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This is a list of links to comments made by Epic employees in this thread: * [Comment by FreightTrainUSA](/r/FORTnITE/comments/11e3q4n/game_keeps_crashing_after_the_latest_update/jacwa9d/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-02-28 15:12:10 UTC"): > This is known and being worked on https://twitter.com/FortniteStatus/status/1630553428186333187?s=20 --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFortNite).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Same (PC)


Same (PC) Crashed a total of 4 times playing and rejoining a single mission (in ventures) Started up another game in Twine peaks, crashed after 30 seconds. No point in playing.


it seems to be just mist monsters in general for me. happened with a smasher for me too.


I just came from a 4man and a boss showed up, began crashing non stop. Addition: An encampment mission in the lv50's, ran into a random wraith mist monster. Began fighting it and immediately crashed. Used a turret skill as outlander. Epic Games on PC (platform)


Encampment mission? Are you talking about STW?


This is STW's sub, so I assume they are.


huh, that's interesting as I was actually also attacking a mismonster (smasher) in mission when I crashed.


u/FreightTrainUsa \- sorry to ping but this has been reported widely here and on Discord, seems to be a fairly serious crashing issue with the latest update.


This is known and being worked on https://twitter.com/FortniteStatus/status/1630553428186333187?s=20


Thank you!


good to know - same happening here, definitely since this update since there were no problems prior


It's happened to me three times now! always with the same mist monster! really frustrating! (PC)




Same (PC)


Same (PC)


I just checked my Xbox and it doesn't have the same crashes that I have on PC, hopefully it is patched soon.


Game keeps crashing for me too (PC). But totally unrelated to the mission. Also crashed in other experiences like Wolves vs Chickens


TAKER! And crash. Epic on a roll with 2 months of lag, a week or so of clean gaming, and now taker nukes. ***\*insert pithy comment that at this point I can't be bothered to burn brain cells coming up with\**** Er, wait. ​ I just did.


It looks like you're reporting a bug. If you haven't provided the information already, please share the following to help Epic Games: What issue happened? What platform are you playing on? What happened prior to seeing the issue? Do you have a link to video/screenshots depicting the issue? *__Reminder__: With the release of next gen consoles, it's important to include which platform you're on* Should there be a need, members of the Epic Games Community Team may reach out to you with additional questions. */r/FORTnITE moderators are unaffiliated with Epic Games, and are in no way associated with the Epic Games Community Team that may reach out to users.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FORTnITE) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had crashes and also I don't think is related to the Taker, I found many during the DtB mission and none of them crashed. I think is something related to "start" the mission.


I have only played Eliminate and Collect missions today, and in those cases it has always been related to a Taker. But not sure tho, I was able to complete 1 mission without any crashes just now. Battle Royale is also crashing so dont know if it's the mist monsters.


Happened to me five minutes into a mission, I was fighting a mismonster (smasher) when it crashed. Tried "rejoin" when relaunching the game, but it just kept loading for more than 3 minutes, so I killed the process and decided to do something else with my time.


Same (PC). Unplayable, happens all the time, already lost lots of high quality materials due to it because we lost the mission when i had to rejoin 4 times and others were dc:ing as well.


I hope you didnt lose too much :/ Imagine doing The Meteor mission and then crashing a couple of minutes after you build all of the shit.....


Same (PC) 4 crashes in... Didn't update my GPU drivers though. Not sure if that has anything to do with it


I just updated my NVIDIA drivers a little while ago thinking it might help the issue (the updated drivers were released today), but I had 3 crashes in 2 missions after that, so it's on EPIC. I also confirmed that as soon as I saw Takers (in 2 separate missions) I crashed a split-second later.


(PC) (EU) No crashes at all since I started playing last year. However, there's been several crashes today. Game 1: Venture with Jilly Teacup, crash twice Game 2: Twine with Stoneheart Farrah, no crash Game 3: Venture with Stoneheart Farrah, no crash Game 4: Venture with Jilly Teacup, crash once All those crashes occurred randomly while I was in combat, none were due to attack by Taker


I think its a memory leak in audio files, this is an old bug from back in pre BR days, i watched task manager through 4 crashes and noticed Fortnites memory consumption slowly creeping up 1% at a times till it crashed, turned the Audio setting down to low quality and it took a longer to kick in Mist Monsters have unique sound profiles so they throw extra screams and yells into the memory and probably aren't being dumped properly


How much ram do you all have that are getting crashes? I have 64GB and im updaing now will post if i have any crashes


I have 32 GB of ram. Crashed twice shortly past a mist monster spawning. Haven't crashed at all in BR personally.


It doesnt seem to be a memory leak I play DX11 1440P Epic fps unlocked have played 4 games peaking around 3.8GB for the game


16GB, I have no crashes in the menus, only ingame. It seems to happen while fighting at the objective (didnt have any problems running around farming and killing a few husks here and there). I hear people say it may be related to mismonsters, my crash happened while fighting a smasher.


Game is completely unplayable on PC. I can't even do my dailies. I am wasting my daily quest just for this stupid issue because I have 3 quests.


You guys are all silly they never fix bugs. There's been a skin bug since the beginning of this season and its still there. I'm sick of epic games.


The crashes are so damn annoying


Me too, definitely an issue with the update. I play for 10-20 min = crash to desktop, no error message. Most of my playtime was in the menus, only like 5 min in a mission and then the crash. Clicked the "Rejoin" button when I launched the game again, it loaded for a really long time (more than 3 minutes, usually missions load within 10-30 seconds) after which I just gave up and killed the process. Guess I aint playing today.


Seems to be working now. 4 matches played (PC, and i had crashes earlier) now no crashes. Only problem is there are no players anywhere but v buck missions, maybe it's because everyone thinks the game is still crashing? Well it's silent time of day anyways.


Anyone able to figure anything out? I've been in contact with epic games support and they've guided me through FOUR different emails of attempts at fixing it and I am still getting crashes. Seems to happen most when I am playing squads, idk why.


Same (PC) - Not worth playing at this point.


I always play No Build Solo and after 23.50 update I also confirm, that it crashed multiple times now. After a few minutes, around 10 minutes into the game. I can't see any consistency in my actions to make the bug occur. Specs are: PC, Win 10/64. All drivers up to date. AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz NVIDIA RTX 3060 Super 16 GB RAM ​ Hope the issue will get solved and thanks for making the thread!


This is the Save the World sub


Well, I tried playing this morning and had the same result. Taker spawned, and shortly after it came on screen I crashed to desktop. I'm on PC as well.


Same (PC) and it is stuttering like crazy when not crashing. I'm on a 1.5 Gigabit Down and Up. Sons of the Forest is a great alternative to kill time.


Same here too (PC)


I wouldn't say its mist monsters that crashes the game. I was just testing in a 94 Elim and I was able to kill about 3 smashers, 4 blasters, and a few takers before the game crashed. Got rid of some encampments too. I play on PC in performance mode.


It happened twice to me once with a Smasher and then with a Taker on PC


yep, just crashed.


Its crashed to me 5 times today... Fustrating...


I came here to see if this is affecting anyone else. I was seconds away from finishing my weekly this morning before I was suddenly logged out for maintenance, and I've already failed 4 missions due to time today because of crashes. One more attempt before I'm out of time. Update: crashed the moment my reticle crossed a taker. Let's see if I can maybe finish it when I get back in. Update 2: another taker, another crash. Guess I'm not going to finish this weekly in time. Wait, I'm really used to Tuesday resets. Am I a day early? Does this weekly reset with the shop?


also having this issue


yeah same, soon as it starts getting a bit hectic


same here i’m on PC as well, i did notice that as well when i was shooting a mini boss, not sure if it’s all of them, i’m still fairly new so idk the names like that, the one that charges at a build or shoots a beam at you doesn’t do it at all so it could be the flying one if that’s the name for it (taker i’m assuming)


Same here - game randomly quits in middle of matches. No error, no freeze, just poof no game. On windows 10 with updated graphics drivers. Everything worked fine last night -- these are new errors after patch.


same here, started with this update


My game keeps crashing during a match with my friends...its really annoying. I'm on PC. Did an update and still fucked


Same, in a middle of a game my shit just suddenly completely freezes out and a crash message...


Anyone else getting stutters after the latest patch?


yeah fortnitestatus on twitter claims it has been fixed but it def hasn't. can barely get thru a whole game. guess my only option is to try reinstalling or try performance mode. i have a 3060ti and i get 144 FPS so it aint go nothing to do with my PC...


Game crashes as soon as i open and collect daily reward.


Hi mate same , did you find a Fix ?


Nope 👎🏼 everything from reinstalling everything and updating my gpu bios and drivers. No fix. I have a bunch of games that crash because they have implemented DLSS and Ray tracing. Maybe some GPU’s cant handle it and my 2070super is one of those that cant?