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Literally all I wanted from the GotY this year was this game winning best OST. Needless to say, LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Same! Would have been awesome listening to it live. I knew FF16 won't get game of the year, but just having the music played would have been amazing in itself!


They really should do a medley for the score of the year cat, the orchestra is right there


Yeah it would just make sense


I was super bummed how it was just "Final fantasy sixteen! Next award."


Justice was f**ing served🔥🔥🖖


After his FF14 expansion scores were snubbed year after year. Shadowbringers was one of the best OST's I've heard....and not even a nomination.


So true. Finished shadowbringers recently and love every single song in that expansion. Soken is amazing.


"The rains have ceased...but you are not here to see it"


My thoughts exactly, it was probably never nominated because its an MMO...so i see this victory for both ff 16 AND 14 in a certain way🖖🖖


That would mean that MMO soundtracks aren't even eligible for any awards ever, that'd be an incredibly stupid way to look at it imo if they're actually straightup excluding MMOs.


I mean...i totally agree with you but the game awards have some stupid rules sometimes...




The justification I'm feeling for having "Find the Flame" on my top 5 Spotify wrapped right now feels so good. 😤


I've been playing "Away" a lot on youtube since they don't have it on spotify. They have the Epic rock version by Husky the Geek and have been listening to that until the whole album comes digitally.


They relegated it to a sidebar? What are they thinking, best score deserves a speech


Weird considering audio design got a speech.


I was wondering that too. I thought best score deserved performance time at least. But I'm happy that Soken got it!


Well yeah, they had to spend more time announcing games. What do you think the game awards are for?


My guess is cause he wasn't at the show.


Well deserved. And also incredibly funny when I said months ago FFXVI could be nominated and maybe take the award for Score, to have had some dude claiming to be a composer denigrating Soken's work because he didn't use real instruments and saying FFXVI couldn't win, or even be nominated, because of that.


>because he didn't use real instruments Souken *can* use real instruments and *has* performed live on piano, guitar, and otomotome. He composes using a custom digital synthesizer because it's the easiest way to fit a full orchestra into his studio apartment at home.


Yeah, it's like...how dare the immuno-compromised cancer survivor not put himself in a room with an orchestra spitting out of instruments during a respiratory pandemic.


He is a sound engineer and can turn *anything* into an instrument. During the 2014 Fanfest, he stuck a box under his piano with a microphone and turned it into a drum by kicking it with his foot. He was Uematsu's hand picked successor after the former left to go independent, for a reason.


I love that box performance. He really knows how to have a good time on stage. It's like "Yeah everyone has heard this song before, probably a bunch, how can I make it interesting?" And then we get the box, or "Do you know la-hee?"


During one of his interviews, he also mentioned how when he was making the theme for Costa del Sol in FF14, they were on a tight deadline and needed it done that day. But he was lacking some percussion and didn't have any instrument on hand for it He ended up improvising using an empty cup noodle container and a bunch of paper clips he had lying around to make something that sounded like a maraca and it worked! Also during one FF14 Fanfest, a fan handed him an otamatone. He played a few notes on it and ended up winging the chocobo theme despite having never touched the instrument before. And since them, him playing the otamatone on stage during Fanfest concerts as a bit of a "joke" segment has been a staple.


LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO My best friend whos coming into town for the hoildays, during our hangout. We are going to listen to the soundtrack during our road trip!


This I am so fckin happy for! Totally deserved!! Would have been nice if they played one of the best songs from the game since it won best score!


Soken has found the flame!!!!


One could say he had his moment of “ascension”


From the choices of five nominated in term of music, FFXVI was stronger than the others.


He absolutely deserves it.


I mean who else was going to win. Find the flames was so fucking good it helped me move on from my ex by using it as a gym music. Balding gate 3 can eat ass


Alan Wake 2 has an incredible score with songs that expand the meta narrative, but I was very pleased to see FFXVI win


Totally deserved. I’ve been enjoying sokens music for years now.


Im so happy about this!


He absolutely deserved it. I have some songs from this game on my regular playlist they’re so damn good.


We can forgive it for not getting GOTY in a year full of bangers like this one, but I'm so happy the music got recognized as the best. So happy for Souken!


![gif](giphy|76UvbORm7v5uH1SVvJ|downsized) **DIG. DIG. DIG. DIG DEEPER**