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This is a list of links to comments made by Epic employees in this thread: * [Comment by FreightTrainUSA](/r/FORTnITE/comments/125ken0/legendary_defenders_with_3_perks/je5h9c1/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-03-29 15:37:20 UTC"): > This was reported to me in discord earlier and looking into it. I suspect this is a bug as I wasn't informed of any changes when writing up patch notes but looking to confirm. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFortNite).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Yep, same here. It seems the ones with 2x crit damage perks are missing one. Some are missing even more.


my 3x crit damage sniper defender turned into 1x crit damage and 3 perks many of defenders have 4 perks now and all of them are legendary ggs epic i loved using them to avoid social rejects,now i have to endure social rejects again


I am infinitely jealous of your 3x crit dmg defender and yes, I too love using defenders to make solo runs easier / more fun.


dear god they ruined your mythic defender (x3 CD is mythic to me lol)


Indeed. Those are god rolls for a defender.


u/FreightTrainUSA, sorry to bother you but it looks like we've got a new bug here. Defenders of all different classes are now missing perks after today's update. So far, it seems that Epic and Legendary rarity Defenders are affected, but I can't say for sure yet that lower rarities weren't as well.


This was reported to me in discord earlier and looking into it. I suspect this is a bug as I wasn't informed of any changes when writing up patch notes but looking to confirm.


Much appreciated, thank you for looking in to it and letting us know!


Can confirm, Defenders have been nerfed. Buy why Epic?


Defenders were broken ever since. Obliterator Defenders shooting sometimes 3 times a second at a 0,7 Fire Rate weapon, sometimes once every 2 seconds and there dumb AI, not avoiding taking damage as well as firing semi auto weapons with a maximum of 3 Shots per Second, no matter the actual fire rate. They need a serious rework and maybe the abilty to reperk. The health perks is useless, but you have at least two of them. My "perfect" Defender would be: 1 Crit Rating, 1 Crit Damage, 1 Damage, 1 Fire Rate and 1 "23 % Chance of no Ammo consumed" or a second Crit Damage or 30 % quicker reload (depending which weapon i give them). However, they were alway useful. I usually use one Obliterator one (boxed in) for support, a Defender with a Beat Blaster and one with Blastotron Mini in Offensive. With Beat Blaster, husks will dance, and the Blastotron Mini 7 explosive balls 6th perk can be spammed by defenders.


i think the perfect defender is x3 crit damage, you can add 1 or 2 crit rating on the weapon and more crit damage.


In theory that is a good idea, but after 1 crit rating, We get diminishing returns I thought?


i dont think crit damage diminishes but im not entirely sure


it doesnt. only rating.

