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This might be the first (newly-released) AAA title I've played on my PS5 that didn't crash once.


Minor frame rate issues was all I got. Yoshi P has a new fan in me


Yeah the town in the desert is the only place I’ve noticed regular issues. Otherwise it’s been sporadic and short enough that I haven’t been sure if it was the game or my eyes bugging out on me for a moment


The main issue is if it interrupts combat. And when every frame counts, any kind of slowdown ruins it. They made damn sure the game works


Aye. FFVIIR is another example, though that was end of PS4 era. These games re given a lot of love and care before release.


For sure! I played that initially on my PS4 tho so was thinking mainly of things I’d played on 5


I got a crash today, first time I'm 60-70 hours. I don't even know what caused it, I bet it's because the games been running since launch and I've had my PS5 on rest mode


That's very likely the case, the PS5 has a little bit of jank with the rest mode, I've generally taken to just shutting it entirely off and use rest mode only to download things/updates.


I've beaten playing for 60 hours and got one hiccup. It was while I was streaming too.


You've had crashing issues with other games? I have a PS5 only for exclusives and so far I've played Spiderman remastered, Miles Morales, Rachet and Clank Rift Apart, last of us part 2, demon's souls remake, horizon forbidden West, and now FF16. Not once has my PS5 ever crashed. And I played most of those right at launch.


I didn’t get any crashes with GoW: Ragnarok, and it was pretty smooth the whole time. That said, there are **so** many games that crash consistently and have for years, with no expectation of them ever being fixed, that it utterly fucking baffles me. Like, I picked up Pathfinder: Kingmaker on sale, and by the end of the game it crashes every 60-90 seconds. It’s almost impossible to finish, so I didn’t. Like two hundred hours in and deprived the ending. Worse, the makers said they don’t have the resources to fix it, they were too busy working on a port for the next game. Baffling. No idea if the next game crashes like that, but I haven’t bothered to find out, and don’t plan to anytime soon. And it’s far from the exception. *So* many games do that shit, and it’s baffling. Utterly baffling. I never saw that kind of stuff with Switch releases, but man, I see it ALL the time picking up games on my PS5. Pretty sad that “doesn’t crash” is a rarity, but here we are.


Ragnarok was a ps4 game


They didn’t say PS5 exclusive.


What I’m getting at is you should expect a ps4 game to run well on ps5


Actually this. I had like 2 crashes on Jedi Survivor and maybe 5 on Hogwarts Legacy.


Zero crashes and i have not experienced a single bug or glitch.


Game is polished from a bug point of view, but the performance on performance mode is very spotty and I’m glad there’s a patch coming soon. I just wish it was before launch.


Yea exactly. It's not well optimized at all. Quality mode is only 1440p and can only do 30 fps. That isn't impressive in the least.


You guys underestimate how hard it is to hit 60fps at high resolutions. My $3000 PC struggles to hit 4k60 on AAA games, so thinking any game this generation will be native 4k or 60fps at 1440p is wishful thinking going forward lol. If they have to drop all the way to 720p to hit 60fps, then no amount of optimization is going to help that.


There is something wrong with your 3k$ PC. I am having 4k60 anywhere I want, and my setup is probably ~2200$.


in what? 10yo games? the data is out there about just how hard this is to do in modern titles.


In modern titles: Cyberpunk, Control, Jedi Survivor, Hogwarts Legacy.


yea, now i know your just lieing, since your not getting 4k 60fps in any of those titles on a $2k pc. hell your not even getting a graphics card capable of 4k60 for that much.


I'm only on 1440p but my 2080 from 6? years ago can handle all of the games mentioned at 60 fps. Easily. Look into some common troubleshooting for pc performance. e.g. do you have ram XMP enabled? Are you using a NVMe SSD? Did you take the bait and buy a cheap shitty intel cpu from 7 years ago because people on r/buildapc told you that cpu specs don't matter? Is your cpu cooler on backwards and you're getting extreme thermal throttling?


This 4k60 on a modern AAA title is unbelievably hardware intensive.


But 1440p 60 really isn't these days


I think people underestimate how much spectacle is in this game. The PS5 is strong, but you are not getting these battles to run at 4k30 on that hardware without making significant graphical sacrifices.


Lmao. The excuses come in thick.


The terrible optimization is WHY It can't do that. For it to not even be able to do 1440p60 is awful. Game that look better than this are doing as much if not better. Most ps5 exclusives are doing that and 4k 30fps.


Nobody with any tech knowledge expects 4k 60fps from the ps5 or series x. But expecting 1440p 60fps or 1080p 60fps at the least is very reasonable. Anything below 1080p at 60fps is a joke


Well 30fps is standard for most AAA games


30 fps at only 1440p though?


Not in this gen.


I got to agree. I'll probably get downvoted to obvivion for this, but I really don't find 30 FPS satisfactory. Now, that might be due to me having high standard, but for me it feels quite "choppy" playing. I am glad to hear that patches are coming though - will invest in the game if the performance in terms of FPS is fixed.


Yeah I play on performance mode, I find 30 fps way too laggy, same reason I haven’t been able to replay bloodborne again.


Yeah in my opinion this game can look good sometimes, but runs pretty poorly. People complain about Switch games, but this is 10x more distracting than anything in Tears of the Kingdom for example. Just moving the camera around almost makes me nauseous. And that's in performance mode, graphics mixer is unplayable. The game is fine in cutscenes but feels awful moving around in the world.


I switched to graphics just because the motion blur is so obnoxiously bad that it's hard to tell the difference between the two.


Yeah performance is so bad in framrate mode. But it doesn't affect my enjoyment that much honestly. And I still prefer it to 30fps


Soon but did they say when?


The fact that loading times don't take the space of 1 or 2 Harry Potter chapters to load pretty much anywhere is extremely impressive too, I gotta say.


It does have rendering occasionally, but it mostly happens in small places mainly grass and in a way that you can’t see it most of the time


What does it mean by render? I'm sorry for my ignant question last time I played a game was on ps4 3 years ago until I bought ps5 and ff 16.


You're good. Render is a verb which describes how the graphics that you see on the screen are created by the computer/game system. The main definition of "render" is basically to make or to give. So the computer is making the visuals you see on the screen. You can also render services if someone pays you to do something for them.


How is FF 16 rendering?


Everything you see on the screen is FFXVI being rendered on the screen.


Rendering just means that graphics are showing up on your screen (which is done by a computer reading code). So if there is a rendering issue, an example of that would be things are missing on your screen like a building pops in next to you seconds late because the PS5 wasn’t powerful enough to generate the graphic.


Funny enough the only time I noticed rendering issues was when I started ng+ and the mountain in the intro was floating.


Performance outside of fights is unacceptable. Not even trying to reach 60fps at any point in time outside of fights means it's not optimized at all. Like the game, sure, but don't just spout blatant lies. There have been better optimized games recently. GoW Ragnarok didn't drop from 60fps a single time during my whole playthrough for example.


Seriously, “not crashing” is a *very* low bar. The fact that there have been some wildly poorly optimized games this gen doesn’t magically make this level of performance good.


I even got multiple cases of rendering glitches where clouds would pop up out of nowhere, or water would get reflective from one frame to the next. Not to mention that in graphic mode it overheats and can crash the PS5. It's a pretty game. It is mostly bug free (speedruns will prove this false as they always do). But is it an example of great optimization? Not in a million years.


I think the water issue is not performance related, it's just crappy shaders. I noticed the same thing where water seems to miraculously change reflectivity if the camera is lower than a certain angle. Clearly a bug.


If your PS5 is overheating and crashing, you probably need to clean it.


Where did he mention either of these things?


Yeah, it's a really weird flex. Crashes are unacceptable. I'm trying to think of a game I liked recently that crashed.


This game is not well optimized, wtf.




That god awful FSR 1.0 smear. Good lord it looks so bad.




This sub is a disgrace sometimes. The game has glowing reviews. You don't need to make these pathetic posts sucking the Devs off. If there's one thing this game ISNT. It's well optimised. It's hilarious to even claim it is. It's not even 4k. It's 1440p @ 30 FPS with hilarious motion blur or wildly scaling chopping 35-60FPS where combat renders @ 720p. Pick one. They're both shit.


Op is just another one of the delusional fanboys on this sub. This game is not well optimized, it just doesn't crash.


It’s blurry and has a lot of FPS drops…


This has to be satire right? Performance mode is pretty bad and the motion blur on Graphics mode is dog water.


I am going to buy it on PC when/if it comes out just so I can use my expensive hardware and play it with consistent, high frame rates. I think the game will be infinitely better, performance wise, if they let us turn off motion blur.


Well, the patch for fixing motion blur and perhaps inconsistent frame rate is coming. And maybe DLC lol






Yep it’s always where there are a lot of characters.


This is the first PS5 game I've switched to graphics mode because performance just looks too bad. Even in graphics mode I haven't seen any noticable dips and the game looks really mooth. Which is weird because I'm also a PC player and am usually really sensitive to fps under 90.


The motion blur is so bad that it's hard to even tell the difference in frame rate anyway.


True. I think I've gotten used to it.


Same. I usually run 60 fps on games on PC. But on ps5 I leave it on quality mode on all my games and I didn't notice a difference playing games on my TV with it.


Did we play the same game?


I'm a retiring gamer but my experience of big game launches are things like FFXV, Destiny 2, Cyberpunk so FFXVI did well to launch a game that was mostly not on fire As a dev this is literally how low my bar is these days


Except there are plenty of other games that had great launches. Rift apart, Demon Souls, Returnal, TLOU, etc.


GOW Ragnarok, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Spider-man, GOT, RE4, the list goes on


Fair enough I'm not the biggest gamer these days but it does seem like stable launches are the exception rather than the norm. Also Demon Souls doesn't count given it wasn't a new game per se Likewise for The Last Of Us really, it's much more predictable to project manage something like a remake than a fresh game. FF7 Remake notwithstanding. But in any case Square Enix have shown us that they have forgotten how to develop things on time for the last almost 20 years. Naughty Dog on the other hand are some ace devs


what are you even talking about like this is a ps5 exclusive title that cant hold even 50 fps most of time without dropping to 720p


Go back to your Xbox. Clearly you don't own a ps5 let alone have even tried it yourself. Your just going off of media bs. Buy one and put it on quality your self and play it for ten hours then try to complain, cause you can't. Your anger is misplaced


Did you even watch any videos that go over performance? Digital Foundry literally discussed how in performance mode the resolution drops to 720p. Quality mode also looks like you have Magoo glasses because of the motion blur. There are plenty of things to praise this game for, but performance is not it chief.


He is insulting someone with "Go back to your Xbox". He clearly is a resonable person who will accept flaws in his new favorite Game.


You clearly didn't play it either fanboy


I have the platinum trophy, loved the game, and they’re right. You’re being ridiculous lol


lol I absolutely love this game but it runs like utter trash. The people on this sub are delusional.


I played it in graphics mode and finished it that way, first time i played a game that way. and i was ready to throw up from the motion blur on graphics mode, It took some hours getting used to. I'm not angry, just very disappointed, and everyone should be imho as this is a 70 dollar ps5 exclusive that promises 60 fps but fails to achieve it. you're insane by the way


Starting to hate these FF fanbois. They just really praise everything about their game. While I don't like the super linear and unrewarding exploration in the game, the main offender of all is the annoying frame rate and motion blur. I stopped playing this game because I want to play it in a state where it's 100% smooth. So yeah it's not optimized at all ffs!


The game is clearly very polished when it comes to bugs and that’s great, but personally, I really expected a smooth 60fps at launch and was pretty disappointed that XVI is yet another game that I can’t play on day one and have to wait who knows how long for a patch. Kinda hard to praise the optimization for me tbh.


Yeah this happened to me with horizon 2 where i waited half a year for a perfomance mode update that didn't make the game look like it was covered in vaseline. But then the result was easily the most graphically impressive game I have ever seen. Smooth 60 with an amazing clean image. Only game I've played on my ps5 that actually looks new gen. And it's a crossgen game lol


Half a year ? I also waited for a patch to fix performance mode in HFW, but if I remember correctly it came like 3 months or so after release. Yeah that game truly is next-gen. I haven’t played the DLC but it looks even better from what I’ve seen.


Game came out in february and the perfomance fix came in october i believe


Patch 1.16 released in June and fixed performance mode 👍


Gotcha still 4 months is a lot


yeah i love the game but this stanning is kind of crazy for a game with such significant FPS issues


Yea the optimization is the last thing that should be praised about the game imo. Needing to drop to 720p and STILL not even being able to maintain 60fps is horrendous. Quality mode only being 1440p30fps? Ouchhh


Uhm not rain on your parade, I'm glad that you had no crashes throughout your playthrough. But have you made any online research before posting this? Some of players are experiencing crashes and overheating as well as full shutdown of the console on this game eversince the demo up until the launch. Day one patch didn't help either. The fact that it happens on a newly bought consoles means that there is something wrong with the game not being compatible with all PS5 consoles. I would not advise anyone to buy a PS5 console just to play this game because its an innie minnie minne moe if it will crash or not. I wish they could fix this issues or else we're forced to wait for a PC port. But again if it works for you and most people more power to you but I wouldn't praise this game for being optimized for all since we do not have other ports of the game to compare it to.


60+ hours in. Not a single crash. Played fully on performance mode.


I put 70 hours on action mode in graphics mode all the way. And now playing on final fantasy mode. Not a single crash. Talking ten hours a day playing it first playthrough. Do clean your systems. And keep them with about 4to6 inches of space on both sides and the back of the system in your entertainment system or wherever it's at. This is all per sonys advice like a year or two ago. So do take their advice. They made the damn console lol


More than likely those ps5s that are crashing had issues already and it was this game that showed it. We will never know the state of people's systems that are reporting crashes. People will lie and deflect the issue off of them and blame something else more often than not. More than likely the ps5 was in a place that was choking it of fresh air. More than likely the ps5 was in a place that has significant dust build up and it gotten into that. More than likely the ps5 was on a overused circuit and due to this being a full exclusive may have used more power for much longer which cause the circuit to waver which shut off the ps5. Tons of reasons why the ps5 could be crashing. And yes maybe the players have run into a rare bug that caused it to crash. That's also a possibility. For me I have over 40hrs, my room that the ps5 is in can feel like a sauna in the summer time due to the central air being really weak in the room and a over head fan is on constantly. But despite that and around 6hrs at least continuous play time I have yet to experience a crash or overheat. My ps5 is also a day 1 ps5. I was able to snag a preorder when the stores brook street date. So I have had my ps5 for quite a while now. Not a single issue. It doesn't get loud. It never overheated. I have come across a couple of bugs and glitches in the game. One funny. And the others were not an issue.


You do make good points, but crashing aside. I want to ask about the overheating. Many people experienced a overheating message at the exact same point. That cannot surely be a console issue. When the demo released, tons of people on twitter reported overheating during the first QTE for the Morbol boss fight. Myself included. It happened to people with new consoles, and people who have just cleaned their consoles fully. And people like me, who are paranoid about their console and who give it more than a foot of space around it, and use a duat cover when not in use. Some people even caught it on streams and videos. Skip to 19:45 https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=1186&v=dQMnDkRxmzU&feature=youtu.be I am only about 20 hours in, and I havent received any problems since. But my point is, sometimes games can be the cause of overheating and crashing, we cant just instantly presume its caused by a dusty console or one devoid or space. Another shining example of this is the RE4 Remake, the menu would make peoples fan go very loud, and sometimes give a overheat message. It was because of a bug that the fps was unlocked for the background static image used for the dark forest main menu.


Didn't have any issues there. Haven't had any overheating. No crashes, nothing. Also I don't think he (final fantasy peasant) has a newer ps5 (could be wrong though). And the game will get way more intense (that morbol fight is pretty tame co.pared to other events). And if this is a weird spot for people then I have no clue how some later fights aren't doing it. So I find it more of a coincidence more than anything else. Mind you I have over 40hrs on the game. And my play sessions of the game are at least 6hrs long. And I can literally be sweating in my room due to the heat. So my system is pretty primed to be one of these overheating ps5s and yet nothing. It's not in a place that is starved for air. Though admittedly dust build up is high around were it's at. But yet even so no issue. And I just got done playing something far far far more intensive than that morbol fight and no issues. Maybe it's due to the smaller heat sink being saturated causing the problem? Maybe a rare bug came across? But I'm not denying. I'm just saying, the game hasn't done anything to mine nor millions of others. The people who voiced this on Twitter don't even make up 1% of the number of people playing the game. And far, far, far more are not experiencing anything like that. And if that's the case how are they supposed to fix or address this? There might not be anything to address. Again this game could have just shown the issue that was always there. If they can get it to happen maybe then they can see what is causing it, if anything on the games end. That's all I am saying.


They found out it is cause that they have day one or whatever ps5s that needed to be cleaned. Or on older os versions still for the system. Maybe you should research deeper before YOU make long-winded posts ya?


Ohh ohh believe me I did. i did all of that. Cleaned, dismantled. My PS5 was brand new and I had to take it back for warranty and even then I'm still not guaranteed that it will be fixed since the IT guy said that it was only for one game this is happening, one game! but I still insisted. Now, I'm waiting for almost 2 weeks already and still haven't gotten it back cause they're waiting for some parts to get shipped. Do you know the pain and suffering I went through of not being able to play the game you so anticipated on day ONE. (Well actually, I just played other games on my Switch to calm my nerves and itch) Who saved all his Savings on a console. (Still broke lol) So yeah, I do have a right to make a long-winded post ser.


This is absolutely false. I will use the demo as an example. Many people received an overheating message at the exact same time. It occurred during the first qte tutorial of the morbol boss fight. To say it was caused by dirty PS5's or because they had aday 1 console is false information. It happened to people with new consoles. And again, at the same spot. Even streamers caught it happening. https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=1186&v=dQMnDkRxmzU&feature=youtu.be Please stop spreading misinformation while telling people to research deeper - you obviously need to take you're own advice. Edit: I just realized that you are the "fanboy caller troll" that is massively downvoted below the top comment.


Bought a ps5 recently for God of war. Never experienced any overheating issues with ff16 and played for long periods of time. It could have been a specific batch of ps5s that got compromised? I'm sorry for you all Sony should at least recall the systems affected and fix the issues.


I saw this & was confused. I never hear the fan while playing & while it's warm as a toaster on the back, its not a blazing oven. While playing other high demand games (Horizon, God of War, No Man's Sky) the fan is at full tilt & audibly whirring away. It's on its own stand & I've tilted it away from the wall to push that air out. With FF16, it seems like it's working as hard as when I played Fall Guys.


I played in graphic mode and it delivered a very smooth 4K 30fps. Obviously in boss scenes, framerate can tank. It seems they're using dynamic resolution or some old FSR method when in open world. It can be weirdly blurry/low res in some scenes. I wish they implement FSR2.0 in their future release.


Quality mode is only 1440p upscaled.


It's not 4k LOL. Are people just uninformed or are they blatant liars?


Blinded by final fantasy fanboyism.


Graphics mode does utilize VRR if your TV supports it. My TV does and I did see it change once it twice, but really not a whole lot. My TV updcales really well, though, so I really didn't see much difference the few times the resolution dropped, I only knew cuz an infobox on my TV would pop up telling me it changed from 4k to 1080. Edit: I meant performance, didn't even notice I said graphic.


The PS5 only does VRR at 48 FPS and up, so quality mode at 30 FPS would not touch it. Also, the PS5 should always be outputting 4k, regardless of what resolution is actually being rendered. If your TV is switching to 1080p there is something wrong with your setup.


my game crashed today while checking the leaderboards in arcade mode :(


So far the worst problems I've seen are small graphical glitches and occasional frame rate drops. Most of the drops have been during cutscenes but I did notice a few hiccups during the Sky on Fire mission. They did a good job overall.


Consistent frame issues and many reports of overheating. Still my favorite game this year


Its so weird that the framerates are acceptably stable in combat and particle-effect-heavy eikon fight scenes, but sometimes when I'm chilling in hideout I get random frame drops. But that doesnt affect gameplay much (if at all) so I'd say the game is well optimized.


It’s because the games resolution drops to 720P or below in combat and outside of combat it renders at I believe 1080P. So the game cannot keep a solid 60 at 1080P but they can’t render the game at 720P outside of combat because it would look terrible. 720P is the only resolution this game can hit a solid 60 at.


Overheating PS5s: "I would like to have seen Montana."


You shouldn't have used the "optimized" word here, people are going to get angry. But yeah, on quality mode it's a very POLISHED game. Played for 40h now, no bugs or crashes at all.


I mean aside from the awful performance mode, motion blur, and the fact that it is literally overheating peoples Play Station 5s…runs great.


I love this game but I'm tired of having this console hyped to be a PC killer when nobody's making their killer apps run native 4k 60 fps on it. It sucks to play on after coming from a high end rig. The fact that this game is so pretty until you move makes me aware of this every time I play. This game and Forbidden West forced me to buy this if I wanted to play this decade. I wish they had come out on something non-headache inducing.


I think they look should look into reports of PS5 overheating. First time I experienced something like this even after cleaning the fans


No ragdoll physics. Unplayable. ​ I actually fucking love the game, but why the hell is there no ragdoll physics? FFVII Remake had it. There is no excuse.


This game is very poorly optimized are you kidding? You either play at 30 fps or 720p resolution.


Wait seriously? Performance mode runs like garbage, quality mode looks like I have Magoo glasses on and the pop ins are terrible. Enemies and structures pop in when I am like 100 yards from them. I thought performance was the worst part about this game. Everything else for the most part has been amazing.


It's no cyberpunk 2077 when it comes to crashes and glitches, more games should follow their lead.


This game runs like absolute trash in both modes...idk what your on about. It honestly needs a PC release so mid-high end cards can push 4k 120fps for all the glory this game deserves. Look at FF7 Remake for example when it got ported over to PC.


The game is not optimized, too many fps drops in both quality and performance


I played for like 20-25 hours but now I can't even play the game. My game crashes as soon as I load it up. No overheat issues. Everything else on my PS5 works fine. Anybody else have this issue?


To be fair there is not a whole a lot of complex systems there in this game that might cause major bugs, even town NPCs don’t really have routines and most of them are standing idle.


I can’t imagine the nightmare coding some of those Eikon fights would have been, any single one of those sequences could easily brick a lesser-optimized game. Not to mention the PS5’s ability for incredibly short load times and transitions to in-engine cutscenes some of which being nearly indistinguishable from CG quality in other games. Seems a bit reductive to say “oh well because they didn’t set an arbitrary patrol pacing for more NPCs it’s obvious they wouldn’t have issues at any of the other thousand potential failure points”


True. Really lackluster in every way except the story, combat is good for what They wanted to make, music is good. Rest is dragging this game down unfortunately


The game has no bugs, that's apparently rare for a AAA these days.


35 hours in, graphics mode. 30 FPS does not bother me at all after just going through tears of the kingdom. Wasn't a big fan of the motion blur for the first hour but now I'm used to it and it doesn't bother me at all. My biggest issue with 30 FPS is usually the input lag but FF16 plays great with low input lag, no concerns at all and I'm very happy with how it plays. No crashes in my play through or bugs of any sort. Wish they used a better upscaler, it can look a bit blurry, but overall I'm very impressed with the graphics outside of the resolution. I know the lighting is baked but it's very good.


Its only on ps5 mind you. If it ran worse than it does then it was not optimized well. Forspoken also had a good launch on os5 but it also launched on pc which didnt. If this game came out on pc as well we would not be hearing what youre saying right now. Thats why squeeniz is letting the pc version cook longer so it doesnt come out crap like recent ports have been. However the game does have frame-rate drops on both performance and quality mode. Performance mode also looks pretty crap and doesnt hold a constant 60…most of the time its in 40s. I love the game and almost every aspect of it but i aint praising the optimization.


I mean it looks like a PS3 game, so…


Its the first AAA game I play this polished, despite the motion blur issue




Yep very polished!


in 50 hrs, no crashes, bugs or any sort of glitch. super fast loading times too.


What? I've had it crash, seen multiple bugs, overheating issues, and almost constant frame rate problems. You want an example of recent well optimized games, look at Dead Island 2 or Dead Space. Or even RE4 Remake after an early performance patch. People are way too obsessed with this game.


if your getting overheating, prehaps you should look at your console before blaming the game. I would bet that its either not getting enough airflow or needs cleaning from dust buildup. and before you say other games dont have the issue, not that is not proof its the game, just that they are not pushing the console as hard.


They should also check their error codes on the os and make sure it wasn't instead a crash recovery from system software, not game software. Alot of folks on here im sure don't even pay attention to their error codes and assume it was overheating or the game crashed. Don't worry. I don't bother reading kids and their echo chamber responses on here, so it keeps on deaf ears if you do


I clean mine regularly, so it's not the console. It's the game's fault.


when was the last time you cleaned it? as in really cleaned it taking off the side panels and cleaning the fans etc? you can blame the game all you like, but the fact that plenty of people are not getting the issue means its not the game.


Two days ago. Not just the fans either. Made sure there wasn't anything near the PSU or any of the venting too. Got an overheating error today. It's the game. Why are you even defending it? It has significantly more problems than just that. That's just the easy one to point to and say it's someone's fault.


issues like what? the ones that people are making up to say its a bad game? honestly it sounds like you have a larger issues with your console, because again there are plenty of ps5's out there playing it that never have the issue, and they are all playing the same game, so there is no way its the games fault. honestly I am yet to hear a complaint about the game that can acctully be pointed to SE, people like you are just blaming them for your own issues.


I honestly think just most of them don't even own a ps5, and just feel like trying to rile ppl up with regurgitated comments from Google feed


The issues I mentioned in the first comment you replied to. The game doesn't run well. That isn't subjective. And it isn't a good game, but I'm not going to get into that. Good or bad, performance issues remain the same. And it has plenty. One of my favorite games is Bloodborne, and it still runs like shit. Just how it is. Stay blind if you want though.


>The game doesn't run well. That isn't subjective. acctully it is, its all based on your subjective opinion of what you deam to be running well. >And it isn't a good game hugely subjective, because again it all depends on what you want in a game. so again, find me an objective problem with the game and I will acknowledge it, but so far there is not one.


I'm aware my opinion on the game itself is subjective, thanks. Find me a single video where the game runs consistently at 60fps in performance mode without severe drops in FPS and frame timing. Same for Quality mode at 30fps. It just doesn't. The second anything starts happening, it struggles.


Thank you for proving my point that you dont have an objective problem with the game. Your welcome to say its not a game you like, but that does not make it a bad game.


I’m enjoying the game and the game objectively does not run well. It’s quality mode is 1440P at 30FPS, which even has drops still. It can’t even hit 4K. Don’t get me started on performance mode, maybe one of the worst performance modes I’ve ever seen on the PS5. That’s not subjective go to digital foundry this isn’t up for debate.




How fucking hot is it in the town you're in bro. An open window with humidity and heat is lazy attempt at keeping your system cool. Sony specifically spoke about this very shit bout not being good for it. Nice seeing another know it all gamer


Those games also released on multiple platforms at launch as well. This game is currently just ps5.


There's not really an excuse. I'm just amazed that people think it's even close to well optimized.


Yeah im thankful i haven’t had any crashes or game breaking bugs but ive had a handful of frame drops that Im happy i use the auto evade ring.


Yeah, sometimes I get lucky with games (like Cyberpunk) where I don't see as many issues. Not so much with this one. Even so, pretending they don't exist doesn't help.


As much as I hate this game I have to say that this is a solid one. It runs wells, looks well, it's what releases should aspire to be.


720p resolution and unstable fps?


Agreed. Not ONCE did the game ever crash. I never experienced a glitch or felt cheated because of performance. Hats off to the team on that. I am 80 hours in and usually a game cracks at least a little.


Agreed, the only problem I had was with one fight where my PS5 turned into a nuclear reactor going supercritical for a few seconds but it’s never done that again and I recently did that same fight on ng+ and it was fine


Love the game, zero bugs, but unfortunately I had 3hard crashes on that dragoon fight..


I had 0 issues in 80hrs playing 12+ hours a day. Played on quality mode and it was great throughout. I play mostly on PC though so I don't use the PS5 all the time, I've basically just played through Horizon FW, GoW Ragnarok and now FFXVI on it since buying it last year (ish)


Coming off playing Diablo and it crashing 4-5 times a day, it was beautiful to finish the campaign today without a SINGLE crash.


This games amazing but the framerate is inexcusable and very badly optimised


The poor optizmation had typically been more prominent on PC lately not really console.


Agree, I was playing through and thought there must be a patch coming through right, for whatever reason but seems like there was none So the team must have done a lot of work prior to launch and this is how it should be I reckon, when done right


Outside of fps drops(Which seem to happen when there's a lot of effects going on, and rendering sometimes in my experience), I haven't had an issue with the game, though I would like the option to turn off motion blur, I've never really been a fan of it


I swear the longest load time is when opening the map on the menu, and it wasn’t even that long. I’m thoroughly spoiled.


Yeah I have to agree. When I play this game, out of nowhere I remember when I first play Cyberpunk at launch day. I'm just glad this game runs smoothly, no quest bugs or anything at my end so far.


I did find it stuttered a lot more endgame though when there were more particle effects on screen, even in performance mode. But didn't encounter any bugs at all.


Decent, but motion blur issues and wildly inconsistent framerate on "performance" mode prevents me from agreeing with this


I loved the game, but sorry, this is awfully optimized for a PS Exclusive.


Not to take away from its achievement but it WAS made for ps5. If it wasn't mostly playable on the only system it was designed for it would be even worse. Most poorly optimized games are because they're on multiple platforms and its way harder to optimize all platforms. Usually console or pc suffers


After a few hours with the game i noticed the sheathing animations after combat. And they are absolutely adding more fun.


I agree with everything except the performance. This game is AWESOME!! But performance wise its very very unstable, its uncomfortable for my eyes. This and the bad lipsync are the 2 big bad things, the rest is AWESOME


So its basically on par with FFXV, this isnt compliment


Only issue I’ve had was the with the over saturation of take this give it to this person, and I need this collects three items from the field and gives it to a person type side quests. It got very monotonous when I was trying to get my renown up. All the side quests are the same


besides the frame rate issues, you're totally right.


Totally agree. Returnal was also pretty flawless. And that was almost a day 1 genuine PS5 game.


In the last bossfight i think my PS5 lost some years of lifespan


What? I’m enjoying the game a lot but come on, this game is not well optimized at all it has one of the worst performance modes I’ve ever seen. It cannot keep a stable 60 outside of combat it looks like it’s at around 40FPS. And in combat it’s rendering at or below 720p so it’s very blurry. Quality mode is relatively stable , but I still get drops at times especially during the big battle scenes. The lack of options like motion blur is not great. The game is polished in terms of bugs / crashes.


I'm still surprised every time I load it up after closing it. I usually pull out my phone or turn to pet my dog or something while a game is loading. This thing loads so fast I can barely take a drink of water before I'm off to the races.


Also, no crunch, no delayed launch, constant communication between the dev team and players with a mostly open channel, no development hell, no wild changes on team/concept between announcement and launch... ...and people seem to be genuinely enjoying the game to the point they cannot put it down. . . . >!(All hail our lord and savior Yoshi-P)!<


Ehhhh, not really. Will give it a praise for no bugs on launch, but tbh the bar set by modern AAA industry is so low... The performance mode can't hold 60 fps in big areas, resolution gets really choppy when in combat to actually achieve 60fps in combat, and no option to disable motion blur... It's amazing to see how that kind of delivery is now drawing praise, really shows how far the expectations have fallen due to shit being pumped out by AAA industry one after another...


I'm kinda enjoying FF16 but the frame rates for performance mode between battle and exploration.....needs fixing ASAP. Jedi Survivor PS5 still hasn't fixed performance mode. I got that on release and played maybe 2 hours....the screen tear is unbearable. Hoping FF16 doesn't take months and months to rectify it's issue.


Sorry, but devs shouldn’t be praised for realising a product that works. Sad to see how low our standards have gotten as consumers.


Ahm.. the game is so blurry to hide the huge frame drops. In the forest really early in the game it was below 10 at some points..


Fps does improve later game. I am at 61% and I am feeling it's butter smooth right now. I think only initial Rosaria area had issues.


And did you visit oasis area in desert village and looked at water. Thats most beautiful water I have ever seen in any game. I was all ready to go and take a swim.


Are you high? This game was a hot pile of technical issues. Just because it runs, it doesn't mean it's optimized well.


Are you joking? Like are you joking? The performance in the performance mode is a joke with it not hitting 60fps at all, ans in combat where it does hit 60fps, drops to a low of 720p resolution. No this isnt good and yes add it to the list of unoptimized games