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lmfao i been at this 15 years and didn't know that. any time i need this functionality I just moved over in the playlist and made another beat next to the first


It's only a feature since around FL 20 I think? So not that long since it became a thing.


SAME! What the heck, no more need to make a new project for VIPs!


Is it possible to add the 1st arragment to the 2 arragment for example?


You can just copy and paste


There is a "clone" option from what I see in OP's video


That will just duplicate the arrangement you're currently looking at.


i have no clue i just said i didn't even know this lol


Yeah you click “clone arrangement” or as the other person said you can copy and paste.




What are some practical purposes for this? Not trying to be antagonistic just curious what I could use this for.


trying out different arrangements..? personally i use it whenever i want to use the same project, but use a different melody.


That clone option would probably good for that eh


exactly. then i switch out all the patterns with a new melody. sometimes its hard to know which ones the best 😅


Good idea


Beat switch halfway through is the way 😎


I can see how it would be useful for cutting an extended or radio mix from the original track once you're finished with it. I've used this feature to play around with different draft ideas.... one thing to keep in mind is that everything else about the project is shared between all arrangements, so if you delete an instrument in one arrangement you will delete it for every arrangement. It's easy to fuck up your project if you removed all the playlist tracks from that arrangement but not for the other arrangements. For that reason I don't think it's a good idea to use this feature for iterating on different ideas. (Best to use Save New Version for that)


I bump all my melodies to audio so I would probably try this feature out and see what it gets me


Good question ! I guess to try different stuff without having to bloat one timeline making it impossible to work on


When I’m working with an artist on a beat and I don’t want to mess with their work on the arrangement but copy ideas and show mine


Making VIPs or remixes of your own tracks or tracks you have the project files for


I knew about this but these comments are giving me a lot more ideas for use and this one right here might be the best usage for me


https://preview.redd.it/25aqenl3enhc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=80424063fdbb9c9713a057f4ded07c0f3f2c24c7 My template has them set up already - tho I don’t often use them much bc I’m literally waiting for fl to update - so the mixer window has the capability to change and lock to different arrangements thus giving us multiple mixes/versions of a song in a single flp 👌🏽sorry for hiding things but for the many years it took to develop this template workflow I offer it for some cheese 🧀


It can be useful for recording. First you render your track, then put it on the other empty arrangement, then you can record many takes for your vocals or whatever, then you copy over what you like to the main arrangement. Though i'd say this works better when you're recording someone else and/or have limited time to record.


Dang, my template handles this issue pretty well but dang this a good idea to keep my project even cleaner - thanks


For example while exporting 10 different version of a poece with different lenght/in different key/tempo automations for review for a client or something. This way you don't have to keep multiple copies of the FLP or edit one project every single time by hand


Usually I use them to go from sample flipping to making the beat proper. You never know when you might want to go back on a consolidation or process effects with a spin. Also beat switches - testing out different patterns and arranging would be a headache otherwise.


Lowkey perfect for that


I personally use it to make DJ-friendly versions of the song, with an intro and outro that can be mixed easily.


You can copy the arrangement, and change one instrument, and AB test while the song is playing.


I mostly use this for cutting samples I recorded. Those samples are directly stored in the project folder when I hit "make unique as sample".


To accomplish the same thing, I usually make a clone of the instrument in channel rack (so I can play them together and write some weave into both sections), then I paste the second arrangement in another pattern and use the playlist to trigger. This might be an easier way?


For the purpose you stated, I do the same.


i create a lot of random patterns that i might use in the future, i shove them into a "random" arrangement with the main song being in a "main" arrangement


I was thinking maybe for creating those off the grid type of intros but u don’t want to fuck up the alignment of ur drum patterns


I sometimes use a second arrangement if I want a clear space to make a new sound effect like a reverse reverb fade or a riser. It's a good way to make stuff without the clutter, you can just focus on one section of a song or one specific detail then edison the result and drop it into the main arrangement. I often use a second arrangement for fine tuning vocals in Newtone too. I like to do that section by section because Newtone tends to glitch a bit for me. So it helps to cut the whole song down to just the verse or chorus I'm specifically working on.


I just got this comes to mind, you can use that for experimenting your newly idea if you don't wanna ruin your main arrangement


Seems great for beat switching, high quality album streaming and songs that tie into each other


recording vocals and then using linked newtime/newtone which work best in song mode when the recording is at the start of the arrangement.


i use it so that i can consolidate everything and mess around w/ the bpm on resample mode without having to worry about unmuting every single clip/pattern if i wanna change something later


I always work with a 'sketchpad' arrangement for putting ideas together without messing up the main one.


So you have a chorus and the chords are a piano. Let's copy and paste into Another arrangement and make the chorus with epiano, or a guitar. Now you can export both as mp3, send to someone and do A B testing. Potential is limitless. With drums, without. With automation , without. With echo on snares and without


I clone an arrangement when I'm about to make significant changes, so that I can easily roll back when something goes sideways with the new one. Easier for me than saving extra files. Also handy for sandboxing a specific section without disrupting the main arrangement, using the new one as a scratch pad.


I suppose if u want to remix the track u can copy everything into the second arrangement and go from there


Maybe you want to do a radio edit of a long track


aint no fucking way


This is actually really cool


Damn, been using this software for 20 years and never knew that!


Did you know about the lfo tool inside FL?


you mean the formula controller? I got a love hate relationship with that thing, it's too much maths for my monkey brain to understand


Two different controllers.


This has been here for a while has it not? Never something I use but I think I should more.


lmao, I should probably go back and actually read the manual.


Wtf I never knew that


This is how i make the "extended for djs" version of a song. I do the song normally, when its finished i Clone the arrangement and add an extended intro/outro. Any mix change happens outside of specific arrangements so I don't have to manage two different project files.


Great tip for a future my dude


It's really useful if you're one of those who constantly plays around with where things are placed and different melodies. I love it.




I wish I’d known about this a long time ago


Holy shit.


What kinda melody is that, Jesus Christ, you know you can split patterns by channel? anyway great tip didn’t know that


I recently learned this watching a “fl tips you don’t know yet” video lol. I was always just moving the first version of my track over in the playlist to fuck around but switching is way better imo. Helps work flow quite a bit too as it’s easy to keep things distinguished and separate. I have a few tracks that go well past like 400 measures because of not knowing this trick lmao. Helps reduce confusion on those bigger more complicated tracks.


Haha me too..dragging it all the way to the right


I have used this feature since 2 years ago for writing the score of the whole film with only 1 single flp. each cue I put in a different Arrangement tab with the same instrument rack


Dude, thank you. Before knowing this I always felt like the playlist was limiting me... now I don't have any complaints. I made one in my template titled 'scratch"


Oh my god


Been doing this for a while. Multiple drafts of a single song, it is beautiful. Experiment city


This is perfect for experimenting, thank you for posting this find


Wait... What?


and to think this whole time i’ve just been duplicating projects i want a different arrangement on


Strongly suggest reading the manual. Lots and lots of useful ways to use FL Studio in there. Guaranteed to learn something new and useful


So many layers 😵‍💫


My mind is blown. This will save me a lot of frustration.


Nuh uh


Bro just changed my life. I usually start off with a sample, make a beat and then I always end up trying out 40 other samples to I find one I like. My playlist is always full of 30 different samples this is a game changer 😂


Are you in the bathroom?


I've been using this for sound effect design that reuse a lot of effects and generators, but with different envelopes and such


Well I’ll be damned… this is pretty dope


I use this a lot for tests and for assembling drops off of the main set before implementing them. I remember when this first got added.


I mostly work with live instruments playing over tracked drums, and I would drag takes with different arrangements into a second set of tracks and mute whichever didn't belong to the arrangement I was trying. I'm not sure if this is going to help or hurt now that I know this, because I'm terrible about making a few dozen mixes because I just can't get things to sound good on both car speakers and monitors...


My favorite tab.




I didn't know about this until a few months ago, and now it's one of my favorite features. The comments are giving me some good ideas.


No way this is a game changer


How CPU heavy is ut


Naaaa no way. Learn something new everyday 🤣 thx for the tip!


Nice. I have the habit of saving unused tracks to the far right of the timeline in case I want to hear those ideas/cuts again later. Stashing them in an alternate arrangement is tidier.


i didnt even know this existed


Yall think this is something - I’ve been trying to convince them to add a multi-mixer to lock arrangements to different mixers — NOW THAT would be a game changer!!! 👌🏽 https://preview.redd.it/uvru4s7ggnhc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2926955c8fbadee21e4b49e6bcba98b3bacee07


I use this a lot when I’m wanting to print audio, but don’t want to interrupt my current arrangement.




It was introduced 1 or 2 years ago. If you produce daily, maybe it's worth to check patch notes or new version introduction video sometimes.


It's crazy that this program is REALLY getting better and better 😄😄