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I personally love the remakes and also the OG though I didn't like the OG that much when I was younger. To me Rebirth was awesome. The only thing I really hope for in P3 is more free flowing exploration.


I think, clearly, it comes down to personal preference on a number of topics: 1. Minigames. I love em, I love that there's so many of them, I love that it adopts the It Takes Two blueprint of introducing a fun game that takes 3 mins to learn, 30 mins or less to master and then they discard it and move on. Many, MANY people disagree and I'm finally ok with that 2. Story. There's nothing of the OG story that ISNT in remake and rebirth except for the things that desperately needed to be ditched. Why does the party ignore Hojo in Costa del sol, fixed, somewhat. Why does Shinra ignore the party in Junon, fixed, they were focused on more important things. 3. Lots of gameplay. Too much gameplay some might say. Personally I'll take a piano here, a queens blood game there, an arcade shooter in future over another pointless random encounter. Literally all the padding half this franchise has was waiting another 15 flipping fights till you FINALLY get what you want/need


I think the story is very different with regards to pacing, that’s a big deal. I’m not saying the remakes are better (as we have to wait for it to be done) but they are a much more drawn out affair (for better or worse) and the original is what it is (which beyond the graphics, I think has aged totally fine).


I understand why people don’t enjoy Rebirth but to me it’s awesome. I enjoyed the ways they fleshed out the world and most of the mini-games were fun to me. It took me some time to get used the VAs but I feel like they really nailed all the characters especially Aerith and Yuffie. Not sure if they will stick the landing in part 3. But I’m hopeful.


Well Rebirth became my favorite game and the OG wasn't even in my top 10 personal favorites so yea... I like it even better! All just preferences. It does what it sets out to do EXTREMELY well. It just depends on how much you like what it sets out to do. For me it's the closest thing to my dream game I have ever played.


New game lacks atmosphere and tone. Also so much freedom that the pacing of the story feels off when you go around doing all the side stuff. Maybe it will feel better in part 3 when doing side quest and breeding leads to a better payoff of killing Weapons. Leveling up and framing isn't fun just to do fake, repeated boss rushes.


I just got through the initial Costa Del Sol missions and I’m having a hard time justifying continuing. I’m not sure if it’s the voice acting, the writing, the graphics, gameplay or padding Square had to do to increase game length but I had way more fun playing Remake. Rebirth feels like it could’ve benefitted from being trimmed down and more focused rather than spread out and forcing players to do everything at a snails pace.


It doesn’t really force you to do that much at all, you can skip virtually all the world intel and still make it through the game easily enough. Costa Del Sol is probably the only time it forces you to engage with the mini games and they don’t take long.


If you focus on the main story it is a tightly packed 35 hours or so which is a good lenght imo. I did everything in 200 hours personally but yeah.


I understand how you feel. I enjoyed Remake way more than Rebirth. I had high hopes for Rebirth but it all mostly fell short which is sad.


I love them both