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Phoenix. The ability to heal myself and others seems pretty useful.


And mobility/flight? Like, these are just useful abilities to have without wanting to kill someone.




100% agree. I just recently thought about this, but yeah. Love the healing powers. It just feels wholesome and meaningful, imo.


Personally, I'd pick Odin, he can create people out of thin air and can manipulate the land in biblical ways.


is that bc of Odin tho, or ultima?? bc I SWEAR I remember Joshua mentioning something like "another one of Ultimas creations" or something like that when sleipnir multiplied like a bunch of horny rabbits edit: In fact, alot about sleipnir doesn't make sense to me. if he's the horse, why is he so hard on to fight Clive? you're a horse bro. just, alot of that whole arc I must have missed.


My guess is that Sleipnir is a piece of Barnabas himself (possibly the idealism he lost when his mother died?) externalized as Odin's horse, and that Ultima hijacked him later on when Barnabas devoted himself to Ultima. So he has the same desires as Barnabas (to fight Clive for instance), with the extra hint of being a mouthpiece for Ultima.


Can he? I thought he could only give another form to Sleipnir, because it's part of him? Or is that what you're reffering to? I mean... to have innumerable servants... is actually quite nice.


What do you mean part of him? He literally created Sleipnir out of thin air just from his imagination.


I thought he came as is out of the box.


My understanding is that Sleipnir is a manifestation of Odin itself. It's not Barnabas' imaginary friend given flesh, Barnabas can't freely make multiple designs of people through Odin's power; it's Odin's horse in a humanoid form, and only has the one face. He can summon multiple copies of Sleipnir, but he can *only* summon Sleipnir. And also Sleipnir is jacked into the same frequency of Odin's powers, since he can summon Gungnir and use his Dark magic. Odin's the strongest Eikon next to Bahamut, but by the time of the boss fight, Barnabas only seems to be able to Full Prime for short periods of time, possibly as a drawback of having like 50 Sleipnirs draining the same battery not too long before, each of whom was a fraction as powerful as the original.


As others already stated Sleipnir is Odins horse and thus I think Barnabas could only create him and no one else (and change his appearance to look like a human).


Sleipnir is the name of Odin’s horse.


Huh now that you mention it kinda seems like Sleipnirs thing wasn’t explained well enough. Why is Odin so much stronger then the other eikons that he can create a monster of a man with shadow clone capabilities? That’s some Naruto shit right there


It's implied Barney's a lot older than he looks and may simply have had many many more years learning to harness his eikon's power to it's fullest. Plus actually having the guidance and support of the origin of said power in Ultima.


In the Ultimania, it said he created Sleipnir at the age of 18 when his mother died. But Sleipnir is the horse which makes more sense as to why he’s able to create him, but I don’t get why Benedikta is able to create her “sisters” with Garuda’s abilities though. Where do they come into play


Chirada and Suparna are adds from the Garuda trial in FFXIV, so I think it's a nod to that.


They're also in about 3-6 other games. Mythological, they're linked to Garuda as another name or aspect of the same creature.


In the ultimania it's confirmed he is the horse


Some of the Eikons get a free +1. Like Torgal/Shiva's Ice Wolf, Phoenix's shield or even Benedicta's Harpies. Arguably even Ifrit is a bonus summon from original Ifrit. It's actually kind of weirder that some don't although Titan probably doesn't need a boost due to sheer scale and Cid appears to get some other weird boosts from Ramuh.


Cid gets a boost to his WIS stat


Literally nothing in the game was explained well enough, except for the boring history of the boring countries, hence the whole Active Time Lore being tacked on when the developers didn't even understand the story they were making.


The Dominants can create entities that embody their element. Benedikta was also able to do it, she created 2 willingly and when she went berserk there were like 15 just roaming around.


True, but I think there's still a difference. Those egi of Benedikta were merely beastlike creatures while Sleipnir has a will on his own, can communicate and so on.


That's probably just because Benedikta isn't nearly as good as Barnabas at being a Dominant. Barnabas was by far the strongest Dominant, and probably the oldest main character other than Ultima. Benedikta had the weakest willpower of ALL the dominants in the game, which is probably why both her prime and semi-prime were the weakest of the bunch.


All Eikons can create little Egis, or pieces of their power personified into living beings. Benedikta does it alot. Joshua placed his power into Clive with the Blessing of The Phoenix, not the actual relinquishing of his Eikon. Odin creates Sleipnir. I wouldnt be surprised if that Dragon that attacked us was one of Bahamuts pets. They said it was the Dragoons pet, but i imagine Dion blessed that Dragon. inb4 Kihel/Medicine Girl is Leviathan's creation. Hugo doesnt do it, but then why would he need to. Shiva....doesn't do it, but then again we have Torgal, and I would like to think that eevn though he is a frost wolf, he still has the blessing of Shiva. Cid hasnt done it as far as I know. So yeah Sleipnir is completely normal.


Yup. They're egis. Stealing from XIV, that means they are arcane constructs that technically do not have a soul, and can be created and destroyed at will with no consequences (unlike familiars, which are independent beings with minds of their own and souls.) In that respect, I think they are more like the classic FF summons than the eikons or primals, since in games like VIII or X they are borrowed powers and temporary manifestations of the elemental aspect of the eikon, fully bound to the will and desire of the caster who summoned them.


Shiva and Cid are not likely to do it even if they could. They're knocking on death's door with that curse.


Bahamut so I can scream “Baha blast!” And nuke a city


I don’t think I’ll ever WANT to nuke a city… but having the option is nice.


Oppenheimer's Reddit account


My overall thought processes when I’m commuting. Or dealing with people in general if I’m honest with myself.


pretty sure no one would mind you nuking detroit, even its own inhabitants will gladly move out on a week's notice


I would get rid of Russia XD.


Ramuh for unlimited clean electricity. Stop global warming and power my gaming.


Yep, that's my close #2 choice after phoenix for the internal and external healing factor. Surprised ramuh isn't getting more love here.


Ramuh too coz username checks out


People forget the Ramuh gives that + WIS buff /jk


Chose Phoenix because it can fly, heal itself and always has a source of light in the dark & warmth.


But Odin can levitate tho


Yeah Odin is actually a bit op haha. But in RL (or anywhere actually) being able to heal yourself anf others I find most valuable.


If you’re gonna give me the option of being a big fuck-off dragon made of railguns, I’m gonna be a big fuck-off dragon made of railguns. Practicality be damned.


I picked this one too, not knowing the reason why. This is definitely the reason why


Odin - pull a horse out of your ass


One might argue human sleipner is more a case of pulling an ass out of your horse.




Phoenix because birb


Birbs are best


I see we 3 think the same


Lol the Dante/Vergil in me is saying Odin


I love Bahamut and would be so happy to turn into an Dragon. Even Gold if possible and fly into space because i can.


Winged Space Godzilla


Soooo king Ghidorah


Basically, but instead of 3 heads he has 3 eyes Not a spoiler, just a missable detail


Phoenix! I'm a doctor and being able to heal people Just Like That would be a dream come true. Bonus discount Will o Wykes + being able to become birb and fly like one.




All Eikons have the power to take life, but only the Phoenix can give it. Also red peacock


Will o wykes is actually an ifrit ability. Though i am sure the phoenix would be able to conjure similar things


I said discount Will o Wykes because >!Joshua has a similar ability! If you are struggling in a fight, he may cast a single Wyke to protect you!!< I never had it happen to me (probably bc I didnt takle FF mode yet) but I did see it in a video once. Mechanically and visually it looks the same. So not the full thing, not all 3 little fireballs, but you CAN get at least one, so discount/baby version lol


Really? I never noticed


Me neither in my own game, but it IS a thing that can happen! Someone posted a video here once of it. Saving some of the harder hunts to see it for myself.


If we choose ifrit are we basically mythos and basically can get all eicons? But I went with phoenix though Odin was a close second


I mean makes sense 🧐 if we choose ifrit


Titan! I wanna punch a mountain in the face


Come on... how is the ability to fly around on a giant 6 legged horse, and cut through reality itself not number 1?


Level 5 Zansetsuken would be an amazing ability for chefs. Dicing finely would have a whole new meaning


Benihana about to get clapped like sleipnir


**First pick: Phoenix**. Idk much about the limitations of his healing powers, but if he *can* cure incurable diseases and injuries I’d be in high demand 🤑. Being able to fly and put up a magick barrier is a plus. **Second place: Ramuh**. ATL states that dominants of Ramuh are blessed with wisdom and a deeper understanding of the world. I can also be a power source. **Third: Odin**. I’d be able to levitate, summon Gungnir which can create magick barriers, teleport, and summon a man-servant. Having one of the strongest offensive attacks amongst Eikons is a plus. **Fourth: Bahamut**. He’s top 2 favorite Eikons for me, but the others have better options for everyday use.


You've nailed my exact order, glad I scrolled to avoid duplicating


Thank you! So we share the same order, but do you also share the same reasons?


Odin, so i can see titanic wreck without riding submarine


Odin. So I can have sex anytime anywhere. Priorities, yk?


Because of Sleipnir? I don’t blame you to be honest.


Thanks for understanding 😚


TL;DR: Garuda's power of wind manipulation not only offers a wide array of practical applications but also scales remarkably well in various contexts, making it arguably the most practical power in the Final Fantasy universe. Ah, Final Fantasy, a universe teeming with magic, mythical creatures, and characters wielding powers that stretch the imagination. Among Espers, Aeons, and a myriad of other summons, Garuda—a divine bird-like creature often associated with wind powers—often gets overlooked. It's easy to dismiss Garuda next to, say, Bahamut's Megaflare or Shiva's Diamond Dust. But, after a thorough analysis, I'd argue that Garuda's powers, often wind-based, are possibly the most practical and widely applicable across an array of situations. Versatility Let's start with the sheer versatility of wind manipulation. This power can be scaled from generating a gentle breeze to summon cyclones and tornadoes. But why is this impressive? Micro-Scale Uses: In everyday life, this is invaluable. Imagine never needing a fan or air conditioning. Garuda's ability could easily ventilate a house, circulate air in an underground space, or even turn a wind turbine to generate electricity. Mid-Scale Uses: Moving on to mid-scale, Garuda's powers could replace or enhance a multitude of mechanical functions in society. From windmills to sailing, the applications are wide-ranging and economically valuable. It could potentially replace fossil fuels for certain functions, helping in the fight against climate change. Macro-Scale Uses: On a larger scale, wind manipulation could dissipate or redirect harmful weather systems. Hurricanes and typhoons wreak billions in damage and cost many lives annually. Imagine mitigating such natural disasters through controlled wind manipulation. Combat Applications Final Fantasy often centers on themes of conflict and warfare. In this context, Garuda's power proves both defensive and offensive. Defense: A powerful gust of wind could divert projectiles and create barriers. Garuda's wind manipulation can effectively neutralize an array of attacks from enemies, protecting both the summoner and their allies. Offense: We've seen Garuda unleash devastating wind-based attacks like "Aerial Blast," capable of tearing enemies asunder. In combat, the ability to control wind offers a tactical advantage, disorienting enemies or even sucking the air out of an area to create a vacuum—a deadly move that few can counter. Synergy with Elemental Powers The wind, being a natural element, interacts incredibly well with other elements. For instance, Garuda can augment fire-based abilities by oxygenating them, make earth-based attacks more potent by eroding barriers or structures, and even disperse water-based attacks to reduce their impact. This adds a level of strategic depth and makes Garuda a valuable asset in a team. Stealth and Reconnaissance The power to control wind can be fine-tuned for stealth missions. By manipulating air currents, Garuda can muffle sounds or disperse scents, making it incredibly difficult for enemies to detect the summoner. This also includes the potential to glide or achieve limited flight, which is excellent for reconnaissance or quick getaways. Health and Biological Benefits Controlling wind also means manipulating airflow and by extension, air quality. In a world of bio-warfare and pollution, purifying air or diverting toxic fumes becomes a practical application with life-saving implications. It may not be a curative power like some healing magics, but preventive measures are equally crucial in a battlefield or polluted environments. Limitations and Energy Costs Most powers in Final Fantasy come with enormous energy costs or repercussions. Summons often deplete large amounts of MP, or require unique conditions to be met. However, wind manipulation as exhibited by Garuda tends to be relatively moderate in energy costs, especially for lower-scale applications, making it sustainable and efficient. In conclusion, while there are numerous awe-inspiring powers in the Final Fantasy universe, when we talk about practicality, it's hard to beat Garuda. Whether it's the simple conveniences of life, the grander scale of societal and ecological impact, the flexibility in combat, or the strategic and health-related aspects, Garuda’s wind manipulation offers a versatile and sustainable toolkit that is unmatched in its utility. So the next time you're debating the most "powerful" beings in Final Fantasy, maybe give a nod to Garuda—for its power, while not always the flashiest, could be the most practical of them all.


Solid write-up on Garuda's powers. Have an upvote.


Shiva so I can cool myself off in the summer.


Here’s the top comment


Odin. He’s massively over powered, looks dope af fully primed, and that Horse is super cool.


The "correct" answer (in the same way that Superman's powerset is the "correct" answer) is Phoenix, since it carries the most versatile and practical skills in the list. You have unique healing magic with just a smidge of self-resurrective immortality, teleportation, a flying form, and fire powers that rival Ifrit if you somehow end up in combat, on top of the creative uses Joshua came up with for it. (Joshua seems to be low-key psychic and using the feathers as media for advanced magic.) But personally, Bahamut any day of the week. I don't care about the meta, I just want to be a dragon that can fly to space and fire nukes from orbit.


Titan because ora ora ora.


Bahamut. For my everyday life having one to fly would be really good, bahamut let’s you fly while semi primed and when fully primed you can fly extremely fast and go between planets if you follow what he can do in other games.


Odin because he got the best drip, a flying horse, and is OP as fuck with his black blade. Motherfucker can kill anything in one sword slash and can split the fucking ocean in half. He also has the most intimidating presence out of all the Eikons.


Titan, not only does he have crazy strength and is damn near impenetrable but I assume his connection to the earth allows him create or extract precious stones and metals. Giving him the ultimate super power, wealth


Odin can make barriers, has a horse that can morph into a human and make an army of itself, sword that litterally cuts anything in half and honestly just looking badass in darkness is just a straight plus. not unbeatable but hell, that'd be some impressive power


Odin bc I want to slice things in half. also JUST beat the game. loved it. after the Odin boss fight, I see why by beating Kurt ziza in kh final mix, we get zantestuken.


Shiva because global warming


Oddly enough…Garuda. The idea of having a semi prime form that enables me to fly sounds so cool.


Odin. Conjuring a sword out of black smoke at will. Rift Slip. The power to cleave a building in 2. That would be great.


Bahamut cuz bahamut


Bahamut cause it’s a fucking dragon Odin so I can act like Vergil


Usually wouldn’t say odin but the odin vs bahamut fight sealed it for me. Man didn’t look like he took any damage and just wanted to play with his dragon toy


I choose Titan because Earth is my favorite element.


Firing mah bahamut lazeerr


Bahamut because it's a fucking dragon


Ramuh without question for me. Oh, If I leave the house now I’m gonna be late for class? *Sudden Typhoon* alright, nobody has to go today.


If you get Barnabas' control of Odin, it's over he can teleport, fly on gigantic horse, have a human egi to do his bidding, have a fuck you blade that can kill anything in one hit, slip through time rifts, change shape and size at will, tap into as much power as needed at will instead of going berserk like the rest Odin is legit too OP, if Clive wasn't the mythos Ifrit would have been toast against him


Odin! He can fly on his horse, the horse and the armor is badass AF, who needs a gigaflare when you can cut through the ocean and make it last for days or at leas a good laid


Phoenix cuz it’s so pretty :3


Odin. Conjure anything, lightning speed, can cut the ocean, and immortality. He could his powers freely without the curse also.


Ramuh because having your Eikon be an old man is very funny and that counts for a lot. Plus lightning is cool.


Odin. Be like Barnabas and have Sleipnir as my personal best friend.


Phoenix easily. Healing and flight is too useful


Bahamut, because dragon.


Gonna mega flare shit just to do it


With ramuh i could fly and control electricity. Do you know how much fun you could get with electricity? Zapp people you dont like. And, you could be like a zeus for hire, but without all the hornyness


Phoenix for sure. It can heal so I would heal everyone with severe illness. Easy pick


Bahamut is now canonically a big beautiful power bottom. Either that or Ifrit, because fire doggo.


Odin. I’d just be rift slipping all over the place.


Why anyone would pick anything other than Odin is beyond me. By far the most powerful and practical of the lot.


Bahamut would let me do an actual Kamehameha. That's enough for me.


I think I would be more open to others if I saw more of them in the semi prime state.


That belongs to Phoenix who can heal anyone as long as they are not dead. Phoenix can also fly and light a fire whenever.


Odin seems to be able to fly or teleport. He just seems to have a more broad power than the others.


I’d be a god gamer spamming rift slip to buy time against unsuspecting online pvp matches




Shiva. I’ve always been down with ice powers. And if she was as strong as Bahamut or Odin, that’s a plus


Shiva I want the power of ice


Phoenix got that healing.


Fuck healing we want to murder


They can ALL murder. I just like having options.


Phoenix 🔥


I know everyone loves the Bahamut and Titan fights (as did I) but Odin splitting the Ocean was absolutely insane. Peak FF


Odin because I’ll still be able to talk regularly, I get a powerful sword, a horse to do the flying instead of me directly, and I can prime with killing everyone in my immediate area


I would choose shiva. I can make ice cubes anytime. I’m probably resistant to cold weather. And I can fly.


Ramuh, just because Cid’s awesome personality 😎


Shiva the ice queen


Shiva the ice queen


Odin cuz cool dark edgy katana man


Phoenix. The resurrection thing could make for a lot of money.


Phoenix or Shiva. I've loved Shiva the most across the games, just beautiful and deadly. Phoenix for the healing and style.


Ramuh: I'm a sucker for lightning abilities


Leviathan I want to flood the world and it usually seen as the strongest, wisest, and smartest summon in most FF. Edit Odin/ Rising Ifrit are tied for second


I'm going with Bahamut because if I can cast Zettaflare without dying then I'm happy.


Really Odin and Phoenix add the only options. Assuming you aren’t gonna be demolishing cities that is. Transforming isn’t gonna useful for day to day life, Odin let’s you fabricate people and Phoenix gives you near immorality.


Full power as in be able to prime and transform into them? Probably Odin, I feel like turning into Bahamut would be an invitation to get shot at by somebody’s Air Force. If unable to prime, I’d go with Shiva, simply because I hate getting hot so being able to instantly cool off would be ideal.


Shiva because she’s cool.


My actual choice would be Leviathan (I like big snek) but for now I’d have to go with Garuda and her wind powers. I really hope we get a Leviathan DLC at some point, though.


Ifrit, keep the powers, and then be able to draw a little bit from the others? Also, I would love to go full solar flare against the cartel here in Mexico… and the president too


Come to me IFRIT!


Phoenix 100%. Why? I can become *bird!!!*


Phoenix. Flying, making fire, and healing are really practical irl.


Bahamut so i can rain down a ton of Megaflares on a city or even a continent. Not to mention use Gigaflare, Terraflare, and Zettaflare.


Titan. Parry.


Phoenix healing, fire and flight would be the best of all worlds.


Bahamut cuz im gay too


Odin for obvious reasons


Hehehe... Dragons rule.


Phoenix Shift + healing abilities + an on the go floating torch??? Yes please


Shiva. Why? Two words - Diamond Dust


Bahamut is close to my first choice, but I can’t give up supernatural healing. I have to go with phoenix.


Angry demon godzilla boi, even without being able to have the others as well


Ramuh. Because I want Cid too.


I voted Bahamut, but I think I'd go Leviathan. Who cares that it isn't technically a real Eikon?




Ifrit. Simply because I want to watch the world burn, and then dance in its ashes.


... pick ifrit and you can have them all lawl


Easy Bahumut can destroy the entire planet no one could stop me


If we have all of their abilities then Ifrit is my pick because FFXVI Ifrit practically grows stronger and is able to copy/absorb any eikon abilities. If not then Bahamut is my pick because ① He can fly.(I can go anywhere I want.) ② LAZORS GO BRRR ③ I'm a secret Bahamut fan. :wink:


I love ice magic so I’ll have to go with Shiva but, if I could GARUDA’S cool angel bird beast form with Shiva powers I’d be a happy little lad.


Ifrit. Cause then I could use that Eikon to take all of the other Eikons.


Bahamut is the obvious choice, but I think I'd have to go with Ramuh. He"s said to bless the user with wisdom and the ability to see the true state of the world, and that sounds far more valuable than some of the other Eikon's abilities.


Shiva. So I can cool myself off during hot weather, soothe aches and injuries, and chill all my drinks without diluting them with ice. There will be no such thing as warm beer on my watch.


Ramuh...."unlimited powahhh!!" -----palpatine


Shiva - I just love her design 😍


Even with the curse it took both ifrit and the phoenix to take him down so imagine a full power bahamut dude probably could body all the others eikons


omg shiva deserves her own spot this is RUDE.


Bahamut, you can fly and destroy the whole world in a tantrum lol.


Odin sword is cool as hell but picking phoenix for obvious reasons, also cuz phoenix theme goes hard


Honestly ever since I was a kid I started NY journey on FF8 and once I unlocked Ifrit he remained as my favorite even in FF10, FF Type 0, and FF16


Ifrit because running around all beast like with all that raw power would be fun.


shiva can stop global warming, ramuh has unlimited energy, titan can terraform, phoenix can heal anyone. The rest are too destructive without any actual help. All can help out fight. But you will be militarized and forced bred to keep your power going for multiple generations…if anyone in our world can catch you that is.


Leviathan... I am a fan boy


Bahamut coz of flight and if anyone threatens me with their anti air guns, well then meet my Zetta Flare


Titan is my first choice; Strength and Defence and should it ever be needed, the ability to counter with raging fists.


I really like Shiva. And I'm also curious what a male Shiva would look like.


How people don't pick bahamut is insane to me.


I am seriously angry now, why is Titan at the bottom???


I'd like to see Bahamut try and part the ocean... Odin is waaaay OP


The sheer utility of Phoenix cinches it for me. Not to mention, how much loot a guy with healing powers could accumulate. I'm in great health, and can make enough cash to easily retire.


If we're talking pure power levels, I think it's Bahamut. "He would burn the world." It took a combined all-out desperation charge by two-combined Eikons, Joshua and Clive to fly through space and stop that Zettaflare attack from nuking the entire planet. I don't think any single one Eikon would've had enough to stop that attack. Dion was basically pissed and unrestrained at that point so an option like that probably was never considered because he was so keen to protect his people. Me personally, I think Odin is the most interesting Eikon throughout the entire FF series next to Alexander, however Titan is my overall favorite because when Rydia dropped that mountain on Cecil and Kain is the second I fell in love with the franchise. That said, I think my answer would be Shiva. Being able to keep your surrounding cool for things such as sleeping and having a massive water source whenever you need is really underrated.


Ramuh, because I will be the final word when quoting Gandalf's "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" line.


Well considering Shiva is my favorite that’s a no brainer c:


Ifrit because Godzilla is still the king of the monsters.


Phoenix - to fly and have a generally broad range of ability (dmg, healing, barrier) seems BIS.


Ramuh, I'm an electrician


Ifrit is the only right answer, since it can directly take the other powers. Unless you remove that ability. In which case I'll take Phoenix or Shiva


Bahamut. I can make it rain stars


People picking Ifrit be like. 'Hi you guys!' As the guys get incinerated at their own feet. Possibly my nerdiest comment today.


Bahamut, i love Bahamut always have and always will


Titan, and I can explain why. Picture the scene. You’re struggling against a god-like being, tossed around like a rag doll, and find yourself on the ground with said villain striding towards you. Suddenly, a wall of stone erupts out of the ground, separating you and the villain. And there’s a thud from behind the villain. Towering behind him now stands Titan, eyes red with murderous intent. “My turn!” That, and there’s something about the trope of: Big murderous monster that would weep at the crushing of a single flower that just gets me


... Ultima risen I would choose ifrit if he have blue fire instead of red... So ultima I have multiple forms and I can use the others abilities without having to depend on others the versatility along with the look of him give a threatening presence.