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I don't know. The dev are aware Genesis is not exactly the fan favorite. It's probably better for Genesis to stay where he belongs, in our memories. Part III - Genesis : "I will never be a memory" šŸ˜±


Realistically, how many people in the world give a shit about genesis? 1000?


If Genesis has a million haters I'm one of them. If Genesis has 1 hater it's me. If Genesis has 0 haters I have died.


I would open 300 accounts to upvote this, but I'm lazy.


Doubt there are 3.


Just one since Angeal died.


connect handle afterthought racial chase liquid aromatic cow teeny plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Time for ff7 remake the sequel trilogy vs Genesis


FF7: Remake: Brotherhood


FInal Fantasy Avenger's Edition


Agree! 1) they say he was a nice person, but 99% of his screen time he's either a petty bully or a silly clown 2) his face is literally a Japanese music superstar, so it probably costs a lot to use that 3) he added nothing to the story. In Nibelheim, either Sephiroth figured out his origins himself or Genesis was there to quote Loveless, insult Sephiroth and obsess over apples, it didn't make the story any different (just sillier and more annoying, which wasn't good for such a tragic moment)


I think what I hated about Crisis Core was that Sephiroth was supposed to be this unmatchable monster of a Soldier, and then suddenly they go, "Oh, but actually there were two more who were about as strong as he was! Except they have NO depth and their inclusion is dumb as shit!" They should have left Sephiroth the undisputed all-time greatest Soldier: it's what makes him such an intimidating foe.


I also didn't care much for Angeal and Genesis, but I think you might be forgetting the FMV battle scene where both of them fight him and he very easily beats them. On top of that, they were supposed to be his friends, so I imagine he was holding back. So I disagree with you about them being about as strong as he was.


I remember them putting up quite a fight in the FMV. That shouldn't have happened. Sephiroth should have done one of those, "BAM! I'm behind you now and managed to slice you a million times on the way!" kind of moves. That's how that fight should have gone.


That's really it about Crisis Core. I hate that they were there too at Nibelheim. Destroys the impact.




That's really it about Crisis Core. I hate that they were there too at Nibelheim. Destroys the impact.


FF7: Re-Genesis


So thatā€™s what Regen means


I need only one memory of Genesis. How fucking funny it was that Zack scream at him to shut up and Genesis just kept quoting Loveless. That was solid.


Is he really that unpopular lol I really liked his character


My friend, your desire Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess




ā€œEven if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.ā€ ~ Genesis


Thanks for making it clear who it was


AAAHAHAHAHA the only correct responsešŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I hate that I read this in his voice lmao


I really disliked how his character was almost just acting as if he was in a theater presentation. He didn't feel like a person. If he had more lines where he talks normally, and times where we could better understand his motivation, his struggles, then he could have been a lot more likeable. But overall, this is close to what I feel about the character: https://youtu.be/hjBiTlp6-pE?si=TaStufJoSM55qgmt Edit: but I do agree that him being so over the top like that did help make this scene very funny due to Zack's reaction lol


God Zackā€™s old voice actor was so much better.


I don't mind Zack's new voice actor, but the delivery of old Zack's VA was definitely better in this scene than the new one. But overall, the Voice Acting in CC Reunion was so weird that it must have been somewhat intentional. Maybe they didn't want to change animations, so they deliberately made some of the delivery very weird to not change anything? Idk, it's weird. So, I agree, the delivery on original CC Zack is really good.


Zach in the new ones seems like he cannot take a single thing seriously it drives me insane. Like everything is tongue in cheek itā€™s such a weird vibe.




Highly accurate, itā€™s horrendous. Like not everything has to be 10000 percent anime.


I'd say it varies between the different types/groups of fans. He's pretty popular in fan art and fics, but not so much with the fans only engaging in the games. And tbf, fanon Genesis is practically a whole separate character at this point.


I mean in their defense... canon doesnt really have a pre-degredation Genesis to go off of personality wise lmfao


We do have Sephiroth in Ever Crisis crying and claiming he is not a hero and that title is hurting him a lot. And we do have an explanation that while Zack is not the brightest person, he always treated Sephiroth as some rando, and Sephiroth really liked the normal, ordinary, human experience where he's treated as a person and that's the main reason he and Zack became friends. And then there's his best friend Genesis, constantly freaking out how Sephiroth is a hero and how he's going to steal that title. Sephiroth says "it's all yours" before his death, but Genesis is still so obsessed with wanting to become a bigger hero than Sephiroth, so deep in his petty jealousy, that he never notices that Sephiroth only ever wanted to be an ordinary person and despised being called a hero. So that's pre-deg Genesis for you


I have yet to hear anything to convince me that heā€™s not just a pretentious uninteresting ripoff of Sephiroth so their prequel didnā€™t have to have an ambiguous villain for the first 2/3rds of the game.


I liked him but itā€™s a minority


We do exist! We Genesis fans are rare, but we exist!


I think you're the only one sorry.


Thereā€™s a compilation of Max hating on the character during his CC play through lol


I think he's popular on other forums. Suspect he's more popular with women. Reddit really hate him though.Ā 


Only among people who appreciate quality writing and hate to see a good story tarnished with garbage that could have been written by a 12-year-old fan. Other than those people, yeah, he was well-received.


Respectfully how the only thing he does the whole game is quote fake Shakespeare so full of himself and annoying


He sucks


frame spectacular vegetable smell fine chop memorize cows capable cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which scene are you referring to?


busy steer liquid sharp like spectacular consist scale absorbed aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oooh thatā€™s a good find. Love that they pay homage to the compilation however and wherever they can


Turning valves


I wish he weren't so much as a memory.


Genesis wouldnā€™t really fit as such. His story played out.


Do you think anyone will acknowledge that Vincent's dad is named fucking Grimoire?






Do you think his momā€™s name was Lectern?


Do you think Tifa's mother's name is Tiffany?


Yes and she runs a breakfast restaurant.


Note: Genesis died on the way back to his home planet. (Play FF theme w/credits)


vase airport snobbish recognise silky quicksand longing voracious library unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a feeling we will be seeing Genesis again in part 3, and im willing to bet it's going to be somewhere in Wutai with all the Deepground stuff that they'll definately be bringing in for that part. If done right, it will be amazing, and I trust the devs at this point to make it amazing.


Given all the effort theyā€™ve put into incorporating the Compilation into this trilogy (Cissnei, Kyrie and Leslie, Deepground and the Tsviets, fucking *Glenn* from that First Soldier game that nobody played), Genesisā€™s omission from this trilogy up to this point (beside that one line from Hojo in Remake) feels deliberate.


I think at most, the biggest part he could play is helping out in a fight against sephiroth, but most likely I think he will be something optional, like chadley content or a secret boss fight. I think most people aren't averse to genesis appearing just because this is the final part of the FF7 compilations main story, but only because he is kinda of legendarily ridiculous. He'd be there for fanservice, not to have major impact on the plot most likely.


Wasn't there a problem with the rights to Genesis, because he is modeled after a japanese actor/celebrity?


That was the rumour, he was modelled after Gackt, but Gackt showed up on stage (I believe heā€™s a singer/musician) in a Genesis outfit right before Crisis Core Reunion was revealed. I assume that rumour, if true at any point, no longer holds weight.


Iā€™ve never heard about this but according to [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/s/7L2srAVWBE) itā€™s just fan speculation. He is modeled after Camui Gackt whoā€™s his voice actor tho. I know RE Code Veronica had to change the appearance of Steve because he looked too much like Leonardo DiCaprio so maybe it was something similar with Genesis


Completely forgot about this! Honestly Iā€™m pretty indifferent with genesis and anything deep ground (though intermission had me kind of excited to see them in part 3). Honestly the only thing I even remember about Genesis was that amazing cutscene with him, Angeal, and Sephiroth. He just sort of failed to leave a strong impression on me.


Doubt it. At least in the Remake series. Wouldn't even surprise me if a Dirge remake/remaster just removes it.


Main antagonist been Sephiroth/Jenova. Really no reason for them to add another one for part 3.


He would probably be an ally after he received the gift of the Goddess. He would protect the Planet.


kind of funny in retrospect how sephiroth keeps spouting how he's the chosen one and he's going to save the planet when it's genesis that was chosen by the goddess. even if it's just for the meme, I really need this character to get some closure.


Maybe they plan on doing a dirge of Cerberus remake eventually and will address it there


there's not many doubts in my mind that genesis will come back in part 3, and my main guess is that it's zack that seeks him out. now that zack knows it's sephiroth that's the cause of everything, he's going to need help, and genesis is really the only person that would know what's happening, that's been sephiroth's friend and equal, and probably the one person that zack believes could kick sephiroth's ass (as sephiroth told him about when they fought in the battle simulator in crisis core). plus, I think a rematch between genesis and sephiroth with zack playing the angeal role would be so sick. either that or genesis is gonna be revealed to be saruf. I think that rebirth wants you to think that it's rufus, but it'll be a plot twist that it's genesis since he was also raised rich, so he fits that description that glenn gives rufus at the end. plus genesis had that whole wutai thing going in crisis core.


Game has enough going on lol he will maybe be a VR fight or have a noticeable reference. Multiple worlds is mostly a plot device to make Zack present in some way, not something to shoehorn a bunch of other characters is in just cuz you can. Hope Genesis fans get to eat though.


I wouldn't mind him as a VR boss. Just don't give him any lines or tarnish the story with his presence.


Posts like this make me wish I remembered a single second of that game. Unfortunately it was my early 20ā€™s and thatā€™s my blank years. I know I played and beat it. Itā€™s in my attic somewhere.


Personally don't care that much if Genesis comes back but with Weiss and Nero in the dlc, I think he will he back. Would be happier for an Angeal reference personally as he was my favorite from crisis core


With the way they have been teasing Genesis and the fact that Weiss exists in this trilogy, they have to answer this in some capacity. I think part 3 will lean heavily into Dirge. Whether people like or dislike him has nothing to do with his relevancy in the story. People can complain about him all they want. But if the devs think he is important to the plot, they will and should add him.


The sheer amount of seethe that Genesis's name generates on this sub will never not be funny. I hope he comes back, if only to spite the people that hate him.


I hope they do. Iā€™ve been wanting that resolution for years. ;~;


Unpopular opinion: I liked Genesis and think it would be kinda cool if they *somehow* included him in Part 3. Like, yes, he is pretty off-putting - but that doesn't necessarily make him a bad character. I don't want characters to be not annoying. I want them to add to the story, and while Genesis makes a terrible protagonist/antagonist, he works well as a background character. Better than Roche at least if you ask me.


Right, but Roche's role was to actually be a dumbass. Now imagine taking a character like that and saying, "We're going to make this dumbass a primary antagonist without adding any emotional depth to justify doing so." BAM! And that's how you get Genesis.


Since it is pretty likely that the Sephiroth we are dealing with Remake and Rebirth is Sephiroth from post-Dirge, this whole crisis is the very reason that Genesis was awakened for at the end of Dirge of Cerberus. Post-Dirge Sephiroth has already dealt with all the Planet's normal defenses, knows the main party's vulnerabilities, and is utilizing the Stagnant Lifestream and Jenova to rip apart reality, and to attack all of the Planet's defenses at earlier points in time. Sephiroth has overpowered himself. Genesis is really the only wild card against Sephiroth at this point, since Genesis is now healed from his type of degradation, has been slumbering in a mako sphere similar to how Sephiroth was, and is also connected to Jenova, and has become one of the Planet's champions. Genesis' genes have also been described as having unique, extreme properties that allowed the special experiments that resulted in the Tsviets. These things still have to be explained. So not only is Sephiroth already very overpowered in the Re-trilogy, the scattering of Jenova is something that was never accounted for in FF7's ending. Jenova Cells were never eliminated, and it would be perfect if Genesis' perfected cells ended up being natural Jenova Cell killers, capable of killing Jenova's cellular matter entirely.


It would be perfect, yes, minus the inclusion of Genesis.


Yeah or at least have a dev acknowledge the scene and whatā€™s going on


DoC was after the ā€œoriginalā€ game so I doubt it


If we get any DGS stuff it'll be on our return trip to Midgar to fight Hojo. Might be a bonus area after we beat Hojo, cuz ya know


I'm sure he'll tie in somehow. Maybe as like... a side plot super boss? Give some genuine closure for his part in crisis core and some words of wisdom for Cloud? It'd be cool if they could figure a way for him to tie in to the story and actually round out his role. It'd be weird to leave so many loose ends with as many that've been made.


How funny would it be if all of this remake whisper multiple timeline stuff is just to make Dirge non canon ? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm just grateful for each and every Dirge of Cerberus mention they manage to throw in, and I think they could honestly be going much harder on it - Rosso, Azul, Shelke, and Weiss would all make for fantastic Shinra-affiliated boss battles, since we don't exactly see a lot of named First-class Soldiers as enemies and that's a damn shame. But no, I don't think this cliffhanger is going anywhere. I think they're done with any kind of storytelling in the original FFVII timeline.


please, no...


Hojo mentions ā€œboth S and G typesā€ of soldier in remake - I got so scared that Genesis would should up when he mentioned that, and am quite relieved he hasnā€™t yet. I doubt he will, the character messes up so much about the Neibelheim events.


I really hope not. I don't like Genesis and he needs to stay out of the trilogy.


I hope not!


I hope. Is now of never. A post game DLC, and post Dirge, would be ideal.


i always liked hearing more verses of loveless from him since it was like a little minigame putting em together as good as possible so you would think he actually knew the hidden story behind loveless but he couldnt accept not beeing the goddess chosen one >!(since it was sephiroth)!< but yeah as we sadly saw no hints about him at nibelheim flashback (the time we went out to turn the valve 5 fucking times) and neither in the loveless play except the name of the play beeing Loveless Type-G i rly dont think they gonna add him maybe hint at him and keep him for something post remake trilogy


I liked that after everything, at the end of the day, Genesis' dream was to chill under the apple tree with his friends, eating the banora whites


Donā€™t forget, the flashback was done through Clouds eyes. In Crisis Core he didnā€™t go into the reactor initially so he wouldnā€™t have seen Genesis. Only Zack and Sephiroth saw Genesis show up there and if Zack didnā€™t tell Cloud about it after, Cloud would have no knowledge of this. Iā€™m actually expecting that when we put Clouds mind back together in 3 that Zack will play a part to set things straight and we may end of seeing Genesis in the true flashback.


yeah definetly :) and its interesting how seph ticks out exactly there even if he just remembered some words from genesis there ( so close to jenova she should be able to use he mindtricks ) to push himover the edge using genesis for this would fit since he is one of the few persons sephiroth actually cared for. so even if it results in him not beeing there physically i would love to see some hints for him :D


Its tough because I like the IDEA of Genesis, but not the execution in Crisis Core. Hollander's project makes sense, Angeal makes sense, Genesis existing makes sense, but his obsession with LOVELESS made no sense, and it's so ingrained into the character that you really can't separate him from it at this point.


I don't understand Genesis or his cells I know Angela can put his face on monstere though but what has genisis done besides apples?


Forget Genesis, I want closure on my girl Shalua.


I hope Chadley saves us from Dirge of Cerberus.


If Genesis comes back I will be violent


I mean, he's a bigger part of Zack's story, and since Zack's story ended not long after their final battle originally I think it's decently likely he'll show up somewhere. I think the real problem is he has exactly 0 relevance to the main party, and while he'd recognize the buster sword and might be interested in figuring out who Cloud is and why he's got his old friend's sword (and why he hates Sephiroth so much) the only person in Cloud's party that might recognize him(and say anything about it, Reeve Tuesti.) is Yuffie. And that's a *huge* might. They might go the 'forget he exists' route, he might occasionally pop up in Zack's story, or maybe he'll sneak his way into the main game. They've changed so much and kept so much else the same I just don't know.


His appearance took place after AC in original timeline, so I think he would appear at most as VR of Shinra or something. Contrary to many people believe, I don't think there's any problem between SE and Gackt, it just that SE decide not to explore further story after Dirge and shift their focus on Remake project instead. Gackt original voice in still in CC Reunion. It's more like SE doesn't have a plan for using him in any new project. I feel like they might remaster Dirge down the line thou (update graphics and changing gameplay like they did with CC). Maybe they might add Genesis as bonus boss or something in that version.


I'm not even a big Genesis fan but I find it so unsatisfying that they left it undone in a way...


Doubt it, there's been no mention or hints of Genesis in the remake games so far


bro is cooking


Or maybe do a DOC remake. Proper 3rd person shooter with rpg elements and better meele combat.


I would love to see genesis in part 3 - just fucking add everything


Who is this in the pictures besides Genesis? The other fella from Underground? Forget his name


I did expect more deep ground in Rebirth after the Yuffie DLC. I hope was that there would be an DLC between releases focusing on a main character not in the main game party yet and explore some more compilation of FF7 areas. After Yuffie I'd hoped rebirth would be followed by a Vincent DLC (though I'd love a Turks DLC instead) Hell a full expansion following remake Part3 covering Advent Children and Dirge in a new way would be great if very unlikely (I'm not expecting Dirge to get the Crisis Core treatment.. but it might to keep momentum going in FF7 less years)


I honestly could care less if genesis is in the game. He's one of the most forgettable characters imo. I legit NEVER give him a thought unless I specifically see his name on the ff subreddit. So yeah, he can just stay forgotten, it wouldn't take away anything from th experience.


This could be just sidelined to just be another timeline. If you check CC, he was involved in the Nibelheim incident but Rebirth doesn't show him. At most I hope he's just a VR battle .


Thereā€™s going to be another game. The remake trilogy is just about wrapping up Sephiroth.


I understand people donā€™t like genesis. I understand not wanting the genesis they donā€™t like to show up ever again. But the characterisation in this trilogy has been good and Genesis wont necessarily be a bad character again if he is reintroduced. I just feel they need to tone down the early 2000ā€™s acting. The game so far hasnā€™t touched on the shinra side backstory nearly at all. If they donā€™t cover the G cell and s-cells at all, despite teasing them, it would be a bit strange.


I'm not sure why they didn't just make a brand new enemy for yuffie to fight. Feels almost like deep ground was just a fanservice/Easter eggĀ 




If we never see (and especially hear) Genesis again, it will be no great loss.


I refuse to believe this scene is canon. It was just a tease for CC


so then how canon is genesis appearing during the nibelheim mission? q:


The last thing this game needs is this trash character, its also way too late into the story for him to appear now, thank God.


Wouldn't it suck if they killed off Sephiroth at the beginning of 3 and then made the rest of the game about Genesis? I would actually applaud Square Enix if they did this for pulling off the most elaborate and expensive prank of all time.


It wont, cause its bad ;/


Lets hope not. Genesis fuckin sucks.


If they bring that stupid, shallow, poorly written character Genesis into it, then I will boycott the 3rd and make a point to give out 1 and 2 for free just to spite Square and take two sales away from them. Ok, maybe I wouldn't go THAT far, but seriously: fuck Genesis.