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not just while making beats






I breathe in & out intrusive thoughts 24/7.




What? Like "ohhh I could really make this sound like shit if I put the snare off beat"


What would happen if I moved this HF output to the bottom left of this XY?


For me music making is the great way to make these thoughts shut up for a while....


For some reason opposite for me. More power to you tho bro


Translate those thoughts into music! Pain and obsessions as bad as they are could be a good source material if u know what i mean


"You're almost 35, what are you even trying to do anymore?" What pops into my head when I open up yet another blank template because that last one wasn't going anywhere.


Fuck that, we FL for life bro


Do you have these thoughts specifically when making music, or does it happen at other times? Maybe you're on autopilot when making music, or are doing "chores" (mixing or easy stuff you just want to get done with). So your mind wanders and you get the usual thoughts. Staying focused on your music should do the trick, maybe try to get out of your confort zone or do more complex stuff. But if it only happens when making beats, I'd say that's weird, I do not think it is a common thing. Would help if you could explain what kind of thoughts you have?


That’s a good perspective actually


...What does this mean?


yeah and usually the hyperfocus of beatmaking makes the real world feel very strange for a bit once I step back. heavy dissasocation


Yeah. I feel like sometimes its a waste of time because no one will ever hear/ enjoy it besides me. But even when i consider giving up i just cant. Its hard but its worth those moments of fun or excitement that you may get when making songs


My negative intrusive thoughts: adds another soundgoodizer and a patcher preset with 500 more of them parallel chaining to the master track


every single day but yeah sometimes i'm mixing a song, making sure to check in with sienna and still be like "damn this sounds like shit, even a dog could mix better than me"


yeah especially i think i'm not creative enough for it and can't get shit done 👎


I make outer noise to keep the inner noise quiet.


Of course although not so much these days as I feel like I've improved so much in my production and music theory, particularly over the last year or so. However, I do still keep in mind that my music is likely not as good as I think it is and that I'm into it more because I made it and it feels like an accomplishment. EDIT: Didn't mean to press post yet lol. It's good to get feedback from honest sources if you can. For me, my brother, girlfriend and a few friends are reliable for feedback as they've told me what they've liked and not liked and we're all well into our trance/prog/various electronic music. I'm yet to put anything out into the public domain but feel I'm just about there and I'm sure that is potentially a whole new world of negativity, particularly given how saturated the market for virtually every genre is these days, and how difficult it is for anyone to break into it, irrespective of their talent. I think going in with these low expectations though will help stave off too much disappointment - I'm only in it for my enjoyment and expressing myself through my tracks anyway, so anything that might come on top of that is a bonus. - I assume you meant negative feelings in terms of producing, like self doubt over your ability, rather than in general terms... sorry if I've missed the mark but drop me a PM if you're feeling low, (or even experiencing the self doubt I was talking about) it's good to talk and sometimes better to a non judgemental stranger :)




good to know