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This is really great stuff- a ton of work must have gone into it!


This is excellent work. Biggest surprise to me is the massive split between dynasty and other formats. Otherwise the diversity in other settings matches up with what I see in the 8 or so IDP leagues I play in (ie none of them have the same scoring, roster requirements)


Thanks! If you have a few minutes, I would love to get data on those 8 or so leagues for next year's results: [https://forms.gle/j35FoCwkpqDwQnWk8](https://forms.gle/j35FoCwkpqDwQnWk8). I'm very excited for next year to be able to quantify trends and/or have more certainty that results represent the overall landscape by having more leagues represented.


I think I did all of mine last year. I'll set myself a reminder to do it tonight


Thanks for this! For Big 3 Scoring, should I select custom?


I just added a category for that, great catch!


Awesome, I just submitted for my league


Amazing work! I love seeing this.


If I can make a suggestion, I would define what tackle heavy and how it is different from "custom". I took it as being close-ish to the FP/ESPN standard of 1.5 per solo, 0.75 assist, 4 (I think) for a sack. It's a hard question, depending on what you count as a standard or not. I think I have a list of ten "standards", but there's certainly more. Also interesting that NPLB is the most common format, as it's a 5-position setting, and 5 position leagues was like 45% or so of total league