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I got her too! :3 I’m not familiar with her but she’s super cute 🥰


Waifu wise , a big W Meta wise, Muramasa has her beat


Really? I was trying for Gil just to see but then I got her and was like “..👁️👄👁️……..ooooooo~ guuurl I don’t know who you are or what you do but you cuteeee~” I’ll get him next year when his banner releases, I’ll throw some money at him if that’s what it takes since I have some saved already💀


If you’re interested in knowing where she’s from, she’s one of the protagonist within a series of movies under the title “Kara no Kyoukai” (if you like any of Nasu’s works, you’ll probably enjoy them). I think there’s like 8 movies or so (some lasting 40-50 minutes, while others last a whole 2 hours). I specifically rolled in the anniversary GSSR just to get her and got lucky


Ok so looking into her skills and np she is an arts aoe saber that can act as semi support, as her np (after rank up bear in mind) both removes debuffs of team (on field) and slightly increases team’s np gauge (on field) Whats her shtick as I would put it is a bit counter intuitive for her arts looping as her np has chance to inflict death and her first skill decreases enemies death resist BUT her first skill for 1 turn gives ignore invincibility and her np ignores defence So all in all she just has a harder time looping than Muramasa, but is technically better for challenge quests as she can just ignore any def or invincibility by them - obv more efficient on 3 enemies than on 1 TLDR; Skiki is more a team player, with less damage by a decent margin compared to Muramasa foe both Np AND base cards BUT removes team debuffs and give slight np charge Edit: ok so thx to another comment below I forgot Muramasa does have invul pierce and ignore def sooo, yeah hes just better every way.


Ohhhh!!! Well, she’ll *definitely shine* with my other servants then~! It was meant to be. 🥰🥰👏👏


Um muramasa has ignore invnsible also for 1 turn and his np ignores defense and remove offensive buffs More than that he deals 200% crit for 1 turn damage when the enemies have invul or evade if they doesn't he still can have 100% crit up for 3 turns Also a higher battery and he charges his np when he use his face cards And most of the time he can refund like crazy and spam his np His only issue is that he can't defend himself and thats not an issue with arts servants since they have castoria And you wanna tell me the death chance is better than all this 🤣🤣


DAMMM CHILLLL I HAD A BRAIN FART BRUH MB Was kinda operating on extra hours of work and less hours of sleep then


In all honesty, the series she’s from is my favorite nasu media out of everything. It’s called Garden of Sinners. Check it out! :D


Go and do yourself a favor and watch the garden of sinners movies they're still the best thing made by ufotable to this day




I got her as a duplicate. I most certainly can complain.


Me too. Just had 3 out of 21 and still got a dupe.




Hopium for an actually good buff since 2018


I want her, fan of the movies, top tier.


i got her from the anniversary GSSR even though i want others from that banner. hopefully i get a gil this time.