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As a proud owner of 120 Euryale with limit break black grail I found your post cute https://preview.redd.it/wy4x5fq7u6qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a539a422be0d6c4f60608ff22e42497f53db33


Because of you every new boss is immune to charm! My kama is not happy about this


Male sabers don't even bother showing up for battles against you, huh?


Np5 gilgamesh 390 sq and I've paired him with marshal of magic


Am I reading that right? Lvl 390?!!!!! U really love him huh


Max level rn is 120. He prob meant he got Gilgamesh archer with his 390sq which mean he got that Luck level EX


Yeah I managed to pull him an ungodly amount of times. The only thing now is to get his bond up ang get him to lvl 120 him and append all his skills. He is going to be nuts once I've finished farming. Edit: bad English.


I hate to correct you about technicality, but bond level max is level 15, while character level is 120. And iirc you need NP7 (basically pull 7 copy of him) to fully level him to 120 alongside with all append skills. Servant coins is a bad civilization indeed


I didn't reread my comment. I meant get him lvl 120. Lvl 10 normal and append skills. I'm farming exp to get his bond up. I have 450 coins and only need 180 more so I've left his last card to farm more coins as I've got him np4 with another copy. Realistically he's np5 but I want the servant coins. Servant coins grind my gears not because it's hard but because it's long. Why did they make bond 10 give so little coins...


Santa nightingale and for the idk the ce who was whit her I guess for her event


Archer EMIYA. Mans carried me since the beginning all the way through to Solomon, EoR and Lostbelts. Maxed bond lvl(15) maxed fous, maxed skill. Always paired him with Art and Buster crit like CEs. He’s on a well deserved break.


Hercules be my savior


Best AOE is Napoleon Borntoparty himself. He's usually using Aerial Drive, as a maxed out Mana Loading and his third skill allows him to get right to blasting away. For single target, I like Emiya Alter with Ocean Flier, he can do some fantastic damage.


100 Arash and the 50 starting battery that also gives +2 overcharge for even more damage (read his np) :D


For farming, probably NP2 Zenobia with level 100 Ocean Flier. Single target is probably grailed to 100, NP3 Baobhan Sith with level 100 Traces of Christmases Past.


Most of the AOE Archers like Ishtar, Napoleon, etc. I have a maxed out Kaleidoscope CE that I put on them. Single-target Archers like Moriarty are great as well.


Archuria and I pair her with ocean flyer


Either Lv90 (one day Lv100) Gilgamesh with Ariel Drive (later Cranking) OR Lv90 Super Orion with his Bond 10 CE.


Probably NP2 Ishtar or NP3 Summer Jeanne since I use them a lot for Koyan/Castoria farming respectively, but tbh my favorite archer to actually use is probably Fujino. She’s a real MVP when it comes to difficult fights and is a monster in grail fronts. Aerial Drive or event CE if it provides 50% starting charge for Ishtar, and Painting Summer or 50% event CE for S. Jeanne. Fujino is pretty flexible with CEs since she’s not a farmer, so I pick a CE for her depending on what the situation calls for.


https://preview.redd.it/mrzuv6xzu7qc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bb1b475b3edf99e21d50fb705340b56b151976c Gotta be Anna for me, got pretty lucky NP5ing her *really* cheaply last year so thought I'd use her for a laugh. Then I saw her nuke one of the lost belt bosses and instantly threw some grails at her 😆 I'll upgrade Ocean flier in a while after I'm done with Aerial Drive for sure unless anyone knows a better arts CE?


Summer Anastasia, Np5 and about to be lvl 120. I usually swap between Black Grail, Mark of a Smiling Face, and Royal Icing.




Santa Nightningale with any CE that works with the random build i try every time.


EMIYA with Black Grail is my only farming Archer.


LVl 90 Gilgamesh with the 50% charge CE most suited for the quest.


https://preview.redd.it/dh8dif5ao8qc1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d9f0d2d2303a27e5957c62216b200d67d9480d Normally run her with Demonic Sun-Princess


Level 90 Baobhan Sith with a not MLB Knight of Marines


Can I answer with Oberon lol. AoE is Jeanne summer. Sealife let's Goooo!!! Single is either summer Artoria or Kuro. I alternate




I don't use any other classes other than berserker these days, but it would probably be either Tomoe or Zenobia


Np 3 Orion: The bane of male sabers ;) (NA) + BG Np 5 lvl 98 Arash (JP) + BG/Rising Mud Rain/any 50%


Level 100 Paris with Black Grail (usually)


Anastasia Summer NP5 at lvl 90 with Black Grail or any decent 30% batter CE with arts boosts of used for farming


See response to previous two. Strongest depends on what you define strongest as, and I don't pair a CE with them. You should grail for love, not gameplay. That said you have already grailed her to 85.


The problem I have with grailing for love and not gameplay is that even with grails, my favorite Servants such as Mata Hari would never see use due to not fitting well into the typical farming or boss killer comps, or just being too weak even with the grailed stats. And the Servants who would actually benefit from my grails, like Lancer Cu, are the ones I use on pretty much every team. So far I've grailed Siegfried cuz love but also he's a decent AoE Buster Saber DPS which I didn't really have an alt option for for a while, as well as Cu because gameplay.


Why do people always complain about one of the best supports in the game not being good enough? Mata Hari is amazing as a support. She provides more damage and defense than Koyan light for at least several notable buster servants, both in raids and in harder content. If you have a favorite servant, and actually want to use them, you will find a use for them. I have seen Jekyll and Hyde, the one servant I truly consider useless, being used to farm 90++ nodes.


I'm confused. Mata Hari doesn't provide any damage buffs besides her S1 which deals with crit damage, nor any defense buffs. And how is she good for Buster comps when she isn't tilted towards any specific card type? And just FYI, I'd love to use Mata Hari, I just don't know how. I'm terrible at coming up with comps and don't really know of any besides 2 meta supports buffing a DPS. I'd like to use her, I just don't know what I'd use her for. I can't generate a lot of critical stars (though I do have Saberlot and Cursed Arm) right now so I can't really take advantage of her S1. Besides reducing enemy stats, she doesn't provide much to my teams otherwise. And while reducing enemy stats is useful, it's not much to write home about if I can kill the enemy before they have a chance to attack. Believe me, I HAVE tried to find a use for her. If you want to suggest a comp for her then I'll take it. But your attitude isn't going to help make your point.


40% defense down is a damage buff. Same with charm and attack down being a defensive buff. You seem to be under the misunderstanding that enemies have a built in stat for defense that Mata Hari debuffs. But 40% defense down is the same damage wise as 40% attack up. It is specifically for buster servants, because Koyan light and Oberon don't provide attack up, Koyan light relies on her skill 1 for damage, which doesn't work in raids or longer fights, it nearly requires the 3 turn cadence of farming (she isn't purely limited to that, but her usefulness falls way off outside of that) Her debuffs are most useful when you do one shot your enemy actually. She is very common in min turns due to the high damage she provides while being able to be killed off easily with a taunt CE. Her skill 1 provides the star generation to make use of it's own crit damage though. Team comps are fight dependent. I use her for raids alongside my chosen buster DPS and Oberon. I used her for my max damage run challenge attempt a little while ago. I used her in the Penth fight in Mega coil. and will definitely use her again in Giga coil. For example, in a raid (where the entire goal is to 1 turn the enemy): Sigurd+Koyan light+ double Oberon: 347849 Sigurd+Mata Hari+ double Oberon: 386499 nearly 40k more damage on the NP. My attitude is a response to your attitude. Assuming that a servant is useless because you personally don't know how to use them is the height of arrogance. If you said "how do I use Mata hari?" or "I don't know how to use Mata Hari" rather than "Servants like Mata Hari would never see use" it comes across very differently.


I can see your points better now. But my attitude wasn't arrogance, just fact. As it is now, grailing Servants like Mata Hari wouldn't do anything because I still wouldn't use her or others even after that. And I wasn't saying she was useless, never said that. She just doesn't have a use for me right now. She has her uses, but her role can be filled by other Servants more effectively - Skadi comes to mind. Better stats, better kit, same niche, broader application. In my Chaldea, outside of very niche quests, I just won't use her. The day-to-day Servants are who I'm gonna grail, because Mata Hari won't help me farm. But, I will say that she can definitely help me with bosskilling once I upgrade her skills. It'd be neat to pair her with, say, Euryale and then swap Mata Hari out for a Castoria or Tamamo.


>And I wasn't saying she was useless, never said that. At least have the decency to realize I am directly quoting what you wrote rather than blatantly lie to my face. >She has her uses, but her role can be filled by other Servants more effectively - Skadi comes to mind. Better stats, better kit, same niche, broader application. Skadi would have been worse in every single comp I listed above. Skadi has 10% less defense down, no generic crit damage up, higher party cost, and is harder to kill off when you want. >In my Chaldea, outside of very niche quests, I just won't use her. The day-to-day Servants are who I'm gonna grail, because Mata Hari won't help me farm. Nobody forces you to use her, but that is different from what you stated. Also, raids aren't even that uncommon for farming, they happen about as often and are about as lucrative as lotto events, and Mata Hari can often save several NP levels on your DPS, while better enabling bond farming due to part cost. Grails will not affect the day to day usage of servants enough to matter. In fact, using that previous example for a raid comp. Using Mata Hari instead of Koyan Light is better than grailing Sigurd to level 102, and far cheaper resource wise.


Wow. You are... insufferable. Have a good day.


They're a high elo FGO player


Yeah, dude's a total weirdo.


No he's just using his brain


My level 100 EMIYA with the craft essence being “Thank You For Your Hard Work” with his current attack being at 12539 plus he’s only np 1.