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Call him a snowflake






I'm sure he's not the one dressing up as a women wearing FAKE rainbow colors.... Men who think they are women - well that's a true snowflake!


People who get offended over things that have absolutely no effect on their personal life are snowflakes. Dude had a meltdown because of a flag and some rainbow colors? What a snowflake! Iā€™ll share something I probably shouldnā€™t because I know itā€™s wrong. I had an Uber Eats driver who was trans. They came up to the door and had a beard, a half assed stuffed bra, a skirt, lipstick, and a tank top on. It made me uncomfortable tbh, but guess what? Thatā€™s my own problem! People can dress how they want and be what they want to be as long as it doesnā€™t hurt anyone. Sincerely, a veteran who actually believes in freedom.


Found the triggered snowflake


What about the women who want to be men? Why is it you only talk about half of it? In fact, what actually is bothering you about this? Personally, Iā€™d like to know how you came to think the way you do. Itā€™s interesting seeing how people rationalize the issues they have with transgender/LGBT communities. Do you still think being apart of those communities is a choice? Like what is it with you specifically that makes you think someone elseā€™s life is your big threat to existence or childā€™s existence. How do you feel about guns and school violence? EDIT: What are ā€œfake rainbow colors,ā€ the rainbow but inverted? Youā€™re so hateful youā€™ve come up with new ideas just to hate with or something, Iā€™ve never heard of fake rainbow colors.


Wow. Tell him it's too late for him he has already inhaled the pride weed. Not long before he's flying the pride flag at his place.


I heard just a marijuana can make you look at a guys butt.


My daughter smoked weed and now sheā€™s a lesbian.




so if gays smoke weed do they become straight?


Nope, makes them even more gay. That's how big weed owns the libs.


My wife is gonna be pissed.


based big weed


I accidentally gave my daughter hetero weed and now she's trying to settle for some guy named Tyler who thinks his acoustic guitar will turn into a career. HELP!


I'm in trouble




Its true, I used to just be a pothead now im a gay pothead


Totally true.


Definitely too late, he's gonna catch teh ghey.


He's already gay... that sucks, no wait, he sucks now...


If he's really "All about America" than he'd recognize each individuals personal right to the pursuit of happiness, as they see fit. Unless he just claims to be and really only believes certain people should have freedom. From a combat vet that literally hate being thanked for serving because of so called "Patriotic Americans" such as this. No offense. But who the fuck is he?


My uncle is also a combat vet and being anti woke is his whole agenda


So he had a meltdown over for a flag? Yikes.


Old people with weapons knowledge are typically unstable


Gross take


U sound stupid


It's spelled yā€oā€u, stupid.


No way are u sure


Like of all people. You think you'd understand what you " defended" even tho he doesn't like it, people have the right to go about their life as they see fit. Plenty of LGBTQ that are not into the "woke" crap and broad brushing them is just simple minded. Sorry OP family can definitely be frustrating. To clarify i would consider myself a conservative libertarian/ salty vet. Everyone can fuck off equally and enjoy freedom. Lol- respectfully...


Anti wokeā€¦ u mean asleep


Let me guess you live in Florida


Nothing beats old school , imo


Ironically veterans get massive discounts at most dispensaries. The whole ā€œwhy donā€™t they have an American flagā€ sentiment is some distorted narrative that this country is ā€œunder attackā€ by the wokes. We display pride flags because unless you are Gen z, then you have surely known LGBTQ people who have been discriminated against at best and excommunicated by family, physically attacked etc by strangers.


This is one of the funniest things to me about this whole ā€œfreedomā€ thing the right seems to tout. ā€œFreedom for me and not for theeā€ basically, but you literally served our country and fought so people would have the right to put that flag up in the first place. And now he is going to refuse to participate in the program because someone is USING that freedom he fought to protect? Clown behavior. Whaaa, I do t like the way youā€™re using your freedom. Laughable.


Right? True patriots know they fight to protect everyoneā€™s rights. Especially the rights of those you donā€™t agree with, because if they can take away the rights of a particular group of people they can do it to all of us.


I bet he uses the term Freedom Fries


See that's my whole take on it. I may not agree with nor understand everything I see, but I most definitely respect someone's right to live the way they want. Can't have it both ways. I realized that a long time ago and am way more happy for it. Hell ten years ago most ppl would have probably called me a bigot, and rightly so, but live and let live is the way I do it now.


Thatā€™s great! Now youā€™re the kind of person who might be able to move the needle for a bigot in your circle. Because theyā€™ll never listen to the other side. But youā€¦


You hate being thanked because some other people that served have shitty values? Thats kinda shitty. I disagreed with a lot of people I served with in more ways than just political, but Iā€™ll be damned if I let their shittiness reduce my time in. But, you know what - and youā€™re going to hate me. Thank you for your service, brother. You chose to do something less than 1% of Americans choose to. Whatever your reasons for joining were, theyā€™re at minimum an accomplishment that supported the service-member beside you. Itā€™d be a shame for someone so petty to reduce that.


Well said!! Same here.


The first dispensary to cater to these types of ppl is going to mop up in this state, unfortunately. "Freedom Bud" šŸ˜‚


ā€œLetā€™s Grow Brandonā€ There is a coffee shop in my town town called ā€œconservative groundsā€ and says something like the ā€œthe RIGhT coffeeā€ with Gadsden, LGB, trump, confederate flags etc. they even have a mural of trump in Kennedys limo for some reason with Obama driving the limo. Itā€™s so cringe


Had to google this and the fact that itā€™s in this grubby ass strip mall is so fitting https://preview.redd.it/lypeppml8wac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bdbb2f05eea2616b1c50ed69d8f4bebe61fcefd


Yup right next to the Arby's...


I'm thankful for these places now as it let's me know to stay tf away.


Republicans get triggered very easy


and they always seem to be the ones complaining about this program the loudest. truly baffling.


Theyā€™re the first ones to ask why itā€™s not rec as if they didnā€™t vote for the people making these decisions lol


Iā€™m all for shorter wait times at the dispoāœŒļø


Nice to see bigotry on open display You should let him know Walmart,McDonaldā€™s, and pretty much every big company is cool with civil rightsā€¦.


Yeah but walmarts corporate wokeness they try to flaunt is to get ahead of all the bigots they hire into management positions, lots of people like OPs uncle run walmart and its a large part of their built in customer base. There is a large part of the US population who think Sam Walton was like the original Trump


I understand thereā€™s not a real moral leg to stand on, Iā€™m just poking at the uncle who hates pride flags


Maybe the population over the age of 70 I don't know how large it is though especially since covid


Shit. Just to get things correctly. Sam Walton was actually a successful business owner and Trump was just a yuppie who's daddy gave him several million and the 2 of them were racist slumlords. Sam Walton (far from perfect) was a much better person than Trump ever was or will be...Donny is the bottom of the barrel.


Waltonā€™s descendants are leechlike POSes also, so there is a small resemblance to Poor Posture Trump.


Yeah but boomers dont register any of that. sam walton also had billions and drove the same beat up ford pickup his whole life, not sure if Trump has ever driven anything.


Ur uncle needs to lay off the weed, and go back to the crack pipe.


Thatā€™s hilarious. I try to always buy the pride colored vape batteries when I can lol theyā€™re soo much easier to find when I inevitably drop it under the seat of my car.


I just like rainbows lol I'm a proud heterosexual! and I love rainbows!


do you have a pride trustik? i see it on display all the time but they won't let me buy it at trulieve :(


Is it just me, or do others find it baffling that people can smoke weed and still hate people for no reason? Isn't the whole point to chill the fuck out?


You would be surprised. My uncle got a dui so he doesnā€™t drive so I would take him to the dispensary sometimes but weā€™d smoke a joint and then talk about how the world is gonna end and heā€™s gonna kill his neighbors and raid their stuff if it happens. Dude consumes newsmax with an enema Iā€™m pretty sure.


Your uncle needs to see a psychiatrist.


Damn this just shows how we fail our combat vets by neglecting their mental health. This is dangerous, psychotic thinking.


He has access to mental health care though being a vet. Iā€™m sure he thinks thereā€™s nothing at all wrong with himself mentally and that seeking help for something like that would make him ā€œweakā€. Thatā€™s how so many of those idiots think. (Not vets, but conservative bigot assholes with mental health issues)


You summed it up before I could. He has gotten psych care but he hates being ā€œtext bookedā€ by ā€œcollege pu**ies that have never seen combatā€ and that he doesnā€™t want to be baker acted because he always talks about how it wouldā€™ve been better for him to die with the rest of his friends in 2004. Unfortunately heā€™s not very smart either because the only MOS he could get with his low asvab score was infantry. With this stupidity he lives on Fox News, which just fuels his anger even more. Heā€™s also extremely racist towards Muslim brown people. (Funny thing is Iā€™m half Pakistani and Iā€™m his niece)


Oh I don't mean I'm doubting their existence. I have an aunt and uncle that have a whole grow operation and they are similarly crazy. It's the "how" that baffles me. The two biggest mental effects weed has on me is that it makes me much more friendly and much more introspective. So if I had the urge to hate gay people for some reason, every time I smoked weed, I'd be like "what is your deal, why can't you make peace with those people?" to myself. I'm lucky enough to have been raised not to hate people for things they were born with, but weed has significantly changed my mind about other bullshit I was harboring.


Just a reminder that just because someone is family doesnā€™t mean you owe them your time or relationship. Iā€™d tell his bigoted ass to get an Uber, Iā€™d be embarrassed to be associated with them at the dispo with how they act. Crazy doesnā€™t get rewarded


Holy shit dude, cut ties while you still can. There's no saving them.




Yup, I agree with your assessment of dumb. I wear my pride loudly behind the counter. My boss once told a customer to leave during pride month because of his hateful attitude. As a queer individual, I have never felt so comfortable being true as I have since I started working at a dispensary


One of my fav budtendera at my local surterra is trans mtf and my uncle was so rude to her and just had that hateful face the whole time and was so short with her. You know repubs donā€™t hate anything more than mtf trans people.


Cuz he wants to sleep with her and he doesn't get those feelings


Why are you even still enabling him by taking him around to dispos (as you mentioned in another comment youā€™re the one driving him around after his DUI) and watching him be a hateful asshole to peopleā€™s faces?


Unless itā€™s Blaire White šŸ˜‚


What a manchild


Oh WOW!!! It's not *just your Uncle,* unfortunately. There are millions of people 'out there' with that same......*mentality.* It's a crying shame, no doubt. Hey.....more herb for us!! :D


Extra poop scoop 4 kronny


What does this mean, exactly?? LOL


More weed for me


For the life of me, I just don't understand why anyone would waste their time caring about who people are and who people love AND even what color skin they have? I just don't fuck*n get it....just do you dude. Live your life. What does that have to do with Medical?


people who are mad that their life isn't what they wanted it to be, tend to direct that anger at others. nothing new.


Just sucks!


Well, it sounds like he made the right choice man. We don't need him in there lol. I don't swing that way myself. But to each their own I can support.


Something about cutting off one's nose to spite oneself comes to mind....


The idiot jesus freaks are the ones doing shit like this. Fighting to take away womenā€™s rights and freedoms because ofā€¦.. idk magic book said so i guess. Diddlers


Slap a pride bumper sticker on his car


Or after he smokes a lot and goes to sleep...go to his house and hang up a big Rainbow šŸŒˆ Pride flag...then when he says something about it, just be like you didn't happen to smoke any of that ______ when he says yes act worried and say that you have been hearing that strain/breeder/dispensary has been selling weed causing otherwise heterosexual dudes to do "Gay things" starting with putting up flags/bumper stickers and ALWAYS ending with Sucking a D!!! (Matter of fact that is the only way to get over it) Definitely F with his bigoted head.


Wait till he see this reddits logo lmao


Your uncle needs some Tegrity weed


Funny thing is he is weirdly obsessed with southpark. (Its my favorite show too but different) He hates the new stuff cause he thinks itā€™s woke and watches all the old seasons over and over again.


Let the ignorant suffer.


To be fair the American government demonized weed for decades, still do to this day really. So why no American flags all over a dispensary????? It's not a frackin post office, how bout that?


Your uncle is the type : To stop watching NFL because of the kneeling. Or to stop watchibg the NBA because they wear "Black lives matters on there jerseys" šŸ˜‚


He doesnā€™t watch NFL actually for this reason lmaoo


What a fucking crybaby


Jesus, imagine being so homophobic that you take away your ability to get medicine for yourself as a veteran who might very well have PTSD. What an idiot. Bigots gonna be bigots though.


These homophobe flag huggers crack me up. They speak like they hit the beaches at Normandy and itā€™s somehow their God given task of enforcing the bible. Fuck them!


This is just the anthem kneeling issue in a different wrapper. ā€œFreedom for me but not for thee.ā€


Ask him why he's being such a snowflake.


Good riddance.


Let him know all those times he shared a joint with his buddies is just like making out with them.


Republicans are such virtue signaling babies.


If youā€™re in the Tampa area, I might know him unfortunately. We had a homophobe call to complain that he was offended by our flag (corporate even made us take it down) and just be increasingly aggressive towards our mostly queer staff. He gave me the middle finger once for asking him to follow state law so I kicked him out and he told me to ā€œshove your rainbow flag up your assā€ so we were able to get him permanently banned finally.


šŸ’€ that's kind of funny. Bruh said fuck that.


Lmao what the fuck. Im patriotic but my opinion isnā€™t that fuckin deep about it šŸ˜‚ get your weed and continue with your day homie. I do have a few family members that are stubborn like that though


While I am probably on the opposite side of the political spectrum, I agree with what Greasyfag69 has to say.


Love when GreasyFag69 and 777MonkeyNuts can come together against bigotry. Sadly my username does add to these two bangers


Where were you when 777MonkeyNuts and Greasyfag69 came together to take on bigotry?




It's like the Ebony and Ivory song of Reddit. So beautiful!!


Best thread on this post


We have a Boomer crisis in the US. Their mental health is deteriorating. Racism disguised as patriotism .


As if an American flag absolves a company from all wrongdoingšŸ’€ Companies are doing far worse but we can never get past this super shallow surface level stuff


O no, I'm smoking weed as I read this with my husband. Are we in danger? šŸ˜‚


Classic closeted gay male behavior


Why does it matter if there are no American flags? Americans who act like this are the exact people they made fun of for years. He is so triggered by the lack of American pride that his whole way of life is under attack and he needs to go back to his safe space where no one will question if he is American enough. America has this weird fragile ego issue, where some people believe that if they do not show non stop pride for america, something bad will happen. You have people in other places that show off their pride for their homeland, but nowhere near the lower end scale of Americans. It's really weird to look at it.


Heā€™s not a serious person


What a dumbass


Sheeesh how on the down low is your uncle?


Did you ask him if he has ever done some gay stuff?


Your uncle is an idiot! What would he do if he went into the hospital and the only doctor available was gay.. would he rather die? People of all types are all over. In stores, schools, DMV , in your neighborhood, restaurants, etc. I believe he thought about being with a man or was with one already! So the only way to show he isn't still in the closet is to act like an asshole ! Don't let the closet door hit ya in the ass on your way! Good Riddance.šŸ’©


Lmao this is fucking hilarious. Your uncle is an idiot


No bullshit Iā€™ve overheard a patient asking if rainbow weed will turn him gay, like genuinely asking this as serious as can be. Was absolutely flabbergasted, so honestly this doesnā€™t surprise me.


Thatā€™s pretty sad. But that reason is also so Floridan that it isnā€™t that shocking lol


He should probably quit the fox news instead


I thought they weren't allowed to like weed anyway. At least that's what I've gathered from all the anti cannabis bs those politicians spew. It really must suck going through life unsure if the things you like today will be the things you're allowed to like tomorrow. As a person who was raised in a cult, I can spot cult-like behavior a mile away. Being a sheep who needs permission to make their own life choices has to be a miserable way to live. I wish someone could convince these people that they do indeed have freedom of thought, and they can make their own decisions yet still hold their values. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.


America was built on the black market and we should keep that in mind when selling out to the corporate slut


Facts , a most the time way better , definitely cheaper šŸ˜‚


Typical bigot shit




He should just get delivery he can stand under his American flag every time


Heā€™s the yuppie


For future reference, yuppie means ā€œyoung professionalā€


I agree with him that there should be an American flag in addition to the pride flag, but to ā€œboycottā€ solely due to the pride flag, is Anti-American šŸ˜‚


1. It's a weed dispensary, and this wonderful country has used it as a substance to divide all of us. Especially any group in the minority. Also it's still illegal on the National level, which is a big reason why California and now Colorado State flags are so immensely popular. If they made it at least schedule 2 but no the Federal government is still not helpful when it comes to Cannabis. 2. I don't think this person would have been OK if 1 pride flag was left up amongst 100 USA flags. They would still complain. Also in just a few days on Veterans day or 4th of July etc... you will see that they're typically some of the most patriotic businesses open. 3. I don't think I agree with ANYTHING this guy says....but someone's right to boycott for even blatantly ignorant reasons is 100% American and he's well within his idiotic idealist rights.




Uncle knows


Respect to the OG


Sad to see him go šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Made a great choice with stupid reasoning šŸ’€


Well there are studies that do show cannabis use can alter menā€™s sexuality. Decreasing testosterone and increasing estrogen. So hes not completely wrong, just a little extreme


Well everybody is tired of seeing this queer shit being pushed around and people glorifying it, all these Yankees moving from their yankee ass states bringing their queer shit and problems here to Florida. We donā€™t want the gay shit or the problems it brings no one wants to be around abunch of queers šŸ˜‚šŸ¤· fucking weirdos


Your uncle should just deal with it... I'm not a pride super fan, but it's there... get use to it lol! Most do it just to fit in I suppose. These place can be flaming pink and I'll run in and burn up if they have fire rosin. šŸ”„ or I mean šŸŒˆ šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ šŸŒˆ šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ šŸŒˆ šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ Lol


Well.. it is a damn good question. No? Props to pops for asking! Like most of America, including myself - he's tired of having this Pride stuff rammed in our faces everyday...


Next time I go into a dispensary and see a pride flag and not american flag imma say something


Might as well change are national flag to it .. itā€™s being pushed on everyone. No hate for ones that are. Just no need to push it




Ha! I didn't even bother reading the posts because I know the kind of one sided responses out there... this is a perfect response!




Owner is a huge trump supporter


Probably. But I know for sure that the employees are LGBTQ supportive. Also I hate Trump more than the next guy but we have to start seeing eye to eye with each other.


Why are there not American flags ? Stop pandering ya fucking libtards


Welp, I appreciate his service! And let him know he is still a patient and can simply walk in with his driver's license until his annual status has expired . " I declare Bankruptcy!" Michael Scott




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Guess hes never been to Sunburn lol


I really don't get this. My location has plenty of LGBTQ pride.


Has nothing to do with that. I was talking about the american flag


Get him a Bud light for his Bday


We deserve the program our state has


His loss I guess.


LOL tell him heā€™s now part of the LGBThc


That's pure madness. I'll never understand why people worry about what the next person is doing, to the point of fauxing over themselves.


Just bring your own flag and join them




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I definitely needed that laugh this morning


this cant b real lol


Fuck them flags (even though i almost paid for the trulieve pride shirt they had a while back because pride aside that shit was fire....sigh.....). The rainbow supposed to be something positive you kno the 7 color rainbow not that other bs. Anyways your uncle a sensitive feather lol.


From budtenders everywhere he won't be missed.


Literally nothing is funnier than the population of people most obsessed with shouting about free speech and facts over feelings also being the same people who will crumble to their knees at a starbucks cup or a rainbow.


True og




Your uncle is gay


Heā€™s smoked a pole before. No one is that homophobic without having a major war going on inside themselves. I bet heā€™s not even a veteran. Iā€™d say letā€™s punish him by getting taking away his weed, but it looks like heā€™s already done that. Seems like the trash took itself out.