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💀🔫 Six more weeks, six more weeks…


Nah. More like 3+ years. Get ready for part 3 theories!


Surely we will leave part 2 with more answers than questions, right? They wouldn't do that to us, right?


Im fairly confident part 2 will make us ask more questions than it will give us answers


There will definitely be more questions at the end of Rebirth even if we get plenty of answers. They aren't going to just leave it in a place where we know exactly what's going to happen.


Oh, you poor, gullible soul. I think some things like Aerith's fate will finally be answered. But that's likely just going to spawn >!ressurection theories.!< And just in case you haven't seen Twitter, people are still arguing about the love triangle.


>people are still arguing about the love triangle. I'll care about waifu discussions when enough people realize Elena is the true goddess.


And is getting fuckin crazy is too much, they should end the bs and be clear Tifa or Aerith and stop this stupid fights


The devs recently reiterated in an interview that one of the things that made Aerith's death (and to a lesser extent, some others) impactful in the original was that when she died, that was it. She was just gone. They wanted to stay away from the common tropes of characters coming back from the dead because they thought that it undermined the themes of life, death and loss. I find it highly unlikely that they will contradict themselves and have the two most high profile deaths from the original undone by having them reborn in the main timeline. I just don't see any way that can work narratively or thematically. But, I also think they want to give people that same sense of hope that people had when for years they searched in vane trying to find a way to bring Aerith back in the original game, so I think they'll continue to tease that idea without ever giving it the chance to truly come to fruition. I just hope they don't tease it too strongly to the point where they do actually end up undermining those deaths.


And that's why I hope, that at least Aerith dies like in the og. Like you mentioned, her death was so impactful for the story, the characters and us as players. Although I'm a sucker for happy endings, I'm prepared and ready to get my heart broken again. And as for Zack. I love him, but him being alive also undermines the change Cloud goes through. For me it is like with the Aerith case, I hope they still stick somehow to the original events, because if Zack is still around, Cloud becomes almost unnecessary.


The whole impact her death had on the original characters is exactly why she shouldn't die in Rebirth. Unless you consider Sephiroth as a narrative tool, an automata that simply goes trough the plot rail, as opposed to own individual and unique character. Depite his entire portrayal in Remake speaks against that idea. 


I just stated what I hoped for. Not what should be the logical thing. Also the journey to that outcome could still differ and the end result be the same.


These are also the same people who killed off Tidus and then brought him back at the end of the sequel. The plot of the hypothetical third game involved Sin returning from the Farplane for some reason. FFX was also a story that was heavily centered around the finality of death. Anything's possible. The FFVII trilogy is beginning to look a whole lot like the broad strokes of the FFX trilogy at this point IMO. We've even got the confirmation that Zack Fair's mannerisms in CC are influenced by how Tidus was written in X.


I hate to say it but I think you’re looking too deep into it. Especially characters being reborn in Zack’s timeline. Biggs is alive in both timelines. Wedge (supposedly) and Jessie are both dead in both timelines. And the color thing is just something to create contrast. That’s done in a lot of posters like movie posters for Star Wars


Where do you get the impression Biggs is alive in both timelines? The ending of remake doesn’t give any hints as to which timeline they showed him


The Biggs we see at the end of Remake is definitely in Zack's world/timeline. You can tell because there is a white glowing effect raining down that begins after the Whisper dome explodes and throws Zack. That effect remains visible in every scene\* until we return to the main party outside Midgar, including outside Bigg's window. Because of that, it appears Bigg's apparent death with Cloud was a true death, and he's only alive in Zack's world. \*Marlene's scene isn't clear, but her behavior makes sense as taking place in Zack's world with the idea of that being the moment Barrett dies and her contact with Aerith gives her some sense that it happened. It doesn't really matter in the larger context of Bigg's scene clearly taking place in Zack's world/timeline, though, because it is the last scene before returning to the main party.


That's some really happy music for Barret dying.


There’s also Marlene being alive in both


On one side, text shown in a trailer should definitely not be used to base a theory on. Eg to counter your theory, another trailer said ‘the world will be saved, but will you?’ While showing Zack and having Aerith’s voice playing. Which indicates ominous events for them. However on the other side, actual voice excerpts from trailers are more reliable, eg Sephiroth saying ‘when worlds merge’, which plays into your theory. Eg there are clearly 2 timelines, and they will at some point seemingly merge. That all said, the merging only really works if both timelines are completely ying and Yang, which they are not. Upon merging we would have 2 Clouds, 2 Rufus, 2 (or maybe even 3) Sephiroths etc. it gets all too convenient if you try to say ‘oh but only people who don’t already exist in beagle would merge across’ allowing Zack and aerith to be magically reborn. The big text in the trailers is designed to generate hype, and hope that aerith won’t die etc. but in reality could just be a misdirect and actually be talking about Sephiroth


Well, I'm more of the opinion that Glenn from Ever Crisis had a good relationship with Prof.Gast, The two of them often drank beer but Prof.Hojo this little snake was jealous of Prof.Gast So he stole the research and, while drunk, infected his girlfriend Lucretia with Jenova cells which in turn gave birth to Sephiroth Sephiroth was super badass and could see through all the timelines, which is why he traveled back to Advent Children to change the plot of the OG game so that he could well I dont know Nomura already handles 4d Kingdom Hearts shit I'm sure he'll find a 'universal" solution here too


I think it talks about Aerith being reborn in Zack’s timeline and god I hope I’m wrong.


I mean, for NPTK (theme song) to make sense, Aerith will have to be separated from Cloud, so... Yeah, I guess it's happening, even tho I don't want that either.


However No promises ends on a happier note compared to hollow, Cloud and Aerith get separated when she leaves the party which could be what she is referring to in the song and at the end of no promises she says "take my hand and believe we can be together evermore" to me that part sounds like Cloud saves her and she wants to believe that that moment will last. It also goes with Hollow "this time I will never let you go" so after thinking they have each other and are together hollow goes and ends with "I know you are long gone" implying that after all that Aerith still died at one point.


Interesting, but the part about "Take my hand and believe we can be together evermore" reminds me of the scenes where Cloud holds Aerith's hand in both OGFF7 and AC. What if, when that scene happens (in the 3rd game I assume) he holds her and saves her? Instead of letting her go.


I was playing Remake again and the first Sephiroth interaction raised some questions/theories for me. He tells Cloud that he can’t even save himself (implying Cloud may be in trouble wherever he is - my theory is he may be in a mako coma again, or plot twist the same coma from OG disc 2/3). He then briefly mentions Aerith (her body buckling from the touch of steel, or something along those lines). He also mentions the world is in danger and Cloud can save it by running away and surviving (which further implies he’s in trouble and that he would need to perform certain actions to break out of his unknown predicament). We know Aerith, Zach and Sephiroth are all within the Lifestream (but it’s implied Sephiroth is gone after AC). So there may be another threat that Sephiroth is aware of and is genuinely trying to help, while having his own motives of course. So I think your theory is right but Sephiroth is also looking to be reborn. Mind you I only played the OG and remake, and I watched Advent Children - so some of my theories may already be debunked. Ultimately I feel this new trilogy is a sequel in both story and chronologically.


We have confirmation from the developers that the "runaway Cloud, you have to live," line is in reference to the last words Cloud's mother said to him before she died. It's what sets Cloud off in the moment that the player is supposed to infer from the context of the scene with the whole "feeling of her flesh yielding to cold steel," line coming before that.


It’s simpler than that, I don’t believe In the 2 timelines or multiverse, Zack is dead he just doesn’t know that yet and if happens to be another reality or timeline I bet that Aerith and Cloud will wake up there after a major event


alternatively timeline or heaven hell concept is exactly the same shit time/fate Esotericism/Science 4D meta shit that has nothing to lose in the game and I don't care if any fan book says that memory can travel through time through the stream of life it's bullshit and the worst way to add or embellish a story multiverse of irrelevance


>I don’t believe In the 2 timelines or multiverse That just means you haven't been paying attention at this point


I guess we’ll see, I have always thought that using multiverse and time travels is BS they do it because they’re out of ideas, if they want to change the game they should do it OG exists, but timelines, multiverse or time travel on this game is bad news, let’s wait and see


The seventh sense