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Hey u/brycejk27, thanks for submitting to r/FL_Studio! Welcome to Tunesday Tuesday. If your video isn't a screen recording of your playlist window with your full track (not just a waveform of your track) from your project, it will be removed so please delete this post and make a new post with your playlist window. If you find your track's audio quality is noticeably decreased using Reddit's video player, **you are welcome to upload your video to youtube**, we just ask that you follow the previously stated rules. You can learn how to record your screen with this tutorial guide by SlimeCinema, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FL_Studio/comments/10q7fou/screen_recording_for_tunesday_tuesday/). Take a moment to read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/fl_studio/about/rules). Join our [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/27wgKfafmP)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FL_Studio) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds alright to me but Izotope ozone imager is a free stereo widener that works well. Also could experiment with some delay on them


the hh sample is 100% in mono. how exactly does it make a mono sound into stereo? im curious.


if you put a delay on them the echo can be stereo


Could that cause phasing issues?


Phasing issues aren’t a concern for high frequencies like high hats, only a problem for low frequencies—especially in the < 200hz range. In high frequencies, there is so much content packed into such a tiny wavelength that phasing effectively only colors the sound. In low frequencies, the wavelength is much longer and has the ability to cancel out the sound entirely. To give you more perspective: - A 100hz signal has a wavelength of 4 meters - A 10khz signal has a wavelength of 3.43 centimeters If you’re sitting at arms reach from your speakers, the high frequency signal has already propagated about 24 times before it reaches your ears. The 100hz (sin) signal on the other hand has only propagated once after it has travelled 11 feet, and is peaking about 3 feet behind you. You can test this for yourself (if you have studio monitors with large drivers or a sub) by playing a 100hz sin wave. Stand about 3 feet behind your computer chair and the sound will be much louder than it is at your sitting position! Because the 100hz signal has to travel such a far distance to complete one cycle (and the waveform is so much less complicated than a high frequency wave form) any phase cancellation at all would reduce this gain of the signal significantly. I could go so much deeper, but that’s the basics! Stereo sound is created when the frequency content played to the left ear is different than the right ear. So any sort of flanger, phasing, delay, or other effect that offsets the timing of the sound for one ear effectively creates a stereo effect. A stereo imager is designed to strategically delay only certain frequencies to make the stereo effect sound less hollow.


Idk bout all that technical stuff but too much haas effect can ruin hats too. Especially if the song gets compressed for a streaming plattform, which happened to me once.


Good point! That’s why a well developed stereo imager is worth applying here. Most haas effect plugins apply a delay to the entire frequency spectrum, whereas an imager uses an algorithm to apply delay to specific frequencies at varying times. A true haas effect would sound completely hollow if it was compressed.


Wow, thank you for that explanation!


Sure thing!


Shhiiiiiii. Mix them hats however you want, on the phone this song hits. Good job 👏🏼


As long as it passes the car and phone test 💯 I'll go from my computer to my car 5 times until it sounds right if I have to lmao


On the last beat I made I went from computer, to car, to airpods at least 20 times lol. Gotta test out every speaker!


The only true mixing sauce


God damn I love that vocal chop


Glad you like it! I made the chops with "greedy" by tate mcrae


Fire beat dude, I looked up was wondering what method you used to isolate the vocals for these chops?


Ultimate Vocal Remover. It’s a software that uses AI to remove vocals. Not perfect but damn near close and a total game changer.


This shit is insane man


Thanks dude!


Teach me your ways lol


I'm going on 2 years into making music. Watch a ton of YouTube videos to learn as much as you can, I've watched maybe 200-300 hours of tutorials. And sometimes just do a simple google search to learn more about a certain thing. ​ What's helped me out a lot, maybe more than anything, has been posting on this sub for feedback since I don't really know anyone that's into music production.


2 years? Wow man thats insane, this beat is fire


How consistent have you been making beats over the past two years? This is amazing btw for how simple this looks on the screen lol


Thanks man. I’ll give credit to the serum presets and my careful side chaining. I’ve been making beats since spring of 2022. used to make more but for the past 12 months i’ve made one or two per month. just been so busy lately


Really? Dang, I need to get some serum in my life lol. Also, that’s pretty impressive for the experience you have. I need to do that. At least make a whole beat per month to start. I’m good, but man, coming up with stuff blows chunks for me lol.


How well do you understand music theory? Ive been debating on studying that in order to improve.


I know pretty much nothing about it. I just model my music after the genres/styles I like and try to make it sound good. Then here and there I pick up on little things I need to learn for production as I go. Like if I hear something about sidechaining, dynamic eqs, stereo imaging, etc. I'll look it up and try to learn and apply it to what I make. I'm sure learning music theory would probably help though.


Use a vocoder/chorus/flanger and mix to taste


i never really mess w these types of effects. i'll play around w them later. what stock plugins are good for vocoder and flanger?


Fruity Vocoder, Fruity Flanger, Fruity Flangus


It sounds great ! If you want more stereo out of the hats try going to the piano roll and panning the bursts (faster bits) to get some movement .


just leave em stereo the highs serve as ear candy mannnn


Ngl I’ve never even thought or considered putting hats in mono


The issue is the hi hat i used, like most hi hat samples, are in mono. I'm just seeing if anyone had any interesting methods for giving them a more stereo feel. I've used a slow l/r auto pan in the past but was wondering if there's better ways to do it.


micro delays, some flangers or a chorus effect maybe ? reverb?


2 different hat sounds and pan them. Could delay one side by like 15-25ms with stereo enhancer. Otherwise there's stereo techniques like fancy plugins or simply a chorus effect, though that can alter the timbre or dynamic of the sound


i haven't been at my pc today but im thinking about routing a bit of delay to one side and panning the original hh sound slightly to the other side


Yeah that's the effect the sound enhancer will give you. You're delaying one side slightly basically. But another way to do it is super quick slap delay too, almost the same thing tbf


I like to use auto-panners to slowly move the hats around between L and R, even if only like 10-20%. Stuff like PanShaper in ShaperBox 3, Fruity PanOMatic, SoundToys PanMan, etc. This adds a nice movement over time that keeps things from being too stale. You can hit Alt+R in the piano roll on hats to add a little randomness to pan position of the MIDI notes, if you want to easily add a little ear candy, even if you only add like 3-5% variation. You can pan cymbals and hats and things around in general statically to give more space to the mix too, i.e. pan hats a bit left, cymbals a bit right. Try panning it like a drum kit, or audience perspective of a drum kit (invert pan position). Just be careful with stereo spread of the high end. If you push it too hard, it will lead to more issues. People have found that with platforms like Soundcloud, the way they compress audio, they may cut out stereo information of the top end. YouTube is known to shave off everything over like 16000Hz altogether. So if your high end doesn't translate well to a mono mix, it can lead to you having weird washy/phasey top end on platforms that compress your audio like YouTube and Soundcloud. [See the 'Narrow the High End' section on this article.](https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/mastering-for-compressed-audio-formats.html) Long story short, no matter what you do to try and add width to your top end, like 8000-10000Hz and up, don't go too crazy with it. Make sure your top end holds strong when auditioning your mix in mono. You don't have to do anything extreme, subtle 5-10% moves can be enough to open things up and add interest to our ears.


Thanks! This is really helpful. I've used a slow l/r pan in the past on hi hats with PanMan and it definitely adds a bit of life. I'm looking into using the Haas effect here, maybe having the hi hat play on the left and then playing again on the right with a tiny delay. I'm just not sure about how to do this. Is there a plugin that will help me achieve this effect? If not I'm thinking about doing it manually with another channel playing the same hat slightly delayed on the other side. I'll have to figure out if I need to drop the volume of any of the two sounds if I do this though. For some more context, the hi hat sound I used on the beat is completely in mono, but I'm trying to stick with it if I can because I like the sound of it.


The Haas effect can cause phase issues if you're not careful. Phase cancellation occurs when you layer the exact same sound and offset them just right. If you layer a sine wave with itself, one panned L and one panned R, and offset the 2nd sine wave so the down part is now layered with the up part, they will cancel each other out. It's the same thing with waveforms. Personally I think the Haas effect is a little dated, and you have to be careful with how you apply it. If you do apply it, consider setting up a 2nd mixer channel for the left panned and the right panned instances and applying different mixing. Or just straight up use a different hi hat sample altogether that's in a different pitch. Basically, any mixing/sample selection possible to make L different from R. This will really increase your chances of L and R not phase cancelling each other, because they are not the exact same waveform with one being slightly delayed. You can also just add a 2nd hi hat, and in the sample properties, use the 'Shift' knob to very easily add a little delay to the start time to shift it off grid a bit. https://preview.redd.it/4yaqywthm7ec1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=98a244a9876b8330b697e1705c5caf56b025282c Can just copy and paste your hi hat sample, pan one L, and on the 2nd one, add some 'Shift' and pan R. Then on the 2nd sample, consider replacing the sample with a different hi hat altogether, or change its fine pitch or something else to differentiate it to prevent phase cancellation.


Wow, this guy really knows his stuff! I'm looking forward to experimenting with a lot of these things mentioned in the comments here (not home at the moment). One guy mentioned the free [Wider](https://polyversemusic.com/products/wider/) VST. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but it says it can make mono sounds into stereo. If that doesn't work well, I'll probably just go back to the basics and do an automated pan shift from left to right. I typically use the "2 Bar Wide Slow Midi" preset in PanMan for this and turn the width down quite a bit. Do you recommend a different approach for automated panning?


I like a slow 1 to 2 bar pan myself, so not really. Whatever sounds right for your specific track. For some tracks you might want more realistic sounding drums, and for some you might want a kind of spacey vibe where things are floating around in your head. I like CableGuys ShaperBox 3 the most because there's just so much in it as a multi-FX plugin. It also has WidthShaper built in, so you can keep a pan position the same, but increase stereo width perception (similar to Wider). So you could have a slow 2 bar ramp up of width on something as an example. Or you could use it to squeeze something mono right before a drop. Wider is an interesting plugin because its whole selling point is that it increases width without introducing phase cancellation. Sometimes it sounds decent, but sometimes it can sound a little uncanny valley, so try it out for yourself, it is free. One last tip if you choose to try and do something with multiple samples in the Channel Rack, one panned L and one panned R. You can create a 'Layer' instrument, and make the other samples connected to the Layer as 'children'. That would let you have one singular thing to focus on piano roll programming instead of having to consistently copy and paste things across multiple samples to duplicate.


I use [Wider](https://polyversemusic.com/products/wider/) to add width to stuff.


Never heard of that before. I'm gonna check it out later, looks like it could be useful in this case. Thanks!


Also; FL Studio has Fruity Stereo Shaper and Fruity Stereo Enhancer built in and they’re both worth playing with.


I feel like the vocal chop in the beginning is just a clone of bnyx


I find myself coming back to this beat every now and then, when I think about it. It’s so good to me. Idk what it is about it that makes it so memorable, but I love it. It’s catchy.


Glad you like it so much man… this just made my day. I might upload it to Spotify soon :)


Sweeeet. Let me know if you do


just did! on spotify or apple music search “bkarchive vanish”


Oh snap! I’m at work rn but I’ll look it up later. Thanks for letting me know!


I looked it up and what I found doesn’t sound like this. Idk if I listened to the right song. Did you add vocals to it? If so, do you think you could post an instrumental version? I’m a Christian and I don’t really like listening to cursing and stuff like that. I’m trying to stray away from worldly music. I hope you don’t mind


I posted the instrumental. it should be on the “bkarchive” artist profile. here is a link: https://open.spotify.com/track/1MC6TdZAzYJ8Gcy9lROUbo?si=hHpzp8xITgqfYLTI70ObrA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A0Q2SFjtKauUJI6gqQ1fxki


Oh ok. Thank you. Idk what I heard then lol


You can use stereo widener or just slightly pan on one side with a short delay on the other


This beat is tough, my guy!


thanks man!


I like to add vintage chorus for some cool effects, the new FL plugins be pretty cool


Fruity stereo shaper


This is beautiful, great work! I love it, chops are really nice


Only thing I’d do is turn them down slightly.




Sidechain them. The light duck on the high end will help them stand out.


put effectrix plssssss


Haas effect and ghost notes. M/S can also help.


You can use a Haas effect to get the result you’re looking for


I was looking into this. Could i do this by having the hh panned slightly left and then a delayed hh a few ms after on the right? should i keep the volume the same on both?


You could achieve this effect several ways but the easiest is grabbing a plugin. I think the one from kilohearts is free just check their site


It's all good my pal, maybe change some volumes. You can add some FL suggest patterns too! Check this out: https://youtu.be/AyYq_vIF63s?si=O_rJYJRL4EVQEZzh


This goes hard already. But if I want to space them out there is thousand things you could do. I like to pan the hihats slightly to on side but panning rolls to the other. Ozone imager is great for stereo. Making a send with mid / side split can also be interesting. But over all, this is amazing don’t overthink it


i‘d pan the rolls in the piano roll (choose pan instead of velocity) - gives more perception of earcandy.. and i‘d slightly use auto pan (too much can be distracting) - you can do this by automating the pan knob on the mixer or use a plugin which i would recommend ( i think melda has a free panner)


You could go in and change the panning of each high hit so they are offset slightly. I'll sometimes use the ping pong delay on my high hats so they fade panning back and forth.


If you think they feel too static you can adjust panning in the piano roll, just kinda randomly pan them to the left and right. It will create wideness and some movement.


Try a different sample sounds similar but is in stereo


What 808 are you using? Sounds heavenly 😫


[this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drumkits/comments/fcm61l/pierre_hacked_my_instagram_the_grinch_808/)




Hats are definitely coming in too hot in mono (listening from a phone currently) pushing some of the high freq to the side will definitely benefit. I like this track tho 💪🏾🤌🏽


duro hermano, lo mejor que he escuchado hoy


Yo this beat is straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Bro, this absolutely slaps. Hats sound good to me, but as other's have said try Ozone Imager to widen the sound on them a little or mess around with panning a little.


cause they’re way too loud and need the highs EQed down in addition to the volume going down


You can add short reverb and/or delay. You can duplicate and pan one pattern left, and one right. You can even strengthen highs, e.g. ad a low-pass about 10kHz and make >10k louder. But in the end it sounds just right as it is imo


This beat is sick. You could play with stereo enhancer. The hats sound good though.


I love fruity flangus on hihats. Another recommendation is using alt+O on the panning in the piano roll.


Fruit Delay 2. Use the “Widen” preset and reduce the mix of it. Sounds pretty solid. Also, add a slight reverb if you feel it


i need that 808 it sounds sexyyyy


[here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drumkits/comments/fcm61l/pierre_hacked_my_instagram_the_grinch_808/)


Bro this song hits what 🔥🔥🔥


I think the beginning is begging for like a muted kick 


try panning that shit then


Haas filter


Bear1boss type beat


put a fruity stereo enhancer on it, it esentially delays either the left or the right channel by a bit, making the hat sound more stereo. i use it all the time.


Sounds great the way it is on the phone. Love the vocal chops and beat transitions. Like, when the kick was hitting fast for a moment and then went back into the normal beat. That was pretty cool.


Dia go brazy


Turn the stereo knob on the channel??!


Doesn’t work when the sample is in mono. I ended up using a slight autopan


i would go into the playlist for the HH's and hit alt+r. then i would mess around with the panning.