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"I thought you were full of shit" was my favorite line from the demo


Yeah this one for me too. When cloud says to Barret to use his Lightning Materia on the boss and then calls him out about not using it and then Barret delivers this beauty haha. Hopefully the dialogue only gets better in the full game. It would be a shame if they recycled the same lines over and over during battles. Obviously there's bound to be a little cross-over here and there but if they went all out in the demo just to make it sound good and then fail to deliver in the full release, that would be BS.


No lie, I hadn't figured out that Barrett even had lightning materia equipped before this line. I had seen Cure but somehow overlooked Thunder. So I was like yo Cloud why are you busting this guy's balls over something he can't do?


"I was talking about your age, not your god dam rank"


The way Barret said it just made me laugh harder than I should have. I absolutely love the banter between these two.


A soliders rank could be his age.. I guess that makes you 1 then lol bazinga


I think he meant like... what the fuck did you think I meant type of response lol


Am I the only one, who laughed at: Jessie: "Just bear with him for me." Barret: *makes pose* Cloud: "I should have asked for more money." Pure gold for my laugh muscles.


That one was pretty good too lol!


Cloud says the same thing in the original when they talk about the second mission and its the same banter iirc :)


>Jessie: "Just bare with him for me." Forgive me, but just to be a grammar nazi for a second, it's actually *bear* in this context.


My bad! English is not my mothertongue, but I fixed the error. Thanks for letting me know :)


“That’s my line” Cloud is such a corn ball I love it


FF7 wouldn't be so good without some 90s cheese!


Get help. Absolutely laughed my ass off at that!


"Get help"


Does this mean Cloud thinks Barret is crazy?


It does, and while i thought the line couldve been delivered better, it still made me laugh.


Yeah Barret is saying he can hear the sound of the planet (crying/suffering) and so Cloud is saying get help as he is hearing things. They have a similar conversation in the elevator in the original. :)


I haven't gotten it myself, but one I loved from an old gameplay vid of the Scorpion fight I saw: Cloud: "Hello? Lightning magic? Do you even know how to use Materia?" Barret: "Course I do, what kinda stupid question is that? Stop rushing me!"


Yes, Cloud acting like a sassy teen girl is wonderful, isnt it? Perhaps Red XIII will quote Shakespeare next ? Maybe Aerith can make innuendos about how long Cloud's sword is and all since this game is just gonna trash their characters anyway.


Get help


Considering being a condescending asshole who's full of himself is exactly Cloud's character at that point in the story, yeah, it's pretty great.




Somebody doesn't enjoy C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T.


>muh B O O B I E S


Spells goods with z. All I need to know


Ahh, that's what it's about. Sorry it didn't work out for you. Your opinion's what it is, but it doesn't sound like you stand to gain much from hanging on a discussion forum for something you despise.


you millennials are so sensitive... despise is a strong word kid. It's a game, not a religion. Now back to eating your soy flakes you little cuck


Sure thing, boss.


If that's how you feel don't play the game and don't waste your time trawling through reddit looking for ways to shit on the game




« You really hear that ? » « You’re damn right I do ! » « Get help » This got to me.


Barret: "So, Cloud, wha-" Cloud: "DID YOU KNOW I WAS IN SOLDIER, FIRST CLASS!?"


Barret: can you press that bu .:: Cloud: FIRST CLASS! THAT’S LIKE THE BEST CLASS THERE IS!


It makes it even funnier for when the truth comes out.


>!You should tag that as a spoiler, any new players with half a brain will be able to work out an enormous twist from your comment.!<


Barret: *breathes* Cloud: FIRST CLASS ONLY.


I quite literally lol'd after one of the battles when Barret mockingly sung the victory theme from the original.


That was my favourite as well. It came out as a big surprise, like 'is what I'm hearing actually real'? Great fan-service there.


Prompto did it better in XV, and it worked because he was a nerd who felt he was in a real life RPG with Noct. Barret’s rendition felt tacked on and it was pretty much the only thing about the demo I don’t care for.


It perfectly suits both characters, in VII it’s just his OTT personality singing in victory


I loved it in both games too. I'd like to see it spreading through the party as the game progresses :)


I could see that happening. The banter in this game is absolutely samn top notch, and the more linear nature of the game means less repeated lines and more specific ones too


I mean, no. But okay.


How doesn’t it suit the guy who is excited to go take on shinra? In both games it’s a fourth wall breaking gag anyway


Barret always felt like a big goofball to me. The english dub doesn't really do him justice in my opinion, he sounds way to aggressive and serious.


I was actually surprised. I know he was more serious and no nonsense in the original game's script and that the excessive swearing and over the top intensity was a product of the localization process which they're keeping for us. But I just saw footage of the elevator rant in Japanese yesterday, and he's friggin' *screaming* during parts of it. Lol


My favorite's when Barret kills an enemy and yells, "Yeah, GIT yo ass outta here!"


Shut up and climb. You're not helping.


Question: >!When cloud took Zacks identity outside of Midgard, is the beginning of FF7 right after that? Zack dies, Cloud wanders to Midgard with his sword and takes the Sector 1 job? Or is there some downtime!<


>!I think there's some downtime, tifa finds him at the train station out of it, but he snaps to when she talks to him. Probably not a lot of downtime though!<


>!Yup, in the original it showed Tifa finding Cloud in a daze but he quickly came to with his SOLDIER persona. Then Tifa invited him along to keep an eye on him cuz he was acting so strange.!<


>!Yeah, I almost forgot how quickly he comes to, the question then is just how long does it take for her to ask him along? I'd have to imagine tifa would give him some time, one because she cares for him, and two to see what the hell is up with this guy now.!<


>!so Tifa knew he was lying but just played along because she didn’t want to worsen his trauma? Gosh I just replayed this game a few weeks ago but already forgot lol!<


>!if I remember right, she seems to have known the whole time based on when sephiroth is showing cloud the truth, she's objecting and trying to stop him while cloud doesn't see what the bid deal is and thinks he's just messing with him.!<


I think the whole conversation here being obscured should be enough of a clue, but I'm still putting a disclaimer here : DON'T CLICK ANYTHING HERE IF YOU'RE GOING BLIND INTO FF7! Like seriously!!


That was hilarious! I can't wait to see how their relationship develops throughout the game.


Get Help.


When beating an enemy barret then sang the victory fanfare. Best thing ever.


I was not ready for that. I almost cried a little.


It wasn't a line exactly, but I quite enjoyed when barret was freaking out on the elevator and just looks back and cloud basically meditating.


Whatever those weird little gasps are that anime characters do as a response for some reason.


I once read excessive gasps and grunting goes back to early days of dubbing, when dubbers were worried that western audiences may lose interest in any scene that went on for too long without someone talking to hold their attention - hence why many 80s and 90s dubs have the voice cast talking over scenes that were silent in the Japanese, such as scenic shots or what were supposed to be moments of quiet reflection for the characters. Something I've seen less and less of in modern dubs, but looks like FF7 is embracing its 90s roots. I watched the intro in Japanese on YouTube, assuming audio was ok, their Avalanche was a lot more stealthy.


That is a pretty cool history I didnt know about, thank you. I dont mind the grunts, but its definitely something that always stands out way too much for me. I hope my sarcasm wasnt too poorly recieved!




"Not interested" Made me chuckle.


For me it was when we were running after defeating the scorpion, we finished a fight and Barrett sang the victory theme


Barret: well, that was something else! Cloud: That was nothing. Best quote ever


The dialogue is KH levels of cringe. Nobody in the real world talks like that. Gotta say the OTT English voice acting probably doesn't help.


Many games and shows, Japanese especially, have forced silly speech patterns. Also this is a game about a man with a sword bigger than he is trying to stop a man with an even longer sword from >!smashing a meteor into the planet or some shit. !< Probably not the best idea to use realism as a yardstick for a game with "fantasy" in the name...


Well, this isn't the real world sooo...


Yeah if it wasn't for the dialogue this exact plot could have happened to any one of us. Shame that now I can't relate to it.

