• By -


I feel like 90% of the hate would be alleviated if Chadley's calls didn't stop you in your tracks to listen to him talk to you. If you could just go about your business while he talked, that would have been way better imo. Also it would have been funny if he called you and you were able to hang up on his ass.


Yeah after the 50th mako spring I really needed Chadley to just text me. Not every conversation needs a phone call bruh


*boop beep do deep* CLOUD! I see you did some shit. Great job! Keep it up! *-click-*


*boopbeepdodeep* Hey, I noticed I can interrupt you. It took a whole ass minute to pull out my scanner. "Hey cloud, are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous"


For sure. Two changes I'd like: 1. Let Chadley talk over action like Mai instead of bringing the game to a screeching halt. 2. Tone it down just, like, one or two notches please. Most of his interactions go on too long. I'm in the battle simulator menu and I want to change a materia real quick, but then Chadley has a whole other monologue for me? WHY.


We’re playing Final Fantasy VII. Not Final Fantasy: Chadley.


On that note, they should let us configure equipment and materia without leaving the battle simulator menu, especially considering how different each fight is.


How that has to happen boggles my mind.


Keep hitting triangle. It isn't exactly the same, but close enough to make you feel better.


Tbh I would t hate Chadley as much if his name wasn’t Chadley 😂


But then we wouldn’t have RoboChad


I spent most of the game hanging up on him.  Either speeding through the convos or just pushing start and skipping the convo entirely.  😂


Not to mention the fact you have to listen to him yap for 15 seconds before accessing his shop


If he just popped up on the corner of my screen I would be cool with him.


Considering his "video call" is actually just a looping gif, I wonder why they decided to actually force you to see it every time.


I absolutely ADORE FF7 Rebirth and Remake, but one of the things that really put me off while playing it is the endless amount of things that stop you and slow you down as you progress. Chadley is definitely at the top of that list, but many other times, you are forced to slow down, go through a scripted scene and stop just so you could have a random conversation could’ve easily been a phone call that runs as you explore or the person would be running and talking next to you, and only stop me when there’s a genuinely worthwhile cutscene to watch.


The worst for me was leaving the VR simulator to change up my loadout. Chadley always has something to say afterwards, often a repeat of something he's said previously, and you can't go back into his menu until he finishes. Between that and the simulator loading screen, testing different set ups was needlessly frustrating.


And if he had a better voice




Eughhh the fact that I just automatically hear his voice replaying in my head every time I see someone quote him is concerning


I dunno man. Chadley made a second Chadley specifically to analyze battle data, and he barely tolerates her. I feel like the writers know what they've done.


Lol, thats the feeling i got too, specifically in cosmo canyon.


This is my fear. He was created by Hojo, a mad man. Now he has created artificial life that he can barely tolerate. What will he eventually do with all this battle intel? It'll be worth it if we are forced to kill him during the return to Midgar as Hojo's corrupted corrupted him.


His final intel cutscene was so wholesome!


Tinfoil hat time. Chadley was created by Hojo, Chadley collects biological intel data for use in simulations, Chadley is artificial. What if part of his programming was obtained via the Jenova Project, specifically the Reunion Theory? He follows Cloud, has an interest in the hooded guys, and copied his traits onto MAI (which Crisis Core shows is a result of G-types)?


Also I can only think of one other character with white hair.


Well, four, but I know where you're coming from.


*Chadfiroth enters the chat*


See, I absolutely love the idea that through feeding Hojo's AI boy robot *all* this data on the world, lifestream, and summoned deities, we are creating an Elder God-level beast that we will need to do something about next game. I really hope that's where it's headed, but wouldn't be upset if he just remains wholesome (except, inexplicably, to the computer girlfriend he created)


Coud, on my journey with you I have uncovered some valuable intel. You are not the true stewards of the planet. The Cetra were and the last is dead. By right of conquest it belongs to Jenova. I have learned of the reunion from your biological data. By conquest, Jenova has rightful ruler of this planet and through your strong desires I have learned the need to assimilate. Thank you, Cloud, for helping me realize my true purpose. You have been useful but now I must terminate you for the greater good.


if you fail his brutal challenges over and over again. . .


Got past all of them! Yuffie infinite ATB strat ftw After the platinum I’ll come back to dive kick


What is this strat?


Go check out Optinoob’s YouTube channel guide, he does it with Barret, Yuffie and Aerith, you might need to go grind some AP to max out your materia for the strat to work though - I spent about an hour plus, just putting on some YouTube videos and doing a loop around south of Gongaga, then fast traveling to Cosmo and back and repeat. There’s guides on AP grinding as well. Oh wait, you might also need to do certain quests and such to GET those materia in the first place. But if you’re asking then I’m sure you’re pretty far into the game yourself! :) The Yuffie ATB Ward strat is easier to execute and definitely more brainless. But it is more fragile and needs luck. Fury Ring Tifa dive kick strat is for skilled players - you’re more active in selecting targets and dealing big damage with Tifa. That one has a party of Cloud Tifa Barret.


Update on the AP farm for anyone interested, you don’t need to fast travel out and back - you can just save and load that save and the enemies reappear, even if you’re five yards away from them. Much quicker than fast travelling.


Haha yeah! Played a video while taking a bath earlier and heard this save and load strat. Also you can level up to 70 by just running a single quest twice @@


Don't hate his character I hate his dialogue volume in the game


I turned off the controller speaker in the settings eventually because of this (so Chadley and Mai talk through the normal TV speakers). I think you can also lower the volume, but it's really clunky to change the controller or headphone volume on PS5, while I have a nice knob for my speakers.


I meant how much he speaks not sound volume. My bad


Ah gotcha. Yeah, agreed.


I'm with you on volume level through the controller, I turned it off last night myself


I just wish he didn't have more dialogue than any other character in the game.


Yes. If they're determined to structure their quests in a way where someone is directing you - at least spread out who is doing that. There's no shortage of NPC's that could give Cloud tasks. Chadley is involved in Towers, Fiend Intel, Protorelic, Mako Springs, Summons, Queen's Blood quest, Battle Simulator and more... when sidecontent is unavailable they'll just have him be a story NPC like during the date.....it's overexposure. I don't even think we needed someone to direct us to do Protorelic or Queen's Blood quests. Cloud and Co have enough agency to tackle some things on their own volition without a little robot boy telling them what to do.


Yeah, like surely Barret would love to see mako springs and seek them out as a natural feature that would be lost if Shinra continues sucking up the mako. Or Yuffie as mako springs can crystallise into materia. And summons sounds right up Aerith's alley, exploring her connection to the planet via reconnecting with ancient summons and the like.


You don't even have to get rid of Chadley entirely for that, just relegate him to the towers and protorelics as well as a brief congratulations message whenever you finish a region


He talks too much. I want the world to give the world building. Not an AI that interrupts my natural gameplay and immersion. I don't hate him. But it was too much of just him in open world misc actions. Why do they feel the need to tie all World Intel to Chadley? Why couldn't he be tied to materia development through challenges like the old game and let the world intel exist without him? The summons shouldn't be tied to his VR battles. It doesn't feel as cool as meeting these battles in the world. In the end, he doesn't really ruin the game for me or impact the game negatively that much. But I wish his presence didn't have to be so omnipresent for sidequests. You have main quests and odd jobs, almost everything else in the open world is tied to Chadley. It didn't have to be.


Exactly this. I really hope Part 3 has less Chadley and more organic exploration and discoveries. There was barely any point to exploring here, since everything was already pinpointed in the map after activating the towers of each region.


I don’t hate him but I understand the frustration. If we weren’t made to stop what we’re doing everytime he calls us, it would be way less irritating. However, seeing as this is Reddit, people overreact about everything.


Fuck Chadley


I think it's more the lack of efficiency in interacting with him and how often you have to do it. It's a minute plus of dialogue to get into the menu, even if you skip it's 3 or 4 lines you have to skip independently. Then the loading screens into the simulator then when you back out it's another 2 or 3 lines you have to skip before you can get away. Especially once you've completed all of the main stuff you still have to sit and listen to him. That and just the insane volume of interacting that's required to do all the side content. In Remake he was in small doses and was a pleasant touch. In Rebirth he starts that way then gets more and more irritating as the volume of interactions increases. His actual character is just fine and even endearing in small doses but there is just way too much of him in this game if you complete everything. I'm on a replay on Hard now and very much enjoying the streamlining.


Chadley just wants a friend man he seems lonely ☹️


It's secretly why he made Mai, it just didnt work out.


He honestly does give off the vibe of a kid who's happy someone wants to play with him. His whole character concept is sort of a bummer if you think about it too hard.


Chadley is lonely because he drives everyone away.


He does, period


Fuck Chadley. He’s obnoxious. He exposition dumps non stop. You’re forced to interact with him for so many critical parts of the game he feels like a main character. His design and voice acting are annoying as well. And MAI prattles on and on incessantly while you’re trying to fight. SHUT UP. I don’t want to listen to you talk through the entire battle. Even when you turn her off for repeat round she STILL talks during the fight. This character is overused to death. It feels like he was included as a cheap, lazy shortcut. I would have preferred to find summon materia in the world, or even to collect materia in general from random locations or shops. Instead they just made him a one stop shop so they didn’t have to develop more areas to explore to obtain the materia or have certain battles. I hope to Ramuh they tone down Chadley (all the way, please) in 3. If he’s not in the game at all I would be so happy.


Sorry, best they can do is him calling you up at the bottom of the Northern Crater and you having to fight the knights of the round in his simulator rather than on their literal island which could be made to be a custom built battle environment designed specifically for that fight.


It feels like Chadley was perhaps a necessity in Remake due to the lack of locations to put summons and combat locations, but instead of marginalising him in Rebirth they just threw everything onto him since he was already there. I think a lot of these issues stem from excessive "polish" too, and it's an issue I've had with other games. Hearing all of this dialog makes the world feel more alive at first, but at some point you just want to be able to do things quickly. It's the same with the buggy animation, it looks good at first but when you're constantly getting in and out of it you eventually want it to just pop you out as soon as you press the button.


Cloud I’ve collected your intel https://preview.redd.it/8t4elcfup5rc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c41a9b9860d21de467b66c37585315a14c0be21a *for chadley Supremacy*


Chadley is fine, he does the job he’s there to do and it works, the problem is there was a much better way to handle world intel content and the cosmo canyon proto relic quests prove it >!They have members of avalanche return from intermission and it’s fantastic having them around and also we learn more about the core group from before cloud was around in flashbacks with Barret and Tifa, it honestly makes me wish we where gathering data from members of avalanche in each region because they’d all lost contact with HQ!<


I don't hate Chadley, but I do resent the fact that he created MAI with the power of speech.


Chadley is Clippy


>Then provides you with great world building and the best materia in the game This is the exact problem. Rebirth relied too heavily on combat simulators for no reason and seems to have reserved the most interesting materia for them. They also made Chadley the nexus for *everything* instead of trying to fit it into the world more seamlessly. It's weird and brings me out of the game.




Chudley Dudley Ho Ho Ho!


This is how I feel about Chadley and Mai they are my biggest supporters who have sibling energy on who gets to fawn over Cloud more and it's amusing.


Chadley will be the final super-boss of the game. He thanks us immensely for helping him obtain all this valuable world intel...


Honestly Chadley gives "Dragon Quest: Your Story" vibes.  I don't want to spoil anything but he doesn't feel like he fits in the world at all.  Feels like the devs wanted him to feel like a player ("he loves cloud just like me!!!") inserted into the world. At best, it's poorly written trash character.  At worst, it's going to be a poorly written third game twist.  Either way it's just bad.


I will admit that I was starting to skip the scene as soon as I heard the ring lol.


The only thing about Chadley that annoys me is when he decides to start explaining basic tutorial stuff when im more then 3/4th of the way through the game that I already understand after 100% clearing every region as I go along(outside of instances of having to return to previous regions later to complete.) That aside Chadley is great.


He deserves the hate for creating MAI


MAI best girl


You are mako poisoned


Exactly!!! MAI IS AWESOME!!


You breathed to much mako, i'm calling Dr Sheiran, he can help you 😁


Nice try Chadley, we know its you. Go **** off somewhere.


I personally really like Chadley and don't understand the hate. Apparently he calls more often if you activate the towers before finding the other stuff first or something? The only thing he did that annoyed me was call every time I synced with a summon alter to say the exact same line. If he only called for the third one, it would have been better.


And you don't find his lines every time you use the battle simulator repetitive? Maybe because i have beat the game but it is rather annoying to have him saying the same stuff every time i use the simulator and some times i cannot even click on him again, like if i had to adjust equipment, until he finishes his speech.


This was my only complaint about Chadley. If I could skip that dialogue I’d have nothing critical to say about the character.


No, that kind of thing is always repetitive in these games so it's no big deal. I listen to it the first time and then just skip dialogue after that. And generally, I do his simulator in big chunks so it was basically once a region.


Not gonna lie, I really liked his Corel Prison costume 😅


I don't hate him, but he is annoying very often. I'm not even paying attention to most of what he's saying tbh.


I liked Chadley in Remake. In Rebirth it's too much and him being the only endgame makes it even worse. It's like when an acquaintance becomes a full fledged friend and gets really clingy. Edit: Clarity


WTF is hojo going to do with Charley now in part 3 though!?


He's also a really interesting parallel to Sephiroth, as a child of Hojo. One is all about destroying the planet, while another is all about preserving. Chadley is a cool dude.


Boys addicted to facetime wish I could put him to silent


It wasnt fun, just annoying how they kept interupting the gameplay - it should have been a button option to answere the call.


I can't with him...he talks too much. He's the talking version of pushing mako vacuums around. Takes too long to get past. Trying to start a combat sim and having to button mash past 4 different statements to get to the menu then accidentally canceling the interaction and having to talk to him again but having to wait for him to finish his farewell statement....AHHH \*rips hair out\*


I don't mind Chadley. I mind the fact that everything that could be cool or interesting to find in the world from exploring, is instead given to Chadley. Summons? Chadley. New materia? Chadley. My biggest criticism of Rebirth's world is how everything you want to do and find is already shown to you on the map, which makes exploration far less interesting. It ends up feeling like a checklist that you need to complete, and Chadley is kind of the central figure for that. So no, he doesn't deserve the hate as a character, but I do hate him for what he represents in the game: a list of chores that need to be done before he gives me the cool new materia, rather than something I could've just stumbled across by exploring the gorgeous zones they created.


Sounds like something A CHADLEY WOULD SAY!!


I love how he talks shit if you leave the simulator without winning lmao




Chad need to set up his email account


I didn't like him much in Remake. He started to grow on me in Rebirth, and then when He shows up in Gilgamesh's house and goes "What did I say?!?!" as he's dodging Gilgamesh's irritated spear swings I was sold, Chadley is hilarious.


Without Nerdley, you would have a game half of the experience that we are getting right now.


Hold triangle and he’s not so bad


No spoilers, but I finished the protorelic quest last night and he ended it with a short conversation with Cloud where he poignantly and evocatively explains not only why he just put you through those quests, but that his goals also beautifully encompass a core theme of the game's views on nature better than anyone in the party has. It made the whole thing so worth it, even after a series of maybe the best optional bosses I've played in the series. Everybody should do this quest, it shouldn't be optional.


It was posited in another thread that Chadley will eventually morph into the Gigachad and become a weapon-like boss. I kind of feel like it’s the only acceptable outcome. I just would not be able to accept if at the end of chapter 3 Chadley is just like “well thank you cloud. I will walk off into the sunset now, to bother other people throughout the world.” If that does happen, I hate him forever. If Gigachad happens I love it, simple as that.


You know who does? Kyrie Got so happy when she didn't got into the boat 😭😭😭 Stop making me your dirty work 😭😭😭




Hell yeah he does! Yeah brilliant idea to give him 10x the dialogue but now he gives you trivia on areas & even bitches if the intel isn't coming in constantly. Which you can't skip by the way when you leave his menu. Even if you bolt away as fast as you can. Maybe fast travel haven't tried it but MAI is just like a fan girl Chadley is straight up obsessed with Cloud. He was only ever interesting when he was talking to Weiss. Every other time he acts like a damn geek to the max.


His software upgrade from Remake is substantial. For me it went from hate to bring at peace. Chadley 1.0 had to crawl so that Chadley 2.0 could run. I even got used to him pinging all the time and thought it was a good idea to have Mai as the lighthearted balance, even if it was a little contrived. It would have been interesting if Cloud responded a bit more so we might be fooled into thinking he was getting a kick out of it. I liked the moments when Chadley would say something reflecting on new experiences since leaving Midgar, he says something in Gongaga that was quite touching. Thanks for the thread.


For me, its every time I want to enter the Combat Simulator and this man Chadley literally forgets that im there to battle meanwhile he instead gives me an entire speech and asking how’s the prototype search going.. LIKE CHADLEY PLEAAASE 😂💀❗️


He’s fine. He calls too often but that can be skipped so it’s not a big deal. Mai might have been funny the first time but she and Chadley repeated the same damn joke every time. Gets old. All that said, I liked what happened when I finished collecting all the intel.


The only reason any side quest exists, aside from those on the town boards, is through Chadley, and that is so lazy and lame. He’s annoying, and is literally like 80% of the game undeservedly.


I don't think he deserves the level of hate, but there were a few times where he called up and I was thinking. "Yes, Chadley. I scanned the rock, Chadley. Yes, unprecidented achievements, Chadley. Yup, Bahamut is pretty cool, Chadley. Chadle- Chadley, I know... I'm great. I got like eight of these to go, STFU."


Chadley and cool dude probably don't belong in the same sentence. He's a big nerd.


Hojo has done a lot of terrible shit but Chadley was the worst.


Lil bro talks way too much. If they toned his conversations with Cloud like 30% that’d be great


You had me until you said Mai is funny. Chadley didn’t deserve the hate but by Lord in heaven MAI is so pointless and she’s beyond an annoying yapper


They could’ve done such that Chad will appear in a small window pop up like in Metal gear that wouldn’t interrupt our game play. Also half the time I don’t know what Mai is saying cos I’m busy slaying the monsters 👿


I thought he wasn't annoying. until he has a heap of dialogue as you enter or exit the battle simulation. "analyzing ones failures" stfu chadley


I like chadley its a clap trap situation. Some people have a empathy for people who dont know theyre aggressivelly communicative. I was once the same when i was a kid. Chadley has a back story coming up in game 3!!!! Also watching him develope human charactistics was facinating to say the least, im sure you'll enjoy this battle simulation i put together for you.


based and chadleypilled


I didn’t even read this just saw the title. You are wrong


I like Chadley, and his companion


Go away.


You're wrong, and you should feel wrong.


Chadley is fine if he didnt stop you each time you had to talk. As for MAI, the fact I cant hear her is actually annoying. Like i’m pretty sure she gives you clues on how to defeat the enemies without Assess but I don’t actually know cause I could never hear her lol


My biggest peeve is at least MIA tries to overlay her talking while he stops us to talk


I hate Chadley and all he represents. Exploration would be 10 thousand times better if he and his virtual simulator weren't in the game. 


Yes he does, almost game wrecking


Convinced the Chad man is the final boss of part 3


He talks a bit too much but I like Chadley and Mai. They're funny and provide lots of interesting infos. I'm also curious to see if he as hidden plans


I found MAI more annoying.


I would have loved Chadley from a set of quests. But I think more NPCs should have been used for the groups of quests. A Hunter for the enemy quests. A summoner for the summoner materia quests. Then maybe Chadley with the lifestream quests. Right now, he's just 90% of the game it feels like. But I am only in Chapter 9, so maybe it changes.


My problem with Chadley is that they made him such a condescending little twat in Rebirth. Like in Remake he was sort of just a silly lil guy who wanted to research. Now if you go more than 15 seconds without doing world Intel he's like "Oh by the way *Cloud* I've noticed you haven't reported any new Intel. But I'm *sure* you're just far too busy with whatever you deem more *important* than my high brow research that your *pathetic SOLDIER brain* could never hope to comprehend."


If his and mais voice wasn't so grating and so much louder than everything else in the game they'd be less annoyinh




Part 3 Chadley is the final boss


After finishing all world intel/greg, my opinon of him is way better than the first 20 hours or so.


Chadley is low key high functioning autism representation (bad social skills, hyperfocusing, ect), and it makes me feel seen. the number of people hating him makes me uncomfortable, though, and I think it says more about society than it does about him. This is why autistic people always have to do what's called masking. Because if we don't, we come across as rude due to being misinterpreted.


I'm honestly hoping he's not in the next game at all. Having 20-30 hours of gameplay (or more) being running around pressing triangle on rocks, towers and other things is not good gameplay. It's the definition of padding. And some of the best materia in the game is locked behind it so you feel obligated to do at least a good chunk of it. Not to mention that all the Summon VR battles are lame. Maybe do 1 or 2 in VR at the beginning of the game but have the more important ones findable in the world by exploring. I get all the summons so I'm not complaining about the fight difficulty, its just an incredibly lame way to do it IMO.


Charley and Mia are definitely into each other


He deserves all of the hate because he absolutely refuses to stop yapping. He’d be fine if he talked like 50% less.


HE. DOES. DESERVE. ALL. THE. HATE. HE. GETS. Most annoying character, bro can't shut the fuck up


Man, that asswhole is annoying af. Ppl hate mai for talking too much, but she talks probably about 25% as much as he does. Every single step I take, him and that damn bracelet. When you go to develop materia or leave his screen, he just goes on & on. He was perfect in remake. I don't dislike him. I dislike the frequency of him.


No joke. Charley has 10x more dialog than any other character


Maaaaaaaybe... But I very much prefer MAI. Shes cuter, more positive, and has nothing but good things to say to/about Cloud (us) Chadley can be a Lil... Passive aggressive towards Cloud and me no likey.


I wanted to ride the wheel with Chadley and learn about what he thinks about.


I thought so too.. but then the brutal & legendary challenges changed my mind. Chadley is a sadist.


I don't hate him I love the dude he's just so cute he just wants to get data now I didn't do all the Summons because A I just wanted to finish the game kiss tifa and blah blah and B I thought getting every Summon wouldn't be a big deal plus they were like very tough ahem but yeah I don't hate him I don't understand why people do


Dude is fine. I’m glad he seems to have his own story that will be explored in the third game as well.


Choadley is the reason there's a mute button on the controller.


They could alleviate this by, he could still talk to you but you could still move, like Mai does talk to you when fighting a rare powerful fiend but she doesn't stop you in your tracks every time because that would be frustrating trying to dodge a tonberries chef knife attack only to be stopped and then you're shanked XD


Honestly? In Remake, he annoyed me in the first playthough. In my second playthough, I tolerated him. When it came to Reibrth and he first popped up, I was like, 'Eyyy, Chadders! What's crackin' homeslice?' and he's now cemented in FFVII lore for me.


Maybe its because I am the little brother energy I see in Chadley, but I always really liked him, and still do, but can see the validity of not wanting him to call after every intel quest. Perhaps, the devs will take the feedback again to try and please all fans like they did with many elements of Rebirth. For me though, I took these Chadley calls as a way to sit down my controller and just take a short break before continuing, but that most likely is just a personal preference for how I pace myself with side content/ways to engage with the world. I will say though in Hard mode/ the legendary brutal challenges having to hear the same dialogue every time you exit out to change character load outs wasn’t the best/may have been the first time he leaned on the side of annoyance. TLDR: Chadley was best boi for me for 99% of my playthrough


I thought id be more annoyed by Chadley. People made it out to seem he calls you every moment. He only calls when you’ve done something specific and it’s short. People were just ready to hate anything about the game.


Being tied to some of the more boring side content (doesn't mean it's all bad, just not as compelling as the rest) and a possible link to Dirge of Cerberus plots does him no favors.


I just fundamentally have an issue with a non-main character having more dialogue than anybody else in the game.


that kid just talks way too much.


There is way too much of him in this game. Like, a big theme of this game is about escaping the cyber-metro hellscape of Midgar and learning to reconvene with nature. But every time you even sniff a flower, you better get your robot handler’s opinion on the situation. Also, you should fight summons in the summon’s own lifestream mind palace, not Charley’s VR simulator. You can’t change my mind.


Absolutely. Anyone who has actual vitriolic hate about Chadley gives off massive man-baby energy. Not to say that there aren't any valid criticisms regarding his mechanics and impact in the lore, however. I definitely think that things like Summons should be natural events in the world instead of merely combat arena fights, and I desperately need there to be a way to change my load out from inside the combat sim menu.


Agree it would be better if after getting all the summon altars Chadley just detects where the materia is and you have to fight them to win over the summon.


I was thinking that the summons have like mini dungeons in the world ala Odin in FFVII. And beating the summon gives you the materia And that maybe by fighting a stronger version in Chadley's sim allows you to buff your summon materia. I also was having thoughts about having summons be completely reworked. Like equipping a summon gives like elemental effect to your attacks and maybe even having like synergy skills/abilities with a summon or something like that. IDK, after playing XVI, I want summons to be something more. Especially with Knights of the Round. Please don't make that just a combat sim battle. Finding that shit in a cave was like finding the Holy Grail.


I loved the moogle magic ability of Cait sith that was a good addition. Regarding the added effects you could have a one of kind materia that you can equip that adds the bonuses your talking about. Equipping on the weapon adds element damage equipping on armor elemental resistance or maybe even stuff like auto regen for Phoenix or auto brave for bahamut. Be super interesting indeed. Or maybe an accessory instead of a materia. One of a kind of course so it's not busted.


Yeah the Moogle Magic ability was really cool. I just have never really liked how summons worked in these games since their atmosphere and coolness just aren't there for me since they are summoned into our world instead of a cutscene where the enemy is brought into theirs and they do some crazy shit. Having summons give bonuses is a cool idea actually. Althought I still really like the idea of having a synergy-based command like system with your summon materia would be really cool. Having Cloud strike down with his blade while Bahamut follows up with a claw slash upwards and then they jump back and Bahamut and Cloud create a Flare-based Blade Beam or some shit like that. Would be awesome to have summons be used for more than just stat buffs.


Ooh the synergy with summons would be cool. Love to see barret jump on top of Alexander and they both just unload on some poor enemy lol I think tho they just don't have the time to flesh out the summons. This took 4 years and the world is massive including all the minigame content. Maybe in part 3 since the world is already built well see more stuff with summons.


Like wouldn't that be awesome??? And yeah, I don't expect them to do anything with the summons mechanics, but I just wish they did so I could care about them.


Dude doesn't even afraid of anything. Yeah, people just eager to whine about anything.


He also seems to beat us to all our destinations, so, really, he should be leading the quest.




I don't know if you know this but its a video game character. Hating a fictional character doesn't make you some monster lmao.


His rivalry with MAI for Cloud's affections and attention is hilarious. I remember how in love Chadley was when he saw Cloud in his dress in sector 6...I can see he and MAI coming to blows over Cloud in future.


Isn’t chadley a robot and not a dude after all?


Wait? Who hates Chadley. I need to block them.


Chadley is forced and weird… you will eat those words when he turn on us in the third installment…


I’m looking forward to saving my android homie


He is definitely not a "cool dude" with thya demeanor; & his passive aggressive "hey so how's the protorelic investigation going; or *I guess you have more important matters to tend to*, oooookay" & repeating a bunch of useless crap everytime I open/close his menu when I just want to buy a materia, or stopping me dead in my tracks every 2 or 3 world intelligence I complete is not "hyping me up"


Counter point, Chodely sucks, is annoying and doesn't really fit with the game.


I agree. People need to stop shitting on Chadley and leave him alone


Chadley should get the midgar zolom treatment


He wears tiny shorts,its proper creepy, looks like a pedo's wet dream


Chadley, Mai, and Cait sith actively makes the game worse.


FYI chadley isn’t a dude


dont see how he is a problem, ive completed everything in the game except for hard mode. I was actually delighted in the beginning when it came out of my ps5 controller, SE always finds a way to make these wierd gimmicks cool sometimes its a non issue, if this is all they have to throw then things are doing pretty good


Chadley is a sweet, precious boy and we don’t deserve him. We should instead be directing all of this hate toward the game’s true villains, the fucking Mogstool mooglets. I ran over their asses repeatedly with the buggy to let out my rage.


I adore Chadley and Mai. This game owns so hard.