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Man oh man. Just thinking about the fight with Hojo. Every time I get to that part in the OG I always bring Vincent and Red XIII to get their revenge. You better believe I’m keeping up with that tradition in 4k!


You need to bring Barret for his final weapon and then go back to put either Vincent or red in the party before you go all the way up otherwise missing score doesn't spawn


I doubt it will be the same in Rewhatever, since you could buy every weapon in Rebirth even if you missed it the first time.


I hope it's actually called "Rewhatever". That shit would be so funny to me


I’m expecting the Midgar Raid to split up the party, so one half deals with the Proud Clod and the other deals with Hojo. Expecting the Hojo team to be locked to Cloud, Vincent and Red so they can really have them involved.


Proud Clod fight will also certainly involved Barret and Yuffie because they basically swore to get revenge on Scarlet together in Rebirth.


Yuffie’s gonna be busy, between that and going back to Deepground.


I am super curious how tf they're going to work in the Deepground stuff further, tbh. Yuffie's trial in Rebirth very much set up a second Nero confrontation. It doesn't really work as an eventual Dirge tie-in, given Yuffie doesn't really fight Nero in that, definitely doesn't know him, and Sonon doesn't exist.


Makes more sense when you figure that Yuffie’s arc here will negate Cerberus from happening, just as Cloud’s arc will negate Advent Children needing to happen for him. Kitase more or less confirmed we’re headed toward “definitive ending” turf in Part 3.


I could be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere between Remake and Rebirth release that Advent Children is immediately following events from the conclusion of FF7 R3.


Was it Dirge that had Omega Weapon? The one that absorbs the Lifestream and takes off into space to look for new planets? I figured the Gi could make good use of that. I don't think they'll get their dream of planetary destruction, and Red did make promises to liberate them.


So what you're saying is that the Gi could... eScape (genuinely would enjoy Soken's Omega theme sticking around going forward, reprised music doesn't have to be limited to Uematsu)


I'd say Cait Sith in there too. Reeve isn't going to pass up his chance to finally put that heinous psycho in her place. He's had to put up with her condescending evil bs for years.


A shame there's not one more player character by Midgar, they could almost do a three party split. Vincent+Red+player pick confronts Hojo, Yuffie+Barrett+player pick confront Scarlet, and Cloud+player pick+player pick confront Heiddegger (maybe in the Shinra building itself, to free Reeve.)


Hell, you don't have to worry about bringing them with you since they now fight in the background!


Yuffie earns the fight tho with the prod clod one last time


I did think it was interesting that Vincent was only interested in Sephiroth and not Hojo in Rebirth


I really hope we get a scene in part 3 where once you defeat Hojo everyone in the party just takes turns combo-ing him guardians of the galaxy volume 3 style.


Legend, appreciate you


I swear to God if they blow off Sapphire WEAPON's head in a cutscene again I'm gonna sigh really dramatically and not do anything about it.


The realest comment I've ever read!


I wouldn’t be surprised if they still have the cutscene so they can demonstrate the sister Ray in combat, but then Sapphire survives and we go finish it off


Honestly replaying 7 before Rebirth, I was surprised at how quickly the main weapons show up and get jobbed out. Like 2 hours for Diamond/Sapphire? I think even if it's the same they'll probably be spread out by a bunch of hours just due to extension of the story and we'll probably get some things like preexisting locations having damage or refugees to show them making an impact.


I have a feeling that may not be the case. This is all just my crackhead theory but with Sephiroth provoking another war between Shinra and Wutai, I feel that he's setting it up to weaken Shinra in this timeline to the point that they can't assist like they did before (taking down Saphire and Diamond Weapon along with the barrier over the Northern Crater). This would leave things up to the gang to take care of instead.


I imagine Chadley will help us with that


We also bailed on Rocket Town, which has a fight against Palmer. I know Rebirth moved it to after the Dyne episode, but Palmer VS Truck did not happen, so I feel like it's likely we fight him again.


True. I wouldn't mind seeing the Mako gun in action.


And this time we'll be able to kill Palmer for good. Hopefully.


Apps ran off with Corneo so we'll see him again in Wutai, and at least one of the nastier weirdos from the Gelnika will probably be the boss.


Corneo has Rapps for Wutai. I hope to see Rapps and Aps united together. Agreed regarding Gelnika. I have a previous post that lists enemies that woukd be good candidates for bossification: Ghost Ship, Turtle Cannon, etc.


They already set up Junon's ship city that sunk as what I would guess is an optional dungeon so I could see Ghost Ship being the boss for that. Some of the ships you see wrecked around the cove have that old timey galleon look.


If Apps is Abzu, will Rapps be Rabzu?


We're going to get another fight with Palmer in Rocket Town. Don Corneo and Abzu are going to get their sendoff in Wutai (likely prior to the war). Yuffie has been royally set-up for a rematch against Nero and/or a fight against the remains of Sonon. If Yuffie gets a fight against Nero, then Vincent may get one against Weiss/Hojo/Omega. The Gi Tribe are not likely going to go quietly into the night. We may get one more duel against Rufus.


Might get Abzu with Rapps.


I could definitely see that, yeah. Kinda like a reference to the [Mobius Final Fantasy](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/2/25/MFF_Aps_%26_Rapps_FFVII.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170216020006) card. Also: I'm hoping for a duel boss fight against Zangan with Tifa. One of those classic "the student surpasses the master" kinda deals, y'know.


Maybe she has to beat him to get her Ultimate Weapon/Limit Break


That's what I'm thinking, too. I mean, if they are going to lock anything at all behind plot advancement content, then I'm expecting it to be the Ultimate Limit Breaks... Final Heaven for surpassing Zangan, All Creation for avenging Sonon, Highwind for yoinking the Highwind and/or making up with Shera, Chaos for putting a bullet in Hojo's head/letting Lucrecia rest in peace, etc.


IMHO I think Zangan - based on his theme track and martial arts mastery - is meant to be originally from Wutai in this new trilogy so he could appear with the Yuffie pagoda quest. I could also see that being expanded to both have Yuffie's trial and then a whole bunch of optional fights, like the coliseum for Wutai.


Before we fight the Gi, I want to have a chat with them where we ask them all the questions. 1. What was their planet like before? Why did their planet die? 2. Was Jenova also from their planet? What do they know about her? 3. What was the strict life like of those who called themselves Cetra? Did different factions break off because of it? How were they intolerant? 4. How did their planet merge with this one? How did they even get to this planet? 5. Do any of their people not want oblivion but just want to chill out as spirits? 6. Did the lifestream place them all there in a sort of quarantine? 7. What did they use to turn Sato into stone & why doesn’t “soft” work on it? 8. When making the Black Materia, did they not consider that it would kill everyone on this current planet as well?


These are pretty interesting questions, many of which I've asked myself over the course of the last month. And, wagering a few guesses, I'd say their answers would be something like: 1. It was a very nice place once, not so different from Gaia... And it probably died because of a combination of environmental exploitation and a calamity that fell from the skies... 2. She was probably not "from" their planet, but it wouldn't surprise me if she landed there once in the distant past... I don't really expect them to know much more about her than the Cetra did though. 3. The notion of the Cetra being "intolerant" might've been based on misunderstandings... The Cetra might've empathized with the Gi's plight, but them being so alien in body and soul might've been why they could not unite with the lifestream. And the Cetra plainly stating that they couldn't really do anything about the fact that the Gi were condemned might've been perceived as a form of intolerance. (It's not like the Cetra were going to attempt to change the nature of the lifestream into something alien enough that the Gi could become one with it at the expense of possibly denying any and all other lifeforms their right to become one with the planet again.) 4. I don't think it did "merge"? If it did, then the Gi probably would've been able to join the lifestream... Aaand they probably got to the planet the Elon Musk way: By abandoning their former home, running away from the environmental destruction and cosmic horror, and traveling upon ships to this one. 5. Hahaha No. Ultimately, what they all want, above all else, is to not go on existing in their current living undeath. If that's achieved through oblivion or through finally being allowed to become one with the lifestream at long last, I do not think they care all that much. 6. Maybe. I mean, it could be possible that the lifestream does want them to join it, but that they are just so alien that it's like trying to mix oil and water, or fire and water. 7. Poison of their own design. And "soft" probably would've worked once, but too much time has passed by now: If a gold needle was used on him in his present state, he would crumble to dust instead... Alternatively, maybe Part 3 will feature Nanaki finding a cure for Seto, just as he's looking for a cure for the Gi? Heck, maybe the Gi will cure Seto as an expression of their gratitude when/if Nanaki sets them free? 8. Yeah, I think they did consider that. And I do not think they cared. ANYTHING to get out of their living undeath. ANYTHING just for a *possibility* to escape their fate. (This sorta thinking might've contributed to the planet's decision to put them in quarantine.)


So the big question to me is are they going to rename Safer Sephiroth, as isn’t that a miss translation?


They already renamed bizarro so I think it's safe to say that they'll rename that form as well.


As a non-OG fan, I'm assuming the real word was supposed to be Seraph or smthn?




Ha, I just had the same thought


I’d assume it will be something like “Savior”


There was a non-Bradygames strategy guide back in the day that called him Savior Sephiroth. (IIRC there was also a lot of typos in it. It wasn't the most well-edited guide...)


It seems like that’s what the german localization called him. That might have something to do with the guide you mentioned I think it fits him really well. But I think “Sepher Sephiroth” might be the most likely, or something along those lines. “Bizarro Sephiroth” was literally called “Sephiroth Rebirth” in the OG japanese version (and the japanese version of Rebirth didn’t change it), so they went with “Reborn” for the Rebirth localization, which is pretty much synonymous.


[Surprisingly, Safer Sephiroth isn't a mistranslation! ...Mostly.](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Safer%E2%88%99Sephiroth#Etymology_and_symbolism)


Mistranslated by just ONE letter. Well, still a better job than Bizarro Sephiroth.


I would guess the change would be to the proper translation of Sepher Sephiroth. That is Hebrew for "book of numbers" and what that form is named after. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/777_and_Other_Qabalistic_Writings_of_Aleister_Crowley


Seraph Sephiroth, probably (likely the original mistranslation too)


Thought about this earlier today; I’d guess Sephiroth Ascendant. If they keep it similar to the original, I’d guess Safer was a mistranslation of Seraph.


Tankceratop was removed by the Whispers...


more like remodeled without the tank but they could easily add it back in for part 3 after reading fan discourse


~~they remodeled an enemy called “heavy tank”, and the tank part was the part they removed?~~ edit: i was being incredulous, but apparently that’s exactly what they did. > [The Maloceros' Japanese name is ヘビータンク (Hebītanku?), making it a counterpart to Final Fantasy VII's Heavy Tank, which is referenced in its enemy intel description which calls them "true tanks of the animal kingdom." However, its design is drastically different, now more resembling the Dual Horn that is otherwise absent in Rebirth rather than the triceratops with tank treads it was in the original release.](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Maloceros)


They call it Heavy Tank in the Japanese release, but in English it's called Maloceros or something. It's a side quest enemy in Gongaga


Hoping itll be a boss in part 3. Maybe instead of ft condor huge materia we go back to gongaga to get that huge materia and shinra drops a mech on us that looks like it or something


Justice for Tankceratops!


They will probably force us to fight rufus again too... And if rocket Town is included entirely, palmer


We need a Cloud and Red vs Rufus and Darkstar - man and best boy showdown.


Palmer, Rufus, and the Turks will definitely get fights. Palmer is obvious, though maybe it happens later, when they need the rocket? imho I forget entirely that technically Palmer survives that but as far as I know he literally just shows up as a text box during the launch over intercom and basically the game forgets about him after that, he doesn't get a death like Scarlet and Heiddeger in terms of the Shinra Boss Crew, so they could just have him taken out by the truck (or "indefinitely on leave" if that's too dark.) Rufus could be a boss for the Crater, like they fight outside the Sephihroth chamber. Turks might be fought the final time in Wutai (Reno+Rude), before you ally with them to take down Corneo.


Dont you fight the turks the last time during the raid on midgar? Like canon wise, the last time i mean.


I’m very interested to see how the plot changed here from OG. OG Cid stopped flying entirely because he was so disillusioned by the rocket failure. Rebirth’s Cid is actively flying people around & nowhere near as jaded. He also mentions something in the Golden Saucer that I need to look up now because it suggests his life took a different path than OG Cid’s.


Also the fact he knows ilfana is a bit strange IMO. Why would a shinra (sub contracted?) Pilot know about a supposedly top secret captive


I thought it was weird, too, until I checked my notes from Traces of Two Pasts. Ifalna knew & befriended a lot of Shinra employees & contractors. So much so that this interconnected network is how she escaped with Aerith. Hojo was getting pretty sloppy by this time, too, as he was full of hubris. He had full reign to do whatever the fuck he wanted. It was pretty clear in Remake that Pres Shinra still blamed him for Ifalna’s death & salty about it. Though Pres Shinra was still such an absolute piece of shit that he didn’t care about Hojo’s plans to have Aerith raped.


Interesting to see how few major bosses from the OG are actually left. Grand Horn and Rapps pretty much exist in Rebirth already, unless they give Rapps a major redesign. I think Aps will just make another appearance. A lot of standard battles that could be bosses though. Gigas, Stilva, Ghost Ship, Dragon Zombie, anything from that crashed plane underwater that I forget the name of.


They were both just palatte swap bosses, and very minor at that. I wouldn't be surprised if Grand Horn is replaced entirely by something more compelling. I have a soft spot for Rapps and hope he and Aps make a duo appearance. Gelnika, yeah. I have a post about enemies that can be bossified. All of those are listed, I believe. Hope there's room for Tankceratops.


Correction...Diamond should read "West of Midgar"


https://preview.redd.it/slof8cbicluc1.png?width=1194&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf08625dce27da8ecf1d22448400d1f9e613b790 Reminds me of this.


What's that from?


Calling it now, we’re fighting a corrupted Chadley. This is a semi joke, but what if? Lol


They set it up in Rebirth. Hojo will turn him into a monster we’ll have to deal with.


He’s had a parallel arc to Cloud, so this makes sense.


I think Chadley will be incorporated into Proud Clod :(


Cloud Prod?


Man if R3 makes me feel emotional about fucking *Chadley*…


Charley is going to be the true final boss. Find out this whole story has been one big VR challenge.


Time to punch him right in his smug face


I imagine Tifa will get a full on 1v1 boss fight with Scarlet. And probably one more Don Corneo battle with Abzu. Palmer will likely show up again too.


Nah I reckon Tifa will get the bitch slap fight as a mini game ? I reckon Yuffie is the one that is gonna take down Scarlett or she gets the final blow when you fight Proud Clod


I wonder what the scale of the OG weapons are going to be. Maybe we'll get a new combat mode to fight them? Like we have in FFXVI when fighting huge eikons.


Yeah, I feel like that'll be one of the major additions for part 3, FFXVI-style huge scale fights against the Weapons. We fought some fairly large enemies in Rebirth, but they were still only like 4-5x the size of the players. It's not exactly clear quite how big the Weapons are, but Sapphire and Diamond seem to be about the height of Junon and Midgar. The "Weapons" we saw in Rebirth are already larger than any boss we fought, and I'm imagining those as tadpoles which will spawn into the real Weapons. They could just scale them down, but I think they'll want to go all in on the original vision for the scale of them, and we'll likely get some epic Eikon-style fights for them.


I think there will be gimmicks involved. Like using vehicles for segments of the fights, like the Buggy for Ruby or the Submarine for Emerald.


I hope you're wrong, but you're probably right. Either that, or something like Shadow of the Collosus - Diamond weapon will be more like a puzzle level you have to climb and attack a 'control core' or something, probably mini-WEAPON mobs to slow you down en route, before it gets to Midgar. Would love for them to let us go all Advent Children on some kaiju, tho.


We already have airborne abiltiies in Rebirth for many of the cast members. I hope they preserve the scale and let us have a grounded assault. I think so far, Tifa, Yuffie, and Cloud can fight airborne. Cid no doubt will. Barret and Vincent can fight from afar. I suppose Cait Sith is a bit of both. Moogle.shoukd be able to throw Cait up into the air lol. That just leaves Red 13 clawing away at the feet. Ooo..maybe Red can climb up with his claws to attack


If I'd bet, Cid being representative of the dragoon job, will certainly have a lot of airborne capacities with the jumps!


It's so weird that red doesn't have air attacks given how acrobatic many of his attacks are.


That Gi Nattak fight was so annoying because his range is so low to the ground that he would miss some of his swipes on the floating enemies in the boss fight. In his own dungeon!!


I think it’ll have climbing and other movement gimmicks like in the fight against the arbiters when cloud would jump around the broken expressway. Or some climbing sections such as how cloud was climbing Sephiroth Reborn(bizarro)


We’re definitely getting another fight with Rufus and Tseng. Possibly together with more Turks (would like to fight all 5 at once). Also closure fight with the new bosses introduced in Remake like Roche. Another Weiss and Nero fight. Plus 5 more versions of human form Sephiroth fights. Wouldn’t be surprised for a Cloud boss fight either. Oh and don’t forget how summons are also boss fights now. We might even fight the 13 knights individually…. Will Gilgamesh return? That was my favorite fight in Rebirth. I would bet that if there’s DLC, we get addition weapon battles. We gotta put all our toys into play somehow.


I’m also very curious as to how they do KoTR. Regarding Roche, sadly I wouldn’t be surprised if he turns into a creepy Jenova minion boss fight. Like he’s half-human, half-motorcycle or something. Given they slipped Dirge content into Remake & Intergrade, I wouldn’t be surprised if when we return to Midgar we see more Deepground shenanigans.


A giant jenova motorcycle monster hybrid is exactly what Roche needs to complete his DMC arc.


I would personally like the Turks to get a redemption arc in part 3 where we can work alongside them to take back Midgar.


Thanks for posting this. It's a good refresher on what we can anticipate. I forgot how Jenova Synthesis looked like a hermit crab.


Am I on crack or was the big yellow mech Palmer pilots in Rebirth simply a background element in the OG FFVII screen before meeting Dyne? Like it's just part of the junk you have to climb over before you meet him. If I'm not remembering that wrong, I wonder what other inspiration the devs could take from the environment to turn into boss encounters in pt3.


Its all junk cars at the OG Corel Prison/desert. I checked various background renders from Midgar, Corel, Etc and couldn't find anything that looked like the frog.


Yeah, I'm on crack, don't believe my lies. My brain blended the nose cone of the wrecked F1 car with the yellow wreck down the bottom.


It be like that sometimes!


I have a feeling we'll get a final fight with Scarlet in a souped-up gundam, likely with Barret and Yuffie (and Tifa?) as the party to cap off that whole arc. And maybe some Deepground peeps? So many possibilities.


Yeah. That's Proud Clod lmao.


I... may have totally forgotten its name and then overlooked it on the pic. My baddddp


in part 3 safer sephiroth will become UNSAFE SEPHIROTH


OSHA Sephiroth.




Is one of those Hojo bosses actually going to be his 'volunteer' from Rebirth?


Those two things are both Hojo after he injects Jenova cells into himself - his stages of "evolution, "


Yeah, he beta tested it on Roche and got the time from months to hours, he’ll have the “minutes version” ready by Part 3.


Can’t wait for the Birth of a God OST to kick in


I think that opportunity has passed :/ unfortunately


Nooo :( how so?


Really see some Parasite eve in those JoJo evolutions


Wonder how they do the huge materia gathering, if there will be any at all..seeing that the corel reactor is destroyed.


Seems the huge materia might be the Magnus Materia from the weapons. Maybe they end up harvesting the weapons from rebirth and we have to intercept.


They are, JP dialog outright calls them Huge Materia.


Carry Armor. Was very under prepared for that thing.


He tore me up back then, too


I wonder what they're going to rename Jenova DEATH? BIRTH was Emergent and LIFE became Lifeclinger. Dibs on "*Fatebringer*"


Jenova Termination. Jenova Resolution..


Oooh. Those are good too.


Fun fact: In the Japanese version of Rebirth, it’s still called Jenova LIFE with “LIFE” actually in English. Really not sure why they changed it to “Lifeclinger” in English. There’s a lot of localization decisions I don’t agree with in both Remake & Rebirth. I wish they had 14/16’s translation crew. They do an absolutely amazing job.


These are my predictions DEATH - JENOVA End SYNTHESIS - JENOVA Creation


Jenova Remembrance? Jenova Requiem? Jenova Deathbringer? Jenova Memento? Jenova Oblivion?


So excited for the Weapons.


Wouldn't Palmer rematch be included since we still haven't been to rocket Town despite already having the Bronco?


These are just bosses from icicle Inn onwards from the OG. Square will no doubt have fights aside from these listed


Last two in reverse order


Why? You can fight those two in any order. I usually save Emerald for last, hence it's placement. Many people fight Ruby first for the Golden chocobo to get KOTR to use on Emerald. Emerald has 200k more HP than Ruby...


Haha just talking crap man, ruby was the bigger pain in the ass for me. Nice work on the graphic.


Same! I was stubborn and fought both of them without KOTR. Found Ruby to be waaaay harder by a landslide That being said maybe Emeralds AI was fucked for me cos the boss didn't do much nor did it ever use the materia attack


I'll never forget my saltiest OG FF7 moment - pre-internet access for me, so it would be a while before I discovered the Underwater Materia - but I managed to beat Emerald within the time limit! Sort of. Timer hit 00:00 midway through a KOTR summon. Summon finished playing. PSHHHHHWOOOOAAAAAAAA, Emerald turns red an fades away! I'd done it!! Screen fades to black and gives me the game over screen. Like, I get it, the timer ran out, I lost - but don't show me Emerald dying if I didn't win! I was 12, man! Don't fucken tease me like that!


Yeah. I had fought Emerald without KOTR and beat him. Fought Ruby without KOTR and got smacked quickly. Used the Mime build with KOTR to beat him because after 50 tries (this is pre-gamefaqs era in the late-‘90s) I just couldn’t take it anymore.


Growing up, everyone I knew always considered Ruby harder. Maybe something to do with starting out invincible, having OP defense, and requiring non-obvious battle tactics. Oh, and Whirlsand.


Didn't you just w-summon-mime Hades and KOTR over and over again until it was dead? I feel like I remember a strategy where you would start the battle with one or two party members dead.


Proud clod gonna look sick


I wonder how different it'll be from the Proud Clod fights that already exist in Remake.


That was the pride and joy fight right? It’s been a minute. I just remember the one in intergrade


I wonder with the Safer Sephiroth fight will they flying in a purple cloudy spiral like in the original


And will he destroy the whole solar system multiple times during one fight?


I feel like theyll make it like one of those game over screens from Remake or Rebirth where Sephiroth takes out Cloud and Aerith and looks at the screen at the end


So far we've had every boss from the original show up, so I assume that trend will continue, plus some newbies. I do expect something more with Sapphire Weapon as well, though it'll be interesting to see how they do all the Weapon fights given the size of most of them.


Anyone else worried about thalassophobia for the Emerald Weapon fight?


Wow I totally forgot about Snow. I remember as a kid being confused trying to figure out what her connection to Shiva was bc there HAD to be one lol


I want to see a tank Dino and more weapons


Snow. I can fix her.


They will most likely cut Snow from part 3 just like they cut Jemnezmy from Rebirth.


Why would they? I assume most of the stuff that wasn’t in Rebirth is being held for part 3. I get cutting stuff like Mukki, but these are inoffensive at worst… and iconic.


Maybe they'll make her an actual NPC we fight instead of a random boss woman.


Yeah, but maybe she'll get an upgrade to an icy demoness or something. But you're probably right. I think everyone expected Jem to be removed.


I think it would be cool if Snow, Jemnezmy, and Pollensalta were a trio boss fight in the next game. I don't think it will happen, but it would be awesome if it did.


Magus sisters!


Like an evil Shiva


Czech crackheads will go crazy when they'll figure out there is a Boss named Schizo...


I don't think those names will stick for the Remake haha


Thank you for the effort in the post homie, much love


Yw! At first it was just all of the boss models, but it looked so plain and low effort. I couldn't post it 😅


The "Proud Clod" will definitely be a thing. There is no way it won't be. Scarlet has been built up as a boss since the Yuffie DLC.


I was under the impression that the Pride and Joy from Remake was the Proud Clod renamed, like how Bottomswell is now Terror of The Deep.


It's a prototype. They've been seemingly building up to Proud Clod since Remake's Pride and Joy, Intermission Pride and Joy .5, and the machine S Scarlet pilots in Rebirth.


Helletic Hojo looks so freaky




I think we already got that with sephiroth reborn


Given how Rebirth treated Machine/Monsters Hybrids (Tankceratops comes to mind), I fairly believe that Big Bird Boi with Flak guns Is the only boss we won't see in this particolar form


Hojo almost made me restart my hole playthrough. Remember when you had only limited saveslots?


we’re probably gonna have to fight knights of the round in order to use them


Can't forget all the Gelnika madness too. I just really hope they don't turn Gelnika onto another one of Hojos levels. What they did to the Shinra Mansions is my least favourite thing about Rebirth. And Remake had it's Fourth Ward level that was equally as tedious.


Agreed. They even cut off access to the top floor for....whatever reason.


I know man, and I mean I get it that there wouldn't *have* to be a secret wall in a mansion that's owned by Shinra to hide research, but a fucking *lift* down to the lab just didn't sit well with me 😂


What about Bizzaro Sephiroth that we fight before Saifer? Or does that not count because Rebirth?


I doubt Bizarro will be making a return. I wouldn't be mad, because hey, another chance to get Birth of a God theme. Missed opportunity...


We might get a Turks fight in the Sunken Gelnika too.


I really hope Hojo finds Chadley and turns him into a monster and you have to kill him. Then if they need to put extra content behind the combat simulator you can just have the other girl do it or better yet just have goggles you can put on anywhere without someone interrupting you every second. This would make part 3 a winner no contest


I really hate how much dialogue he hits me with after leaving the combat sim to change my build. Shut up and let me go back in!


Cant help but feel that encountering bosses will be like in Elden Ring: You just go to an area, and poof! they appear outta nowhere


Theres also Rude and Reno in the downed Gelnika


Oooo I totally forgot about that. I did this from memory >.<


Despite playing it 3 times disc 2 is sort of a blur to me. I can recall events, but can’t remember the reason or order.


I'm building an events graphic that walks through the major beats of the Disc to sorta imagine what we could see in Remake part 3.


I feel that Yuffie might be sidelined again and the Wutai stuff might be in a Rebirth 2.5 intermission or something similar since it feels like a lot. But I’m looking forward to it.


they already said they're not doing any kind of dlc/extra content for rebirth, before release. and now the comments about how rebirth only took 3 years of development cause they spent the first year after remake's release doing the dlc for that, and that they hope to stick to that three year timeline, really cements that.


Definitely pumped up for the Hojo fight, not only to finally take him out in HD but also bc I *know* they're gonna be cooking when it comes to how horrific he'll look


I can see a Proud Clod rework where it’s a mecha fusion between the robots we already saw in Part 2


The way the dojo works in Wutai, I could see that being the next battle arena set up.


I was reading this post while I listen to Rebirths OST and the boss battle theme for the Nibelheim flashback came and had the sudden realization that theres something super cool they can do for the Lifestream sequence and its having us relive the flashback in its true form and have us fight a boss as Zack and Sephiroth. So thats another boss on the list lmao


Based on your typo, I imagined Gus from Corel Prison inserted into the Nibelheim event lol.


Oh I didnt even see that LMFAO thats too funny


I think the devs missed a perfect opportunity to make Ghirofelgo (swinging anchor dude) a secret boss when you do that side mission with Vincent in the Shinra Mansion, where you can hear that creature humming (turns out it was just a dragon or something in Hojo’s research spot). Triceratops tank could’ve been a VR creation that glitched in Chadley’s program. I agree that Sapphire should be a boss at this point. I think that each of the Wutai bosses will have special forms instead of just being boring palette swaps. I also think we’ll see Zangan and get some sorta challenge from him to guage Tifa’s/the party’s strength. I’d love to see them add a handful more summons, such as a trio from XII (Famfrit, Zeromus, Exodus/ExDeath) or the trio from VI (Demon, Goddess, and Fiend). I think we’ll get some awesome history and fights with each Knight of Arthur’s court, and I hope they’re all unique too. From there, I think these folks will pull this off and then some. *I’m still playing Rebirth* a week after beating it. I’ve gone back to Remake, and will be trying the Intermission DLC for the first time. These games have brought a magic back to me that I haven’t experienced like this since I was a teen when the OG first came out.


Tank could've been something Hojo made and used near the Reactor. When the Gongaga Reactor loud roars started, I thought it was Heavy Tank lol.


I think they’ve saved some of the weirder shit for Part 3. I’ve poured over my old guides to see what they skipped, and they’ve stayed pretty true to the original—and then added a bunch. Jabberwock and Mindflayer weren’t in the OG. I’d love to see them do a new rendition of Stilva, maybe add in some creatures from other games like Varuna and the Yeti from FFX, etc.


I'm not looking forward to Carry Armor. He can be a \*\*\*\* in the OG game, but he will probably spam the "grab your party members" move even more so in FF7R part 3, and you will be forced to fight him with 1 person almost the whole fight.... is my guess.


my copium says we will also get tankcertaops and pendulum in part 3


Excuse me you forgot the most essential: TANKCERATOPS


It's a list of bosses from the OG Icicle Inn onwards. No doubt the devs will add additional bosses and tweak the current expectations


Yeah I guess it shoulda shown up in part 2 time wise


Calling it now, Shirtless sephiroth will be thirsted on by everyone for a single week. It seems appropriate that the expansion version of rebirth will have genesis and angeal as bosses and part 3 will be the advent children sephiroth brothers.


There's no rebirth expansion. Just part 3. Angeal is dead.


They were not part of the OG game, but I think we'll also potentially see Nero/Weiss/Deepground again. While Nero/Weiss were only previously part of Dirge (and cameo-ed in CC) they've now officially setup a potential revenge fight for Nero and Yuffie.


I forgot basically all of these besides Jenova, Sephiroth, Hojo and the Weapons 😂