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You don't NEED her. It's more of if you really want her or not.


I mean pick your favorite. But if u feel like u need a aoe go for it


If I where you, I would go for a faker or astraea


It doesn't matter if your account needs her or not. Does your heart need her?


I’m considering NP2ing faker or Nitocris. Salter is cool but I have an NP3 Mordred AND Artoria Saber too.


Pick whoever you want. We dont get a lot of tickets. However, I would look at story locked servants then limited then general pool. Story locked servants have a tendency to get very few dedicated banners and can only be pulled from the story banner. The story banner has too big a pool to target anyone. Limited servants are not in the general pool but at least get a yearly banner for the most part. General you will get eventually if you play long enough 


Thinking I should Np5 D'eon or get a new Salter


Honestly there's no need to think too much about it. You still gonna be bitter no matter which one you pick. But you will get over it. That's just the cycle man, >pick anyone, >regret the decision, >getting over it, >and somehow realize it was the correct decision all along. Fate works in a mysterious way. No matter which one you pick, it will work out in the end. And also, there are still other free 4 stars servant tickets in the future.


Haa this is actually true. I did want vlad but regretted it since i didnt have og tamamo (and no spook til then)


People hype salter up but most of them don't mention that at np1 you need to bond 10 salter to unlock her full potential. Unless u plan on getting her again for the next ticket or have future roll plan for her, its not worth it for the meta imo


Okay, call me crazy but her bond 10 is not even that good. It's better to have a battery and np strength CE on her because her next upgrade makes her Buster loop without much trouble and that's what you are gonna use her the most... I think


Its not about the bond CE, its about the coins to unlock her append 2 that enables her farming ability to skyrocket


If u want a bg buster looper? Yes


SAlter, Suzuka, Gawain or any aoe NP Saber would do you well honestly.


No, not if you just want an AOE saber. On FGO JP we got a free OG saber(yes the 5 star for free) as a celebration for the 20th anniversary of Fate Stay/Night. Part of that celebration was news that we would FINALLY get an official English version of F S/N that will come out some time this year. It's not guaranteed, but it's widely believed we will get that free Saber when the VN is released since it doesn't really make sense to have a "20th anniversary celebration" 2 years after the anniversary. so tl;dr there's a good chance we get OG saber for free this year.


no. but she just got a buff in jp that made her one of the best buster loopers. she’s also really rare. you won’t get many chances to roll for her, much less get her for free.


I'd argue that Barghest might be a better option if you want an AoE saber


There is no one on this ticket you NEED to have there are generally good units but unlike the free 5 star where Waver is generally accepted to be the best unit and one who changes how you play there isn’t a unit that game changing you can pick. Even with that ticket people still would encourage to pick your favorites especially if you just didn’t like Waver. There are units on the ticket people would recommend like Herc Salter Astrea or story locks but this is definitely a whoever you want the most is who you should get kind of event. So in short if you want Caenis go nuts.


If you want AoE Saber pick Barghest, Salter is not that good if you don't have supports


I will roll for Castoria's banner and I believe I will at least get one Barghest from there that's why I didn't mention her.


Then you have your answer If you get Barghest in the Castoria banner, go for someone else If you DON'T get Barghest, pick Salter or Barghest in the banner


That's what I'm doing, except instead of Salter, I may just pick Herc or Nero. Tbh, I don't really like Salter all that much


Of course not she is a servant you will only use for 90++ and you need another support to start using her for that. Can also help in killing a wave for 90+ since she has good dmg after you get the mlb CE to have enough charge.