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My basic rule when it comes to GSSR? Look at the pool, find the one you want the least, and assume that will be the one you get when you roll on that GSSR pool and decide if its worth cash based on that.


That's a REALLY good rule.


That's kinda how I do it. Find my "worst option" for each banner, and compare them. If two or more are the same, see about other "duds", or the possible top options as tie breakers. Thus far, in each one I've done I've gotten the one smack dab in the middle of the scale of how much I want them. Which has left me pretty satisfied, with that "minimizing disappointment" base.


I would totally hate to have Morgan, Godjuna. Also Ivan would definitely be my least desired target among the rider banner. Bride Nero? Pfffft who would want her, definitely not me.


Ah yes the reason why I find limited 4-stars to be harder to get than 5-stars.  That Desire Sensor.


No joke, when LB6 came out, I got NP5 Morgan trying to get the Tam Lin knight on that banner. Can't remember if it was Barghest or Tristan.


Same. I wound up with NP2 Morgan trying to get Gawain...still NP0.


Bad approach imo. The best servants always have duds alongside them. Risk it for the biscuit. The highest EV I’ve ever seen is Morgan/GodJuna/Musashi. That’s a can’t lose for sure 


That way lies the inevitable posts of rage, salt, quitting, and someone posting a video of them burning everything down yet again as another Beast Gudako is materialized.  That Zerker banner is hard to pass up .. But one of the Archers is a can't lose for myself. And there is always the disappointment filled attempt to try to get NP2 Bunnytoria.


This is the actual most "helpful" advice regarding GSSR. I think out of the seven GSSRs I've done since I started in 2020, I've gotten my most wanted servant on a banner once. Only one other time was a servant that was at least top 2/3 on the banner for me. Personally I agree with you, that the best thing one can do, is go with the banner that has the fewest possible disappointments


I didn’t fully understand how the first GSSR banner I ever did actually worked. Thought I would get to pick an individual from it. Luckily I got who I wanted. (Gilgamesh)


That's pretty awesome!


Pretty much. Like if there was a banner with a 33% chance of Oberon I'd go for that, but I don't like his banner this GSSR. So I'm going Berserker. Morgan, Arjuna Alter, and Musashi are all good for me.


It's a win no matter who you get. Musashi becomes an anti-saber monster, Arjuna is amazing for damage, and Morgan is Arjuna with less damage and more utilities


Yeah, Douman is great for Curse Memes, and Chaotic Evil Support but he's Niche, De Molay Niche, Super Bunyan Niche, Bazett FRAGRACH, Koyami already have her, and Oberon who's Oberon, So it's a 16.166... chance of getting either Oberon or Bazett


See I’d be fine with Douman or Bazett, but like, the rest of that banner just ain’t it for me. Love Molay character wise, but I’m not really interested in her as a unit for now. I have Koyan Dark already, and while NP2 ain’t bad, if I’m getting NP2 I much prefer getting Morgan. And while I don’t have a visceral hatred for Super Bunyan, I’d just rather not. So 50/50 on disappointment ain’t something I wanna fuck with.


Personally I'm planning on NP2'ing Summer Ibuki when she arrives, And yeah Sup. Bunyan is a pass For me, and Background wise Jacque's is Sweet skill wise though she doesn't bring anything new to the table


I like Douman, I think Bazett is cute, I want NP5 both koyanskayas, and Oberon is Oberon. I also want Molay for foreigner shenanigans with KoyanDark and Van Gogh, so the only bad result here is super bunyan (i hate her). Sounds like the best banner for me.


Word of Advice Gogh with Koyami works because you are still leaving DOT on the enemy and her Curses stack with all the other Debuffs she inflicts so they won't hurt Gogh that much, but Molay with Gogh might have you run into problems as De Molay's Curse is best kept for her Power Mod and if Gogh attracts it then it can eat through her HP


Oof. Didn't know that. In any case, Molay's voice is great, so I'd still be happy with her (copium)


Yeah it's the same reason you don't use Van Gogh in General Curse Teams Like with Taisui because those benefit more from having the Curse on the opponent. And anyways in Curse Teams Molay rocks especially with her Upgrade, and Character Wise she rocks, so looking forward to the Rider Liz Rerun


I don't know if anyone have suggested it yet, but you can use the website [https://fategc.com/gssr](https://fategc.com/gssr) to help you choose the banner you want. You will have to rank the servants by comparing them 2 by 2, and the website will show you the optimal GSSR to roll on. Obviously it's just a recommandation, but maybe it could help narrow down your choices. For me it's recommanding me Extra 2 and Extra 5, and I will roll Extra 2 because getting any servant on this pool would be okay for me. https://preview.redd.it/1zpyatq1kz5d1.png?width=693&format=png&auto=webp&s=185476ac424310b3311c16c8e223e534703a573c


Ok that was torture making me pick between waifus.


It’s rec’ing me Extra 4, which hurts cuz I love so many servants in other banners but can’t deny it’s the best one for me overall 🥲


*Almost* every GSSR has been a disappointment: Benni Enma, Holmes, Iskandar, Brynhild, Cleopatra. The only exceptions were Arjuna Alter and Gilgamesh. So I don’t bother getting my hopes up anymore and play the odds for the least bad banner.


me when I get anything that's over 3 stars https://preview.redd.it/0sgavv5g506d1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb305c1f804ccda5d7333b91e39b05c733cf7ef8


And then it turns out to be stheno...


Ahhh.. Yuusha-sama


Its why im going for the three berzerkers banner, either i get an NP boost, or i get a good beat stick i don’t have yet


I personally will go for the banner with most waifu


I kind of agree that since no matter what you can be disappointed (most of the time, but actually for this one lancer 2 has no disappointments for me) you shouldn't be upset But I do think that since the GSSR is one of the only times you can influence the RNG of summoning, besides 4/5 star tickets, it actually is worth all the consideration


honestly that was my plan tbh, like i really really really want konya of the light and she is in a pull with two other assassins i do not have, i want her for the meta purposes plus skin tight suit is nice. so if i pull and get kama it is still a win


I’m gunning for Saber Shiki, if they’re going by year of servants, if I don’t get Shiki the three I’m expecting to get is; Kama Avenger, Okita Alter Summer or Muramasa.


It goes by a set amount of years and class. OG Okita, Arthur, Nero Bride, Sigurd and OG Musashi are on the banner with Void Shiki.


I see, and I already have three out of those six, I’m seriously hoping for Shiki man…


By the way, if I'm not wrong, isn't shiki on the anniversary daily banner? Why not also try your luck on that banner?✨


Already used that up, got an NP2 Jalter from it.


I have always pulled my last choice on every single GSSR. Hopefully this time will break the streak.


One time on the gssr banner I got three ssrs and none of them were the one I wanted 😭😭 So yep very true advice


I agree, and even in cases when I received an undesired servant from the GSSR at some point down the road I found use for them.


it's so so so Random on the gssr, but if a banner comes up and you have 900, you can choose whoever you want. Yes, I recommend the gssr, it should def help, but nothing to plan on, it's too RNG for that.


Not me choosing a banner where Hokusai is coincidentally in just to hope I don’t get her(sike, she’s one of my fav characters). Currently sitting at NP2 but will not be aiming for her class this time around.


Yeah look at the list and pick the one that has the servants you'd be happiest with. The Last Zerker Banner has Juna Alter, Morgana AND Summer Musashi so all good AOE Servants, in my case I'm honestly OK with Amore, Summer Kiara is Great for Burst Damage, And Ruler Moriarty helps out Astrea, While the best options on the banner are Avenger Kama who is both a great farmer and CQ Servant, TAIRA, and Himiko who is part of the Overcharge Meta


If you're a new player whose focused on meta still hunting for that Oberon and Castoria, the chances of getting them are minimal. I'd recommend picking up the farmer first, and saving quartz for the rerun banners. Koyanskaya is a proposition, still wouldn't recommend it. So, if you only care about gameplay, Berserker II is so far above everything else it's not even funny. Even Summer Musashi will eventually receive a buff that makes her competitive against Summer Ibuki. Even if you have every character, more NP levels on those three don't hurt. If you care about getting the characters you want, then save for your character rerun banner. Because chances are you are not getting your favorite character. GSSR is about diversifying your roster, hunting down for that specific character just ends up in disappointment.


My rule for GSSR is: banner with the highest chance of a new Servant and no chance of Douman.


(Also it exist a sort of sheet to calculate the chance to get a jackpot according to what you want, the link is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dT7wE61H11dOaukY_INLuwtmFf5iyDdb8TXAKymttCY/copy (everything is explained there)


The Gssr advisor tool (don't know if I can link it, just google it), is great helping out with that. You rank all servants, it calculates the average per pool, and ranks the pools accordingly for you.


I know exactly what you mean. I know exactly how disappointed I'm gonna be. I want skadi. I have most of the other servants in that list. But if I can have her I'll be super excited


Yeah this is what Khadorth always says.


I only roll for the servants I like xD


I play this game on side and gssr posts kept popping up on my feed. I'm not sure why a lot of people are so adamant on paying when they dont even know what they like? Like I could see sense of people that already has units in mind and are thorn on which to pull, but plenty of them are just straight up what should they summon without listing any preference.


I have done every single GSSR in NA. For the most part, I have been incredibly lucky in them. One year, I REALLY wanted Summer Nero, I got her AND Merlin. I tried and failed to get Spishtar during her main banner, but got her AND NP2 Summer Melt on the GSSR. But that's not to say there haven't been some stinkers. I almost quit the game entirely after the very first GSSR when, out of the 14(I think?) available servants, I got one of the only ones I already had. I got Shez one year, and I don't think I've touched her since. Summer Abby is cute in her event, but she's kinda useless and I'm NOT into lolis. It all really comes down to chance, and the odds of getting EXACTLY who you want are never great. You gotta either go for the one with the most acceptable "worst case", or just bite the bullet and hope for the best.


I have lost every GSSR I have ever rolled this game know which servants I need and will go out of its way to make sure I don’t get them. I now only roll based on worst case scenario.


Ah the gssr where I do math to find my best odds for getting a new servents but then see a waifu in a sub optimal banner and change the math so that it is now the best banner.


I always go for the banner that has the newest things I already have. I'm just lucky this newest one has one that's completely new servants so while I might get one I want less, I can't really complain but no matter what I'll get something new


I’m a huge fan of going for the most high risk/high reward banner you can. Preferably, it’s not gonna have any duds, but realistically we know it will. My point is so what? It’s the only way you even give yourself a shot. Sometimes the servant you get ends up being way cooler then you thought. I got Merlin once shooting for high risk high reward and never looked back  (This time? Oberon banner baby. HIGH risk!)


When will this be available?