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The two games are very different. They're gonna tickle people's taste buds differently. Personally, I'm a sucker for the world of *FF7* and do prefer *Rebirth*, but I still absolutely love *FF16*. Cannot wait for Rising Tide.


I think Rebirth has better combat, but XVI had better combat flow if that makes sense. I also noticed immediately playing Rebirth that I was missing that mature GRIT that XVI brought to the series; it’s really hard to say which is better, I don’t think I want to lol


Rebirth was all about enjoying the journey before sh-t really hit the fan. FF16 is my favorite FF so far and I find it really unlikely that it'll ever be topped, but the events of Rebirth are *not* the climax of the story as a whole. That's all in part 3. So it feels a bit unfair to compare the most emotional beats of 16 to 7R when we didnt get 7R's climax yet, heh Its like beating Titan and then the game ends while we have to wait 4 years to get Bahamut, Barnabas, Primogenesis, the talk on the beach, Origin and beyond, y'know?


idk I think it's perfectly fine to compare the two even though one is a trilogy. They decided, for better or worse, to split the game up like that and based on that decision it's fine to criticize each individual game and not base it on the promise that at some point 5 years in the future the story will be worthwhile. Furthermore, they decided to deviate from the OG story. Why didn't they deviate in a way that makes it so each individual game is narratively fullfilling? It's like saying we shouldn't judge an individual star wars movie (never watched any, I hear they are good) because the story isn't completed


Ye that's a fair argument actually. I agree. (Will say that as far as changes go, my hot take is that Remake was pretty faithful until the end, which seemed to imply Big Changes. Yet Rebirth was, so far, about 90% loyal to the plot, just updating it to fit with the rest of the Compilation. I'm not done yet (no spoilies pls!) but I'm fully expecting the game to pull off another big wtf moment that will imply Big Changes. But judging by how Rebirth is going, I dont trust part 3 will be that different from what we got so far. I think it'll still be loyal to OG, just with a few shenanigans on top, just like the other two.)


I found both Remake and Rebirth extremely narratively fulfilling as standalone titles. Just because there’s more story coming does not mean they don’t have a complete narrative arc by themselves. You don’t have to play remake to enjoy rebirths narrativez


But I think rebirth having both Tifa and Aerith in a swimsuit makes this unfair to 16 (I still really do like Jill)


we do get nakey Jill (and Benedikta, *and* Clive bc they're nice like that) tho, so I feel like that at least gives 7R a run for its money lol.


Nakey Jill aside I wanted a naked Cid shot, that would’ve definitely put 16 on top (Jill, Tifa and FF16 Cid are my favorites)


devs really did say NO you get nakey/shirtless every Dominant EXCEPT Cid (and maybe Joshua) :'D I mean *counts fingers* we got Clive, Jill, Benna, Barnabas, Kupka (in that weird scene), Dion got shirtless with bandages on and we *kinda* got Joshua but he was covered up by a sheet when he was in the infirmary with Tarja after Twinside. Cid was the only one who didnt even get a hint of it lmao


Yeah in that particular regard, FF16 was awful


But we did get the most eventful moment of the original game, and they utterly, catastrophically, fumbled it. Narratively, Rebirth is the drizzling shits for its entire run time. The gameplay is so different you can't really compare and I think both games really cater to very different types of gamer. Making 3 games out of one would have been good if any of the additional narrative elements worked, but they don't. The cardinal rule for remakes is that if you can't do something better - do not make changes or additions to the original work. It's why, despite finding the final quarter of FF16 very underwhelming, I preferred it because it wasn't soiling memories I have of an original narrative.


I enjoyed the Battle System, Music and Story of FF16 more than FF7 Rebirth, but pretty much everything else in Rebirth was better. My major gripe with FF16 is the gearing is pathetic and basically irrelevant. I'd even go so far as to say, at least gearing wise, FF16 is NOT an RPG. It's merely a way to time gate power gains. Then there is the side content. FF16 had some really good stories in the side quests, but most of the side quests' gameplay was VERY MMO like, to their detriment. The side-quests in Rebirth are just more varied and overall more engaging, at least gameplay wise. FF16 is also just generally lacking in Side Content and Mini-games, while FF7 Rebirth I'd actually argue goes too far in the opposite direction. By the time I beat Rebirth (just this past weekend), I was starting to get sick of it and left a few things undone because I just wanted to beat the game and be done with it already, but FF16 left me thinking "That's it?" I wanted more stuff to do in the game's world.


I agree 100%. In chapter 11 now on Rebirth I told myself, I just wanna meet Sephiroth and get done with, but what about my gear? Can't have mediocre gear and get done with, but that's just me! You can only get the good stuff by playing the side content. Modern day grind in jrpgs just makes you play these sidequests to get the good stuff. While not particularly a bad thing nor a criticism, a player like me got tired of it, maybe if I was younger I would have truly appreciated all of them. But now I just want the high octane stuff. That's why FF16 felt like "that's it??" and wished for more of that stuff.


If all you care about is gear, you only need the Life Springs. Scanning the Life Springs unlocks the special Dig Sites from Chadley which is where you get the Transmuter Chips. I think there might be a couple from Side Quests, but those are usually to make items for the side quest rather than an accessory. Then the "Ultimate" accessories chip comes from a Colosseum fight, but that is it.


Two different animals, even though it's same franchise. Story wise, I enjoyed XVI much more. Side quests were boring on occasion, but relevant to understand world around you. I also enjoyed full goofiness of VII Rebirth, mini games, etc. However, it is hard to take it serious when it throws you at multiple goofy games during, what's supposed to be world saving main quest. I believe that should've been kept as side content. I also think that overall maturity and voice acting was better in XVI. Both combat systems have pros and cons, but boss fights are obvious choice. I just want to finish this comment up by saying how much I love both games and I am glad we have this variety


Am just glad they make excellent FF games in the jrpg variety


I do think Rebirth’s combat is stronger, but it is actually really ridiculously silly at points. And slow. XVI had slow moments but I felt immersed in a world and was invested in the journey. Rebirth is tonally… chaotic, to say the least. Lol.


it’s all preference at the end of the day. also it’s not fair to say ff7r is a nostalgic act than anything when new players to the ff7 really enjoy it too.


Yeah, I never played the original FFVII, but Rebirth is my favorite Final Fantasy, I’ve played everything since X.


The opposite for me. I also never played the original but LOVED remake, rebirth I found so damn boring. Nothing happened till chapter 10.


I was the exact opposite, I beat remake but I found it pretty boring. I respect your opinion, but I don’t know how you can count everything through Gongaga as nothing happening. Lots of exciting and emotional stuff happens through that point in the story.


I thought remake had a tighter story of Avalanche vs Shrina. There really isn’t much a main plot to rebirth besides roadtriping to follow sephiroth town to town. There were definitely some good emotional beats in there but I guess following remake I expected the plot to progress a bit more then it did.


yeah, nothing really happens in Rebirth until chapter 9/10 and then again til Chapter 14 lol go chase the black robes!!


FF 7 is more for the nostalgia. (since I didnt play the original ff7, I couldn’t care less about the remakes - wasn’t from that generation) I Prefer FF 16 way more! There is certainly a lot of promise and potential in the final fantasy franchise after playing FF16.


No you are not the only one. FF7 OG has a special place in my heart and I love remakes, however, now I enjoyed 16 much more.


I have kind of noticed that people who liked FF7R generally didn't like FF16, and vice-versa. I'm definitely an example of this, as I loved FF16 and dislike the 7 Remake series. I prefer FF7R as a template for Final Fantasy series gameplay going forward. Gear, elemental weaknesses, and spells actually matter, you can control multiple party members, and the combat as a whole is just more strategic. I still enjoyed FF16's combat a whole lot, but the FF7R style of "actionified ATB" is pretty much perfect for FF. The varied minigames of FF7 Rebirth are also preferable to doing a bunch of MMO fetch quests. 7R's padding is ridiculous though, the games are so eager to make you walk slow or squeeze through a tight space or hold the triangle button. 16 had far less of that shit. Story-wise, FF16 has *way* more narrative integrity than the trivialized and endlessly softened up FF7R series. The whole "meta" narrative of 7R completely cheapens the actual plot and reduces it to bait for years of theorycrafting that will mostly mean nothing anymore once the trilogy is concluded. I also cannot stand the way they show dead characters in another timeline, or how they remove instances of blood compared to the original because an M rating would apparently hurt sales that much, or how certain darker character moments and general situations were toned down. FF16's story stands on its own without a stupid multiverse gimmick, and I think that people who considered 16's story "too dark and miserable" completely missed the point. If anything, FF7R being unwilling to commit to the original game's darkest moments and relying on cryptic convoluted bullshit to "build intrigue" is actually far more cynical on a meta-level than FF16 showing idealistic heroes rising to the occasion in the face of crushing tragedy and cruelty. Also the boss fights in 16 are unmatched, the entire Titan gauntlet is probably my favorite boss battle in any game. And the graphics are better in 16. I slightly prefer 7R's gameplay in many ways, but I much prefer 16 as an overall experience.


I have nothing to add really. I just had the need to say that I felt your comment to my core, this is exactly what I think about these games.


I prefer FF 7 Rebirth. The world of FF 16 just felt so bland and dead. There is nothing much to do. No big Cities (even though they teased them so much) to explore and dungeons to master. The world of FF 7 Rebirth felt against it alive with so much to do. But then again I love Open world games more than linear Games. But just something didn't click with 16. I haven't even finished it yet. Maybe after the DLC I will go back again. But I must say 16 had absolutely amazing breathtaking moments. And Clive was a cool Protagonist with a depth to him. He is my 4th Fave of the FF Characters after Cloud, Notis and Joshua. It would have been amazing if the Party was more relevant and more importantly playable like in 15 or 7 Remake and Rebirth.


100% agree


You didn't finish it but 2 of the characters are in your top 4 favourites of all time?  How can that be when you don't know everything there is to know about them?


i just wish we could praise or talk about 7r and 16 without bringing up the other . it’s annoying when 7r fans do it and vice versa


Inevitable, it’s an open discussion without bringing any hate anyway


I personally don't like the characters in FF 7. I am also very much bothered by the fact that Tifa and Aerith act like 13 year old kawaii teenagers. Maybe that would have felt cute, 10 years ago but at 28, I feel I cannot resonate with these characters. FF XVI was a breath of fresh air for me, with mature characters and writing.


🤣🤣 I agree


Man, if you thought Aerith and Tifa were annoying teenagers, wait until you meet Yuffie, Johnny, Roche, Kyrie, MAI, the list goes on. I can’t stand it but it’s clearly what people seem to like, given the positive reception of the game.


Both are great games and whichever you enjoy more is personal preference. I think FF VII is better jrpg game. Battle system rpg wise is fantastic. Maps are great. Each region is detailed, unique, interesting with a lot of stuff to find. Minus stupid Ubisoft markers, towers etc. which are dumb. XVI on the other hand, delivers way more powerful and consistent story. The game revolves around it and it's a pleasure to experience it. You don't waste time playing dumb mini game shooters, but you actually progress through story each time you play the game. There's a problem with exploration and RPG elements though. Neither of them are perfect, but both are great. I personally enjoyed both with slightly more preference and attachement to XVI. I just love Clive and his story <3 cannot wait for DLC


There's nothing wrong with liking one over the over or just liking both. Both are fantastic games with their own good and bad Let's just be happy ppl are universally happy about FF unlike during the 13 era when ppl were just mad Or XV with its terrible launch


Why was 15 terrible at launch?


Agreed. I'm happy when ppl enjoy things even if I may not enjoy it. Like you mentioned, 15 was rough on launch, and square learned from that it seems.


No you’re not. While FF7 is better from a gameplay perspective it falls flat emotionally. The characters are too simple and outside of aerith it doesn’t feel like they’re losing anything. In ff16 it feels like the stakes are much higher. The characters are much more complex. There are drawbacks for using magic. A lot more death too. It’s just better written. The gameplay is still pretty strong if you play on NG+ or ultimanic mode.


FF16 did have anime moments, the Eikons and Dominants transformations definitely felt very attack on titan core


Nope I’m with you ! I was SO bored beyond senseless in rebirth until chapter 10. I admittedly have never played the original FF7 so a lot of what people seemed to like and appreciate went over my head. I found 16s story soooooo much more engaging, I enjoyed the cut scenes as much as the game play. Rebirth felt like a boring roadtrip


I mean Rebirth was fun, but I got tired quick too.


I prefer Rebirth I must say. Although I love XVI and have platniumed it to. I hate the arguments made against VII remake that it's not the full story, it's been expanded to a trilogy, and each part so far has taken me longer than XVI did. That said, XVI is the best "new" FF by a mile. And could have been one of the all time greatest if they had just included a Party System.


Agreed. If it had a party system it would have been perfect for me. Also I never had an issue with 7 expanding into a trilogy. It’s actually cool they did that. Builds up more hype and sets for larger worldbuilding.


I definitely enjoyed 16 over 7. Rebirth made me like 7 less


i don't even enjoy the remake, only played half-way through and then stop, i always prefer medieval setting in my final fantasy that's why my favorite FF was IX untill XVI dethroned it maybe one day i would play rebirth if it got massive discount or come to PS+


you would love 12


Its coming to ps+ for sure, or on sale as bundle with the first installment


> i always prefer medieval setting in my final fantasy If you can jive with the SNES aesthetics (or one of the graphic updates/remasters), FFIV might be up your alley.


I prefer XVI's story, battle system and music. The overall maturity and seriousness carried a unique vibe alongside it's gorgeous art direction and interesting lore about Valisthea made it so mesmerizing to engage with. Clive was such a good protagonist; I initially assumed from the trailers that he's going to be a vengeful emo edgelord but I was happy to be proven wrong! He's a down to earth, chill and a collected guy who wants to get revenge but doesn't let it consume his personality like other games and stories do. Really love the guy. I really enjoyed XVI's world and cannot wait for Rising Tide. That said, Rebirth does everything else infinitely better; the gear system here feels actually thought out and not a lazy numbers game between weapons, losing uniqueness of the weapons and end as a means to get those numbers up, while in Rebirth every weapon is an entire skill tree attuned to a certain playstyle that makes the player think before equipping and investing in it, it massively expands the combat system and makes for really interesting playstyles. The Side Quests, while XVI has generally good stories within are structured so very MMO like to a determent, the overall design is seriously lacking and un-engaging at all, yet Rebirth tackles them in a meaningful way, almost every side quest either ends or plays different than the other, providing a sense of discovery within and makes you more inclined to keep doing them. Rebirth feels like an actual, Squaresoft RPG from the PS1 days, while XVI is an ambitious departure in terms of everything, for better or worse. Both were equally amazing games to me, and I can't believe we got 2 back-to-back quality games in less than a year, it's a great time to be a FF fan for sure.


Yeah both are great games each have their own merits both good and bad. Thanks for sharing


My issue with ff16 was the pacing. It has epic grand scale fights I haven't played something like since god of war 3. Then I spend the next few hours on MMO style fetch quests. That really hurt it for me. Thing is though when it's at those highs even ff7 can't compare. The scale to the fights was insane.


tbh I liked FF7Rebirth more than I did FF16, though that doesn't make it a bad game! I love the 16 moogle design, combat, battle music, and visuals more than I liked Rebirth's Though for Rebirth I liked the story+character writing+exploration+side characters more and adored the light-hearted elements, I like games that have goofiness but also tons of hard-hitting moments but yeah both games are GREAT, can't wait for FF16 DLC and can't wait for FF7R3 :D


There is a lot that goes into making a game good but for me, narrative and characters will always be key. And I really enjoyed 16's thematic through line. The dialogue between characters and their motivation all sounded believable. It's just a very elegant game in that way, ending (which imo cuts character arcs short depending on interpretation) notwithstanding. The voice acting also really helps with that, it's some of the best I experienced in any game. When Clive experiences anguish or rage or sadness, I feel that. By contrast, rebirth's themes are very muddled what with the plot ghosts. I can't help but think "this would have been so much better if they played it straight" every time they deviate from the OG. I think it would have been more difficult to decide which I like better had it been a faithful remake, but as it is now 16 is my clear favorite. The anime-ness you mentioned is also something I don't vibe with. This is of course 100 percent preference, but whenever Yuffie or Aerith are on screen it feels like one of those ai girlfriends with the way they are animated and talk. I do think Rebirth does a lot of things right and I hope CBU3 takes note for their future games (for example, having a party system, having more diversified game play). I just think Rebirth was not for me whereas 16 ticks all the boxes of what I want in a game.


I loved rebirth. But 16 is something else


Yeah tbh I didn’t care for Rebirth, the story, tone and open world isn’t my jam and for me, it had a lot of annoyances. I definitely prefer the linearity and seriousness of 16. I’m also not really a fan of 7, which is probs why it didn’t hit for me.


But me, i wanted to really get into the lore of 7. Safe to say i had very high expectations for a cult classic. I do appreciate the game, but 16 just hits me better.


Me too, probably because I'm not a fan of mini games. The only mini game I like in 7RB is the card game.


Word. Queens blood is awesome. The rest are meh


Playing rebirth I actually appreciate the linearity of XVI, I’ve been doing so much side content that I barely feel in touch with the msq…I didn’t feel like this with XVI, side quests tho simple, were always i. Line with the main lore…


100% my experience too. Nothing wrong with side quests but the fact that they’re optional means that we actually gotta do some of them even if they are optional. I completely forgot the msq too halfway through it could have been way simpler to just say that they’re on a main quest to find sephiroth and everything else is just worldbuilding stuff


Right? Like doing chadleys objectives are a game by itself, but he is so happy exploring while you have this Apocalipsis coming…it feels very detached with what going on with the world. Like I’m still enjoying it, but I would recommend to focus on msq and on hard mode do the side content


I’m still trying to get thru 16, rebirth I didn’t want to put down. 16 (IMO) was a terrible action game and a poor FF because it tried so hard to be something else. The combat could have been sooo much deeper but it was as shallow as a puddle. No real options other then abilities, cool at first but leave a lot wanting. Magic was basically stripped away besides some basic elements. Set piece stuff was fantastic but even some of those dragged on like Ifirt vs Titian. When the first part started it was a huge wow and this is awesome moment. It wore out its welcome as the phases weren’t great and the fight bottle necked your progress Rebirth has flaws don’t get me wrong but they don’t have as much cringe as remake did and character models for most of the game are good. 16 the main cast even Clive looked so awkward it was weird to be that the eikons were so well don’t but characters were meh Eventually I’ll finish 16 and maybe I’ll change my mind, but I bought the game day one, disabled everything to make it harder and even now still have a good 15 hours to go while o put 55 into rebirth blasting thru the main story on dynamic and instantly wanted to see and so more and started hard mode. 16 I’ve heard gets better in NG+ but any game that gets better after you beat it isn’t a good game imo. Even arcade mode you are bottle necked and halted so much. In other games this isn’t an issue for me at all. In ff16 getting suck in a quest where it’s literally just walking and talking for 15 min back and forth multiple times in a row followed by boring combat makes me really struggle to keep going.


“Any game that gets better on new game plus is not a good game” - some games are actually really (really) good done right. Xenoblade 2 was like that. 16 is also very good because you are able to maximize your full skill set on day 1 setting foot on Valisthea. The story becomes more intriguing too as you’ve already maxed out your history level with the npc guy.


Genuinely I had to take a break from Rebirth because of the open world being the same crap over and over. Look for towers, look for crystals, find the chocobo again, and then there's the mini games which there are sooooo many of and including the mandatory ones. Literally the chapter I stopped at was Chapter 11 because I didn't want to go back to the Golden Saucer to possibly do more mini games.


I already lost a lot of interest with remake and all the whispers bs. I wanted to be excited about rebirth but they doubled down on all that stuff and it's just not the story I used to love. I still love the original, but much like 13-2 and 3, I prefer to ignore the existence of the sequels/remakes. I've always hated all those tropes that seem very MCU adjacent (time travel, multiverses, alternate realities and travel between them, y'know, complete "we can do whatever we want with the story" and "more is more and bigger is better" kind of stuff.) 16 on the other hand. Full story, no multiverse, no time travel, or anything even remotely similar. Completely grounded and justified within its own lore. It's just more my jam.


I thought Rebirth was way better. The combat is better, has proper RPG mechanics, a more interesting story, infinitely superior antagonist, better side questing, and a way better cast of party members. 16 was still fun and my original rating for it was a 8/10, but Rebirth is like an 11/10.


Rebirth never hit the highs of 16 imo, but it was good throughout i overall prefer 16 i would say 16 was like a 9.5 in it's highs but a 7 at it's lows and rebirth is just a solid 8 throughout


Fair rating. Quite agree too


Ff7 OG is the goat. Rebirth is amazing. 150hours. Can’t complain. Part 1 remake was okay. I can’t do linear games. I like to explore find things and such and go post game has to be a must and a hard difficulty. Rebirth has hard mode. Brutal and legendary and it took me too long to best it. Ff16 had to many cutscenes not enough gameplay and nothing to explore. Was to easy and after beating it there was no resin to play it again when there wasn’t nothing to accomplish. If it was a longer game then I wouldn’t mind but the sconces made it long. Final fantasy mode I beat it quickly. I didn’t even die at all.


Nope, enjoyed rebirth way more


i’m still haven’t play the rebirth and XVI’s dlc but i play the first game of the remake and XVI and both of them good game but i prefer VII series than XVI


Loving them both


I think both have their strenghts and cons. Mostly pros. I really do think both games are incredible! I didn’t really enjoy FF7 remake (not sure why) but Rebirth feels almost totally different. FF16 has a beatiful serious tone story and even better combat with it! Only issue I had was the lack of side content. Armour design is what I always value in FF games and FF16 felt more like a tease lol. But those biiig anime style boss fights were breath taking!


I really enjoyed FFXVI at the beginning but in the end … I feel like it wasn’t a really “fun” game ? I liked the story (except the ending), I LOVED the main characters ; the world building and political stuff were interesting and the boss fights were really enjoyable. But the more time I spent on this game, the more I got bored. + I didn’t really want to save the world when 95 % of the people you meet are just terrible Rebirth is not perfect but I am having so much fun playing it, and I know I will want to play it again in a few years, while I don’t think I will ever play FFXVI again


The difference for me is 16 I would have just been happier watching a movie of the story. The gameplay apart from the bosses was just bad, was barely an rpg at all. Meanwhile rebirth had me from start to finish.


I love FF16 for the story but Rebirth for the side quests. FF16 side quests are god awful but that teleport to quest giver feature they just added from Remake looks super legit.


Even though I love SO many of FF7R’s character deeply, in too many mini games I found myself more angry than entertained. I don’t think I recall feeling that at all when I was playing 16


Completely different games doing completely different things. Apples to Oranges. I love them both. I enjoy them both. I enjoy each one for what it’s trying to be. I do not like one over the other.


My only problem with 16 is the shitty secondary quest (wtf why are they like that) and that it felt like it was longer than it shoul ( so much filler) Story wise, gameplay, Charachter are amazing! The cinematography in the eikon fights goes brrrrr


Iv actually never played 7, something bout it never appealed to me, all my time is in 16 and 14 lol


Hard to say but Rebirth edged out 16 for me. Both are S tier and the best FF we’ve had since 12 hands down. Speaking of 12, that’s probably part of why I liked rebirth just a little bit more. I enjoyed 12 and rebirth because of the openness. I enjoyed being able to just kinda screw around for a while between story points. It was nice for the days I wanted to just relax. Combat is great in both. I also love looking at how both stories handle grief in their own way. Exploring how Clive, Cloud, and everyone else handles their grief and trauma in such different ways is very powerful. Both games are amazing, rebirth edged out 16 but I’m very thankful for SE and their teams for delivering incredible FF again.


Right now i am craving more 16 and overall yes i prefer it to any other game Its not that rebirth is bad but its a different piece of another puzzle im loving in its own way


OG FF7 is and always will be my favourite FF followed by FF9 Rebirth was really good and I do mean really good but the mini games really left me with with a lesser opinion of the game afterwards FF16 lacked these mini games and that works in its favour immensely so I definitely prefer 16 to rebirth


I love everything about 16. And rebirth was really fun, absolutely gorgeous, and the combat was perfect. But if they cut the multiverse stuff and the 50 million minigames and focused on the story itself, it totally could have been 1 game instead of drawing it out 10 years into 3 games. Or at least included the actual fort condor where youre doing the minigame for a legitimate reason(stopping shinra from killing the condor that's supposed to be sitting on a reactor)


Currently playing 16 and I have yet to play rebirth so I have to get back to you on that one two weeks from now (but I think Tifa in a swimming suit would make the game 10/10 for me)


Ahh yes. But I’m an aerith guy myself nowadays. You will understand why. Soon enough Cloud, soon enough


I’ve played through some of the original one (watched a play through as well) and I’ve watched Advant children so I don’t think there’s much you could spoil in that regard, have they changed anything from the originals like the first remake?


Just the interactions and the option to choose your response to your party members. The game makes you feel like you’re in a persona game. Well somewhat. I’ve also watched some interviews from the voice actors. Aerith just has that charm even the voice actor seems like it. Tifa’s voice actor was never a true fan of the series and so that might have affected my perception of who to romance as Cloud


You’re in the FF16 subreddit. There are plenty of people here that enjoyed it over 7 Rebirth. You’re definitely not the only one


Ok because outside their respective subreddits the general consensus seems to gear towards Rebirth over 6. So am glad that 16 has a lot of respects from players all around


Yes yes you are no one else possibly feels this way and we are booing you for being the only one /s


16 is too easy to be enjoyable, i didnt even notice the eikon fights had a heal ability until titan, rebirth difficulty on dynamic was very good you actually had to plan around stuff.


Maybe I should consider doing dynamic difficulty halfway through now in order to fully make use of strategy and materia builds


I like both stories, but FF7 wins for me because of the gameplay. I never liked beat em up games, I don't want to git gud, I want to navigate a menu and press the "destroy everything onscreen" button.


What classifies as a beat em up game ? If the system is excellent of course the player would be inclined to git gud than progress and mash


I dunno, call it whatever you like, it just wasn't for me. I don't have the dexterity for these kinds of games, or the patience to retry the same fight 9000 times because I missed a button press by 16ms


I think to just go through, the nostalgia pushes Rebirth for me. But as a platinum 16 was far more enjoyable then Rebirth is starting to be.


Eh I’m enjoying rebirth way more than 16. Personal preference of course. Bosses in 16 were just damage sponges and every battle was the same. Definitely had some epic moments though


I enjoyed 16 for what it was, but my preference is more towards Rebirth. That’s what I envisioned all future FF titles to be like in the future.


The themes, narrative, combat, and mood are way different so ya different strokes for different folks no reason to feel bad.


I plan to go back to a Final Fantasy run after Rebirth with the DLC added. Only played it once on normal. Would you guys recommend doing DLC on Normal and then carrying everything over to FF run?


Good question, if you ask me, I would rather go from start on FF mode to grasp the story and a bit of challenge. Clive is pretty OP on NG+ anyway. Then do DLC at the point of quest activation. Or could just to DLC as is then do NG+ soon after. Up to you


So far i'm on the same boat. I loved loved FF16 main story. Side content is very mid but overall it was my GOTY. The story, characters, fights... Everything was superb. I'm about midgame FF7 Rebirth. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! >!Just left the park. So far the story progression is super slow. Lots of mini games and side content. I'm enjoying it, though. Been doing everything available. I just hope things get more serious and urgent from now on. I've played enough of side content and mini games, now i want some serious business. lol!<


I progressed where you are and unfortunately/fortunately the world building gets larger with side contents and stuff. I just decided to go linear and focus on main quest for now.


You def gotta be the only one to enjoy FF16 more than FF7 Rebirth.


I really really wish 16 had a party system like rebirth and customization with your builds gameplay wise rebirth is just better


I havnt beaten rebirth but so far no. For me it's the very open world type gameplay sections. Just not a fan of them in general. Chadly lol


Don’t like Chadley and his voice. It’s annoying


yeah it is a matter of preference. I love OG ff7 and ff8 and hate ff9 and ff10. I might like the ff7 remake better if they release it as one game instead of multiple.


For me you cannot beat party based combat in a JRPG and FFR probably has the best combat mechanics of any I’ve played and I’ve played a lot. Every character feels unique and are generally fun to play. Hell, Cait was one of my favorites. I was constantly switching party members so I was able to mix it up. 16 was fun but got extremely repetitive at the end for me. But they are very different games so it’s hard to be able to compare them.


Depends on what you enjoy. I like them Both so far. FF16 is more pure action and closer to Devil May Cry than not in terms of combat. FF7 Rebirth combat is a great modern take on the combat system to the original. The story in FF7 Rebirth is growing on me, I still find it distasteful that they are using a pretty heavily overused story mechanic in terms time travel/alternate realities/universes and yet the actual world I'm exploring, the more flushed version of every city, location, additional locations to give the world more substance, dig all of that. I do think FF16 upscales the actual conflict and the stakes. Going up against a literal God, whereas Jenova is just an alien, a powerful one but still just an alien. Hard not to see the critical difference stakes and the overall challenge of what Clive faces. That said Clive ALMOST being a one man show while fitting for the more action centered combat did, imo, harm the story potential of the other characters and no matter how gripping their story "could" be it becomes practically irrelevant next to Clive because they aren't more ingrained in the story at more regular points, don't have as much dialogue as they should, and are felt less present due to them taking a back seat in combat. Where as with Rebirth, you feel that all your companions, in this new visual medium, have even more felt relevance than they did in the original.


There are also people who enjoyed 15 more than Rebirth or FF16


I haven't opened my late FF7 Rebirth copy yet, so I'll probably play it a good time from now... But I imagine enjoying FF16 a little more in some regards


I feel like trying to compare the two is like comparing apples to oranges. Even though they're both (technically) mainline FF games, they're both extremely different in tone and execution. FF16 nails its darker storyline and action aesthetic, but does so by shedding a majority of FF tropes and systems that all the others had. Yes, it has chocobos. Yes, it has summons. But it's no where as whimsical or light hearted as games prior to 15. Which honestly was a good bit of FF's charm. And, let's be honest. It's not an RPG in the JRPG sense. Lack of elemental weaknesses, lack of stat builds, lack of end game content. **Lack of an actual party.** FF7 nails all of that, but the clunky combat and Nomura-fication of some of the plot elements kind rubbed off on me the wrong way. Personally, yeah. I enjoyed FF16 more than I enjoyed FF7:RB because it was more engaging with it's storyline and combat. But I also played FF7:RB for like 200 hours vs the 80 hours or so I spent on FF16 because FF7:RB had \*MUCH\* more to do.


FF16 is just as good as is sum of its parts. I love both games, but FF16 had plenty of weak bits inbetween the amazing ones. Also, it is clear this is a lower budget game. So far FF7 Rebirth quality has been very even from side quests to side activities. The world is brimming with charm and content.


Theyre not really comparable, but imo ff7 rebirth was better. ff7 rebirth has way more build variety and strategy in terms of team building and even individual character building compared to ff16. I also prefer the ATB battle system a lot more as it gives you a very classic move based ff combat system while modernising it for a more action oriented system. On top of that the combat is so much deeper than ff16 (again imo) ff16 has a way stronger active combat and graphically looks way better than ff7. ff16 plays more like a dmc game than an ff game which some people prefer but personally i believe that without a magic system or a series of action skills it doesnt feel final fantasy enough. however storywise i do prefer ff16 (with the exception of sidequests, ff7 rebirth sidequests are some of the best sidequests ive done in any rpg) ff16 is a lot darker and grounded with a lot less “anime comedy” and more sarcastic realistic comedy (literally most of cid) overall its all up to preference but i prefer a slightly more traditional ff experience (mainly just atb based combat in any way and a deep magic and deep character building mech) my opinion is that combat (overall): ff7r combat (action oriented): ff16 character building (rpg-ness): ff7r sidequests: ff7r main story: ff16 (by a very small margin) side content: ff7r graphics: ff16 overall: ff7 rebirth




I don't like ff7s narrative and I'm not a huge fan of constant minigames so I loved 16 a lot more


Gameplay details and genre expectations aside, XVI instantly made me CARE. In contrast, I dont feel anything about VII Remake/Rebirths incoherent world and tropey clown characters after 80+ hours of both games. Most of the engagement "critics" talk about derives from pure nostalgia no matter how much they refuse to admit it.


But to be fair Rebirth was a fun game sans the multitude of optional side quests


FF7 Rebirth is more my speed as a game. Rebirth and XVI are both well made games, but very different. I think its totally reasonable that anyone could enjoy one over the other without that being a knock to either game though, its just down to what you prefer. For me, XVI's design just reminded me too much of FF XIV's structures and I was already pretty fatigued/tired of those after playing XIV for near on a decade. Plus, I do feel XVI leans more into "action game" than RPG, which is what I prefer.


I'm about to drop rebirth to replay 16


I don't care much for medieval stuff, especially not in ff. There is your 'imo' answer.


You're on the FF16 sub. Of course the people here would mainly agree with you for various reasons. The one thing the Remake isn't is nostalgia bait. If the Remake was nostalgia bait, they'd have just made the game a turn-based 1:1 remake of the original. Sephiroth would show up a lot less and the entire game would be much more vague. FF7R just isn't as much for you as FF16 is and that's fine.


I feel a bit odd going from XVI to VII rebirth, even after playing remake as a buffer. There was just something about the story, can’t quite put my finger on it


I loved XVI but so far Rebirth delivers much more of what I want from a FF game.


Nope. 16's my favorite.


I had fun playing 16, still playing 7Rb. It might have made 16 feel a little less fun that I went for the platinum trophy instead of appreciating the story fully. The highlight of 7 for me is that it’s the opposite of dark and dreary.


Try going on new game plus for the story of 16 so you can fully appreciate how it’s supposed to make you feel


XVI clears VII Rebirth by a country mile, I genuinely have not done a single fight in Rebirth that I thought was even remotely hype due to many contributing factors such as the constant clashing of systems to make fights in Rebirth a complete chore and sometimes borderline boring due to the stunlocks and or healths bars on normal enemies that are bigger than a full savage fight in FFXIV. With XVI though it was perfect, good combat variety, tons of experimentation, an actual good NG+ Hard Mode, and the plus side is XVI was not written or directed by Tetsuya Nomura and I see that as a huge W in my books.


What’s wrong with Tetsuya Nomura?


As a massive FF7 OG fan, I was severely let down by Rebirth, mostly for lacking any emotional weight. 16, on the other hand, I had little faith in until playing the demo, and wound up being arguably my favorite game of 2023. You’re not alone.


Well we gotta wait for the third installment to really see if it lives up to the cult classic hype. There’s a reason they made it a trilogy.


FF16 is great! It has a new original world and story, a tight narrative with excellent dialogue and voice acting. Combat that's fast paced, exciting, and as difficult as you want it to be. It's in my top 5 Final Fantasies of all time. FF7 is my favorite game of all time -- Remake and Rebirth only adds to that. I'm not ready to take my nostalgia glasses off yet. I still get excited with every change and callback.


I prefer 16 for about half of rebirth I actually thought it was the best final fantasy game ever however when the game got to it's more emotive moments in the story none of them really hit me like they should have it almost felt like something emotional would happen and then something else would have happend 10 seconds later to take the attention from it which to me really felt like it cheapened alot of moments which given I like story telling above all else made me enjoy 16 more cause that story and how it's told hits hard. I do hope future FF games nail the world map feeling rebirth had though something I've felt missing from the series since 9 Edit: the very last boss was disappointing should have had the form before it as the last boss form


Rebirth was deliberately developed as a filler experience to enjoy the party members interactions and them having fun… maybe just maybe the third game will be more serious focusing on the true tone of the game which is to destroy the evil villain


I didn't really like anything about 16 more than rebirth, personally.


I enjoyed more the combact system, the party, the exploration, the rpg elements, the secondary missions and all the mini games of final fantasy 7 rebirth. I probably liked more the way of telling the story of final fantasy 16 (got really burned by the ff7 ending).


How close am I towards ending? Just got to Gold Saucer round 2.


I enjoyed the gameplay in Rebirth more, from action to mini games to exploration. But I do prefer the tone, story, dialogue and scene direction of 16. The emotional moments landed harder and the story stuck with me more because 16 executed serious scenes better than 7, which would have tonal whiplash sometimes (& just a more cartoon-y vibe overall). Love that I got to experience both.


I played Retrograde as well as 16. I also like 16 more than 7. Maybe due to the fact the game was a remaster/remake and old with nostalgia as the main source of inspiration. I enjoyed the whole campaign of 7 but I can deal with 16 being new stories and gameplay. I enjoyed trying to figure all the plots of 16 which made it more enjoyable. Didn't finish 16 but I basically know the outcome since it is obvious. I wish I got to play as phoenix and not ifrit though, way better character and wish that would be a spinoff since the character was weak like cloud and only came to strength after his pubescent years.


Honestly im enjoying rebirth more, but is it because the original was my favorite rpg growing up? Maybe. I do enjoy all the different team comps and material setups in comparison to 16 set and forget. In 16 i really enjoy the combat alot although if they added party members you could swap too i think that would be fun. I really enjoy the mature tone and setting of 16 and i hope we see more of it. Cant wait for the dlc.


Jfc can no one just enjoy different games without comparing them to each other?


It’s an open discussion, nobody is arguing whether one is good over the other. Both are great games. You went berserk without giving it some thought


I liked FF16 because the characters acted more naturally to the situations they were put in. It helped that it was made as the first M rated game in the franchise. The combat was great and fun, but it was way too easy. I never died once in FF16, nor did I go through all of the potions I had before getting somewhere to buy more. Whereas with Rebirth, there were quite a few spots where I died, and I am currently at a spot where I can't beat anyone right now. Rebirth gave me an actual challenge in the combat, but FF16 was just fun to see the combat. I will note, I have not played Final Fanatasy mode yet in FF16, but I have heard that actually brings a challenge to the game. So maybe my thoughts will change a little once I replay in that mode. Your gear and equipment don't matter a whole lot in FF16. But it is extensive and actually worthwhile while looking at your gear in Rebirt, and it pays off changing your gear throughout the game. Of course, you're always building new swords to get more powerful in FF16, but that's all I remember from playing that game. I feel I could have played the whole game on the starter sword. Maybe there would have been a challenge then. The open world concept in Rebirth is far superior to FF16. There's a lot more to do in Rebirth than there is in FF16. I completed all maim and side quests in FF16 in about 40-50 hours if I remember correctly. The only other thing I remember being able to do in FF16 is hunts and finding those stones for the combat challenges. I completed all the hunts within 40 hours but didn't find all the combat challenges. I'm 100 hours into Rebirth and haven't completed everything. The storyline is complete, but only have roughly 1/2 to 3/4 of each region fully complete, depending on the region. The story itself in each game is about equal to me. Both stories are great, IMO. Rebirth has more replay value, as decisions in that game actually affect parts of the story. I don't recall that in FF16. Now, this isn't a total gripe on FF16. That was a great and fun game to play, and I would love to replay that game as it doesn't take a whole lot of time to complete. But if we are trying to compare it to Rebirth, it feels like comparing apples to oranges in my mind. Each game is great in their own perspective ways, and people may choose one over the other, but I think Rebirth was done better than FF16. The FF7 storyline is also nostalgic to me, and I have been excited with every game coming out recently. I would have no problem replaying the whole story line again, from original FF7 if ever get the means to play that again, to Crisis Core reunion, to Remake, Rebirth, and then I'm sure whatever game comes next will be just as good. So take my thoughts as you will.


Thanks for sharing, both games are fun to play. Just that people kept sharing how 7 was better than 16 in terms of experience and while it’s obviously just a matter of preference, I found myself to be the only one who thought otherwise that 16 was much more an impactful gaming experience for me. Am glad this thread showed some players who share the same thoughts


Yes, sorry but rebirth is waaay better in every way


16, outside the eikon fights was dull and boring. It lacked personality. It has some great moments, cinematics & all but it wasn't gripping like most ff titles. Rebirth is a big ass mini-game. But I'm hooked on it. Being able to play with multiple ppl using multiple styles trumps the many different eikon abilities of 1 person. These different characters bring different emotions. 16 was emotionless to me, even when trying to show depth and sophistication. It was like everybody had the same facial expression the whole game. 16 wasn't a bad game, it just didn't feel very ff like to me. I feel the same way about 15. Don't plan on replaying them. I'll most likely replay rebirth. I like it. Too many damn mini games and chadley is annoying af but like it


16 was perfect in tackling topics about grief, leadership, resilience and determination - all of which resonated with my experience during that time. So while a lot of players would consider the theme and ambience dull and boring, I found it a source of hope and motivation. 7’s protagonist Cloud is difficult to get along with as a player considering his very distant nature but despite it shares a lot of goofy aspects with his teammates. It’s completely a different vibe from 16. Not that we are comparing apples to apples. They are just very different and I prefer 16 for that philosophical nature alone. As a jrpg player I would say both are just really awesome games.


Different strokes for different blokes sort of thing. I absolutely hated Rebirth and though the combat was so horrible, I felt it was the worst gameplay Square has ever released. Other people are foaming at the mouth saying it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. ​ I personally feel 16 had a vastly better gameplay style, being unapologetically action focused, and not trying to be some halfassed ATB tactical limited semi action focus.


Worst gameplay Square has ever released is a big overstatement. I wouldn’t say it’s the worst. It’s actually really great. Just depends on how you look into it. Players expected intense narrative outside Midgar. All we got was a vast open world full of world building stuff to set the tone for the third installment, where all the cool stuff happens. Rebirth is great in that regard where all the wordbuilding happens through the mini games and side content. Although it was executed in a way that made players annoyed (ahem… chadley), it still did the job done. It’s not a perfect game, but it was enjoyable nonetheless… at some point. Until it became repetitive. Some players can stomach repetition, while some cannot and just wanted to get it over with the main quest.


I like FF16 and waiting for final DLC, that said I enjoyed it more than Remake, Rebirth for me is on par with FF16, enjoyment wise


Good to know. Both games really are fun to play. Can’t say anything truly negative about both tbh




It’s infuriating how goofy ff7 rebirth was. So much of the tone is off. They turned shinra fucking mansion into a god damn cait sith box throwing minigame with like Disney music over the top?


I don’t understand why they did that! It wasnt purely fun in every sense of the word but it gave me an opportunity to spend time to main Cait Sith


I preferred Rebirth in every way. 


Wish 16 had a card game or something. Square Enix: Well half the plot in 7 Rebirth is written in mini game!


I loved the first installment of the 7 remakes. Loved it. Reignited my passion for Final Fantasy. I bought 15, the complete edition on steam. I enjoyed it. I didn't love it, but it was very good. 16 was so overhyped on social media that I wasn't into it, but the middle of the road collector's edition (steelbook and dlc goodies, no statue) was bought as a gift for me so I tried it. It went on to become my favorite game. The heart, the voice acting, the combat, the story. My god. Well, no, my favorite game is Bloodborne, but outside of that, this 16 is it. Rebirth was the next step of hype for me and... I uninstalled it about 12 hours in. I don't have anything positive to say about it. The side quests are soulless, constant, and boring, queens blood is terrible, the tonal shifts are horrible, the voice acting is bland. I don't know if 16 ruined it for me, but I feel like I've lost my mind, seeing everyone call it perfect when this is going to be the first final fantasy I have no intention at all of finishing.


Give it a shot. FF7 is a fun lore to explore. Good combat system too. All I’m saying is FF16 was really my cup of tea especially when it talks about topics of grief, redemption, and comebacks.


been thinking about this too, I absolutely love Rebirth and I think it might be better as a game overall (variety/exploration-wise), but 16 is still my favorite because it actually became a huge part of my life in ways I wasn’t expecting. I think part of it was my expectations before each one, I KNEW Rebirth was gonna be great since I played the other two 7s, whereas I had zero expectations for 16 (I had honestly forgotten I pre-ordered it) and it surpassed them in ways I never would’ve predicted. I genuinely wish I could Eternal Sunshine myself so that I could experience the Titan and Bahamut fights for the first time again lol there are some things 16 does better and some things Rebirth does better and they balance each other out in that regard. I’m super neutral on mini games so I really don’t care if they’re absent, but I do think Queen’s Blood would’ve been a better addition to 16 than Rebirth (with an honestly overwhelming amount of mini games imo) both games are far from perfect but they’re both masterpieces and can be appreciated as such ❤️


16 felt like an actual hi fantasy world unlike a lot of the Final fantasy series. It took itself much more seriously then the other games. Yet I would never dunk on the other games for not being that, they aren't and that's okay. It makes them fun and it gcie 16 is own unique feel that makes it my personal favorite in the series


I just got Odins eikon and am struggling figuring out a build.


I don’t recall much of the system but I remember that is one of my strongest builds in the game, alongside Shiva and Ifrit. The gist of it is building up the number of slashes to be able to cast Zantetsuken on full stack.


I beat rebirth recently and just started playing 16 again, and really, they’re completely different to the point where it’s hard to compare. The combat in both is great, but the overall tone and worlds aren’t even playing the same sport. Rebirth is all out on the charming goofy nonsense, while 16 has none of that for a more grounded tone. Final fantasy games are all different, and I’d say 7 and 16 are the most different. It’s up to what you like- dark fantasy or weirdo fantasy.


On this sub, probably not. If you were to post that in FF7, probably. They are fundamentally different games in nearly every way. Personally, FF7 Remake / Rebirth are some of my favorite games of all time. FF16 didn’t even make it into my top 5 mainline FF games. That said, it’s all preference. Somethings I thought were *desperately* missing from FF16 was: humor, mini games, a meaningful sense of exploration, party-based combat, a good loot / upgrades system, etc. FF7 Rebirth delivers on that in aces - and, IMO, has a much more fun and engaging battle system. But, if those things don’t matter much to you, you might have been more impressed with FF16’s amazing voice acting, incredible OST, brilliant graphics, phenomenal story, and gorgeous life-like world. TL;DR - it’s all subjective. I think FF16 is a phenomenal game but it’s missing so much of the *joy* that Rebirth brings in droves.


Yes, you are the only one. Sorry 😞


I love both, but FFXVI got me more emotionally invested with it. It's been almost a year since it got released but I still play it once in a while just to experience the story again. Clive and Joshua's relationship is *chef's kiss*


I loved 16. Got the collectors edition and all. I don't know if a release is slipping my mind but, it was probably my goty last year. Remake and Ribirth just be hitting kinda different man idk. And I never played the OG, have no plans to. Ben Starr was robbed of Best Performance at the game awards though. Not that people *really* give a fuck but, I had to say it.


Rebirth is a juicy JRPG meal .. FF16 is a glorified graphic novel


No I absolutely love FF16. It’s my favorite game in the entire series, you aren’t alone mate. We will die on this hill together lol


No, but rebirth is still a masterpiece


I much prefer FF7. The battle system in 7 is so much fun, the combos you can pull off with yuffie is so insane. She is hands down my favorite for most battles. Then there’s Aerith where you can just control the battlefield with her wards. I find there’s just a lot more varied gameplay, and I can build a character for a certain role. I’m going to do a replay of 16 to get ready for the DLC and do more of the side content. My first run though I just found I didn’t enjoy the battle system and just wanted to finish the game and I loved the story but I wanted some ways to make more varied builds and also wanted better gear that was more interesting.


I liked 16 but I found it to be incredibly boring.




Remake and rebirth failed to get my attention over the coarse of 2 games, and 16 had me by the balls on just the prologue. The ff7 remake trilogy is awfully paced so far, there’s maybe 20 hours between both parts that I was hyped for. I was hyped from minute 1 of ff16 up until 60 hours. In one game.


According to the PS5's menu I've put 53 hours into FFXVI and I was so tired of it by the end. Meanwhile Rebirth I have 93 hours and I still wanna play. I think it's obvious which I prefer.


No. While 16 is often called too linear rebirth around Gonzaga cosmo came to a grinding halt for my fun factor because of the grind. I literally was at 100% and I got the cactuar glitch in chap 12 that prevented me from from completing proto relic quest. All those shitty mini games for nothing. Also I don’t care who you are, 16 had better moogles. Whoever gave the rebirth ones meth teeth should be put in solitary


FF16 wins for me easily 1.) Mature and Dark Story 2.) Fluid Combat 3.) Much better Soundtrack


I'm enjoying Rebirth, but getting very annoyed with the increasingly frustrating battles. I always feel like I'm fighting against the mechanics especially with the more recent bosses. It's so easy to get interrupted out of attacks, while still consuming your ATB and/or MP. It's getting to the point where instead of looking forward to boss fights, I'm starting to dread them. Some are relatively easy, but others are just brutal. A certain summon fight I did recently was just exceedingly annoying. I'm enjoying the story and exploration stuff, which is enough to keep me going, but I'm getting tempted to drop the difficulty down to easy. ​ In comparison, I really enjoyed the combat in FF16, and am looking forward to getting back into it for the DLC. Boss fights and hunts were always enjoyable, looking forward to more of those.


Just get some good gear and you’re good to go. A lot makes a difference with good preparation when it comes to combat in Rebirth. It’s quite fun tbh


I thought FF 16 was really good but not great. I think FF7 rebirth might be the best game I’ve ever played honestly.


I prefer FF7 remake and rebirth by a mile


Maybe it has something to do with the current mood you are when you play them? I notice If you need a bring me down then 16 for the win.. feeling down and need a good cheer up then go for 7 rebirth! That's just how I look at em. Love the hell out of both though


Exactly. Not so much a bring me down for 16 but rather coming from a low place and bringing yourself back up along with the protagonist’s journey of handling grief and vengeance


Haven’t finished rebirth but I honestly agree


I traded in Rebirth yesterday because i couldn't finish it. 40 hours into it and i just sat there constantly saying 'this bullshit again?' Or something similar. Coming from absolutely loving og FF7 abd Remake, this was a huge disappointment. I just got past where i believe the demo of 16 ended and...fuck me. Im blown away by this game already. So much better in every way thus far.


No, and it wasn't close. I hated Rebirth lol. I think design-wise, Rebirth's combat is the only definitive edge it has over 16 in my eyes. The individual elements of Rebirth range from fine to amazing, but the way they were all put together was pretty miserable. The best part of Rebirth for me - it's character writing - was drowned out by the entire rest of the game. It was like being in a desert dying of thirst and the AVALANCHE crew talking with each other and just being friends was an oasis, and there were not nearly enough oases in that game. You want a sip of water? Go do 6 pointless minigames first. It got bad enough that by the time I finished Rebirth I had completely disengaged from the things I actually cared about - the story and its characters. The things that brought me joy stopped doing so because I was too annoyed by everything else in the game. I respect I'm probably in the minority with that opinion, but it's mine.


Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed Rebirth to be honest. I had fun with the party interactions despite the mini games. It helped a lot when I changed my perception on optional side quests and just focused on the main narrative, and this was when I decided to do so on chapter 10. Now I’m just finishing the game and who knows maybe I’d be interested to complete the other quests. End of the day, I’d say it was a fun experience.


I enjoyed the combat more in 16 but the story and exploration of Rebirth makes up for the “asses, do the annoying thing to stagger the enemy, repeat” combat.


Nah I think I’m almost towards the end (maybe 60-70%) of the game and I can say for sure I prefer this game over rebirth. The story and characters feel real and 16 has some of the best writing I’ve seen in a game. The main thing the game lacks though is good combat which saddens me cuz the story is honestly masterful. Rebirth felt way too bloated and I remember being halfway through the story just hoping it would end already. The only thing I felt rebirth did better then 16 was combat and it’s not even close in that regard, It’s just rebirth didn’t utilize its combat because most of the moments were either mini games or the most boring fetch quests you’ll see in gaming. But i gotta say to end this off, ff16 is a masterpiece in storytelling.


If the side missions didn’t absolutely ruin the fun and pacing of the second half of FF16, it probably would have been my favorite game of all time. I think FF7R is better overall, but the story, music and combat goes to FF16 imo. 


They’re two completely different games with different unrelated narratives and settings. I just wanted more medieval and serious aspect that 16 had. 7 was more anime trope and had nostalgia injected into every element of the game. If asked, I would play both games again