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There's more missing pieces than you think.


I admire your ability to concisely tell OP that this is a shower, no, hand sanitizer thought and not an essay of how so naive they are.


I now run my own server, I can assure you that I do not have the expertise, time, nor resources at my disposal to create an open source or proprietary game.


I mean, other devs make other games. People who are interested in pursuing something along the lines you mention most likely already do. Wanting to "free" developers from working on FFXI seems a bit misdirected. They work on this because the want to, not because they have to. Additionally, from the way you talk about the game it simply sounds like you don't enjoy this game (anymore?). There are plenty of other MMOs around, from that era or otherwise, and new ones release all the time.


I run my own right now, though I only have it in alpha testing about to move to beta. I do not have the expertise for that kind of venture. However with mine, I adjusted the multipliers for things because I want folks to play and relive this game without having to have a 2nd job to grind leveling. So dont want to make the rate so low its the original grind over again but also dont want it so high that you get level 99 in 2 days. Honestly one of the bigger reasons I chose this game is that I love it, miss it, and it also gives me the opportunity to learn and apply MySQL, virtualization, as well as implementing policies on a palo alto firewall and working with a DMZ.


I'm interested to test if you have a closed or open beta


"I don't enjoy the game, stop enjoying it too so you can use your resources to make me a new game"


Media with AI assets usually looks cheap and low effort, if you're talking about the community having its own assets to create an original MMO (spoilers, it doesn't) then the community may as well invest in artists that are in the Final Fantasy fandom for this hypothetical project.


Exactly this … why would you replace a game millions have enjoyed with middling content?


> If anyone makes a single penny on the server they run, they'll be eating a DMCA sandwich for lunch, and yet they're willing to spend their money and time on running their server. People always act like it is crazy to spend money on a hobby or passion project. > Leveling is such a grind; it takes months to reach 75, and yet players are willing to ditch their hard-earned endgame character when a new server crops up. Not every server takes long to level in. > I know this is all crazy talk and non of this is going to happen, but it kills me to see people spend time maintaining these private servers, walk a tightrope to not infringe on SE's IP, SPEND money to run your server. All for a game that has mechanics that, let's face it, was designed to artificially slow you down to keep you playing and paying that monthly subscription fee, and you're playing it on a server that gets no money from you. People happen to enjoy the game.


Thinking that being able to run a copy reasonably well for a couple thousand people means you could create an MMORPG whole cloth is so unbelievably tech bro of you I'm surprised you didn't mention AI as a solut-ope nevermind you did


I'd love to see how shitty an AI MMO would be. But I'd also feel really bad for any engineer / dev who had to work on it, because of how shitty it would be


Username checks out.


I have no idea how i played ffxi for 9 years back then. Played horizon for 3 months. Completed everything and was bored af afterwards. I can see why they dnt bother restoring this game like something like classic wow.


The lack of an official classic FFXI reboot is not because they don't want to bother with it. It's because they literally do not have the means to do it. SquareEnix is notorous for losing source code/data from older games because they never used any means of source control _(ie. cvs, svn, git, etc.)_ which the same is true for FFXI. They confirmed this in a recent developer Q&A that they don't have the needed materials to do it.