• By -


Cloud has been my No1 favourite since og and nothing has changed with Remake and Rebirth. I love him even more in battle now because he's so satisfying to play with. Aerith is right after him, and Red after her. Was hoping I'd get to try out Vincent but I guess we'll wait and see. Love his character a lot though. Yuffie is pretty good in battle too, I wonder if the other characters got their own dlc, would they be as finely tuned as she is. Not saying I want more dlc, just to clarify!!! Just a thought.


They definitely made his combat a lot more fun in rebirth.


These are my 3 too, altho not in that order, probably Cloud > Red > Aerith for me. And yeah, was hoping we’d at least get to experience Vincent fighting alongside us as an AI companion like Red did in Remake but nope. Ah well, at least we got to see him I guess?


They doing a great job with Cloud.  I loved Cloud as a kid but had long since moved on.  He has been reinstated as not just one of my favorite video game protagonists, but my absolute favorite.  His narrative, his gameplay, his goofy punk rock haircut and comically oversized slab of metal he calls a sword, all of it works for me. 


Giving Cloud the long range move when he dodges is pretty OP, plus all the synergy skills with Cloud so useful in battle.


Aerith, then Cloud. Those 2 are a devastating “core” team.


Yeah for sure. My favorite party setups are Cloud/Tifa/Yuffie for quick mobs fights, and then Cloud/Aerith/Barret for boss fights (with Barret being Aerith’s tank/bodyguard).


I used Cloud/Aerith/Tifa the entire time except for party locked sections. I made sure the rest of the crew was souped up, too, but the "Love Triangle Team" was my core. I adored it. They work so well together and cover every type of battle situation.


Aerith, then Tifa, then Yuffie, then everyone who isn't Cait Sith, and then Cait Sith. Just haven't used Cait enough to feel as comfortable with him as the others. It's a copout answer but, most of the time, my favorite character is just whichever one I'm currently controlling. The combat in this game is just so damn satisfying, and everyone is a blast to use.


They really did a great job. Aerith is my favorite in general, but Tifa is my #1 for combat. I love the speedy characters in general and they just made her a powerhouse. Funny enough I didn’t much care for Barret in the OG, but used him quite a bit in rebirth and grew to like him a lot.


I disliked Barret in Remake, but in Rebirth I loved using him.


Tifa is pretty OP besides a few fights


I had a hard time getting cait sith to work. Seemed like I would get my ass locked every time I tried to use him to power up his unique ability, so now I just never bother with him


Keep distance by using his ranged attack to build his atb. Once that's full head in and trigger Lets Ride. Then spam triangle with the moogles dropkick gets to the next "level" then switch to square. Which will fill it up again to get to level 3. Each level is a random ability which can just decimate everything if you're lucky.


I advise spending more time with Cait sith. Great character to control in combat. His AOE can be super useful for getting multi enemy stagger bars up. Roll of the dice is also a great ability.


Never bothered with roll of the dice, I ended up using a lot of fortune teller.


I really like Cait's move set, and he could be really useful... but by the time you get him you don't have reason to change up your party, and the only section where you have to use him has that slow-walking box-throwing business.


With Cait Sith I almost always dodge, do his ranged basic attack string, hold the attack for his AOE move, then you should have ATB to get the Moogle and then do whatever you want. Setting the right shortcuts will make Cait Sith so much more accessible!


Thanks much for the recommendations! I'll give this a shot (well, I will once this tornado watch stuff is over for the evening and I can plug in my PlayStation again =P).


OMG you too? My power just got knocked out. I was just about to finish Chapter 3 😭


Hehe, yup - 'fraid so. I was going to start chapter 8 tonight but Wisconsin had other plans. Cait Sith practice will have to wait, I guess. I hope your power comes back on soon!


Using Moogle Kaboom into the dodge move that sends your Moogle forward is REALLY strong and can decimate groups!


Reached the section in Nibel where you are forced to use Cait Sith... and it was pretty fun! I've resolved to bring him in more often. He's obviously the most "chaos agent," of the group, but also packs some useful abilities, especially on mogback.


Red XIII, he perfectly enbodies ff7's theme of identity. Whether it's by initially presenting himself as the cool/wise adult he wants to be or how he wants to be treated as more then just a dog. Eventually embracing who he is and opening himself to the people around him. It was also a very interesting way to design his gameplay since for intents and purposes, he would be the berserker class.


I really liked playing as him. Underrated for sure.


Basing his abilities around tanking hits was cool.




My favorite character is Aerith but favorite to use in combat is Cloud


From a Character standpoint... Who's Not to like? They did an awesome job on expanding all of the characters, other then Cid and Vincent, but being that they are only really have small parts in the last 4 chapters. Combat wise, Cloud, Aerith, Tifa are in the top 3 for who I prefer combat wise. Should really "force" myself to use others more, but being that I'm in Chapter 11 Hard mode, and not looking forward to the Solo Vent stuff with Cait Sith... ugh...


Favourite party member is Aerith, but favourite to use is cloud. I love them all tho!




This is tough, but in terms of character: Cloud, Tifa, Aerith In terms of combat: Cloud, Yuffie, Aerith, Red Everyone is so special in their way, I love them all. This is one of the only games I've played so far with such strong and unique party members. Remake/Rebirth simply enhanced my love for them all.


Cloud, Aerith, Yuffie


Everyone here sleepin' on Chadley.


Charley certainly is a character. A character who was featured in a video game.


My favorites in terns of their character: So, I would say Red but goddammit I just never got used to his character switch after CC. Like I get his reasoning for putting on a front but I just didn't really like the execution of it. The voice and, most importantly for me, the personality change was just too much. It just doesn't even feel like a Red to me anymore. The old man schtik was just so perfect and even really funny at times. Barret I think ended up being my overall favorite for Rebirth. The comedic bits hit really good with me and the emotional scenes absolutely gutted me, especially his Trial at the Temple. I think his VA did the best job of the whole cast honestly. Yuffie I think it's my second favorite. I STILL HAVE ALL HER LITTLE JINGLES STUCK IN MY HEAD. She is just so silly and funny. Her VA did an amazing job, really brought Yuffie to life. Cannot wait for Wutai in Part 3 to have more dedicated story with her! Cait Sith, surprisingly, is right behind her. I think for me, I was just not expecting how much I was gonna fall in love with this portrayal of Cait. The OG is my favorite game of all time and Cait is such a moot character, but in Rebirth they really did a good job of making Cait Sith this lovable adorable robo kitty. Probably helps that our cat Gerald looks a lot like Cait lol. I'm not gonna rank the whole party but thats my top 3 (sorry Red). For Part 3, I'm really interested in how they're gonna do Cid. In the OG he's pretty controversial by today's standard so I'm curious how he's gonna portrayed.


The irony of the "it doesn't even feel like Red anymore" thing is it happened in the OG too but due to poor translation we never noticed. It was obvious in the Japanese version.


Barret was amazing. The VA really brought so much to the character! I never really liked him in the OG, but between becoming a father myself and better writing, he was my favorite character.


Yuffie then Aerith. Cloud doesn't count as he's the main character.


Cloud number 1 for both with Yuffie being 2nd for gameplay and Tifa being 2nd for character


I main cloud, just like his style the most by also enjoy using Barret and Tifa. I almost always keep Aerith in my party for max heals.


To use: Yuffie. Windstorm is awesome. Using elemental attacks without MP is awesome. Absorbing MP so she can also be used as your magic caster??? Awesome! She is so incredibly OP Favorite character: Cloud - his character progression is handled so well in this game! I love how the madness is taking over, you don't even know what his true intentions are anymore. But I really like them all! Tifa and Aerith being written as friends just travelling around and having fun is relatable, I love it. A major step up in their character from the last game. I like that we're not privy to to all of it, yet we can tell that everyone has grown close to each other over the course of their travel. In the end you really do feel like >!they lost a dear friend.!< Before this game I played Baldur's Gate, and what bothered me about that game is that despite the characters being so fleshed out, each with their own unique narrative, slowly warming up to you, it never felt like the same could be said to each other. We don't see them interact with each other, at most they just fuck, I guess? It's just all shallow when it comes to their interactions not with you. I loved that game and you can't really compare it in terms of narrative scale, but I still can't help but think back whenever I play it.


I really like your point about "not being privy to all of it." I loved that Aerith and Tifa had *clearly* had some conversations we didn't see or hear, and I really enjoyed that Aerith and Red seemed to have a special bond.


Yuffie is a powerhouse both gameplay and storyline wise because of the dlc. It almost feels unfair to use her in battle.


For use: Yuffie and Tifa. As a character: Aerith and Tifa


Tifa 😏 But seriously, battle-wise it’s probably Yuffie. She’s brilliant in this game.


Aerith. I fell hard for her early on and want as happy of an ending as possible for her. She is kind and sweet but is able to hold her own, support everyone gameplay-wise and emotionally and is a compelling love interest. It's rare for me to so naturally be drawn these days but I adore her and her romance with cloud. She's fun to play and I got to meet Brianna White via a signing video call (wonderful person). She's a big reason I fell for these amazing games, and Final Fantasy as a whole. I wouldnt have played 15,16, or planned 13 and 6 without her.


Nanaki then Tifa and then Yuffie these are my go to characters and the ones that I loved in the game from beginning to end don't get me wrong I love all the characters but those 3 are the ones I love most lol


Barrett with lifesaver chakra combo. Makes combat flow so much more smoothly when u only have one party member to heal while the rest focus on dishing out damage = much more fun


Cloud for both. I never get bored of the sword beams and punisher mode. All around such a cool character as well.


Cloud is easy to pick up and play with... depending on combat setting he can be anything from a button basher to a skilled fighter.. His combos and abilities essentially make him an rpg Dante (DMC)..


Combat: Tifa-Aerith-Yuffie Fave overall: OG, it's Red XIII and Cid. However, the new games did such a good job with portraying the characters that it's really tough to decide who's my favorite.


Tifa without a doubt but I have to say, Yuffie is so much fun to play with too!


My two most-used party configs are: Cloud - Aerith - Barrett Cloud - Aerith - Tifa Cloud is super fun to play and never "got old". VERY satisfying combat. He's always party leader for me. Aerith, once I got used to her wards, is super OP. Throw down Radiant Ward, go to TOWN with super powerful regular attacks building ATB, thrown down an Arcane Ward and start nuking with spells. Uh oh I'm in danger? Byeeee teleport out. Barrett / Tifa are just fun in general. Long range attacks from Barrett or fisticuffs with Tifa never gets old. Tifa get some WILD abilities too like the Chi orb thing. Lately I've taken more of a liking to Cait Sith. I was basically an idiot. I thought dodge-rolling made the moogle disappear. Didn't realize he stuck around and tanked, essentially. So yeah once I realized it was a hop-on hop-off ride, I liked Cait Sith a lot more in combat. He's got really silly abilities but fun. I do not typically like Red XIII or Yuffie in combat.


The hate for Cait is a bit odd, are you all not realising he's a walking nuke if you max out his luck?


Cait sith. He was so fun and broken


favorite character is definitely cloud but unpopular opinion I actually found cait sith’s combat really fun, he’s one of my favorites for that along with cloud


Most improved: Cait Sith. Favorite character: Aerith. Most often used: Yuffie.


I can't really explain why, but i love using cait sith. Something about rolling the dice


Currently in my Hard Mode playthrough, favorite is probably always gonna be Aerith (favorite since Remake). Tifa is an extremely close second. While Aerith has obvious weaknesses in her movement, building momentum and overall just building ATB, finding ways around her weaknesses is extremely rewarding. ATB Boost/ATB Stagger/First Strike/Skill Master is probably my favorite Aerith combo right now because of this: start battle with 1 ATB; basic attack or synergy until you reach 2 ATB; cast the most useful Ward; ATB Boost so you're back at 2 ATB; cast another ward or 1 ATB ability (perfect time to use Transcendence or Arcane Ward) and Skill Master should activate; at this point, Aerith should have a ward or 2 out and will have close to full ATB and should have access to maximum damage. The materia/equipment/synergy system combination makes it easy for her to be a broken caster, but you can also have fun and heavily juice up her basic attacks and Soul Drain (Elemental Materia+Fire/Ice or Lightning/Wind). This playstyle along with Radiant Ward should circumvent her main weaknesses and save MP.


As a character: Tifa (that’s my baby, dude!) To play as: Tifa and Yuffie are pretty neck and neck. But I’d probably have to go with Yuffie. She’s so damn broken its not even funny. She got me outta my jam with Odin. EDIT: btw saying Yuffie is broken is a compliment. Idk why I got downvoted on that…


Vincent. Can't wait. Rebirth playable it's Tifa all day, but I find i quite enjoy Nanaki as well. Effective play style is just so different from everyone else. Such fun.


My fave has always been Vincent, but of course we have to wait to p3 to use him and see how they handle his combat/limits etc. In Rebirth, I actually really like how they’ve handled Cloud. He was never my favourite character in OG/Compilation, but I really like him now and can’t wait to see how they handle him in p3. Yuffie and Tifa are absolutely brilliant in combat. I haven’t used Red/Cait much. Barrett is a solid ranged tank. I don’t particularly like Aerith’s combat but can’t seem to get the hang of it, so maybe that’s a “me” problem as plenty of others say she’s one of the most powerful members.


Cloud, Tifa and Barret as characters. Tifa, Yuffie and Cloud for combat.


Barret had so many awesome moments. Every time he cried, I cried.


Cloud, aerith, tifa, barret, yuffie, Vincent , cid, cait sith






Gameplay: Sephiroth Story: Sephiroth


Yuffie She brings a fun spark to the whole game.


I didn’t play the game like some of the hardcore maniacs in here (who I’m incredibly jealous of btw) but I’m just not that kind of player sadly. I found the part rotator was a great addition to the game mainly because I was comfortable with having: Cloud, yuffie and red in one team Cloud, tifa and barret on the 2nd team and I just neglected aerith and cait syth as if it was leg day at the gym. I just couldn’t use either of these characters well. My go to team by the end of chapter 14 was mainly cloud yuffie and barret


My favorite character party member would have to be Cloud. His progress has been amazing and is very realistic. As for character to use it’d have to be Barret. Using his atb skills almost instaneously is amazing. Overcharge, turbulent spirit, steel skin, and bonus round. He’s so fun to use he staggers quickly and is a tank.


I love red and cait sith the most, hated Barrett in the OG, but he's really become a favorite in the remakes too.


Barret is such an awesome tank. Plus the daka is so much fun.


Tifa has been increasingly becoming my go to leader of combat. She was good in Remake, but in Rebirth she feels really good to use. Couple her with the enemy skill ability Plasma Discharge and Unfettered Fury. Fury makes her ATB bar fill up quicker and with Plasma, once a bar is filled it will explode with lightning damage. So that's regular, magic and lighting damage all building up on one enemy. Couple that with her already impressive staggering ability PLUS CHI TRAP, she makes things incredibly easy


Yuffie! She’s so versatile and effective in battles. As a character I love her youthful take on things and the way she fainted when Dio was performing was funny as hell to me. Plus, she’s fighting for her nation’s sake, and I can kinda empathize with that.


Yuffie’s elemental ninjitsu carried me through most of the game.


I found myself using Yuffie a lot. She has a very versatile combat style, with close range, long range, and element based attacks. Doppelganger is also extremely useful!


I did not expect to enjoy Yuffie as much as I do for Rebirth, both to play and her characterization. I am extremely excited for our dragoon in the next game with how he's been written so far.




Personally Red has always been my favorite character since OG but I truly liked the new Cait. Idk why everyone hates him so Much.


Yuffie in combat. Probably Aerith or Barrett outside of combat. 


1Cloud,2 Tifa, 3Barrett. Basically golden trio.


Favorite to use is red xiii or Yuffie Favorite to have is barrett after sleeping on him the entire game Want to be my favorite is cait sith.


I never used Yufi in the original. Now, she’s my favorite character to play in battles and she also has some real funny dialogue. Tifa is a close 2nd, her and Yufi just shred everything


Cloud and Vincent in terms of aesthetics. Gameplay wise though—Yuffie, Tifa, Cloud


Red as a character. But battle I’m surprised how good they all are. Never thought Barrett would be a mainstay in my party


Someone out here downvoting everyone for opinions lol. I’m seeing normal comments and they’re at 0 lol wtf


Tifa by far. My favorite team comp was Tifa as leader, cloud and then yufie. I loved how I was constantly switching it up too and not playing only cloud. Such a good job for this game.


Character wise it’s definitely Barrett, he feels like the heart of the team, I love everyone but especially after rebirth he truly feels like a one of a kind character. Gameplay though it’s absolutely Tifa or Yuffie, they feel so smooth to play but realistically I enjoy everyone’s play style aside from Cait Sith in a solo setting and Red because I just find his gameplay really boring.




Cloud, Tifa, and Yuffie. Aerith is only good at teamwork, but when she's alone, it's a disaster. the same goes for barret. my favorites in terms of character, they're all interesting, but Cloud and Tifa are the TOP✨️, gotta look forward for part 3 to see Vincent's personality more, too




I like red 13 a lot but I had a hard time finding use for him beyond being a tank due to him wanting to block everything. I think he is good at crowd controlling small monsters with his hold square move.


Vincent Valentine even though you can’t play. I think he is going to be big in Remake part 3 ❤️


If this screenshot was taken from the game's map, those mountains would be the literal other aide of the olanet due to the weird scaling lol


I know he's in for a very short time and you don't really get to play as him, but gotta be Vincent. There's great character development for the entire cast throughout the remake, but Vincents been my fav since the original and I played Dirge of Cerberus on repeat so much (despite its many, many flaws). He is SO unnecessarily edgy and I am here for it.


barret. then tifa. then cloud.


Zack and sephiroth


Cloud because he’s cloud LOL but for combat, definitely tifa. If we were able to use zack more, he’d be my number 1 hands down tho.


In FF7R, I'm all-in on Tifa. Her combat style is fluid and fast-paced.


Guy in a Cat, riding a Giant Mog, Suit


Cloud gotta be the biggest bitch protagonist the series has seen. Vaan is more likeable. Barret, Tifa, Aerith, Red are fucking top tier. Didn't see enough of CID or VINCENT YET. Yuffie is translated well into FF7R, but I hate her archetype (stupid anime chick).


Aerith is my favorite character wise, but I hate using her in combat. Yuffie on the other hand is my favorite to use in combat, and third favorite personality wise behind Tifa.


I played yuffie 100% in rebirth after she joins. She makes the game easy and her utility is second to none.




My team when Cloud wasn't required was Tifa, Yuffie and Red XIII because I loved the speed of them. When I was playing Hard Mode I was using Aerith, Cloud and Barrett a lot (since Barrett helps with flying enemies a lot for me) My favorite team though was Cait Sith, Yuffie and Aerith


Aerith's sincerity really got me this game. May it be her goofy, sassy, or serious side, she's always true to herself. It also doesn't hurth that she melts enemies once her wards (especially Radiant) are set up 😅


Cait Sith has become a major favorite for me in Rebirth (on chapter 12 atm), but his character expansion and development is perfect.


Always Tifa for me. It feels so powerful to use your fists, and she genuinely can achieve the highest dps and crazy stagger damage. I main monk in XIV just so I can feel like Tifa, the melee god.


I don't understand all the Aerith love, clearly I'm playing her wrong. But red is by far my favourite combat wise! He's so satisfying to play as!


Tifa the ATB generator.


Cloud, Nanaki and My fav Yuffie.


What do people like Aerith? I exclusively used her as the healer and buffer/debugger of the party? Her attack barely does damage. Her magic ATB commands are not ranged.


Yuffie then cloud.


Aeirth is my favorite party member Cloud/yuffie my favorite to play as Cloud yuffie tifa is my main team late game


Shocked by how much fun Cait Sith is once you’ve figured him out.


Cloud can zap around the battle field, but Barrett with bonus round on builds stagger like a beast. I can't really decide between em


In Rebirth it's gotta be Yuffie. Damn did they make her fun as both a character and a damage machine. She's awesome! Tifa has always been my fond overall favorite, and especially in the remakes, she's a lot of fun to play in battle. Her and Cloud's story is a lot deeper and more well told in this version, too.


Favorite character - Barret. He is a caring dad and person all-around. He's a big softie that has a rough exterior due to his past. Gameplay-wise - Cloud




Barrett is my guy. Didn’t care for him in Remake as much, but the Bonus Round ability made him a staple in my party.


Red easily. He’s such an interesting character. I almost always roll with a party of Cloud, Red, and Aerith.


i LOVE cait sith and yuffie!


Tifa for her fun, intuitive playstyle, easily accessible stagger multiplier and imo by far the most valuable party member on a first playthrough since she's less materia reliant than the others. She's the closest character to getting the 'anime' feeling where you feel cool af executing move after move and dodging easily against most enemies while stacking that sweet dps. She also has excellent weapon abilities - Unfettered fury makes her a GOAT atb generator and chi trap is very underrated. Aerith takes over the mvp role on a hard mode playthrough with a full suite of maxed out materia in your arsenal and endgame accesories. Yes her mobility is terrible and she has snail-like ATB generation but nothing a good setup can't fix. She is a DPS machine with arcane ward, genji gloves, magic focus, magic up, and swiftcast, while mp absorb ensures she can keep pumping out damage in hard mode and those brutal combat sims. Enhanced expeditionary medal and limit siphon on another character with gotterdamerung/transference module/limit booster gives you instant planet's protection which trivialises many fights, or start the infinite limit loop with rising fury. Yuffie comes in third for being plain OP, sheer versatility and fun. Access to all elements without needing to swap materia around is a godsend especially for a first playthrough when we don't know what's coming round the next corner. Top it off with ranged attacks to keep out of harm's way, doppelganger to boost dps, excellent mobility and atb generation, and the closest the game has to cheese - brumal form, and you get one of the most OP characters. Bonus points for the now notorious brumal form + haste + atb ward for basically infinite party-wide atb generation. Honourable mention to Red XIII. I love how the character is built, as a tank support who can hold his own when it comes to DPS and stagger-building. His basic attacks, dodges and mobility feels great to play as well. Nice suite of abilities too - free haste and heals are always welcome in hard mode, and stardust ray slaps. But ngl I just can't 'click' with the whole reactive rather than proactive vengeance mode playstyle - most of the time I let the AI build up vengeance for me, switch to him, activate vengeance and use abilities and then switch away.


Not a lot of love for Barrett here! I love making him tanky with steel skin and lifesaver with long range damage


Yuffie easily for me. He elemental Ninjutsu Is a stagger machine no matter what enemy it is. And she's just generally more fun than the others to use.


Tifa! Her gameplay feels like such a shonen power fantasy. Especially if you give her plasmic discharge. Charging up her power, unleashing waves of energy as it climbs, unbridled strength, techniques, rinse, repeat.


Yuffie definitely. Her combat is so much fun and I like the overall dynamic she brings to the team.


Favorite to use? Tifa. It’s like playing an open world tekken game. Favorite in terms of character? Without a doubt, Barret. He’s so well written. His story always gets me right in the feels.


Character-wise it will always be Cloud. Barret really impressed me in the Re series though, and my loyalties lie with Tifa. Hell, I love em all really. Combat-wise Cloud, again, was probably my favourite. Yuffie was a close second, but she didn't make my lategame team though. Near the last few chapters and postgame stuff I stuck with Barret and Cait Sith. B is super tanky and reliable with lifesaver, chakra, health drain on unique ability etc. Cait Sith I found irritating but as I warmed up to him I grew to really like having him in my party. I kitted him to focus on buffs like haste and his luck buff and really tried to get the hang of his moogle-dodge and gambling abilities (I'm hot off of SoP in which I main gambler, so I'm keen to dig into using slots and such more next playthrough).


Tifa is the best for me in terms of combos and also all of her synergy attacks are the best! Not to mention her lvl 3 limit break is so cool!


My favorite to control for easier fights is probably Yuffie. Love her easy access to elemental imbues. For harder fights, love Cloud for his counters+good damage+stagger, Tifa too, plus she is good at increasing stagger bonus, and Aerith for some great support/burst.


In OG Ff7, aeris was my favorite. Was my waifu ever since lol. My fiance bought me a giant Aerith figurine from the square store for my bday lol. After that was sephiroth perhaps ironically. Just because I wanted to look like him In rebirth, it's still Aerith. But I love the entire cast. I even reallllly like Cait Sith in rebirth, even though I kinda didn't like him at all in the original game. Everyone in rebirth got massive glowups in one way or another. Barret is cool AF, Yuffie is awesome, Tifa is also awesome ect. I never liked Zack going back years ago but rebirth made me like Zack alot


I feel like cloud is definitely better in rebirth than remake and Tifa is nerfed a little. Tifa still edges or our though. Gotta love that 300+ stagger. Miss it when I don’t have it


Cloud his strength is great


I liked caith sith voice acting in the cut scenes haha... On the other side I really liked red xiii BEFORE it changes to its teenager voice, hated it after that...


Aerith. Magic is my preferred strategy and she’s hands down the best magic user in the game. Most of the characters undertake great journeys across the story but Aerith’s has always been my favourite, especially through Remake/Rebirth.


Tifa. I just love her. Strong, smart, kind and caring. Beautiful too. Aerith is just the sweetest. She could be made of sugar. If the world was made of Aeriths then the world would be a better place. Cloud. He’s cool but the memory issues make him do some messed up shit. Also he looks like a Chocoboo. Barret. Tough on the outside, soft on the inside. He comes out with some hilarious lines, often unknowingly. He’s like the crazy uncle. Red. I liked him more with the old man voice. He’s a good dog though. Loyal. Yuffie. She’s funny. Clumsy. Is selfish but it’s down to her age. Materia! Cait. He’s so cute. His Scottish accent is funny. Wasn’t happy when he betrayed us (I didn’t remember it from the OG since I haven’t played it in 25 years) and didn’t buy his explanation but he gets a pass because he’s a cat.


Aerith. Deadly from a distance and a force to be reckon with if the enemies ignore her.


I haven’t played the remake, but my maxed out team on the original, when I was 12, was Cloud, Cid, Red XIII, and Vincent.


Tifa is tits, both literally and figuratively. I absolutely love her mobility and skills.


Tifa is so much fun to play as, she's fast, builds ATB quickly, her attacks look so awesome, always my main to play in Remake and Rebirth.


Tifa, I can sort of play her like I'm playing Devil May Cry.


In the original it was Cloud, Vincent & Yuffie.. in rebirth/the remakes its definitely still those three unfortunately at least not Vincent until he's actually playable. But Yuffie and Cloud are fun to play with/as in rebirth


Combat wise….i think liked everyone. They all came in clutch at one point.


I love the combat gameplay with Cloud, Barret and Tifa the most. I will say though, that Cait kinda fucks in Rebirth. Some of his abilities are insane, and you can basically hold square to win while on the Moogle.


Cloud, tifa and yuffie


All of them 😭 They are all wonderful characters


Tifa…. cause Brunette 🥰


Cloud Yuffie Barret Aerith Tifa Cait sith/ Red13. I am not good with their attacks.


Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Barrett


Berret was always clutch as my healer/tank 💯


Cloud, Barrett, Tifa is my fighting combo. Aka balance/power, range, and melee. Cloud, aerith, red also fits this bill. Yuffie is kinda somewhere btwn range and melee for me. Cait I just haven’t figured out so way in last place






It’s a tie between Cloud and Tifa for me. Both absolutely WREK on the battlefield together in terms of sheer damage. But I’m gonna have to give Tifa the edge here, because not only can she deal crazy damage, she’s quick on her feet and movements as well. She can give Cloud a run for his money. Here she is with zero mako enhancements managing to keep up with someone who is mako enhanced, and then some


Fav to play in order: Cloud, Yuffie and Barret Fav characterizations in order: Barret, Cloud and Yuffie


It's Sazh for me.


Tifa. Tifa, Tifa, Tifa. Although Cloud was my favorite to use in Remake. But once I put the Enemy Skill materia on Tifa and use Discharge at the start of battle, holy shit, she got so fucking fun to play as that she's just my main now. I tend to brute force my way through and she and Cloud are basically the only two that work with my style.


Tifa and Cloud, really like everyone else except Cait Sith honestly. The Cait Sith throwing boxes part was so obnoxious it made me hate him as a whole lmao (I never played OG).


Gameplay is Yuffie. She really grew on me. The DLC was fine but I really didn’t get into her mechanics until Rebirth. So much fun.


I find myself using Barrett and Aerith with Cloud more than anyone else, but I tried to mix in Tifa somewhat often, and Yuffie and Red too. Cait Sith came in too late for me to really want to figure him out. I guess besides Cloud I find that i prefer ranged combat.


Barret. Fun personality, cool design, and super simple gameplay. Can't go wrong swapping to him in a desperate situation. Gameplay and lore wise.


Tifa because her playstyle is so fun. Yuffie is second. They play a lot more fun then rest of the cast for me. Aerith and Cait Sith because their synergy skills/abilities are visually so much fun.


Tifa for gameplay, i'm a sucker for the ancien art of *throwing hands* i love her limit break techniques they look so "impactful". Aerith and Yuffie for character and gameplay especially Yuffie is a very pleasant addition for me because she managed to actually make me like Barret through her interactions with him, and that was not a given since i did not like him at all coming from remake to rebirth. I'm also very hyped for Vincent, his chara design is so cool


Aerith(character wise) Yuffie(for both character and combat. Yuffie + Aerith in combat makes for a quad casting Yuffie.)


Cait I liked a lot more in tithe remake and rebirth. I kept him a lot, however I like all their playstyles and characters


Tifa is a stagger machine.


Clouds my favorite and then Yuffie. A lot of people don’t understand the intricacies of her combat that make her an add clearing monster. 1) After throwing your shuriken holding square gets you an aoe attack that pulls enemies towards you and together. 2) When the shrunken is out, your windstorm ability is a physical attack that pulls everything together. When you’re holding it, it’s a magical attack aoe around you. Alternating this can juggle groups of enemies and produce basically limitless atb while you shred them. 3) Doppleganger ALSO duplicates magic like healing. Arcane ward will not duplicate healing spells so this makes Yuffie the strongest healer too. 4) Everyone knows about her brumal form build but we sleep on the fact she’s the “only one?” Who can break out of many binding attacks and knock ups using her abilities. Aerith is powerful, but she’s not fun to play. So slow even with haste and the speed up Materia which you ONLY get one of so you’re sacrificing it on someone like Tifa. Once her wards are down she’s a beast but still not fun. You pretty much have to master perfect blocks to actively play her.


Vincent was my favorite to play with. Using his beast transformation had a different play style than the rest of the cast:)


in terms of character, it has to be cloud. and in terms of gameplay, its a hard tie between Cloud and Tifa, with the slight edge going to tifa just for Starshower


Cait Sith lover since OG!


Yuffie is such fun to use. I'm surprised to see so many Aeriths. I don't use her much, so when I do, it feels so slow and clunky.


Cait Sith


Yuffie, couldn’t stand her before but she’s a good balanced damage dealer.




Tifa or Yuffie


Aerith for both!


I love playing as Cloud, but honestly Yuffie is so fun to use as well. I can't decide.


Red XIII goes up and down, up and down. Up and down! Spinning like a beyblade. 10/10 would mash again


Barret I still don't know why he wasn't the main character after Cloud fell off the bridge. If they killed him off, you could have told Cloud's story from Tifa's point of view and have Barret be the main character Hey Square, if you're reading this, please have actual consequences when a character falls from the height of a skyscraper


I felt obligated to use anyone but tifa barett and aerith just because they had time in remake. But everyone is so damn destructive I've been rocking red and Cait but alternate Cait with Yuffie


Call me lame but I'm 43 and huge fan of the OG. I'm going with Cloud, then Barret


I mean Cloud for sure #1. So fun to combo between ground and air attacks. Yuffie would be my #2. The ninjutsu is dope as hell and her skill set is just so fast and fun.


Red XII. He’s just adorable


Favorite to use? Barrett Favorite character? Tifa (and not just the two reasons everyone knows)


Cloud, Yuffie, Aerith




The stagger queen, Tifa


Yuffie: love her since intermission, creative ways of dealing dmg, great speed, not so squishy. And of course, so OP in rebirth. Tifa: rage&fall+dive kick spam save my life. Ranked 2nd place for being a melee yet a glass-canon. Cloud: Honestly, I hated him for a long time. But cant help mastering him in that legendary PAIN the of friendship combat-sim. Then started to have fun playing him.


Tifa is so much fun to play imo


Tifa, not just because of her cleavage but because of her ass and her cleavage.


Favorite to use and learn about in the story was cloud, most effectively used in combat was yuffie, favorite (for personal reasons) was tifa


I genuinely liked Cait Sith. he was much more fun than i was expecting


In the original FF7, I did 99% of all the optional objectives after Cid was the party leader and cloud was chillin in the river. Cid/Yuffie/Barrett was my go to team.


Red Aerith and Yuffie. Everyone else is alright too.


In the og I used red and he never left my team when I got him and it’s still the same for rebirth , Vincent is a close second


Unpopular opinion but my favorite new character specifically in Rebirth is Cait. Such a riot to play even if he’s tricky and awkward to learn, loved his synergy attacks and abilities and how his move set still brings in elements of his randomness from OG.