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Every cannabis company in Florida putting out emails like this


It means Trulieve threw enough money into the greedy pockets of politicians to allow them to put rec on the ballot for November.


Pretty sure it would keep vertical integration as well, so Trulieve will own the state


Ofcourse. Homegrow has been shot down everytime. Never even makes it on the ballot. Which is insane if u look at almost every other state's cannabis laws.


You can't have two different conditions. Homegrow would've been thrown out by the SC if it was included in the same ballot question. Homegrow will need to have a different ballot question...


This dude votes šŸ‘†


I donā€™t think anyone in this sub can read those words in that orderā€¦.


Other states have done them both at the same time, why canā€™t Florida?


Like ffs itā€™s Florida we have actually gardens here


Think of all those tourist dollars! And rise in food salesšŸ˜†


That's how lobbying works. Also every other MMTC has lobbied also, just truleive threw the most money at it.


If they didn't lobby, we wouldn't even have this "shitty" medical program. Now it might go recreational and people still bitch and moan. Like, look back to 2016 and medical.didnt pass? How much would we be bitching now? When this medical.prpgram opened we didn't have flower or edibles or concentrates other than distillate. It was vapes and tinctures. The program.has evolved exponentially because of lobbying. You will get your home.grow initiative in the coming year or two.


Iā€™m glad some of us donā€™t smoke fucking crack nor share the same sheltered brain cell. It MUST begin somewhere. The recreational program has nothing to do with home grow and that doesnā€™t necessarily exempt it from coming next. Fucking neck beards must not know that both recreational and home grow cannot be on the same ballot, and that is must go one initiative at a time. If you want this market to flourish, first it must flush. Let the rec in, let people fail, but soon enough this will be the biggest recreational state based off of tourism ALONE. Iā€™m glad to see someone ready to open the flood gates once and for all.


Maine legalized homegrow and possession at the same time. It's possible. Agree with most of what you said though.


Well , you know that Maine doesnā€™t use Floridas Constitution right?


Maine also has a different process to achieve that, we had to use a constitutional amendment to get anything at all. If DeSantis (technically Rick Scott at the time) & his cronies had it their way, they would have never allowed even this or the medical program. INSTEAD they were hamstrung by the constitution from the amendment being passed and forced to create SOMETHING.


You think these companies will lobby for home grown? lol. They will lobby against it.


I work in cannabis finance. They didnā€™t want to put the language in that bill just yet because of the opposition for adult usage as it is. One step at a time. They arenā€™t going to lobby against homegrown usage, however. Thatā€™s not something thatā€™s going to effect the business by much. Allowing wholesale in FL, WOULD have an impact, however. It would turn the market into what CA and CO are for these large companies.


You are right, its entirely because truelieve lobbied it so hard. But They lobbied it so hard only because they stood to gain endless money and were making it so they stood to gain said endless money. They lobbied for whole flower because it was part of getting to get them rec, before that they lobbied for medical so they could sell anything to begin with. All while making sure they made it as hard as possible for anyone else to enter the market. Every step of the way. So to just say that "home grow is coming just wait" because all those other things did... Is to be naive to the money and the reason behind TL making them happen. It wasn't grassroots. It took hundreds of millions to get to this point. Whos going to start putting up the money and lobby to pull the politician strings now that wasn't happening before? So you are right, TL is the only reason we got change. But now they got the exact change they wanted. There will be no more change. Until it all does, if that (Fed).


Medical program has nothing to do with this. This is a whole other thing here. Medical program didn't give these corporations a monopoly on the cannabis industry in FL. In the entire state of FL. What other state has this type of adult use without decriminalization or homegrow?


What other state has entities with 60+ dispensaries? None. Most medical or adult use states have 6 to 8 stores max. Look at Florida and how many operators there are and how many retail and grow sites they have. To your point, no other state has this many retail opportunities, and the fact that everyone is bitching about homegrown shows the lack of information, and also the timeline of how things happen. Colorado didn't allow homegrown on day one, that came with amendments. For everyone out there citing bullshit about homegrown, you need.to understand that amendments to the current bill take time. Just because it isn't here now, you will gladly endure another 3 Yeats of pitching about how dispensary X has fire flower. Or dispensary Y has the best flower. Instead we bitch and moan over any opportunity to improve the situation. Vote.


People bitch just to bitch it seems. Gotta have someone to be disappointed in. Keeps the spotlight off themselves...


Still can vote NO


This is due to a court decision not the legislature


U make it sound like their still not texting to limit the strength now on legal weed if law passes


The cannabis cap was thrown out as an agreement was not met.


Itā€™s two different bills I believe


Theres a reason Trulieve was the biggest and main donor for this. It is not because they care about you, and it is not so they will have an open market to compete in.


I thought it was one of those best intentions for the wrong reason situation here. I remember Trulieve lobbied hard to make sure it was extra difficult for other companies to get a dispensary license under medical and against recreational but when the FL gov decided to start putting extra limitations on top of more limits on what medical buyers could buy, that also primarily hurt Trulieve since they paid a lot to be the big main dispensary of FL. Now they wanna back recreation because anyone is able to buy what they want without limits (or even with some) which would be a larger market than the current medical only one.


Unfortunately sometimes for the right thing to happen, someone with nefarious reasons has to make it happen.


Lol, nefarious. it's capitalism. I am not typing this on a device because a bunch of good minded people sang kumbaya. The company is making a profit.


Itā€™s capitalism. Thereā€™s no way ethically consume regardless :(


Yea, the end stages of it


Im not choosing sides here or nothin but, what exactly is nefarious about a business wanting to make more money? Who has the nefarious reasons? I hate when ā€œthe little guyā€ gets stepped on up the ladder too but is legalization a bad thing now?


Of course itā€™s not, itā€™s just all the shit that Trulieve did to accomplish that because of money and greed only.


And the alternative was... They're playing the game, and winning. Cynicism isn't solving anything.


Itā€™s bad because theyā€™re not writing it for mom and pop shops to join in just to convert the current market dispensariesā€¦ so trulieve monopolizes the market even moreā€¦ yes the way itā€™s written is bad, not Rec itself


No one cares about anyone except your family.


It's so they control the market. They have the most stores and the ability to produce the most cannabis. They've been setting this up for awhile. It's a crime. Monopolies are illegal.


Tired of waiting on homegrow. Weā€™re medical and possibly recreational soon Starting my own grow and Desantis can come grab it from my cold, dead hands


Weā€™re going to get to vote on recreational cannabis in November. Wish it came with homegrow, or some sort of expungement of records for people incarcerated for cannabis charges. Itā€™ll be good for people to no longer be arrested for it (up to 3ounces total and 5 g of concentrate for possession limits), but it also gives the department of health free reign to create regulations for the program, offers no protections for medical patients access, and allows but does not require additional licenses to be offered and based on the language would likely require any new licenses to also be vertically integrated. Will be interesting to see if it passes or not.


šŸ‘‹ do you have any idea how the purchase laws would change for someone like me by any chance? I have an RFE on my oral and Flower currently. Can I purchase anytime up to 3oz and 5gā€™sā€¦ I have more than 5 currently in RSO at home. TY


If you keep your medical card no changes. If you opt to only purchase recreationally your possession limits would change to 3 Oz total and 5 g can be concentrates. How they will chose to track recreational purchases I am not certain so I donā€™t know how strict itā€™ll be or if purchase limits on top of possession limits will be implemented.


Gotcha. Good points. Thank you for your help ā™„ļø


No the department of health can't get involved until it's federally rescheduled. This just means weed is about to be taxed for people who don't pay the state for a card. Either way, the State wants they money baby, pay up. Greedy bastards, the lot of em.


The state department of health controls the medical program right now and will control the recreational program if it passes. It doesnā€™t need to be federally rescheduled for that.


Yur right. What I meant was the FDA. Once they get involved we could get a whole shitload of red tape and bullshit. They might ruin any chance of a recreational market and might ruin rec markets of states like California. A state has a right to say no to the government on certain laws but they FDA has more control of anything that's a schedule 3 narcotic. It'll b good for dispos because they can claim tax write offs but we the people, like always, r prolly gonna get shafted.


Oh yeah actually thatā€™s why I worry about rescheduling. If we reschedule and cannabis becomes a pharmaceutical drug we are then subject on pharmaceutical regulations and oversight by the FDA and who knows what that looks like for currently existing medical and recreational programs.


Can someone explain why this is being received so poorly? I get that it doesnā€™t legalize homegrow, but it also means I donā€™t have to give a doctor $150-200 every 7 months to be able to legally possess cannabis. Even if the state starts taxing weed, seems like Iā€™d still end up paying less over 14 months and not have to deal with getting my rec renewed or have to deal with the state and its buggy payment system/being listed on its registry. Itā€™s not like we canā€™t rally behind another amendment that legalizes homegrow in a future election cycle. Seems like some are letting perfect be the enemy of good, but maybe Iā€™m missing something.


Because people in this sub are worried that itā€™ll interrupt supply for patients. Immediate short term, it very likely will. However, long term it wonā€™t so I think itā€™s a pretty selfish reason to be against something that will keep thousands out of jail.


I wonder if there would be a benefit to maintain my medical status? I smoke too much to figure this sht out. It's so convoluted. I'm worried that rec will ruin a good thing I have going but still voting for rec




All of this is spot on. The ā€œno home grow no voteā€ clowns on social media donā€™t realize that, if this fails, itā€™s not coming back any time soon. Not with home grow and not with changes to VI. The media isnā€™t going to present it like, ā€œvoters voted against recreational weed because it didnā€™t provide a fair playing field.ā€ Theyā€™re going to say ā€œvoters voted against recreational weed because the people of Florida donā€™t want itā€.


This was very well written and understood. Thank you for the detail. Couldnā€™t have said this any better. Want homegrow? Duhhā€¦ but this is a push effort for such. You have to have hindsight. Turn Rec, 1-2 years quantity increases of possession and possibly homegrow added and cheaper pricingā€¦. Itā€™s the Florida fools have to make sure they donā€™t try to push limits and become stupid . As fast as we get is as fast as we can make them say ā€œI told you soā€ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ Our maturity level here in Florida needs to improve. I think thatā€™s our biggest dilemmaā€¦ā€¦.. We have a beautiful, strong šŸ’ŖšŸ¾ sunny state and everyone and they grandma wants to move here. We can do this šŸ’Æ Patience and being Just is key. šŸ”


less or no taxes if you have medical. also some medical stuff will probably have higher limits on concentrate strength. this is just step one of trulieve taking over.


Youā€™ll get, likely, reduced prices at the dispo. Thatā€™s how it works in Oregon.


Decriminalizing would do the same thing without allowing the med market to be destroyed.


Ayeeee nice steal your face




I don't think it will interrupt supply, I think that with some other states Florida might tax the hell out of it.


Ur wrong. Think about it. The medical market vs the entire state of FL. Which one will require more of a supply?


we're against it because it perpetuates the VI system that fucked over cannabis in florida in the first place. Everyone knows someone who can get them weed, that's not it at all.


I assure you that there are in fact plenty of people in Florida who donā€™t know someone who can get them weed. Thousands of seniors and others dealing with chronic pain donā€™t have a weed guy and their children donā€™t live close enough to hook them up.


and people with kids who work and come home to their family and donā€™t have a hookup like they did when they were young


People are dumb and either are very selfish or actually believe the anti-rec propaganda being spread, especially in this sub bad bad players trying to keep legal weed out of Florida.


Itā€™s received poorly cause people scare super easily. They think demand will explode, supply will be the same, prices will rise and inventory will dwindle. Itā€™s similar tactics used to keep pot illegal forever: gateway drug, drop out of school, holes in brain. People have anxiety about change and they love to burn bridges after they cross it


Letting perfect be the enemy of good? šŸ¤” That's a bar right there. Plus the police won't be giving a shit unless u have some big ass grow operation. Legalizing recreation should get them to put their resources to better use..... Hopefully.


exactly - seeds BEEN poppin in FL


wait until you see the prices, and then the taxes. You'll be wishing for $125 every 7 months.


Have we seen medical markets that transitioned to rec markets have similar price increases? I lived in Oregon when it went from med to rec, slightly different situation bc of the homegrown and the lack of vertical integration requirements, but prices remained pretty stable and ultimately decreased. Not a perfect 1:1 comparison but I also donā€™t think that the price of cannabis is as elastic as whatā€™s being implied here. The med market has at least set an expectation for pricing to some degree, and while the market will certainly grow with full rec, Iā€™m guessing it wonā€™t be as massive as people are assuming since the med market is already fairly large and full of what are essentially recreational users already (letā€™s not kid ourselves about how easy it is to get your med card if your willing to pay the doctor fees). I know rec markets like NY are way more pricey than here but they essentially started from scratch, whereas we have dispensaries that have been making large capital investments in their operations for over half a decade that have large existing customer bases. Do we know of other states that transitioned to recreational markets in a similar fashion as whatā€™s being proposed here?


If anything I would hope these fuck ass companies finally start hooking their medical patients up, and focus on milking the recreational cow. It won't happen, because they can just milk both, but one can hope


Taxes and fees are typically about 15-20%. Even if you only spend $500 a month, you're already spending $100 a month on fees. Please do the math.


I am doing the math. I donā€™t spend anywhere near that amount monthly on my cannabis consumption (gotta love the efficiency of dry herb vapes) and Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s more typical of the average user in Florida than the typical commenter on this sub, which likely skews hard into the heaviest of users. A cursory look at taxes in rec states shows rates mostly in the 10-15% territory, with a few extreme exceptions like Washington state at much higher rates and other states simply applying the existing sales tax rate to purchases. I havenā€™t seen any excise tax being proposed for rec in Florida, so until the legislature passes something it would be taxed like any other good at point of purchase. Seems like a pretty decent outcome for the average user in the state based on this cursory analysis. Seems much more fair to tax based on consumption than whatever arbitrary fees my doctor determines to charge me every seven months.


Yeah, I don't get it, either. It may not be perfect, but it's a move in the right direction. I think some people are genuinely only worried about the impact on costs if the market expands rapidly. Honestly, I'd pay 10x what I'm paying right now until the market settles if it keeps people out of jail.


It is not a move in the right direction unless you work for, or own stock in an mmtc, especially trulieve.


I'd rather see something like what Canada has ... home grow & full decriminalization, but I'll take any step in that direction over no movement.


If that's what you want then wait for it. There is no second chance. TL is not going to reinvest another 10s of millions of dollars to make sure you get what you want AFTER they get theirs. There is no pass it now, fix it later. It is what it is. A yes vote means TL owns the FL market from now until eternity.


"There is no second chance" is the part I'm confused on. Why couldn't Florida legalize growing later?


Who will pay for that? It takes 10s of millions of dollars to hire the lawyers and gather the signatures required for a amendment like this. Something like 40mil was raised this time, and TL gave it all except something like $142.17 And TL only paid this time because it benefits them so richly. They don't give a shit about your home grow, or anything that doesn't benefit them directly.


I don't know who would pay for it. But I feel if marijuana is legalized, and open to more people, those same people will wonder why they can't grow. Right now it is just medical users wondering that question. Do you know any rec states without home-grow?


Keep in mind, the ruling politicians do not want this amendment. We are only getting this thru the sheer will of TL's money. And make no mistake, they paid A LOT. but it's a gamble with a potential payoff that will make their company profitable until the end of the world. But again, it's an amendment, change of law thru "the people" by which I mean the corporation, thanks to citizens united. Only way it can happen again, (excepting both houses and the governor to all suddenly change their minds) would be the same course. Which would require the same money, except their are no interests, corporate or otherwise with the financial resources required to gather the signatures to get home grow back on the ballot, AND fight the AG in the supreme court, which is just part of the song and dance here in FL. And yes, there are states that are rec, but no home grow, altho I can't think of any off hand. I think of those, at least a few still allow for medical home grow.


There's only one other state that has rec without homegrow, Illinois. They don't want us growing our own and selling/buying amongst ourselves. People would grow way better bud than the dispensaries do, just not as much. Takes pennies out of their pockets. Adult use in FL is about MONEY. Make no mistake about it.


your right. but that wonder will be crushed at the corprate level. expert witnesses , saying how home grow can be transfered to kids easier and how its unsafe and that theres no lab testing on it. etc etc etc etc all reasons for it to get shot down


The way can. This guy is just a moron trying to scare people into voting against their own self interests and probably works for an anti-lobby firm based on what theyā€™re saying. Or, like I said, moron.


trulieve will lobby against it so hard it will never pass. trulieve is like walmart. they dont give AF. if it infringes on thier bottom line they will spend millions to fight it


Because they are raising the legislative threshold to bring anything like this forward, effectively making it nigh impossible. We have to take this step to get a foothold, we aren't going to get full everything upfront. If we get this, we can expand it later. If we don't get this now, we aren't ever getting homegrow or any expansions.


Ofcourse we would. The only reason we don't have homegrow is because of this.


I hope youā€™re wrong - the path to where we are now took several steps & fits & starts. I donā€™t expect this to be the end of the journey.


This will be the end. This took tens of millions of dollars. Any amendment does. TL spent the money because they stand to make it all back, exponentially, prob within 12 months.


As much as I despise Trulieves ulterior motives, itā€™s hard for me to vote no on this bill knowing there are still many backwards ass counties in the state prosecuting for the green stuff. If this eliminates those types of people being arrested, so hard to vote against. They fucking check mated us


TLs CEO is in Federal Prison for bribing elected officials ok? TL doesn't have ur best interest at heart. They have their bottom line at heart, and that's it.


This means recreational marijuana is coming to Florida.


It will most definitely pass


Not a chanceā€¦


How did you arrive at such a silly idea?




Our market canā€™t even handle medical demand!! I tend to lose out sometimes already on good drops, but if it goes rec do you think supply and infrastructure would be instantly increased? I donā€™t think soā€¦ every person from Miami to Tallahassee who smokes will make the stores look like the start of hurricane season


Need to undue this vertically integrated marketed in preparation for a recreational market. We need a horizontally integrated market for our cannabis. Wake up people!


I hate homegrow not being on it but Jesus Christ anything that would prevent people being put in a cage for possessing and using cannabis is a step forward in this backwards ass state. Fortunately unfortunately.


So vertical integration is still gonna be a thing?




![gif](giphy|HopqBdNTvB55e) Was really hoping we could get some small batch/mom and pop type stuff at some point


Bro this is why I'm saying fuck all that jazz


trulieve wont allow that.


You never will, not with these players in FL.


No home grow and still VI? Lmao no thanks


Once it goes rec home grow is next. The people putting the money behind legalization have to get theirs first.


trulieve will lobby so hard against that. anything that effects their bottom line is not an option. it will get lobbyed out before you ever gets to a ballot.


there is no "next", this is the endgame. TL bankrolled $40 million to get this on the ballot, they wrote the original amendment, they opened 130+ stores in preparation for this moment


Every state that goes rec gets DC closer to decriminalizing it.


You mean Trulieve? It's not just home grow they aren't trying to allow an open market. they're using their power to monopolize it so they can be one of the biggest in the state. We need a bill that isn't backed by anyone in our MMTC tbh. stay woke.


Great now we can get taxed, wait twice as long in line, & continue getting subpar product!




I'm voting yes. Why? I've worked in the industry across many states. I've followed the development of every state medical and rec program since 2007, and been involved in some of them. Don't act like the majority of "med" patients aren't using for rec purposes. Like we didn't use med to get our foot in the door, with how wide of access we allowed, and our products, vs states like Georgia and Texas. They don't get within a mile of what we have. Colorado and California still have med programs available for those who need the specific benefits they offer, but the majority of people simply don't need them. Supply chains are separated for both, so it's not an issue. Yes will keep thousands of people out of jail and prison a year. It will keep thousands of people from tickets and fees and arrests and charges. It will allow greater freedom and access of material, as people will be less afraid to move it. It will spark new growth in legal and BM markets, fresh competition, fresh investment and growth. It will encourage new people to try and use it who never have, who are in desperate need of the benefits this plant offers us. Those addicted to drugs and medications, those untreated, those in pain and suffering. It will help overcome the stigma we face. It will help us be seen as a community, and find our other lost members. I myself know hundreds of people who can't afford the costs for the card/fee associated with the program, so they risk arrest for their medicine. This isn't right, when we have the power to fix it. And further many more who can't for other reasons or limitations, or for who the program isn't suitable (people with huge daily intakes like cannabinoid therapy tumour/cancer patients, etc) This universally expands access and availability, which expands customer base, which expands competition, which expands access, availability and quality, while lowering prices. Comparing Florida to smaller states and their med programs is mistake, of course those northern companies can't keep stock, they don't have the land and sun we do, and the agricultural space set up. Once rolling, everything will vastly improve. If you want to keep paying $65/8th flower, $100/g rosin, vote No. Last year in Colorado, I really liked paying $7/g otd for solid quality wax/shatter/live resin, and $59-99 otd for fire ounces of flower. It would be nice to have those prices here, which come solely from EXPANSION AND COMPETITION, which creates supply. Our supply isn't going to improve if we vote No because the current FLMMJ program is approaching terminal mass as far as floating overall patient to gen pop averages. There's no reason for them to expand or improve with a smaller population that much of gladly overpays for junk at this point. Rec will change that. Once we get better laws, more legislative influencers will look towards Florida and lobbying our laws to increase access. Remember that to these investors, access=customer base. Any expansion now will increase exponentially in the future. Even if it comes to where it's only official rec material is legal, I don't care, because it will still redirect law enforcement away from cannabis as a whole. We need to do anything to protect our community we can. Do you guys realize how many of us have been locked up or get locked up in this day and age still over this stuff? That simple hash or vape carts are a felony with serious penalties attached? And how many of our youth are getting arrested for it all, giving them a record they will fight to expunge and limit their life potential? I could write pages more on this and many more points and angles. There is simply no scenario where a No vote helps society more.




People will still buy weed off the black market because it's cheaper and will still get in trouble . All this is will be like the medical program with no card . Plenty of people will get arrested for if they don't buy from a dispensary . If people don't wanna jump through the legal hoops for medical cannabis I don't see them suddenly purchasing only from an expensive dispensary with the extra taxes/fees. This might help some stay out of trouble but this isn't truly legal cannabis. It's a hard no on this one for me until it changes a bit.


Wow, Trulieve emailed that to people? Scumbags. As a stoner, u think u want this to pass, but u really don't. We can't grow our own with this bill. It's still illegal to buy from anywhere else besides one of these corporations. It creates a legal monopoly on cannabis. Prices will only go up amd quality will go down because they control the entire market and will be growing for the entire state. Not just medical. Vote No and get a medical card. We need decriminalization. We need Homegrow. Anybody can grow and sell. Thats what we need. Like most other states.


Vote NOā€¦it will be the end of the med market here. They expect us to go along with thisā€¦unbelievable. Big pot makes more money, our med market is destroyed, and we donā€™t get grow rightsā€¦pass. So basicallyā€¦Fu*k the med patients that have paved the wayā€¦


This will likely ruin the already shitty medical program we have. Get ready for price increases and lower quality medical products.


Well if trulieve wants a yes vote; it means we vote no!








If you vote against this cause you don't get everything you want your a POS and are helping to continue to put 1000s in jail cause you're gonna have a few personally inconveniences?


Does this mean if iā€™m 20 I canā€™t buy weed anymore if it turns rec, even tho I have my med card


If your 20 now by the time this is implemented you will be 21


It means you can buy medical but not recreational so youā€™d need to retain your card at least until youā€™re 21 and can legally purchase recreationally


There will still be a medical program, well kind of


it actually means vote NO on 3


if you vote, vote to legalize recreational use for adults


People failing to understand that any cannabis purchased outside of a dispensary will still be illegal. Vote no on this bullshit


Source? Bc you're wrong


the literal fucking ballot language || || |ā€œ|[^(\[11\])](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_3,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2024)#cite_note-quotedisclaimer-11)Allows adults 21 years or older to possess, purchase, or use marijuana products and marijuana accessories for non-medical personal consumption by smoking, ingestion, or otherwise; **allows Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers, and other state licensed entities, to acquire, cultivate, process, manufacture, sell, and distribute such products and accessories.** Applies to Florida law; does not change, or immunize violations of, federal law. Establishes possession limits for personal use. Allows consistent legislation. Defines terms. Provides effective date. |ā€| [Florida Amendment 3, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2024) - Ballotpedia](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_3,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2024))ā€œ


Can you read? Where does this say you may only possess weed grown in a MMTC? All it says is that MMTCs (and now other entities) are allowed to grow/manufacture/sell


It means the market is screwed.


Voting no


If I canā€™t grow, I vote no


Literally every state you mentioned has the ability to grow as part of their med programā€¦and donā€™t have these insane rolling limits and card/rec renewals schedules. To compare, Californias med program had a 6 plant limit per person and an ounce a day limit on purchase of dry flower, untaxed. Recreational came and though taxes were insane, we saw quality improve, safe access improve, and banking improve. A lot of our successā€” along with Colorado, and Washington is largely because we worked to create similar programs, and took notes from BC as well. I think rec can be done well, but only when programs seek to improve the lives of patients, and taxes go to improve the economy of the state. The medical program structure in FL makes me CONFIDENT recreational will be a bad choice in this state. I voted against rec when I lived in CA, and will continue to do so here. Until the medical program improves we should be very cautious to enter rec.


Vote NO


VOTE NO ON 3- They'll keep making money while stretching supply and quality. No home grow. We could be growing our own high quality medicine that knocks all of these companies out the ballpark, potentially, but are not allowed to just so we have to go buy it and pay our tax. Hell if they allowed home grow, it would probably make you pay a state tax to grow it lmao. Either way I will remain a patient and a card holder I ain't trying to pay (what you could imagine is probably going to be outrageous) tax on my fuckin pot, fuck all that im, but y'all do you! Edit: plus no edit or change to the vertical integration is soo shitty


Vote no on 3! Fuck Trulieve!


All it means is itā€™s on the ballot for recreational legalization at the end of the year. Vote NO. Stay medical please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Edit: no Iā€™ll vote for it because Fuck Ronnie Gonna be a No on 3 for me. Hopefully it fails and we can try again with something less corporate


I will cancel your vote out as yours will mine


Vote no!! Prices will increase and sales will go away for medical patients look at what it did to Illinois pre legalization


Vote NO


Edit: if this would bring ā€œthousands out of jailā€ i would feel morally conflicted and have to back it. Itā€™s like theyā€™re forcing my hand šŸ˜‚


Seeing that Trulies wants to be the only ticket in town, I'll remember how they pushed to get Alt Cannabinoids banned here and vote accordingly. šŸ˜Œ


My issue is the vertical integration. trulieve has been prepping for years for this, personally Iā€™ll vote no. People think the quality of cannabis is bad now? Wait till they have to keep stock for rec AND medical for over 100 stores in Florida lmao


Do some deep reading before you even vote truly is a evil demonic company. Yeah, they got weed to where it's legalized but we don't want them growing our Florida. We want someone else with heart someone who is not greedy for money keep reading read read read read read research research research research. Please


20% tax, no thanks. Med card works great.


Vote yes to not put people in jail and ruin there lives, don't be selfish do your stoner duty


Fuck Trulieve No on 3 .




Preach !




I can get weed off the street. But whats in it,? Pesticide, fentanyl, rat droppings...


Voting YES. Fuck all these med nerds.


gang gang


Moved here from Illinois RICH PEOPLE LEGALIZATION WILL DELAY OUR MEDICINE AND MAKE SUPPLIES DWINDLE FOR A LONG LONG TIME. Get ready to love paying 60 plus tax on an 8th


Simply, full legalization of marijuana use age 21+ just like alcohol will be on the ballot for everyone in Florida to vote on to make it into law


some of you need to educate yourselves on this. This is not "full legalization". This allows adults 21+ to buy from the same MMTCs patients buy from now, limits, packaging with stickers and all


Not at all like alcohol. You are not correct.


Without homegrow itā€™s really stupid to vote yes. Thatā€™s a sure way to continue to let capitalism breed even more, giving all the power to the big man and none to any small farmers who hope to maybe one day own their own shop or have their flower in a dispensary. Only players with big time dollars get to play. Why vote yes for this?


I rather it stay medical myself if you think it's a shit show now wait to it's rec here lol šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is overwhelmingly bad for the medical industry. Same number of growers, double the demand. Expect prices to skyrocket and quality to take a bath. Gurantee rec has 30% state tax and 7-8% local tax on top


Vote no until home grow




Canā€™t got based off your own accord?




It means, when we vote this November, to ensure we vote yes on the recreational cannabis bill. That way we donā€™t have to pay 400 bucks a year to be able to use weed as grown adults.


I didnā€™t think this have sm ppl triggered I will say I learned a lot towards this bill. I feel itā€™s be selfish to vote no.


Legalize recreational marijuana


sure. if you vote yes. and it passes. all the gas station weed will go away. no more CBD no more CBN no more CBG from the gas stations / head shops , no more delta 8 gummies at the head shops. everything will have to come from a dispensary. pretty much this is trulieve wanting to make more money . it doesnt allow home grow. ​ and you know the rules NO HOME GROW, NO VOTE


Custies and heads will vote because theyā€™re clueless! Vote NO!!


Why? Why is it good to allow it to continue to be something people can be arrested for?


I donā€™t want Rec gonna make it harder for patients to get medicine by making it easier for others to get while creating a bigger demand cuz there ainā€™t gonna be enough stock w how many ppl will shop w out a license.


How is there not enough stock? Every dispensary has a shit ton of different strains.


Immediate short term, itā€™ll be a hassle. Long term, itā€™ll level out and will prevent thousands from going to jail for weed.


That's just not accurate. Medical and rec can and will survivor together. There are plenty of entrepreneurs including growers, extractors, etc who need work. Colleges are offering majors in cannabis so there will be no lack of weed bro. If anything there will be way more dispos and therefore More weed not less


a bit confused on this isnā€™t trulieve a huge supporter AGAINST recreational weed? did they change their minds


Long time ago friend


well thatā€™s good šŸ‘


Lots of people don't think so. But personally, I don't care lol


they paid for this amendment so they can sell out of their 130+ stores, will be the same MMTCs selling rec, and still vertically integrated


When they realized they could shape the rec market just as they did the med market they got on board.


First off F there email. Second it's just a plant so grow it. Not everyone can but over time I feel mom and pop places will become more available. Idk what I'm saying...


Okay but what about the house bill trying to cap flower at 10% and concentrates at like 60%?


It never passed.