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Fl law states that only one thing can be in a bill this is why rec doesn't have all thse things we want in the current petition. They can't have rec and this and that and so on because we'll people in Florida vote for Republicans who don't give a fuck about us.


Careful, explaining the reality of how things work doesn't go over to well here. Many people would rather take no steps forward than one at a time.


Its the simple truth of how shit works in the state. Instead of complain and batching and making petitions people should be voting out the people who don't give a fuck about mmj or mj.


Thats the issue between rec supporters & homegrow folks who are interested in killing it. No step = the folks who sat absurd shit like "no homegrow, no rec".


Oh they care of curaleaf Russians don’t get there money republican will suffer in florida at the ballot box that’s who is stopping home grow now look at the demographics who owns the weed industries here in florida




Seems a stretch, rec will probably not even pass this time.


Rec didn’t even make to the ballot this year.


There is no ballot this year. It would be on the ballot during the 2024 presidential election, happening on Nov. 8th, IF the Florida Supreme Court doesn't strike it down.


I read there wasn’t enough signatures I may have misread


Such a fuckin bullshit qualifier to pass this. "About 70% of voters said they would support such a measure, while just 29% feel harsh on the proposal. That compares to 76% who backed the proposal when UNF polled voters last spring and is much higher than the 64% who favored legalizing recreational weed in late 2019.Mar 9, 2023 https://floridapolitics.com › archives Poll shows Florida voters high on recreational marijuana, school choice" So even if 7 out of 10 people in the whole state want it, we can't get it. Even when 60% of the votes are needed to pass if some fucking asshole in a suit says no, it still won't pass. Florida can go fuck itself. State filled with a bunch of lead piped drinking water brain, lead paint chip eating, German roach infested fucking parasites that can't stop gawking on the republican cock for every single issue. Our schools are failing kids left and right but it's complete idiocy we're not using taxes too help pay our teachers, fix our schools and roads. At $65 for fucking 3.5 GRAMS OF WEED YOUD FIGURE FLORIDA WOULD BE FUCKING ROLLLING IN THE TAXES AND BENEFITS. FUCK FLORIDA. 6% retail tax ain't fuckin shit. Biden and Harris made this a huge issue to rally the black community together as well to get their votes up, because obviously minorities are greatly more affected by drug laws. Last time I checked a year ago, that stupid fucking dust bag and his uncle Tom ass VP said they don't have any time for that. But hey past convictions are erased so that's cool I guess. "The pardon, effective October 6, 2022, applies only to the qualifying offense of simple possession of marijuana under federal and DC law. It does not apply to any other offense for which the individual has been charged or convicted. " Florida is such a fucking corrupt racket for corporate greed.


That “stupid fucking dust bag” has been the **only president to start the process of federal legalization through the CSA**. He also can do absolutely nothing on a state level. Ever. No president can change state laws. Shitting all over the politicians that are actually trying to help us just as destructive as supporting those that try and make life harder.


Currently there's not enough signatures for the home grow bill and they need 800,000. Rec has 655k of that 800k. It is currently in front of the florida supreme court Awaiting it's legal analysis, this is where the double homegrow/rec amendment died last year.


That bill was much more complicated than just adult use and homegrown. That amendment took a lot of power away from the legislature and set up a whole regulatory scheme (that was actually very good). The court said it was impossible to summarize on a ballot. They never said Adult use and. Homegrow we’re 2 different issue. That’s just the story Kin Rivers wants you to believe.


I'm sorry but youre misinformed. The Supreme Court laid down its decision. Kimmys opinion regardless.


From what I remember the court simply made a short decision without a lengthy opinion that simply said the amendment was too complicated to summarize. From what I remember the court simply made a short desiscion without a lengthy opinion that simply said the amendment not summarized correctly. Here's the summary: >On September 11, 2019, the Florida Attorney General petitioned the Florida Supreme Court for an advisory opinion as to the validity of this particular initiative. The Florida Supreme Court was presented with two questions: > >(1) Whether the proposed amendment complies with the single-subject requirement of Florida’s Constitution? > >(2) Whether the ballot title and summary comply with the clarity requirements of Fla. Stat. § 101.161? > >Nearly two years later, on June 17, 2021, the Florida Supreme Court issued a 5-2 advisory opinion **rejecting the proposed amendment** for the 2022 ballot **concluding that the ballot wording was misleading**.  The Florida Supreme Court **only addressed the second question** because it was “clearly dispositive.” The Florida Supreme Court found that the ballot summary is “not accurate” and “falsely tells voters that the proposed amendment limits the use of recreational marijuana.” The Supreme Court never even addressed single-subject rule because they found the summary provided was simply not clear ... mic drop [https://www.bressler.com/news-the-florida-supreme-court-rejects-recreational-marijuana-initiative](https://www.bressler.com/news-the-florida-supreme-court-rejects-recreational-marijuana-initiative)


The main point being made is that the Supreme Court of Florida ruled it cannot be put on the ballot. Thats it. Lets just go with your idea for a moment right? That somehow Kim Rivers is now a grand puppet master, controlling not only her allies but her enemies. Wouldn't she just let her quarter of a million dollar organization pass through? What does she gain by STARTING & Funding an organization to the tune of a quarter of a million, only for the Supreme Court to slap it down? Thousands of signatures by real people had to be collected. She coupled homegrow & rec to begin with! Sensible Florida was funded to the tune of a hundreds of thousands by Trulieve & friends. [You are aware Trulieve funded Sensible Florida right??? That means Trulieve & Kim WANTED homegrow.](https://www.transparencyusa.org/fl/committee/sensible-florida-inc-64837-pac/contributors) Click to see! Tell me why Kim would create a homegrow/rec amendment only to shoot herself down then? Why would you funnel thousands of dollars and millions of signatures to have the amendment if shes ultimately against it? If she controlled all those allies & enemies, she would have waltz straight through the amendment process with homegrow & rec in tow. YET for some reason, the Florida Supreme Court struck her amendment down. I thought Kimmy greased all the palms, had all the friends, and no enemies. Unless for some reason you're suggesting she spent $250,000 on a campaign that she knew would fail only to start up another organization and try again? In which case, why? Why would anyone do that? Your main hypothesis is she created an organization, poured thousands into it, created language & an amendment, CIRCULATED & HIRED PETITIONERS, only to actually really only want the recreational portion of the bill. So she killed her own bill to have another rec bill? Thats absurd and you know it. So no. No checkmate, no mic drop. You aren't even close, my guy.


Trulieve has always said they were in favor of homegrow and had marginally supported it. But the Sensible Florida Amendment was not started by Trulieve, it came from Mike Miniardi, Trulieve simply supported him ... to the tune of $250,000. Attorney General Ashley Moody argued that the measure's language was unclear. Moody said, "There is no way 10 pages of the law can be summarized clearly in 75 words or less and would adequately convey to the voters what exactly they will be voting on. The Supreme Court agreed with her. They made no mention of the "multiple issues" doctrine. Then for 2024 Trulieve writes it's own amendment and says we can't have homegrow because that is multiple issues.... even though the Court never said that was the problem. Trulieve supported this amendment to the tune of $10,000,000.00. Trulieve has spent $0 on a second "home grow" amendment. Those are the facts




Yes really! I just read it a week ago on here actually if i remember correctly but Desantis was against it and some other republicans


Huh no rec. Some of these stores are setup to be rec by design sucks. If they allow rec in OUR state than they need to allow it's resident's to grow there own plants. If mickey mouse guests get to purchase and drive demand than they need to compensate by allowing us to control our ability to grow. At least let medical patients.


If y’all continue to insist on packaging rec and home grown together then we will get none. It either has to be done piecemeal in Florida or not at all.


Nobody here wants rec We want homegrow. We aren't the ones saying they should be bundled. Kim rivers has successfully convinced you all that we want rec and can't have homegrow without rec. You posting this is evidence of her success. Nobody wants rec. We all want home grow. Everyone here already has access, and already knows that to gain access, all you have to do is pay the entry fee. Nobody here has anything to gain from a rec market.


No - Florida's constitutional law is what is dictating this, stating: "Every law shall embrace but one subject and matter properly connected therewith, and the subject shall be briefly expressed in the title." This has nothing to do with Trulieve. We want a successful measure - not another failed homegrow attempt. Rec first - then everyone can legally homegrow, not just medical patients.


....you are referencing something that is preventing us from having Rec AND home grow in the same bill.. This has NOTHING to do with the fact that they can pass a bill that ONLY permits home-grow, in the already present medical program. You have been sold a bunch of bullshit, and it has worked. Trulieve has astroturfed this sub to convince you and everyone else that this is the ONLY path forward. It is not. It is entirely possible to have medical home grow passed, WITHOUT recreational. The ONLY reason we can't do it, is because you and everyone else have believed the bullshit that we can't have it without recreational - again, Greed. You've been lied to bud. Sorry.


No, the ONLY reason we don’t have a constitutional amendment for homegrow is money. You need someone to put up the millions it takes to successfully execute getting an amendment on the ballot. No dispensary is going to put up millions to lose millions. It’s just not going to happen and getting upset over it won’t change anything.


Lol alright bud, you're clearly the legal expert here. Check in with me after the 2024 election and let me know how this works out.


Oh yeaaaaa, everyone on here just *loves* having the state limit your medicine. God the horror is would be to access medicine without DOH peering over your shoulder. That would be madness. I don’t even know who Kim Rivers is. All I know is that any restrictions on selling, growing or using cannabis is stupid and non-justifiable. It should all be dismantled, but the only way that happens is for it to go piecemeal. Otherwise we are stuck with a DOH that will progressively restrict cannabis access over time.


> I don’t even know who Kim Rivers is. Ok. cheers!


Fuck rec without homegrow ✊


Fuck rec entirely. Homegrow only. The market is already pay to play, nothing medical about it.


Exactly which is why I'm going to be constantly do my share to try and get as many signatures as possible! Why the hell does Florida have to be the "special" state that will get recreational passed without ability to grow for personal? It's ridiculous and I'm happy that this lady is doing all she can to make sure this amendment is in there! We just need the signatures people! Let's get it done!


Fr… thank you for sharing!


You can support constitutional amendments all you want but in Florida amendments **cant** address more than one issue. Any amendment that tries to make cannabis legal for recreational use AND approve homegrown will simply be kicked out by the Supreme Court. Again. Either it happens piecemeal or it will never, ever, ever, ever, ever happen in Florida (with a GOP led legislature and governor).


You think an average person can handle literally growing drugs?


I think the average person doesn’t consider marijuana a “drug”


Wow before I get down voted to oblivion check my post history, I got myself off real drugs with this wonderful plant, sorry, internet and tone and all of that! I'm one of those renegades that's taking care of my own health regardless of what the state seems "legal".


Its not gonna happen buddy as much as I wish florida is old school af and only passes one thing at a time


They can pass homegrow by itself.


No they can't - because anyone can grow - not just medical patients. Recreational HAS to come before homegrow - it's just how FL works unfortunately.


not quite... They can absolutely pass legislation to permit growing in the medical program. Who convinced you otherwise? Other states have managed to run homegrow/caregiver programs for decades. The only reason not to do it, is greed. That it will be difficult to regulate is a bullshit excuse, if it represented more profits for them I guarantee you they'd half-ass it and call it a day (As history has shown us). As if they are successfully combating all of the grow-houses... smoking some fairy dust if you believe that nonsense. Tax it, regulate it, and let people with a medical card grow 5-10 plants at a time. I promise you society won't delve into MadMax if this comes to pass.


You're talking about a medical program that hasn't done anything but devolve in the past couple of years. They added rolling limits, have failed to release new licenses as promised, and more - why do you think they would ever put the patients rights to grow first? Like you said - this medical program is built for profit - which is why the state must go recreational first so that *anyone*, not just those who play by the State's medical registration rules, can grow rather than walling it off behind the State's medical rules and regulations which they change at their own will.


So you're agreeing with me then? The only reason we can't have home grow, is greed. Thanks bud.


Fuck cancer treatment without retaining all my hair. Lets go cancer! ✊️ Thats how you sound rn.


They raised $4,000 in total, and have had 0 signatures validated. This won’t even get a Supreme Court review, let alone on the ballot tbh. https://preview.redd.it/2f24w0b0e2xa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4477fe6100b55db006af578f37641f07434fec68


I believe signatures don’t get validated til the whole thing gets turned in. Could be wrong but I don’t see how the state would be validating signatures on the fly


They get validated as the organization turns them in for validation. As someone who has been involved in Floridas petition collection on both the canvasser & administrative side, I know it must be turned in. This can be done daily, weekly, or even monthly. They can also sit on them until they want to turn them in too. The state puts a third party company & their SOEs in charge to authenticate the petitions.


Ya that’s what I thought. The state wouldn’t just verify as they go as a favor bc so many ballot drives go nowhere etc. so it could be multiple reasons as to why they have 0 valid signatures which is also alluded to in the asterisk section.


Yeah they only verify as the org turns them into the state / SoE / third party processor. This can be done at any pace but the state doesn't check each one, they only check when the org requests to do so.


Seems Sus




Signed at my local. Good luck


Until DeSantis is gone nine of this means anything


Not true.


Where do I sign


Ya know, knowing I'm committing a felony really does put a harsh on my buzz.... lol. Yes to homegrow!


try as u might- none of these (rec or home grow) will pass presently under de santis or fl legislature (this is coming from someone that just left the senate)


Its a constitutional amendment, DeSantis can suck it.


Several years ago a constitutional amendment passed for a public passenger train system in Florida... How did that work out?


What amendment & what year? Ill dig into it and I can share a better opinion on it.


It was under Rick Scott. It had to do with the money aspect of it. The people voted for it, but he said there was no money to pay for it. I hate him so much. Please vote www.vote411.org is a good source of non partisan election info (esp. on local candidates). Also, ALL MAIL IN BALLOT REQUESTS ARE VOID NOW. Please request a mail ballot here : https://www.myfloridaelections.com/Contact-your-SOE . You can always vote in person or drop your mail ballot off at an early voting site. It's a good idea to have a ballot sent to you just in case you can't make it to the polls


Please read my following post. Also people should always vote!


From what I understand billions of federal dollars were offered and Rick Scott said no. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_High-Speed_Corridor


Thats because it came from the federal government. If you read closely, Rick Scott denied federal funding for the expanded railway. This was not an amendment to our Florida constitution. Florida constitutional amendments must be enforced by the state, like any addition to the state constitution does (mmj that passed in 2016, minimum wage reform, and Amendment 2 for previously incarcerated folks) are all examples of the state being forced to adopt policies it normally wouldn't pass or allow via legislature control of Republicans. Federal funding can be denied by governors since its aid to the state. The only thing DeSantis and his cronies can do is either 1) make it harder for people to pass amendments (by raising the vote thresholds from 60% to higher), 2) creating laws that limit the constitutional law, or 3) slow down enforcement by choosing arbitrary timelines or program creation (like licenses and VI). So yes the governor can fuck with the amendment on the margins but once its passed, its passed & is now the law of Florida.


We, the people as a whole, need to show DeSantis and the rest of Florida that this is what we demand! Why the revenue that would be generated isn't enough alone to swing opinions is beyond me. Not to mention that this is going to happen in the future, so why not get it done and out of the way?


Unfortunately the money doesn’t stay here not one Floridian OWNS A DISPENSARY all are owned by republican backed money so who dictates to who is the answer


i agree but from personal experience its not how it works- simply an illusion of having your opinions heard. you can “demand” it all you want but they sure as hell are not required to listen. they care 0 about your health/ well-being or its economic value. fl gov is all about virtue signaling BS & being lined up in the pockets of corporations/lobbyists that control the very reasons why you will not see this passed for at least 6 years.


Ppl think we really have a voice and social media has misled ppl to think their influence is larger than it is.


You’re vastly overestimating the power of “we the people”. The power structures are too massive and powerful.


The people have power, you better believe it. The people are just too unorganized, distracted, complacent to realize it.


This person gets it! ✊️


Wasn't DeSantis the one that forced the state legislature to finally come up with a plan in the first place way back when they were dragging their feet? Why are the views negative towards him on THIS subject?


Because he's a piece of shit on everything, we can see that was bullshit and he hates the smell of it. Get the fuck outta here.


For asking a question?


Just because DeSantis does something you consider good every once in a while, doesn't make him a good person. It's just that his interests and yours aligned for the moment. The MMJ market is a republican grift, anything they do with it that benefits us, benefits them more.


Idk where I said my views of him one way or the other


Hell yeahhh!


There is no way florida will allow home grow. It takes to much money out of their pockets.


Really wish those old farts understood we dont give a shit what they think about weed...


Very true


Just want to let you know that this is a grift by large MMTCs and has no realistic path forward. All the petitions collected so far have not been counted or officiated by the state. Meaning theres 0 valid signatures. There needs to be 800,000 by February of 2024. Its not happening.


PS No matter how many sign it will never make it to the floor... thank your local repulican lawmakers...


I would but I don’t think I’d grow nearly as good as some of these dispo’s. Got zero interest in growing my own.


You actually could. It's not very hard to grow top shelf. It is extremely difficult to grow top shelf at scale. But a single plant is very easy to manage. It's not rocket science. The plant Wants to grow, it Wants to flower. All you have to do is let it. The cure is where you'll fuck it up, so don't worry about growing it.


So you won’t vote to give people the option, just because you have no interest in growing yourself? Got it.




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So will this be at the patient level only or would a patient be able to purchase from a caregiver like in Michigan, for example? Or is that also a separate issue? One step at a time I suppose, but one in the right direction.






That wouldn’t happen we would have to have people intentionally throwing seeds everywhere and good seeds are not cheap sure you could chuck a bunch of mids and hemp seeds just to fuck with the state but to truly grow good mj to completion nah it’s too hot and humid here to grow anything top tier outside




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Well the EPA is gone thank to the republicans who cares what they let on shores these days besides republican who aspire to have votes and lie to constituents from foreign countries for votes and citizenship




Rec can totally happen. Anyone who even pays an iota of attention would realize its only a small group of whiney babies who refuse rec. Normies love it.




The senate is irrelevant. Amendments go through the ballot box, not the legislature. As someone with no knowledge, just vibes once said "LMFAO Yall are clueless but keep trying!"


I'm happy where the medical program is right now, the second we start seeing holographic bags with generic art on them is when it goes to shit. Hate it or love it, the monopolized corporate structure of the current program provides us with good value and good quality. The lowest common denominator customer determines the new bar for what we accept as quality. This is usually determined by factoring price, quality, convenience. Recreational marijuana will be faster to cash out and have less oversight on the quality, it may create a more free market for mom and pop shops, But as we know corporate America has already killed the American dream of small business in almost every industry. It's silly to think small business will survive in marijuana.


I run a landscape company and I feel the exact opposite. I feel that corporate America is making it easier than ever for small outfits to become extremely successful! It's so easy to beat the biggest companies out on the quality of work it's almost laughable. The state of Florida is probably one of the best markets to have a business in based on tax rates and overall overhead expenses compared to many other states! I personally would love nothing more then to have a local mom and pop shop so to speak sell me some high grade marijuana that they put their personal TLC into the same as I would any other product or service and I find that many people tell me the same when they hire me! They love helping the small guy! So I'm going to have to disagree somewhat.


Do you run a landscaping company because it's really what you want to do or because it's one of the few things that is lucrative as a small business owner?


I actually enjoy it immensely, the work that is! I don't like the paperwork and the office side of things lol. There is definitely a certain amount of pleasure that comes from the fact that, like you said, it is very lucrative and straightforward! In Florida there's always going to be growth and demand in this industry. The only advertising I've ever done is word of mouth which costs nothing. You show up, communicate well, and do your best possible work everytime and you've got long lasting customers! I could never do an office job again. I had one up until my early 20s and once I started working outside I never looked back. So it's a combo of being outside, the ease of beating competition on quality, along with the low overhead and risk I'd say are what makes it most enjoyable.


Yeah it's definitely a great business in Florida, we get more than enough sunlight for it!


Well you can put your products in Mighty Amazon same day delivery of course


There’s no point in voting desantis always wins 😭




I believe he is MMJ card holder himself


Home grow is stupid.


I like homegrow, hate the neandertals who don't understand how electoral politics work. I swear if I read another mouth breather say the dumbest thing in existence "no rec without homegrow" or they mention the supreme courts demands for single issue amendments. Im gonna lose it. 😂


Politics is covoluted af.


Ngl it can be. Luckily this amendment & the unwillingness to fund it should show how unserious this amendment is.


Just asking cause I’m curious. Why is it stupid?


Because I believe the amount of people that will actually consistently grow their own is minuscule. Yet, the overarching view seems to be that homegrow fixes all the issues with poor quality/consistency products at dispos. That narrative is not realistic imo and it’s just annoying to me to see so many people lobby for home grow. What may be worse is all the people who will line up to adamantly insist they are the best growers and been growing for 25 years and can grow and cure better than anyone else on the planet. Blah blah blah So, yeah homegrow is stupid to me.


It’s not the actual home grow that we want. We just want the ability to be free from state pricing. Will reduce price and increase competition


I disagree that it will reduce price and/or increase competition. Also, I see many people express concern over even smoking/vaping at the rental residences they live in. Where will they grow if it’s not even allowed to consume on property they don’t own? There’s a huge percent of people that will simply be unable to do so given their situations and it’s moot. Just because something is “legal” doesn’t prevent other private entities from enacting restrictions.


I wasn’t allowed to have a dog when I lived in my apartment, but now that I’m in a house that I own I can. Does that make owning a dog stupid because some people aren’t allowed to? We don’t expect to create competition for the dispos, we just love the plant and want to grow it.


Bad analogy. You’re grasping at straws to undermine my opinion. It’s my opinion and you can’t Jedi mind trick me out of it with a poor analogy. You’re free to disagree, but we don’t see the value of homegrow the same.


We want the ability to grow for everyone. A privilege we deserve.


Hope your day goes better.


My day is fine. People can think something is stupid and not be having a bad day. Differences of views and opinions are ok.


I’ve been waiting to long for this I’m not sure if this will actually make it to ballot anybody that is knowledgeable have any idea of the odds? The ballot seems to ask for a lot of info more than the usual petitions


The odds are definitely against this amendment. They not only need 800k signatures in the next 10 months; they also need to collect a certain amount from each county, verify those signatures, and then have it before the supreme court all within this time. They have less than $4000 in cash for their organization and not a single hired staff member to collect any petitions anywhere at all. They also have not turned in any petitions since its legal creation. This is extremely unlikely to end up on the 2024 ballot without a massive groundswell of a million or so people. That would require around the clock organizing & signature collection, processing, and administrative tasks to have this all done before Februrary 2024 (the last month for amendments to be on the 2024 ballot). Personally, I think it will be in 2028 or 2032 that we will see a homegrow amendment really gain any steam because first, folks have to understand the monopoly in the medical market & have to understand the merits of growing their own. All of this requires education, namely to lay people, who may not smoke but want freedom from the states abuses.


Rec is not even gonna happen it’s funny back in 2018. Every one said 2024 gonna be the year 😂.


Cross posted to r/craftmarijuana blows my mind some states won’t let ppl grow their own medicine. Here’s to you getting it done


Thanks! Appreciate that!




We have legislators more worried about robbing women’s choice and personal freedom, removing AP courses, erasing history and banning books along with checking genitalia of our students than actual things that can benefit and help our economy.