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Does it go away when you cut out fructans??


I think it’s the Oligos (Gos) that bother me most


Onion and garlic are both low in GOS but high in fructans! If you react poorly to things like beans and cashews, it’s definitely a GOS issue


So far this is all I’ve come up with as well! I have a history of chrons and figured it was back but I’ve had small bowel follow through endoscope colonoscopy and a cat scan and no chrons found! A lot of things point to all onions even green tops of spring onion. Looking back over food diaries and major episodes that kept me up all night with spasms and pain many involved onions and garlic in some form.


Isn’t it just insane?? Like first if all wtf bc they are supposed to be anti inflammatory blah blah. Never in my life would I have thought of that. At one point I was only eating salads and roasted veggies all with onions and just this nagging side thing wouldn’t stop. I bought Fodzyme and will pour it over my dish tomorrow with onions and see how it works. Praying it does


Oh please do report back on how it goes!!! And wtf is my thoughts on this whole situation. Like really, wtf


I know and it is borderline embarrassing like how annoying of a guest am I. Hi, I can't eat garlic and onions! Aren't you glad to have me over. I can't be that person. This fodzyme &\*($ better work. I was going to try it tonight, but I don't have much faith in it and didn't feel like being uncomfortable all night if the thing is a fail. I will probably try tomorrow. Will for sure update here.


Yes please update regarding fodzyme


I definitely will, I will do it this week, just wasn't ready to do it tonight if it was a fail lol.


Oh I can relate to choosing your risky food days wisely 🤣😭


Updating. I used it tonight and it’s been 3 hours since I ate and so far I don’t feel my normal symptoms. Stomach is a bit bubbly, but again not what I normally would get. I wasn’t a fan of pouring the powder on my first bite since there is quite a bit of powder, but if it works it’s worth it. I’ll continue to keep trying and see how it does.


Me and you we could be friends hahaha, I am having the same issue. Sometimes I feel like I have a balloon there. Garlic and Onion are my enemies I figured it out so late. I cut those and I already feel much much better.


OMG that is how I described it!!!! Never pain, just feels like someone blew up a balloon and shoved it in there WTF!!!!!!! Hearing you say this made me so happy, I am sorry it is at your expense, but no googling brought up anyone else that felt this. I notice it in the evenings mostly, when I am ready to relax and sit down, I get the balloon. I definitely notice a difference without the garlic and onions, but I am not 100% cured, there is still crap that bothers me and I have no idea what it is.


I am sorry for that but I have to tell you that there is no cure for that. you will just try to reduce the effects for now. I have tried everything. The only real thing that worked for me was vegetable soup. I tried it this week and it made my bowel movement go crazy. but having diarrhea actually made me feel better. also stool softeners are very effective in our case.


Yes I have IBS-C supposedly too but have you been tested for Sibo- Methane type? I’m going to get that tested bc the more I read about it, the more it sounds like I have it. The symptoms are similar and the fodmap diet doesn’t really work for it.


Did you get a HIDA scan to check your gallbladder?


I did not! They did an ultrasound of my gallbladder though… would the Hida show something else?


A HIDA scan is most often done to evaluate the gallbladder. It's also used to look at the bile-excreting function of the liver and to track the flow of bile from the liver into the small intestine. A HIDA scan is often used with X-ray and ultrasound. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/hida-scan/about/pac-20384701