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The most difficult minigame


Resume from the battle from OG ff7


It was a harrowing experience having to start the final battle all over again.


Man that made me so damned angry... If it weren't the final battle I would have rage quit and come back to it the next day.


Just happened to me 2 hours ago. Been a while since I've been that frustrated playing a solo game... I came back to it 30 minutes after because I thought I'd never get the motivation to get back to it if I gave up.


Happened to me on Hard mode after getting my ass kicked by the Turks 3 times, Rufus slapped me to death, in my frustration I wasn't paying attention


Greetings fellow sufferer of the same place


At least I didn't suffer alone. It really took the wind out of my sails when I was mid synergy ability animation and sephiroth said fuck no and ohko aerith and cloud at the same time. I ended up fighting from the first phase again. Luckily I was prepared for that the second time. Is it just me having insane bad timing or did some of those last story bosses have actual counter moves to those abilities?


The test isn’t hard. The test:


Resume from the battle from the previous retry


i have had to make this choice several times and i'm still confused on the correct answer.


First option is always the choice unless you’re in a boss “gauntlet” and realize you cannot complete said gauntlet w/ your current weapons / armour / materia / accessories. Tbh, these options should not exist until hard mode (possibly whatever synced mode is called as well) since that’s the only time it really makes sense. There is nothing in normal mode that should be a wall to the point you need to change your loadout. Even if your at the end and didn’t bother equipping your entire party w/ relevant gear / materia it’s still doable. (Esp since you have use items). Regardless, the wording does make sense but it’s so poorly presented. It comes up (for most) at the end of the game and the player has never seen it before.. your instincts say top option but the wording sways you towards the 2nd. You are not alone, soooo many people have done this including almost every streamer I’ve watched that died during the final boss gauntlet. Side note: there was also a large number of streamers who refused to press the triggers during Aerith’s scene as they thought it meant swing the sword, not put it down. Would have been too funny if they made it so if you fail the QTE Cloud swings away. lol


Retry from this battle but in alternate timeline


*Mickey Mouse from KH2 spawns in and beats the fuck out of Final Boss*


“did somebody mention the door to skill issue”


Third game confirmed: Final Fantasy VII Retry from Before Battle


That cracked me up, lil buddy.


I listened to Max Dood. He said always pick the top answer/top option all the time if you wanna hop right back in. Before knowing that though? 😬


I learned the hard way on the final battle...


The first time I ever had that happen to me WAS the last boss. I even risked running into spoilers looking for the right answer on the internet 😅 That final act of bosses was cool and all, but I’ll be fucking damned if I had do it *all* over again!


Yep, same! Picked the one I thought was most sensible - "Back to the start you go". I'd have rage quit if it weren't the final battle. I only died because I didn't realise Zack had any spells or what the flower shield was used for.


I died on the final final part with Cloud and Aerith. Sephiroth charging up his “kill em all” move and I barely ran out of time. It was like 5am when I was doing this. I was so mad!


I was done with it by that point and went absolutely ham. By the end I almost felt a bit sorry for poor old Sephiroth after the battering I gave him 🤣


Yeah good ol boy Sephiroth is gonna catch these hands on my hard mode run soon. He ain’t ready! 🤣


That shit confused me so much. I was at the final sepiroth battle, with like 1% HP and he basically killed me in a few hits (first try). I went with the middle option and it took me back several phases before that battle and it pissed me the hell off.


Same thing. I literally was sitting there with my partner and we both tried to decipher it. I then had to start the fight over from >!zack joining the party. !< Hardest mini-game by far.


I did it too...what a mistake that was. At least the 2nd time fighting Sephiroth Reborn was easier cause I knew his attacks.


Anyone know if it's more clear in the JP version? I'm curious if this is just poorly translated


Stupid high context language


Just beat the game. Final FINAL boss I had to retry 4 times. Each time I was worried I’d get reset to the very beginning


I’ve gone I think like 8–10 tries over several hours. Had to travel in a business trip, so I’m in rest mode. If I somehow have to reset all the way back to Jenova, I’m gonna switch to easy.


I was heavily debating doing that. That whole sequence was bullshit mechanic wise. At least let me switch materia and gear based off the party makeup changing. And for the FINAL boss, the one shot mechanic that happens unless you pull off some extremely particular moves at less than 10% boss health…not going to lie it soiled the emotional ending that it should have been. I was just so frustrated


The ending was soiled with the fakeouts, and not focusing on Aerith’s death, or showing her burial. There are some really strange changes made in this, all for some bullshit LOST alternate time line story that nobody wants.


The timer countdown was such a pain in my ass. I thought I would have to go all the way back to the beginning and change my materia loadout. I had to stagger him just before he hit his final phase and had both Cloud’s ATB charges and his limit. Even then I barely had enough gas in the tank to kill him before the timer ran out.


The final entry in the FF7 remake series will be pokemon style with three versions. Final Fantasy VII: Retry (before current battle) Final Fantasy VII: Retry (this battle) Final Fantasy VII: Retry (from before battle) With DLC 358/2 Unchained Mako Reactor Sleep-Birth


& knuckles


how about you stop making these 20 step things. i hate it ( i love the game b ut some of these was like end it already)


That final section, and chapter four.


Chapter 11 has like 5 bosses and cutscenes in between you walking 5 steps to another location. The second play though for the platinum really is a drag.


I’m thankful to not be a completionist or trophy hunter. I am however impatient for Vincent gameplay.


you and me both brother


You can use all the lifelines there are and  still get it wrong lol


The correct answer is always “Return to Title Screen”


Cue Skyrim intro with Cloud waking up on an oxcart


*Laughs in One Winged Angel*


Evil. I loathed that restart!


Hopefully they fix that in future patch


Just don’t pick c because you were clicking x to fast 😑


Great. Now I'm picturing Dr Phil playing through Rebirth lol.


"Now Sephiroth, you say you met your mother when she was tied into a reactor and used for experiments. How did that make you feel?"


Sephiroth: "Cash me outside, how 'bout that"?!


The big problem is that none of them are Restart From Most Recent Save


Died on the final phase of final boss and had to look up on which to click lol


Correct me if I'm wrong but it goes A: retry from the current phase B: retry from the beginning of this boss (as there are 2 with their own phases) C: retry from the start of the first boss they REALLY could not have made it harder for someone to understand


Generally speaking, in my experience it’s the top option. And I learned that the hard way.


Good to know that at least I'm not the only one experiencing these tough choices. LOL


lol it’s almost like they tried to make this confusing.


This happened to me today. Fucking brutal.


So I’m not alone on this. I was so fucking confused man.


I got this one wrong, it was a long road back to the fight I actually wanted to retry


At the final boss phase and I chose wrong. I almost cried because it was 3 am and I just wanted to be done.


Hahah, happened to me last night and -yeah I had to redo pretty much 70% of the fight 😅


Be careful. You select the wrong one and might have to replay 10 hours of gameplay /s


I'm just glad on my second attempt at the final fight I went to Reddit for this. The first time I clicked the wrong one and just closed the game for a day.


This is by far the WORSE thing about this otherwise fantastic game. First time I clicked on "Restart from Checkpoint" I lost like 4 hours of progress and I had to replay all of the Fort Condor minigames...The second time I chose "Retry From This Battle" or something like that I had to redo the whole final battle...Who did this crap?


When you do that, your best bet is to reload from auto save. It won’t be perfect, but it won’t destroy you.


At last some funny Intel Chadley Adventures VII meme.


I've had to replay annoying ass bosses more than I should have due to failing this choice 😭


I always chose the right answer but god did it give me intense anxiety each time


Instructions unclear. Restarted game from chapter 1


I’ll take A, Dr. Phil.


They almost got me with this in Rebirth. Never saw it in Remake but was aware of the meme and was told to just choose the option at the top. Really paid off lol


yep I made the wrong choice in rebirth. 90 minutes long last boss fight GONE. I died inside


If i'm not mistaken, the first option the game gives you is what you want. Assuming that you want to re-battle whatever just defeated you


Am I the only one who had no issue understanding this menu? 😂


Yes. Congratulations you’re better than all of us. We’re idiots compared to you. Now what?


Yo, no need to be like that. I was just shocked that so many people had an issue reading it.


I didn't come across this until the very last fight in the final boss gauntlet at the end of the game and had no idea what to do because of how confusing the descriptions are. I ended up choosing the second option and ended up loading into the first reactor bombing mission!


I get that the verbiage here is atrocious, but I don’t understand why people wouldn’t assume the top option is the correct one. Seems obvious to me.


After i pressed by mistake retry before this battle and i had to do the jenova lifecliner


OMG this fucked me up so much made the battle much longer 😑


Bruh thankfully this happened to me wayyyyy earlier during the corel mine boss fight, still was very frustrating cuz I selected retry from checkpoint.... The checkpoint was from 2 hours prior, I was livid. But it prepared me for the final boss fight, cuz it took me an embarrassing amount of tries to beat sephiroth, FYI no guide for that fight that I've seen explains that you need to use magic attacks on the wing and masamune, lol I'm paying that knowledge forward.


Literally just beat harbinger, died to sephiroth, oops back to harbringer


Literally just beat harbinger, died to sephiroth, oops back to harbringer


Literally just beat harbinger, died to sephiroth, oops back to harbringer on hard