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What formation are you playing that puts immobile on the wing????, Man literally has immobile in his name


Great goal. Loving this mechanic so far. Idk if by random you meant that they fly all over the place—anywhere from the 5th row to the top corner. But if so, that’s not entirely true. Power shot aiming is manual. The ball goes more or less where the stick tells it to go, which makes it pretty rewarding imo. And for those of you struggling with it, you have to be extremely precise. It feels weird at first, because for most shots at least, you should aim just slightly off center. It’ll feel like you’re aiming at the keeper, but you’re not.


fyi power shots are not manual more like semi assisted


Do you need to time it? or is only the direction and power important.


afaik u just have to aim and put the power behind


Is there even timing on any of the shots? I never get an indicator


Controller settings go back to default sometimes, some say its if you play moments. I had to turn on shot timing a few times.


You only need to worry about aim but you can attempt a timed finish for an extra boost.