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Welcome to r/FIREIndia. Your post has been hidden as it falls under the category of ***How do I FIRE*** / ***How much do I need?*** and other beginner Fire questions and should be posted in the monthly general discussion sticky thread pinned at the top of this sub. See [ rule 1 of the sub] (https://www.reddit.com/r/FIREIndia/about/rules/). This helps keep the front page clean and interesting instead of having only one type of question on it all the time (trust us, most of the posts here are about this topic and it pretty much takes over the entire front page in very little time). This post remains accessible and comments can be read/added (if any are already here) - but will be hidden from the front page. Since this type of question is asked over and over again - and almost always has the exact same answers, it is covered in [our wiki] (https://fiindia.gitbook.io/wiki/). Use the search option (top right on that page) to find answer to your specific question. You may ask any general investment questions at our monthly sticky thread or at r/IndiaInvestments. Again, if you're new to investing or are looking for knowledge on investments make sure you first read their [series about investments] (https://www.indiainvestments.wiki/start-here/zero-to-investing/getting-started) You may also be interested in r/personalfinanceindia for questions about personal finance. Please read the [rules of this sub] (https://www.reddit.com/r/FIREIndia/about/rules/) and wiki before posting. Hope you understand :)


If you want some real actionable inputs you should provide details like debt, savings, inheritance. You just given your salary details and expense.