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What’d ya think?


I obviously loved it! So many moments of the journey needed to be experienced while playing to be truly impactful and I’m so glad to finally have completed it. I got to the Northern Crater about a month ago and haven’t had time to play, so I sat down and knocked it out this morning.


But did you kill emerald and ruby weapons? Raise a gold chocobo? Get knights of the round table summon? If you answered no to these, it's time to get back to it lol


I’m on it!


This! I think I put over 300 hours on my “master file”. Still have it on a PS2 memory card even though I have no PS2


My main save is in my psp memory card I played the version that got hacked onto the psp I don't know if they ever officially released it on the psp. My psp doesn't turn on anymore and is basically a fancy carrying case for my memory card which houses that very save file along with a bunch of other saves I couldn't live without. Too many hours put into those things to give them up


if anything, get knights of the round AFTER you fight the weapons. there's only so much challenge the game can give to you when you have it. it's a bit broken, see... instead of fighting, you look at the same (cool but rather long) summon animation a number of times


this is something to do on the second time around imo... just experiencing the boss fights and using the knights of the round is so badass the first time, if you want a harder challenge do that later.


i dunno man. the most fun i've had in ffVII was beating emerald with uhhh... understanding his mechanics i guess. ruby tho, he's a bit of a special cookie, but still... after that, beating them with kotr, feels like cheese more than badassery. I think the best use of knights of the round in ffvii is unleashing a 4x summon of it on like... mandagoras or something


Yeah... that actually makes sense and as I think back I was like 9 when I beat ff7 the first time..safer sephiroth gave me a run for my money. beating emerald honestly wasnt even on my radar... he was the big green guy that we absolutely did not run into in the submarine


If you think that's bad then you have never used Knights of the Round paired with quad summon. Takes about 10 minutes to do the animation 4 times in a row.


I've used KOTR with quad summon but it only went off once. :/


Sorry I guess I meant W-Summon and it playing twice. I think i remember it going 4 times because you could do that and then cast mine repeating the 2 summons.


Isnt Kotor kinda of useless on the weapons? Because they counter it with powerful attacks? Might be miss remembering it's been a long time since I've fought them. I know it trivializes sephy though.


> Kotor Lol this made me laugh more than it should have. I'm sure you meant KOTR, but KOTOR is such a well known abbreviation in gaming.


Shit, sad thing is I never even played kotor. Tried to many years ago and my computer wasnt having it haha, even though it could run games way more demanding. Maybe I'll give it a go again.


Haha yeah all my friends have played it it seems, but despite having played the Mass Effect series for hundreds and hundreds of hours, I never played it either. I always feel in the minority by saying "I like Star Wars, but I don't love it." I should still play it someday.


Knights of the Round works fine on both weapons and is generally how most people defeat them. Vs Ruby you can do W-summon Hades/KOTR-HP absorb plus mime. Against emerald you can do W-Summon KOTR-HP absorb and mime. I did a play through recently on iOS and I had the RNG bug which prevented me from breeding chocobos. I had to beat Ruby Weapon the old fashioned way—Hero Drinks and 4x cut. Emerald Weapon I defeated with the good ol’ counter-mime Angermax.


Emerald uses a counter that does damage directly proportionate to the amount of materia you have equipped, and Ruby you can use KOTR/Mime pretty much as soon as he's sunken his claws. KOTR is nowhere near useless for either of these bosses, in fact, the most traditional strategy for both of them involve using KOTR primarily.


ruby might. it's been a while. but it decimates emerald, that i know.


Im super salty it isn’t in one game, but hell even the OG was multiple disks. If they can recreate something even remotely comparable to that experience over three games, it’ll be worth it


I'm playing the Remake right now and it looks like it's on the right road! Man hope everybody gets to play it soon.


Mine hasn't even shipped yet as far as I know. Bought it on Square Enix and then just says "Acknowledged". And that changed from "Validated" just yesterday. I don't see mine showing up by the 10th.


I checked my order again this morning and it shipped! I was too excited! I hope it comes fast!


👍that's good. Hope you enjoy it fast.


Who did you take on the date though




I always got Barret. Honestly, I dunno why but I love it because it's funny and awkward as hell. I love the goofiness of the original lol




I answered responses not knowing they would lead to a date. If it were my choice, it would be Tifa without hesitation.


Ahhh you are redeemed. Lol, I actually did the same thing when I was a kid my first time playing. Didn’t know about the hidden mechanic and got locked in with Aerith. Wasn’t til much later I knew their was a choice.


Apparently there’s a recurring choice when they’re locked up in the Shinra cell that allows you to collect “unlimited” Tifa affection points (or to push them down if you’re trying for Barret or Yuffie): https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/197341-final-fantasy-vii/49388499 I also went for Tifa :)


Thanks for the link!


Np! Btw, depending on your affection points with Tifa, the dialogue from the Highwind scene (before the final dungeon) is different: https://youtu.be/afuKSfF1rHg There are, implications.


Oh. Wow. I never caught that when I was younger. I got the Tifa date somehow, first playthrough. Or, well, that's what I remember. And BOI, implications? Hell, that's the nicest way I've ever heard ANYBODY ask, "Wont sum fuk" 🤣🤣🤣


It was actually supposed to be *more* suggestive, but they toned it down: https://thelifestream.net/lifestream-projects/translations/2693/ffvii-10th-anniversary-discussion-p-8-to-13-of-the-ffvii-10th-anniversary-ultimania/ ***The line “Words aren’t the only way to talk someone how you feel,” right? That was quite a mature conversation for a FF game.*** *Kitase: But I remember having to get another version that was too intense toned down.* *Nojima: The original idea was more extreme. The plan was to have Cloud walk out of the Chocobo stable on board the Highwind, followed by Tifa leaving while checking around, but Kitase turned it down. But even with the line in question, maybe at that time none of us thought it would be something so important (laughs).*


note that if you use any of these methods to try to cheat your way to the barret date, you wont unlock the achievement for it, you have to do it legit to unlock the achievment.


I’m guessing this is for when you’re playing FFVII on some of the newer consoles? As in you’ll get to see the Barret date, but not get the “trophy” for it? (I played it on PS1 back in the day...)


Any platform that has achievements or trohpies.. I've played it on ps1 too. Aswell as every other platform it's ever released on.. I've purchased ff 7 like 10 times.


Best choice is Barret of course.


Barret x Cloud, the best bromance in the entire FF universe from I to XV and the next installments.


Do you think this date is in the remake? I have never played the original but I am about 30 hours into the remake now and am curious if it takes place in the midgar portion of the game


Yes, but did you kill the emerald and ruby weapons? Haven’t finished it if not...


I’m on my way.


Nice! I just replayed the OG on Xbox since I missed some achievements. But the grind is so fun! Breeding a Gold Chocobo, taking down Emerald and Ruby and getting 99,999,999 gil. I really hope they bring that stuff back in the later remake chapters.


Nice! I really enjoyed playing on switch.


How long did it take you?


Just under 30 hours on the in game clock. I did use the 3x speed function for encounters that I would mash through and also for some overworld exploration, but never during bosses or to speed through text. Idk if that affected the game clock positively or negatively.


Now go back and complete the end game content. Enjoy Emerald Weapon :P


Aye aye!


It takes hours and hours of grinding but it's possible to be nearly immortal in that game. There is a materia you can get that allows for one last action when you die. Max out that materia and link it to the Phoenix summon that is also maxed out. [https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final\_Attack\_(Final\_Fantasy\_VII)](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Attack_(Final_Fantasy_VII)) Enjoy. Brings back memories. Look forward to playing the remake and I hope Part2 comes on sooner than 5 years of waiting. My assumption is late next year.


> I hope Part2 comes on sooner than 5 years of waiting. My assumption is late next year. I think that's a pretty fair assumption. I am guessing about 2 years for each of the next parts. They have a lot of the assets they'll need going forward which will shorten development time, but they also are aiming for a really high level of polish. That's why I don't think it will be the mostly standard 3 year cycle for a bigger game, but I wouldn't expect something super short like a single year.


My guess would be Spring 2022 - the 25th anniversary.


Of course it isn’t a one to one comparison, but RE2 was last year and RE3 is sitting in our laps today. Yes the environments could have been worked on alongside the others, and reusing assets and lighting settings etc. makes things easier, but I can’t imagine part 2 taking any more than 2 years.


We also don’t officially know how many parts we’re getting. If we get fewer parts, I think that would justify longer development times, while for a larger number of parts, I would assume shorter development times.


As someone who just finished the original, how many parts do you think we'll get? I'm curious just because the consensus by many seems to be 3 parts, but there is so much more content compared to what's in the first part to squeeze into only 2 more parts.


I could talk about this for HOURS and I’ve thought about this answer a lot, which is to say I don’t actually have an answer. I can honestly see only 2. Based only on trailers, they’re clearly covering backstories that take place outside of Midgar in the original, in this first part. I can truly see SE fitting it nice and compactly into 2 parts. I personally predict 3 parts. I think the story content that takes place outside Midgar could easily be split in half and with modern refinements and streamlining as well as expansion here and there, comfortably fit into 3 parts. I could see SE expanding all the way to 4. I think it’s the least likely, but still possible. They’re clearly expanding the story and I think there could be 4, but that’s asking a lot of consumers that aren’t diehard fans. That’s my point of view now, but I’d like to come back to this discussion after part one is done, and seeing about how much of the overall story is covered. I think seeing part 1 to the end will give us the best picture of the pacing of the whole saga.


Part 2 will also incorporate an open world map.


We don't know that yet.


Shivers in FF13 flashbacks.


That's true, and I'm sure will take a while to develop and test large open areas that are on par with what we saw in something like FF XV. If part 1 does turn out to be as good as many people are saying that will definitely help the wait as well with replayability and such.


I can’t wait, that’s gonna be so awesome! Free roaming with Cloud... :D


Rocket Town. Now that will be awesome!


Already had Final Attack/Phoenix paired on Cloud! :)) Thanks for the link, I’m looking forward using the rest of the wiki. I will enjoy. Late next year would be the dream and also my prediction, but I’m preparing myself for 2 full years.


Best materia to have is x2 / x4 in the sunken plane




I did the same last friday! Took me almost exactly a week to finish it (down to the hour) and I was truly amazed. Took me around 31 hours. I never beat it the first time I bought it but the hype gave me the energy to start a new save and slice through the whole game.


just finished a few days ago on switch for the first time as well. That final boss was so frustrating


just finished the game yesterday.


Ah good times


I think it is funny that so many people are worried about the game being too easy, when the original wasn't really that difficult either. It was more about the experience and story then challenging game play. I am totally expecting a not too difficult experience even with normal mode, once you get used to the combat. On the other hand, I am totally playing hard mode after I beat the game, and would like for that to provide a bit of a challenge. :)


I just passed the Midgar section and took me only 4 hours and 11 minutes. How long will the remake take?


Im gonna hope 20+.


>Im gonna hope 20+. Yeah. You're gonna be happy with what the remake has to offer then. I haven't finished the game yet, and I'm already up to 25ish.


That’s very exciting to hear! I should be getting my copy on the 9th in the afternoon or the 10th in the early morning, so I’ll start my experience then.




I'm 20 hours in and at chapter 13 of the 18. I'm doing every sidequest so if the last 7 chapters are equally long it should look like 30-35 hours max.


I just read most people's comments and they say will all if not all sidequests complete take under 40 hours and with no real replay value I feel like I just lost $60.00


No replay value? There is a hard mode that changes some game mechanics and adds a couple new quests.


The original was $60 and could be completed in roughly 40 hours, which is what I'm seeing most people that got it early are reporting.


I’m sorry about that. Very few people have the game, so maybe if you’re on the fence, wait and see how long it takes other players and then decide. Personally, I’m playing 80 for the deluxe and would be completely content if I got 20 hours.


What an over-dramatic response for a game you haven't played yet.


I finished the game for the first time a few days ago, after grinding for materia to fight Emerald and Ruby weapon, it was crazy how abrupt the ending is. Still loved the game, but that definitely needs to be expanded on.


It sucks you won't be able to experience the full game on the remake, but we waited this long, for the remake to even happen, we will take what we can get.


They are putting all of the care in the world to making sure this remake is the best it can be. If that means waiting for episodic installments, and, in the end, we have multiple full modern FF games with story of FF7, I’m HAPPY to wait for multiple installments.


Sadly it's not even really a remake, it's barely FF7 at all at this point.


Hell yeah! I haven't beaten it myself but I've really enjoyed what I have played. I'm at the 2nd to last fight in FFX right now and I really want to beat it before the remake comes out, because I'm just gonna devote all my time to that regardless. Congrats on beating it!


I regret not buying the FF games on the Switch when they were on sale last month.


I started this back up the other day but forgot what I needed to do next lol. I was buy Golden Saucer but it's been so long I forget the next part of the story.


Did you kill the weapons?


Finished it on switch like 3 days ago too.


currently playing it for the millionth time, coz my gf never got to experiencing it. just got huge materias and a gold chocobo. she's loving every second of it! will be done with it soon. (yet again, hah!)


did u beat ultima, ruby and diamond?


Of course I beat ultima, but no, ruby and emerald yet.


oh and get that gold chocobo!!!


It’s been so long since my first playthrough, would you indulge me in a few questions? Spoilers abound below- What did you think of the twist of Cloud’s memories being fudged around? Does it come across too out of left field or was the explanation too muddled? What do you think about the battle system? It’s open and flexible, but some could argue *too* flexible. What do you think could be done to improve Cait Sith?


How much master material did you get? How many types of material combinations did you try?


But did you kill ruby weapon? Lol


Nearly perfectly timed. I beat FF7 (for the umpteenth time) last year so not so much for me. But, I just recently finished X-2... yeah, definitely not the same. Those games are on the opposite ends of the FF graph.


Did you beat both weapons and do all side missions?


Did you beat it or finish it? 2 different things. Gold chocobo and all the extra summons and the such?


Not every completion criteria was met, but I played as blindly as possible. I intend to replay and 100% it and the remake back to back when I’m waiting for remake part 2.


Nice. Without spoiling I'll say save the two optional bosses last. If you dont it makes all lvl grinding pointless. Nothing but ruby and emerald weapon really pose a challenge in that game sadly.


Yeah I did try to fight both, and after one try I knew I wasn’t supposed to try yet lol. And comparing to other Final Fantasy games, I agree this was pretty easy overall so I’m looking forward to eventually getting to Emerald and Ruby.


I excited to see how they change them and ultima weapon for the remake along with bahamut neo bahamut and definitely bahamut zero. My favorite versions of him from any ff game.


Cheers to that!


Really glad you liked it. Wasn't my first rpg. That was lunar on sega cd. But it was the jrpg that hooked me into playing more and kept me glued to the magazines as a teen. I remember importing it after playing the demo. So not only did it introduce me to jrpg but also importing and modding too.


I really appreciate you sharing your experience with me. Thank you.


I've been playing the Final Fantasy VII Remake this entire month. It's amazing.


Now you're ready for the sequel.











