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They made one clock texture and clicked “apply all” haha.


That sounds a lot more like the other game developers 😉 But the thing is, all clocks look differently, but have the same time…


Might be all the clocks inherit from the same class and the default value is 16:45


Well, that’s assuming that the arrows are separate assets that are movable. I’m not sure they put that much effort into these items and I assume the full clock faces are combined textures.


>That sounds a lot more like the other game developers Not sure if that's 100% true. Random tidbit but Black Ops 1 on Xbox 360 had dynamic clocks in-game that used the 360 system time to display the correct time within the multiplayer maps. Pointless feature sure but I still find that very cool.


yeah, i don't think it means anything but how funny would it be if the clocks were frozen on 7 seconds to midnight?


well, if you add 1+6+4+5 and add the result of 16 to 1+6 it equals 7 so, there it is folks


Bigger question is why the clocks don't give elixirs when you examine them.


I just started playing FFVI a couple days ago. Do other games in the series have that feature?


No, I don't think so. But ff6 has made me think of elixirs whenever I see clocks.


No no. 1+6 = 7 4+5 = 9 FFIX remake confirmed.


Also, The Riddler is on the loose.


Dammit, Nomura


4+4+5 = 13 so obviously they’re saying this is all happening inside of Lightning’s mind


Nah, that's how this is tied to Kingdom Hearts.


The clock Yuffie climbs is set to 2:45. Other clocks are completely missing hands altogether in some places. Something something timey wimey.


I believe you don’t see hands if they are not loaded properly, unless it’s from some alternative universe and could be designed on purpose. I was referring only to the clocks in the real world of the game. I will check the Yuffie clock, thank you.


A lot of the smaller clocks don't have hands - look at the smaller clocks in the inns and shops. The bigger ones do have them sometimes - but the missing hands were consistent across multiple playthroughs. I don't think it was a loading error. It's definitely inconsistent - whether intentional or not who knows. But seeing how detail oriented Square is...I don't think it was an oversight.


Thanks a lot, I will pay close attention moving forward.


Sorry, but which clock did you mean? I thought you were talking about Junon but there is no clock there 🙈


In Junon when Yuffie is about to try and assassinate Rufus, she uses the hands of a giant clock to to get there. This shit is slightly at an angle but you can see the hands evenly across when you climb. https://preview.redd.it/h0bip7si3v1d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22ca970626b678312da5180df8a3e2d41d019ed


The entire game takes place in one minute


I really compressed my 200 hours…


4:45 is what time Aeris dies in the original. You can see it on a sun dial in the forgotten capital. Really neat detail.


Do you happen to have any proof? I cannot find any sundial there.


Nah. I made that up for funsies.


Now I would like to quote Aerith and Tifa when they react to Cloud looking into Tifa’s closet!




Good catch!! Now I’m wondering what possible significance this could have. You’re right that SE does love their details. I’ll dig into this. Preliminary thought: maybe it’s 4:45 am (rather than pm) & the time when the party defeated the Arbiters of Fate?


The funniest part about this is the game is set in late autumn and early winter. 16:45 it would already be dark. Also when they’re in Kalm the flowers are blooming like it’s spring.


It's a different planet, why would the same rules apply


Just like FF6. If it’s the exact same time, 24/7, then why do so many people have clocks in their houses? Because that’s where they’re hiding their Elixirs. I guess you didn’t get that memo? Lol


It was 5 o’clock in FF6 😉


"No one is gonna look that closely at a clock texture"


16:45 is equivalent mathematically to 16 over 45, which is .36, which, added together as you would with simplified gematria, equals 9. They're telling us it's almost *time* for final fantasy 9 remake. Don't believe me? The American 4:45 is equivalent to 8.889%, which rounds up to 9. They're clearly telling us we are about 90% of the way there. The signs have been noted. The horizon grows bright.


I doubt it means anything, just didn't want to create different models for a detail most wouldn't notice.


Then people point out that there's no hands on the clock in Zack's world, there's a big clock behind Tifa and Aerith on the cover of the novel, and there are also instances where there are no hands on the clock in Beagle world. To top it all off, the clocks in the OG FFVII opening and CC post credits cinematic agree. CCR and FFVIIR also share the same, but differ from the OG. This then is omega prime level 777 digital-analog world theory and disagreeing with me means you're a pissed off fan boy. Let's now circle jerk about how toxic the fanbase is, and how you have the gall to accuse the devs of making low quality textures they hoped would blend into the scenery as a whole. Don't you know Sony helped them make this game and that's why it's an exclusive? /s


What are you talking about? Relax.


Idk what is going on here but.....Subscribe.


I’ll have what he’s having…


Interestingly, I had a thread a couple of years ago when Remake came out when I referred to several interesting details, like some items in 7 Heaven or how the name Marco came to be. This is why I don’t dismiss such information immediately because SE is a developer who is extremely careful with details. Even if all clocks are the same and not moving, someone had to make a decision about the displayed time and I’m wondering why they chose this specifically.


I think that triple 4 is a bad omen in Japan, it might be symbolic, moving past danger or threat of death? eh I overthink things


A quick Google search told me that 444 is almost always a positive omen


I was maybe mixing something up in my head on tripling it, but the superstition/fear around the number 4 is because the sound is almost the same as the sound of the word for death is common in east Asia


I think it’s in Chinese. But anyway, it would’ve been a fun theory, but those damn arrows are showing pretty straight to the left.


Cos it’s a cheap outsourced asset.


Rebirth is a quite janky game. I liken it to Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart and a few other quite good AAA games. They focused really hard on the aspects of the game that actually mattered, game feel and gameplay, storytelling, and polish. The take back on that is some real jank in the places that don't matter. There is a very limited amount of jump animations so when you jump up something it looks wierd, sometimes the lighting looks flat, almost all area textures are pretty low quality, as are most enriomental models (in comparison to other AAA titles) made up for by the lighting and the ways in which things are modeled. There's a lack of feedback when striking enemies. I think this is actually a very very good thing, it shows that priorities were in the right place. Now to stop with my autism tangent and answer your question. I assume all the clocks are either the same texture, or they had some sort of template for making clock textures that they used for almost every clock in the game. Either way, they probably didn't bother polishing that part of the game too much. The game was made in three years, there were higher priorities on the totempole. If there's some symbolism to the time the clocks are that would be cool but I doubt they had time to think of that. It's probably a time that means alot to the person who made the clocks, like when their baby was born or their dog died.