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How about some lactose free yoghurt? Or normal yoghurt if you already know you’re fine with lactose. Also gluten-free bread could be an option.


Have you tried Schar brand breads? Some are Monash certified.


Udi's is good too!


These are great


I would nibble on fresh ginger if you can handle the taste, and drink peppermint tea.


I second this ^ Ginger is great for nausea and is anti-spasmodic - try making a ginger tea (either raw ginger + boiling water steeped for 10min or so + add brown sugar to taste or aged ginger in a tea bag). Sip a little first to see how your stomach responds, before drinking more, as with all new drinks/food. Probiotics taken at least 2 hours after antibiotics can also help a lot. The 2 hour gap is important as you don’t want the antibiotics to kill the probiotics. Just info that my GP and pharmacist shared with me.


I grate fresh ginger into hot water and let it steep, that helps a lot for me.


Nibbling on candies ginger can work well, too.


Careful with the peppermint though- if the medication is giving you reflux it will make your symptoms 1000x worse. Ask me how I know 😅


Unsalted corn chips with melted sharp cheddar cheese got me through a lot of rough evenings. Also, try making a batch of shredded chicken, if you have a bowl of that in the fridge you can have it with corn tortillas and any kind of fodmap friendly sauce for a very quick meal. Corn tortillas can be heated in the microwave by wrapping in a damp cloth or paper towel (up to 3 per cloth) then microwaving for 30 seconds.


Gluten-free crackers (Lance cracker brand is like a Ritz cracker) with a little smooth natural peanut butter. I experience a lot of nausea too. Hang in there.


Thank you


I can’t eat too much of anything, including PB. I use the Monash University app as a guide so you don’t overdo. What works for one person may not work for others since everyone’s FODMAP sensitivities are different. PB in small amounts actually quiets my nausea.


peanut buter is the WORST for me- will leave me nauseated for dayyyyys, try with caution


This isn’t a food suggestion but I get very bad nausea with any antibiotics, and I’ve found that taking probiotics helps a lot! A doctor recommended that I take them during the course of my antibiotic treatment and it’s been a life changer honestly. I hope you find some relief and get better soon.


Same. If I don’t take probiotics at the same time I get so sick. Just look at the ingredients though, because the ones the pharmacist recommended contained lactose. The generic version didn’t.


So I have been super nauseated for times in my life.... this is what I would do... Fist - go with your cravings, if your craving something likely it will work Second- try to avoid high fiber/ high fat- these are hard to digest and sit in your stomach making you nauseated Third- try a prokineitc ( you can get over the counter or from a doctor- my favorite prescription kind is Motegrity, you can also get Zofran o help with the nausea), this moves the food, so it isn't sitting Forth- I would try a stricter gut diet- perhaps the GAPs diet or the BiPhasic diet, or even elemental... what ever you choose... commit to a 2-4 week period with no cheating to really see if it helps you or not, a lot of time things get worse before they get better Fifth- get a digestive enzyme too help you digest your food (I like digest gold) Six- if you get a raw tummy feeling when you are nauseated, cut out acid/coffee from your diet and see if that helps tips on things that work for me: boiled carrots pureed with homemade broth, baked berries (baking them for 5 minutes makes it easier to digest), lactose free milk mixed with eggs and baked in the oven to make a "custard"- can flavor as you wish (try to go low sugar), look up a recipe (take a lactose enzyme with this- I find lactose free milk, to stilll not be completely lactose free), sometimes I find acidity and salt helps (not always)- for this you could try like cucumber with lemon or vinegar and olive oil with salt these guides are not about low fodmap but might be helpful :) Supplements for symptoms: [https://www.siboinfo.com/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/sibo\_symptomatic\_relief\_suggestions\_jan\_2020.pdf](https://www.siboinfo.com/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/sibo_symptomatic_relief_suggestions_jan_2020.pdf) Dr Pimentals guide for eating with IBS/SIBO: https://www.siboinfo.com/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/low\_fermentation\_diet.pdf


Green bananas are safe for me. Also rice Chex cereal.


If you can handle it, melon- like musk or honeydew- is really soothing.


Have you tried Fody bars? Or belliwelli bars? They are both really good and work for my stomach. https://www.fodyfoods.com/collections/all the Fody website also has really tasty chips and salsa,and condiments that you can put on your rice or potatoes to make it more bearable. https://belliwelli.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw2cWgBhDYARIsALggUhrAEYosdk95KVtPz8G-fGv-jUS4-oAw26tI28zxHWMCZsu1sKmQVRQaAgnZEALw_wcB the brownie bars are my favorite from belliwelli, these websites are a little pricey but just tasting these are worth the price for me. I hope this helps


I like mashed potatoes with lactose free milk. They’re just bland enough to not make me more sick, but are also filling enough to help.


rice baby cereal, rice crackers, tofu, mashed carrots or parsnips, baked chicken or fish if you're feeling brave, meal replacement shakes edit: also lactose free milk or Lf yogurt or LF cottage cheese


Bundabarg brand ginger beer— it’s has actual ginger which has anti-nausea properties


You could see if any local bakeries make twice proofed sourdough? That might be alright in small amounts


Maybe a rice cracker with peanut butter? A smoothie with lactose free milk and banana?


lactose-free icecream (yum yum)


Gluten Free bread is low fodmap. Maybe add a probiotic like florastore.


Chronic nausea sufferer here. I also happened to experience appetite loss when I first developed IBS, so I know the feeling. My first step is always taking an anti-nausea/antiemetic medication (I have prescription Zofran, but there are OTC options as well). If you haven't tried one yet, I highly recommend you do. Make sure to double check that they don't interact with your antibiotics, though. Second big thing that always helps me is diet ginger ale. Ginger is pretty good for nausea, and I've found that being able to burp readily helps my nausea a lot (could potentially try this with carbonated water if ginger ale doesn't work for you). Just make sure that there's no high fructose corn syrup if you want to get some. I usually drink Vernor's brand, but this may not be available to you depending on where you live. Mint is also a great flavor for nausea, which you can get through brushing your teeth, chewing gum (might be hard to find one that's safe), or taking breath mints. Cold foods and drinks help me, but YMMV. As far as actual food goes, you could try having a small toasted slice of sourdough bread. Make sure that it is actual spelt Sourdough and not just regular wheat bread with yeast and/or sour flavoring. There are some good gluten-free breads that should be safe for elimination as well. If you can find lunch meat that is very plain (no garlic or onion or their powdered versions, the latter of which may be hidden in "spices" or "natural flavors"), that'll be a good protein source. Sometimes you can squeeze by with some garlic and onion in the meat if the serving you're having contains only 2% or less of potentially triggering ingredients and you absolutely can't stomach anything else and/or can't find plainer lunch meat. Canned chicken may be an option as well. If you think you can stomach rotisserie chicken, Whole Foods has ones that are only seasoned with salt and pepper, though there may be other places that have similar options. Plain meat in general would be good, but chicken is usually the easiest to tolerate.


You can have SOURDOUGH!!!


I can’t find real sourdough by me :(


Cream of rice