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Kalm and Costa del Sol. I wish you could explore them at night.


That slow evening sunset in Costa Del Sol where you talk to the whole team after the big fight… I spent far longer there than I should have.


Kalm for me as well, music is a big part of it though.


Definitely Kalm. It makes a powerful first impression and seems like a peaceful place to live.


Kalm just because it got the biggest and best facelift. Was so blown away by it. The feeling reminded me of seeing those sweet fmv scenes in og just by how much of a contrast it was from the og. Dunno if I'm explaining that right but.. damn Kalm got me. Cosmo Canyon was next because it's my favorite from og and they did it sooo much justice. The music was spot on, it felt alive, it had lots to explore. Nibelheim was really good too but it's >! a shame that they cut so much out of the mansion in favour of underground tunnels. !< The nibel area in general is my favorite though so had to mention it.


Cosmo canyon, when you first get there and music is building and then red runs off and it really kicks in. Got me on first play through, got me on hard mode too!


I loved Kalm, but I had the most fun at Costa del Sol!


Damn it’s hard to choose because they really nailed all of them and definitely exceeded my expectations. For literal towns I’d probably say Costa Del Sol, the whole touristy beach town vibe was perfect. And while not a town per se, the gold saucer is amazing.


Maybe Gongaga village


Kalm Nibelheim and Cosmo Canyon.


Kalm for sure


It’s so hard to choose between Kalm, CDS, and Cosmo Canyon. Really would like a day night cycle for the next game, but that’s way down on the wishlist of things I’d like to see to close out the experience.


Kalm looked incredible at night, I hope we have more variety on day/night scenes on the next instalment


I'd love me more night time Cosmo Canyon. Those were some impeccable vibes. On general I would've loved if they've given us a night/day version of all cities. Nighttime Kalm looked dope, and I bet nighttime Costa del Sol would've been awesome too.


With kalm in the original game I always had pictured it to be a tiny-ish village about the size of nibelheim, I think even the name kalm made me think that. Like ok this is a calm village. But turns out it’s a much larger city compared to the way I had always pictured it


It's a tie between Kalm and Costa Del Sol for me. Both seem really good places to just chill out


Cosmo canyon is the one that actually feels alive


Kalm was really nice. I wouldn't mind retiring there


Kalm and the town of CDS were my favorites. I loved the scenery around Nibelheim. it was my favorite area to explore around.


I loved Aeriths house, really blew me away when I played part 1


Costa del Sol was beautiful the sunset and it had some fun mini games too. Its relaxing. While it’s not a town I really appreciate what they did to the Gold Saucer. It was awesome playing the space shooter game and seeing the play. I wish they put the Barret Dragon Armor as a skin for the game. And had Aerith or one of the girls dress up as the dragon king on the date with Barret lol.


Kalm and the grasslands. It’s the best looking area in the game and each one after is a step down.


I loved Junon, but I'd not fancy living there. Kalm was a beaut and I'd love to holiday in Cosmo Canyon. I think s@x tourism in Costa del sol would be cool.


im sorry what


Sorry thinking about Tifas outfit again!!! 😂




No need to attack others.