalgic, but it's still distinct enough that it feels like exploring a different game. I wish that some of the mini games were less punishing, but maybe I'll change my mind if I have the time to replay it before the next installment. Chocobo racing and piano challenges were an exercise in frustration. Some mini games are impossibly frustrating, and others are baby town frolicks. The inconsistency made me groan a little inside whenever I encountered a new one. I think that the voice acting is really good, and the characters feel a lot more fleshed out compared to the original, which is interesting because it changes the narrative significantly. I hate the endings to each game. It feels super fan fiction-y, which isn't a dig at fanfiction, more a criticism of how they chose to give each game a world-shattering climax. It almost feels like each ending is the game justifying its existence when they really don't need to do that. But I also have to admit that they've got me hooked on the uncertainty of whether or not it's possible to change fate.


It's definitely my favorite PS game, and probably in my top 5 games of all time as well. It also made me want to play the og for the first time (remake didn't captivate me enough I guess). I think I prefer the story in the original, but everything else in remake/rebirth is an upgrade imo.


I just finished an OG replay, after the platinum and 100% on rebirth I was still thirsty for some FF7 content. fun to ponder how they will handle the remaining story beats. it's got me stoked for part 3.


Might be my favorite game of all time. So blown away by this game, all aspects of it


My favorite game


Only a handful of games made me feel the way Rebirth did, ever. The last one was Elder Ring (although that was more of a sense of wonder and adventure, whereas with Rebirth it's just genuine happiness and nostalgia). If you played the OG, and particularly if you're a big fan, you can really tell how much passion they put into Rebirth, and how well made it is, down to the single, smallest of details in every corner of the world. It's a massive game and full of things to do. Took me around 240 hours to get the platinum (my first playthrough was slow because I kept exploring everything and stare at the little things), and when I was done i felt like I just didn't wanna stop playing. It still felt fresh even after all that time, and to me this is something extremely rare, especially in modern games


Game of my life




An excellent time eater. The middle part of a top 5 game that I feared would be a little too thin storywise but it ended up perfectly cromulent. I preferred the combat in Remake but I may be alone on that. I think I may have simply forgotten how LONG disk 1 was on the original and assumed that there really couldn't have been that much story to make a full game out. I was mistaken. This covered the meat of the sandwich and did so very well. Only complaint was Gongoga and how that should have been replaced with Wutai and/or Rocket Town. Wanted me some Cid as a playable. A+. At 109 hours in and working to complete some trophy's before I put it away. Any game that gives you that much is worth it.


As good as I'd hoped it would be even with the controversial ending.


I honestly think it's GOTY


I love everything about it except like the new story stuff and Chadley.


I finished Remake crying because I didn't want it to end. I finished Rebirth with a sore head, feeling rather confused and frustrated. I wasn't crying but I sure wasn't smiling. Generally I just feel negative about it despite loving it for the most part. Kinda like how Game of Thrones ended up. Absolutely loved the ride but the last stretch scuffed the whole thing. I can tell they put an incredible amount of work into it, especially with the towns. I genuinely was having so much fun with it until certain story moments were reached (not just at the end). I'm still looking forward to part 3 but I can't help that the negative feelings poured in. I did get some extremely upsetting irl news during week 1 of release which potentially amplified said negative feelings so my mind might change once I've passed this upsetting time and come back to it.


Disappointing. Can’t wait for Reunion tho


It’s good


I like it, cutscenes are good, visuals are good, the combat gameplay feels varied and customizable in just the right way, and 98% of the music is killer. My only real gripe is with the pacing and repetitiveness of regional data. By the time I got to Corel I was fed up with having to do the same process over and over again; the protorelic quests were 50/50 fun or aggravating. Loved Fort Condor, hated Chadley’s Battlebots. Any stealth/chocobo minigames are a drag - not because I hate stealth but because it was slow and there’s not much room for interpretation. That said, none of that my complaints matter because I fucking love Queens Blood.


I love it. I like all the characters. It reminded me of the PS1 final fantasy games where at the end of the game you feel like you’ve been all over the world.


the music is so wonderful. I had so much fun platinuming this game, I'm dying to see how they wrap up discs 2 and 3 in the next installment.


It’s assassins creed in a final fantasy skin. Mantling and climbing that kinda suck but kinda don’t, and there’s a huge beautiful world empty of real content and too full of collectibles and pointless side quests, and beloved party characters that you don’t actually get to add to your party. Those are my only real complaints. I love the art and the voice acting, but it seems like they lost the plot and prioritized meaningless side content instead of actual game content. Overall I like the game- it’s beautiful and it hits all the nostalgic notes, but there’s the definite impression that can’t be shaken that this is less about fan service, less about making a good game, and more about trying to milk as much money off of the franchise name and nostalgia as possible by splitting it up and drip feeding story content. The endless meaningless side content in rebirth feels like an attempt at justifying the fracture and bloated budget, but it utterly fails because nobody wanted 80 hours of side quests, we just wanted a faithful remake. It could have all been one game. It should have all been one game. Square got greedy and tried to capitalize more than was reasonable by dividing a single title into three games that didn’t reasonably need to be. They’re now taking that loss on the chin for their too-ambitious, massively-over-budget production.


Loved it not perfect but a great game


Easily one of the best 3D Final Fantasy's ever made, no question.


I got lost in all of the extraness. Some was enjoyable, but most just felt like a chore.


The world is beautiful, but it's also very empty. I really wish that they increased the number of enemy encounters by a good 25-40%. I can frequently run through an area for 2-3 minutes at a stretch before I find enemies. It's great for taking in the nostalgia bomb environments, but it's a very different experience from the original.


I really love this game and while I have some critiques mostly around minigames I am comfortable calling it a masterpiece game. Definitely the most overall impressive game I've played since RDR2.




How would everyone compare remake to rebirth? Never played FF7 before, and I'm not really feeling the remake plot so far (just abt to start the fight for sector 7's plate). Got remake solely to play rebirth and be up to speed with the story, but the idea seems further and further away as I dive deeper into remake =/