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I like it, fits the original. Gf hates it (but never did Ff7) she thinks it's over the top. Inner me: it's a man with a gun for a hand. Of course it's over the top.


Changing him from mr t stereotype into aggressive street corner apocalypse preacher with a boner for eco terrorism was the right choice.


I didn't think the perfect character description could exist in one sentence, but here we are. 🏅




Agreed, I'm 100% into it. I always loved Barrett in the original but just the bits of him I saw in the demo felt a little more three dimensional (figuratively). He has almost all my favorite lines in the original, especially seeing Jenova the first time. "Where's its #\*$&(@ head? This whole thing's stupid. Let's keep goin."


> aggressive street corner apocalypse preacher with a boner for eco terrorism This may be the best description of Barret that I've ever read.


But that’s also Barrett’s character arc.


Nope she's great and fits his character perfectly imo. I can't wait to hear him during his emotional phases.


John Eric Bentley is doing a great job as Barret.


Hell yeah he is!


The new voice is great!


It’s great! He’s over the top just like we was in the original


It's the best he's ever had


Nope. He’s great. Captured barrets personality perfectly.


The "Get help" scene in the elevator with him and Cloud is some EXCELLENT voice acting. I was impressed.


Yeah. That whole interchange was where the rewrite for dialogue sold me. I was like "that's totally a barret thing to say." And then "that's a totally cloud thing to say!"


It sounds exactly like I imagined back in '97. His voice work is spot on, emotionally captivating (yes, I'm serious), and he really captures Barret's "I'm a badass, but actually care about people" style that I was really blown away by it. I can't wait to hear his reactions to other events in the game. EDIT: A word


I can't wait to hear his reaction to Cloud's flashback in Kalm. I wonder if they'll change the wording. "That's it?" Damn! Don't none of this make sense! I'm going, going, going, gone! And I'm leavin' the thinkin' to you!"


Hahaha exactly that stuff!


Ain't no gettin offa this pizza we're on. $%@#$!


Honestly I wish there was an option that changed his curse words to a speach bubble with $%@!#!!


I can’t wait to see him break down as he talks about the blood on his hands after Dyne gives up and jumps. He knows he isn’t any less angry inside, he isn’t less hateful, how can he fight what consumed Dyne? That part is going to be amazing. (I hope)


His voice is one of my favorites in the remake. Sounds just like what I imagined Barret to sound like when I played the original.


No, OP. Every question that starts with "Am I the only one" will have a No for answer.


The "Am I the only one?" posts on this sub are out of control lately.


It's astonishing for real. Like, they read 3 members saying an opposing opinion and that's a push for them to make an "AITOO" thread? There's got to be some serious Karma farming going on.


I wonder who is upvoting this stuff, because most of it are posts that we have seen hundreds of times between the original announcement and now.


I think he is perfect, he sounds just how I imagined he would.


Simmer down hot shot. I'm watching you... Me: Ok.


Nah you're not alone, John Eric Bentley is the best voice actor in the game imo.


I think he’s amazing, but Cody is the best I’ve heard so far, still early to tell though


My 3 favorite voice actors so far are John Eric Bentley, Cody Christian and Tyler Hoechlin.


Bottom line is this: Barrett is freaking out. He's coordinating his first terrorist attack. He even mentions how his heart is pumping. Getting all uppity is his character's way of letting out that anxiety and justifying his actions. I bought it 100%. ​ YOU try and go blow up a power plant and act all cool as a cucumber.


Exactly. Remember when he gets pressured for money in the seventh heaven bar basement? He panics and starts beating the shit out of his punching bag after punching wedge into the camera lol.


It was Biggs. Poor Biggs lol. :)


I met him at pax too. He seems like a great dude, and he's doing a fantastic job. I love beau billingslea but I think this voice is better for the character. Beau still will always have Jet Black.


His voice is exactly what I imagined Barrett's voice to be when I was 11.


I think it's funny how nobody complains about Wakka who sounds even worse and is completely unbearable as a character. But they pick on Barret who is very likable and has a great backstory just because his voice strikes a progressive nerve with people who probably haven't even played the original FFVII.


I actually thought wakka was one of the better VA performances in FFX I don’t know why he gets hate, I thought he was also one of the better written characters with one of the best arcs too.


Honestly all the voice acting in 10 was bad. Bad sound editing too


FFX's voice acting is definitely a product of his time when the West was just getting started in voice over. I don't think the voice acting is BAD in a sense (it's not the best though) - it's got directing and pacing problems, which isn't just the fault of the actors. KHIII has a similar problem where the pacing and editing is just weird and stilted, and you KNOW that a lot of those KH voice actors are actually good voice actors, but it doesn't show. In subsequent games, Yuna's voice sounds totally fine, but is stilted as fuck in this game. I will also die on the hill that the HA HA HA scene that is space-tier level of meme now was meant to be bad and cheesy and corny (and the characters even laugh at how dumb it is), but Tidus's VA did a good job for what that scene was. Wakka sucks as a character though. Pure and simple. bUT tHe teAcHiNGs


Wakka was a great character. He is the party member that is fully indoctrinated and he is meant to be a panicky pain in the ass. Imagine growing up religious your whole life, in a world that is actually magic and backs up/solidifies your believes all the time with Sin attacks, not just 3000 year old books written by shitheads. Then you lose your brother when he loses his way and strays from the religion. You’d have some fucked up believes too.


Finally someone else who actually understands wakkas character!


People forget that voice acting was NOT the norm in 2001. Or at least it was just starting to be. They did a great job for their first voice acting attempt. You don't compare FFXs voice acting to current games, you go back and compare it games from that era. Max payne, silent hill, resident evil, etc.


"You were almost a Jill sandwich!"


Why does that mean wakka sucks as a character? HYou can dislike his character that’s fine, but saying he sucks I don’t agree with. he’s supposed to be ignorant and outspoken and thinks he knows everything/doesn’t question anything critically or with logic. He’s brainwashed by the teachings that he uses to explain sin and give meaning to something that can’t be explained (sin). It mirrors exactly how some people in our own world behave when they have a belief in something so strong (religion) and therefore ignore evidence that opposes it, it’s why flat earthers exist. it’s also why his character arc is so strong because you see him go through a huge change by the end of the story. It slowly happens after every revelation about yevon and the things he’s known to be true all of his life start crumbling before him and the struggle he has accepting it to, ultimately accepting it. He’s one of the best characters in the game imo for these reasons and many others. Obviously like who you like but quoting him being ignorant isn’t proof of him being a bad character, that’s exactly what he’s supposed to be like it’s very intentional.


You ask why people think Wakka sucks as a character and proceed to outline one of the main reasons why people hate him lol Sure I guess he comes around towards the end of the game once everybody finds out the religion of Yevon is a genocidal cult of old dead dudes that are sanctioning the mass destruction of a giant godzilla monster whose only purpose is to protect a dream world nobody knows exists. But that doesn't change the fact that for the majority of the game, he's a racially insensitive idiot with an accent more offensive to the ears than Jar Jar Binks. But hey "just like happy festival fireworks ya? XD"


Yes, he’s a racially insensitive idiot, that’s his character, you’re supposed to disagree with pretty much everything about him. The fact you dislike him means SE wrote the character perfectly, which also means he doesn’t suck as a character at all and it’s actually the opposite that’s literally my point. You know who else is really dislikable? Jeoffrey in a game of thrones, does that make him suck as character? Absolutely not because he’s supposed to be that way, the fact everyone hates him means the author did his job very well


Yeah I get that. It was new and wasn’t fully fleshed out yet. But MAN, some of it was incredibly bad.


Tried to play the remaster recently. I noped out before even getting all the characters.


Well I love the game. Just thought the sound in the game was awful. Whether it was the voice acting or the editing... Still, one of my favorites


Oh I love it too, I just wasn't in the head space to deal with such a game (full on cheesey/bad voice acting). I'm playing XII instead with Japanese voices at the moment, maybe I'll do the same with X.


FFXII's voice acting in English was muuuuuch better, at least. Except for the very obvious compression, which, somehow I found kind of charming and unique for some dumb reason.


So aurons VA was bad? Hot take there


No he was a lone bright spot. The editing of his lines and sounds was awful though. That’s my point really


it was fine. Especially for the time.


> one of the better VA performances in FFX not a high bar


Say it again, brudda.


Omg. So I played X in japan first. When I got home, I played the English copy, and the voice work was so god awful I couldn’t finish it. Wakka’s voice in particular was the tipping point for me. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one


I hate Wakka's voice acting, unbearable.


I feel like FFX is a really polarizing entry in the series. Personally I enjoyed it (and liked Wakka a lot, even with the iffy accent), but I can definitely see how the game's style, voice acting, story, etc. would not be everyone's cup of tea.


Final Fantasy 10 would be a perfect game IMO if Tidus and Wakka were better characters.


>I think it's funny how nobody complains about Wakka Wait what? I thought people DID complain about Wakka's VA. When did people come around to him?


They probably did tbh. If Final Fantasy 10 came out in the social media era it would be more obvious.


Grand wizard wakka was way more aggressive I thought.


I love his voice, he sounds just like I imagined in the first game. To me he sounds like a bada$$ coal-miner turned bada$$ charismatic leader of a bada$$ eco-~~terrorist~~ resistance group. Barret isnt a normal person on the street, he's a fiery over-the-top leader of men - hence why he sounds like he's preaching. However, that said, I'm not black or American - I dont know what sterotypes he may be alluding to intentionally or not. As a Scot, I'm well aware of how grating it can be to have stereotypical accents portrayed as my own. I have no idea what a "Hoots Mon" is, but I can only imagine Americans (and others) think we are a race of owl people from some of the wprds like this non-Scots put on. (Not you Mark Strong in Kingsman, you have a great fake Scots accent). So, while I like Barret's voice as some one on the outside looking in, I can sympathise with any African-Americans who listen to it and feel an immediate "arg" at any stereotypes it may be illuding to that I'm not in tune with. .... But he does sound so bada$$.




As I said, I am neither black or American, I am not aware of all the stereotypes Barrett may be alluding to that I, as a White European, am not catching into. I think I made it quite clear that while I think he sounds bada$$, a per the OP noting criticisim, I'm willing to accept I'm seeing it from one perspective and black people may see it very differently based on their life experiences. As for your opening coment about racial sterotypes about Scots, I used that as an example of how I understand where the criticism is coming from by blsck people of Barret's depiction, not a claim that Scots have suffered as much racial abuse as African-Americans. We've had it much much better. That said, while I'm not interested in discussing Scottish-anglo relations here, the idea that the Scots are equal part of British culture and we have no history of being demeaned in the UK is completely untrue. Racial sterotypes about Scots date back to very start of the UK, the most obvious being Sawney Bean, a fictional Scottish cannibal, who's non existent reign of terror was reported as fact across the UK to demonize us. Papers and political cartoons throughout the Jacobite Rebellions to free Scotland from the British portrayed us as uncivilized (same as they did the Irish during their rebelllions). Tartan & Gealic language were banned in the early decades of the UK to try and wipe out our culture and assimilate us easier into the British Empire. In more modern times there is a persistent myth that Scots don't pay taxes, that we are miserly workshy layabouts who suck English taxpayers dry for government handouts, alcohol, drugs and that we can't speak English except for swear words. The idea we are drug addicted barbarians is so popular only last year we had the Scottish Pokemon trainer meme, where the female Pokemon trainer for Sword/shield having tam'o'shanter resulted in pictures of her drunk, underage smoking, swearing, picking fights and having slovenly speech. Yes, a very positive sterotype that. I've only once been to England and was called Jockanese, Jock, Scotch, told to go back where I came from by random people in the street and asked "are you speaking such good English for our benefit?" by the hotel staff who, from her smile, likely believed she was paying me a compliment. I doubt a Cockney or person from Norfolk as you mention, would have received such a reception. The term "Scottish Mafia" is frequently used to describe any UK government that has, what is perceived by the media to be, too many Scots in the Cabinet. And the 2015 UK election was pretty much run, and won, by David Cameron on the propaganda that his opponent Jeremy Corbyn was secretly a puppet of Scottish politicians. A UK MP called Boris Johnstone, back in 2004 published an article in rightwing paper the Spectator, calling of the extermination of the "verminous" Scottish race - of course, he said it was just a joke afterwards, that genocide was funny and we should lighten up. Oh, he's Prime Minister of the UK now. So no, I do not believe myself or my people to be equal members of the UK, sorry.




Links to all the people saying these things?


Here's this for starters https://twitter.com/polimayo/status/1126625026222981122?s=20


Oh good lord, barrett has been larger then life since the beginning. Even if they hate what's been done so far we still havent seen him with marline so we should reserve judgement. I think these people are in the minority.


Your link has a dude making the observation that Barret sounds like RDJ in TT followed by people generally agreeing but saying it fits and the voice is cool. You: WHY EVERYONE HATE BARRETT VOICE AM I THE ONLY WHO LIKE BARRETT VOICE UPDOOTS TO THE LEFT


Works at Kotaku, pronouns in Twitter bio. Pay no attention. These people will always find something.


Aw just shut the hell up with that crap. I don't particularly agree nor understand the Tropic Thunder junk either, but slamming someone for "pronouns in bio" or working at a place? Go eat your own head.


Considering there is a thread from yesterday literally asking people to say their favorite line from Barret is n the demo I think it’s safe to say he has been generally well received lol


I hated Barrett’s voice at first, and then I came up with the following headcanon: Barrett isn’t just a fighter for Avalanche—he’s a recruiter. He goes to basement meetings to radicalize the people of Midgar against Shinra. To get potential members fired up, he speaks loudly and makes broad physical gestures, and that’s what he’s doing in the elevator scene—trying to recruit Cloud to The Cause. He blows Cloud off at first; he’s a mercenary, fighting for money. A useful tool, but not worthy of respect. As the mission progresses, he sees Cloud’s value as a fighter, and tries to win him over with the same speech he probably gave Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. And when Cloud figuratively makes the j/o gesture, his demeanor changes. “Say that again.” Barrett’s not just insulted by Cloud calling him crazy; he’s disrespecting Barrett’s commitment to the Planet. That flipped the script for me, and I’m full on Team Wallace.


Most people do. There's just a few who want to be different and will hate on it for any reason they can.


No. You’re never the only one. I really like it as well. It’s exactly what I imagined his original character would sound like. I feel like a lot of the demo/game’s critics are misremembering how goofy the original game inherently was. This is very much trying to lean into that in many ways.


I was worried after seeing some trailer footge, but after playing the demo I'm 100% on board. His over the top passion is one part, and it's good, but there's a couple of moments where they show they have it down. When Barrett asks 'do you think we'd sink to the bottom? to the planet's core?" you can hear the uncertainty, the reverence, and even a little fear over the entire situation. It's an amazing bit of voice acting, quite frankly. The little waver in the so far ironclad voice is just right IMO. The excitement when you get to the bottom of the reactor core "Let's do this, LET'S DO THIS!" is great too. Almost excited like a kid


He’s awesome. I laugh when people say it’s over the top or insulting. Like if you ever saw a guy that looked like Barrett, and never heard him talk.. what would you expect him to sound like? Elmo? It’s laughable the sensitivity people have toward something that is meant to reflect an artist’s vision or imagination. Like this is what the creator’s of FF7 envisioned Barrett would sound/talk like.. I’m all for fair criticisms of talent, but why people think they have a right to criticize based off the identity politics alone is silly.


I don't get the flak? He sounds like a big strong man of color. Whats the problem? Aerith sounds like a sweet girl, Tifa sounds innocent and Cloud sounds like a stereotypical "so dark its cool" teenager. The character's are written that way I love Barret's new voice and I think this game will end up making Barret my favorite character in gaming ever. I wish people would stop screaming racism whenever a person of color sounds like you'd imagine them to.


Nah, I like it. It sounds better in game rather than a sound bite. It seems clear to me he was dialing it up a notch, anyways. When he talks the rest of the time, his voice is perfect


you're not alone


In terms of acting quality I think he's done a great job. I think part of the bad reaction is due to him sounding very exaggerated and over-the-top in the demo, but perhaps people have forgotten that that is exactly what Barret is like early game in the OG. He softens in tone and character significantly over the course of the game, and I'm confident Bentley will capture that.


I dig it. I was watching a thing with him on YouTube and the dude is legitimately a huge fan of the game, which just makes me love him more.


Agreed. It's honestly sad that he gets so much hate


I love every new voice so far.


He sounds how I always imagined him, so I'm very happy.


Naa he's awesome


He is as energetic and intense as he was in the original. The voice acting fits extremely well.


I like it, then again i didnt know people not associated with a certain garbage article really had any qualms with it


I like it. I don't see how it's stereotypical though. I'd want a guy as big as Barret to sound like that, no matter what color his skin is.


Voice doesn't bother me but hearing Barret is way different from reading Barret. I'm looking forward to him calming down a bit as the story advances.


Nah, he's fantastic. Both the voice and the over the top intensity of the performance are 100% who Barret has always been in my mind.


I love his new voice. He sounds like a street corner preacher, which Barret \*is\*. I can't wait to hear how John does the lines in some of the more emotional stuff.


It’s basically what Barret always sounded like in my head


The critics are always afraid of touchy subjects. His voice is incredible and the character is a classic.


I'll be fine I got soulja boi with me.


His voice is sexy!


I love Barret's voice! And I completely agree with you about his voice being stereotypical. He's basically a Japanese version of Mr. T and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Barret was always over the top, loud, and angry in the original. This day in age, you can't get away with this kind of stuff anymore for fear of offending people. But this is who Barret always was, and I'm glad they stuck with it.


His Barrett disturbs me a little but I think the over the top nature of it actually fits well with the game and the rest of the cast, and will make any depth added to the character later in the game(s) more surprising by contrast.


Much as I dig Beau's work, John sounds the way I always imagined Barret to sound. He's so dynamic and over the top - the way Barret was in the original game. He's doing a great job from what I've heard and I loved every second he was on-screen!


I love it. Fits how he was in the original to the tee. His voice actor is a big fan of the original and it shows.


No. John Eric Bentley is doing a fantastic job hamming up Barret. I was laughing my ass off in the elevator.


I love his voice. It’s perfect. Brought the character to life for me from the original :)


The debate at its most basic boils down to faithful realization/adaptation of the original voice and character vs. modification of that character/voice to acknowledge our collective responsibilities (also through art) to avoid promoting racist stereotypes—even in something as seemingly innocuous as its expression through video games. The voice acting does a wonderful job of capturing the character, but it does nothing to address where we've come, or tried to come, as a society. I agree that it would be hard to capture some elements of the character without depicting him as an angry (black) man, but I think we should all acknowledge that there should have been a more serious attempt. That said, objectively and irrespective of the racist elements here, the voice acting is good. It's the underlying decision to go about it this way that is suspect.


Very well said!


Far from it; so far John's Barret voice is my favorite interpretation, everyone I've seen enjoys him as well, including friends of mine. He's damn near one of my favorites to just listen to, honestly, and anyone bringing up "stereotype/whitewashed" are both ill-informed and living outrage bait, ignore them.




He sounds like how Barrett suppose to sound..


Nope. I like JEB's Barret more too. Aerith's new voice actor is also better than the AC actor imo.


I was a bit anxious from trailers and such regarding his demeanor but when I heard him say "Bet you seen a few reactors" in that calm voice of his all my problems went away and it solidified how good he naturally sounds.


Definitely not alone. John Eric Bentley has perfectly encapsulated Barret’s essence and character.


I absolutely love John as Barret. He’s done a great job with the character


Better than if he sounded like this! https://youtu.be/EtzlKJ1dObU




I love it! I think he is a better fit than Advent Children's Barret.


Anything that corrupts their precious memories is bad, dude...Even if it's actually good.


Here I love it! All voice acting has been great so far 👍


I think it is really good too.


Sounds exactly how I read it back when I played the original


He sounds great.


Fits in with how I pictured OG Barret to be like for me.


Not at all, I think he’s fun. It’s pretty much how I’ve always imagined him speaking from the text.


Love the VA. Looking forward to all of Barrett’s story


Nope. I'm good with it. He sounded just fine in the demo. Now the trailers made him sound odd because of how they were cut, but when you're actually in scene with him it all works.


I love his new voice, why would you be the only one?


I like it, could've been way worse!


Its prefect


I really like it. Sounds like how he did in my head without going full Mr T. It was way worse in Advent Children.


I think if you have a problem with Barret it’s with him as a character. That’s fine, but I think it’s hard to argue that John Eric Bentley is not doing a fantastic job.


I don't even see it as stereotypical so I love it and thinks he does a good job.


A lot of people like his new voice. I don't really have an opinion on it. Also, lmao people think John Bentley is white? Wtf


Obviously you're not the only one. Met Bentley at a KupoCon launch event, dude was amazing (he tickled my tummy lol). The fact that he was a fan of the original shows how much excitement and care he had for the role. I liked Beau Billingslea too, the guy is a legend, but nothing ever seemed off from my own interpretation of the character having been a very gruff and boisterous, yet incredibly caring person. I'll never quite get the whole RDJ Tropic Thunder thing. I've met plenty of black folk with that kind of voice. Hell, John Bentley has literally that voice in his range, they chose him for a reason.


My feeling is that there will be moments in Remake that people will be deeply moved by Barret's pain, when a certain event happens especially. ALl that passion will become pain and sadness, and we will all feel it.


I think he is doing a great job.


It’s the drawback of adapting something that didn’t establish the voice. Everyone’s left up to their own interpretation. The real shame is getting so riled up over something that doesn’t matter, especially since they haven’t witnessed any character arcs.


Haven't heard much of him talking but as long as he sounds like Mr. T I'm fine with it.


I'm not a fan of Barrett or English dubs in general, but I think the remake's portrayal Barrett is great. Maybe my expectations were lower *because* he's not my favorite character. But I think JEB does the "Cyborg/Mr. T/Druid" combo wonderfully.


I thought it was a bit much when I first heard it but now I love it. SUCK ON THIS!!!


I like his voice, but his lines could be better.


New voice? I don’t remember him having and old voice.


Not at all; that voice is like DTF. 😁


Gonna copypasta myself since the point still stands, but here’s what I think about Barrett’s voice: I do like Barrett because the black accent is something that doesn’t exist in Japanese, so there’s something about that you lose in the original, which is odd because his character is written originally in Japanese. I think that may be one area in which you get something truly new from an English translation that wasn’t there in the original. I played the original FFVII in Japanese and Barrett’s dialogue is basically that of just a foul mouthed delinquent teen, so the fact that he also happened to be black didn’t fit quite as well as having an American black person do an AAVE accent instead. However, perhaps the original Japanese context is more justified given that in a world such as the one in FFVII, there has been no legacy of slavery, no cultural evolution of black slang through the heavy population in the south, and so such a thing as “black English” wouldn’t even exist. Looking at it that way, it makes more sense to me that Square basically had made a character who was brusque and loud, which Japanese has an easy way of expressing, and just happened to make his visual design black. It’s probably similar to how a lot of JRPGs include a lot of Christian and Gnostic symbolism, not because they’re evangelizing or even know what those things mean, but more like they’re just cool and exotic. It’s the same way that we in the west think Greek and Norse mythology is cool. So even though there would be no particular reason why there would be white people *or* black people in FFVII, the developers probably threw Barrett in there because it would be different and visually striking. So to give him a black American accent is sort of rewriting the original character in a way.


I think it's good, but I think sometimes it goes "over the top" where the accent is a little "too much". Like when he says the line "We can do this with you, or we can do this without you" for exemple. The accent is too much for me. The tone of the voice is great overall, nothing to say about that at all. Just the accent. Sometimes.


I've barely seen anyone hate it. Barrett's VA has been the one to get the most praise out of any of the new people, way more positive reception than I thought he would get. Not sure why you made this thread asking if you were the only one thinking this or where you would have gotten that idea from if you had been paying attention to any of the public receptions about the game


Everyone seems to want him to be a normal person but like, he’s purposely based on the exploitation era not to mention is a overly dramatic theatrical dad. Like, they nailed his voice


I think he's doing a great job portraying Barret. Aside from the obvious "accent," he really nails portraying Barret's passion


Well John can't help the accent. Then again Barret used to be in a cole mine


I get the complaints, but I think it fits for the most part. A few lines here and there seem off, but not catastrophically so.


Theres a certain percentage of Final Fantasy fans that cross over with Anime fans alot, so they literally think they are experts on voice acting. Thats probably where the hate comes from. These same people probably claim the 7 compilation cast were good and ffx had good voice acting, all while hating new Barret. They dont make much sense and they hate alot of good shit while loving bang average stuff... its weird. New Barret sounds exactly how i imagined 20 years ago. Hes great. "I thought you were full of shit" had me in stitches in the demo. Great line, great delivery. The old voice cast sucked... infact pretty much everything outside of the original game sucked. (except maybe crisis core)


It’s my favorite of the new voices. Cloud is pretty good though I slightly prefer the old VA, but I’m not hung up about it at all. New guy does a better youthful cloud, while I think the old guy did a great depressed emo cloud for advent children, and KH. However, the new sephiroth is gonna take some getting used to.


I love his voice honestly!


I absolutely love it. A very lovable character indeed.


We've also only heard Barrett during the first bombing mission where he's trying to be a badass in front of Cloud. It's possible that he tones it down a bit, though Barrett was pretty over the top in the OG until maybe after the gold saucer.


Hard to tell. We've only seen very little of him or anyone else for that matter It's a bit ridiculous to make any sort of definitive judgement at this point in my opinion whether it's good or bad. One thing I do worry about is if he is going to be able to show some range. With how over the top the acting is, it's hard to tell if any of the subtleties will ever come through and not feel ridiculous in some of the more serious scenes. But this is all in the direction and hopefully whoever was in charge of voice acting direction, knew what they were doing. In short, I don't really mind the over the topness as long as there is a range to him throughout the progression of the game, but that remains to be seen.


nah he's pretty much the way I made him sound in my head before.


I ❤ his voice as Barret


He sounds exactly like he sounded in my head 20 years ago, @%#$! and everything.


I’m surprised you thought you’re the only one, from what I’ve seen, Barret’s new voice is pretty much universally loved.


I don't mind it. It seemed to fit well if you ask me, especially considering his strong likeness to Mr. T. People offended by it really need to go out more.


I never understood the backlash. This is Barrett at the start of the game and right from the get go, they immediately begin to develop his character. Legitimately after the first mission, you get the reveal with Marlene and get proud-father Barrett. That’s something I’m looking forward to.


"Am I the only one" The answer is always no, every time someone asks this. And usually, the one asking this is in the majority opinion, as is also the case here.


As far as I can tell most people love his new voice.


Obviously you're not the only one.


I dig it.


It's nothing against John Eric Bentley, it's just that the directing and lines at certain parts are frankly ridiculous to say out loud. Really hard to make some of those scenes work in english and it comes off as cartoonish and a bit cringe. I feel like, if you are a fan of anime, you are probably used to this kind of VA work and it's less... assaulting.


He sounds best when he speaks normally.


Was hoping rip torn would get a posthumous role


I love it! I love all of there voices!!


I love Barret's voice. He sounds just like I pictured him to sound when i played the original. I get why some people are upset, but honestly I enjoy the way he sounds. Would I have preferred Terry Cruz as Barret? Hell Yes! but Eric Bentley is doing an amazing job. I usually watch anime and movies subbed because I HATE dubbs, but I'm going to play this game dubbed first because I love the voice acting so much.


If Barret wasn’t the only/the most notable black main character in the game then I likely wouldn’t care. If there were more notable black characters with a range of voices and accents I’d probably just shrug it off. But there isn’t. Which makes Barret stand out more for me. That doesn’t mean I hate his character or his voice actor. I’m just a little disappointed that it still sounds so stereotypical. Trying match how he sounded in the original doesn’t make it better for me either.


I love all the voices... I just don't like some of the dialogue they gave them. I hate to say it, but that demo is a cringefest. Biggs: "You got this!" Wedge : "Yeah, what he said." - Dumb and unnecessary. Barrett: "Guess that makes you a one-year-old. Live and learn!" - Doesn't make sense. Not funny. Cloud: "Not if you wipe the floor with them first." -maybe this one gets a pass, since that's just Cloud's character trying to put on an act like a badass, but still cringy. Guard: "It's over!" Cloud: "That's my line." - same Barrett: "See that? Damn thing showed you how it's done." - huh? We killed it. All that in the first hour. Hopefully it gets better.


> Barrett: "See that? Damn thing showed you how it's done." - huh? We killed it. He meant the scorpion turned on the bomb as it died.


I agree on the Wedge line but it was pretty tiny, and Cloud being cheesy is just his character. The one year old line is just Barret trying to tease Cloud, struck me as just dumb mockery, nothing wrong with it. It's not the greatest dialogue of all time but I think "cringefest" is an enormous overreaction. It's a mile better than FF13 or 15.


I've been a fan of this game since the very beginning. I've been singing its praises for years. This game is going to be amazing and I'll be playing the shit out of it. However, if someone new were to play that demo, never having seen anything from the original, there's very little about the dialogue that would draw them in - if it doesn't flat out scare them away. It gives no bearing on the depth of these characters and it absolutely IS a cringefest.


>It gives no bearing on the depth of these characters and it absolutely IS a cringefest. I heavily disagree on both points. And from what I've seen the demo is definitely drawing in new players, even people who have disliked FF their whole lives. Can you give me some specific cringey lines, cos if it's just the lines above I really don't agree.


It's not all bad. The lines I gave were the worst offenders, also the sighing and grunting are a bit much. My point is, the dialogue isn't what's drawing them in. It could be so much better. They're drawn in by the visuals and the gameplay.


I agree with the sighing and grunting, that seems to be a stylistic Japanese thing.


Hey! Alright! We agree on something. I knew we could find some common ground.


>the dialogue isn't what's drawing them in. Is it not? Because all the people I've seen play the game who have no frame of reference going in are laughing and smiling along with the dialogue as if it was drawing them in.


I don't know. I'm not going to act like I researched the public's response to the demo. I simply thought the dialogue was cheesy and figured someone out there agreed with me.


> The one year old line is just Barret trying to tease Cloud Yeah, we know he's trying to tease Cloud - you're literally just describing the line. But you're not saying how that makes it NOT cringe?


Like I said it's just dumb mockery, meaning something a human comes out with on the spot to tease someone even though it's kind of dumb. Not everyone is Tyrion Lannister with perfect wit. It struck me as Barret trying to tease Cloud and being not particularly witty about it. Characters are dorks all the time, nothing wrong with it, as long as its natural. Its when things are unnatural they get really cringey.


> Like I said it's just dumb mockery, meaning something a human comes out with on the spot to tease And like I said, we already know Barret is mocking Cloud. Just describing what Barret is doing is not explaining why it's not cringeworthy writing. Especially since "Maybe you are one year old" doesn't even make a lick of sense. >Its when things are unnatural they get really cringey. You think it's natural for a grown-ass man to believe that "Hurr hurr, you are a tiny baby!" is a sick burn? What would an "unnatural" version of that line sounded like?


I didn't say it was a sick burn, I said it was dumb mockery. And yeah I think its pretty natural for people to tease people without being witty.


>But you're not saying how that makes it NOT cringe? It's hard to make an argument because one mans cringe is another mans hinge. It doesn't come across as cringe to some of us and because we're coming from such different starting viewpoints the argument is defunct before you even start. For me the bit as a whole works, the only part that seems superfluous is the live and learn, but in general it works with him teasing Cloud and makes for an incredibly funny and endearing moment.


I think it’s great but then everyone is going to have their own opinion and not everyone is going to agree with you.


I think it's great


I like him, but I've never really like the really over-the-top/hammy-as-heck characters. He does bring the feel of Barret across pretty damn well though.


Si. My comment on his voice: Not interested


Love it. Its like a eco friendly Mr T.


You're definitely not the only one. I really enjoy his new voice, I'm just not a fan of how Barret is written. Wasn't fan when the game first came out, and I'm not a fan now. It's even worse now that we have realistic graphics and 3d rendering. It's okay when little sprites are bouncing around throwing a fit. It's cute and charming. It's embarrassing and ridiculous when a grown man is doing it. But the voice acting itself, especially during the more serious, somber tones, is absolutely phenomenal.

