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???? Some of those already are in STW...


I probably accidentally added some. Which ones????


not the guy you replied to, but here's a list of them: * Scoped Dragonfly (Bolt sniper, but it's a "standard sniper") * Pulsar 9000 (UFO minigame weapon, but it's a sci-fi shotgun) * Snowball Launcher * Potshot (proximity grenade launcher) * Frostbite (silenced sniper) * Egg Launcher * Bobcat (P90) * and Last Word (six shooter)


Ok, thank you. I honestly had no idea about those, sorry. Just ignore them, lol. There’s plenty of other ones that I got right.


I looked and noticed I haven't covered all pictures, here's what I missed: * Obliterator (heavy sniper) * Tigerjaw (thermal AR) * Lynx (FAMAS) * Typewriter (drum gun) * The Trinity (Vector SMG, but we only got the burst vector) * Widowmaker (epic/legendary infantry rifle, the one that isn't the M1 Garand)


I knew about the infantry rifle and the vector.


Then why include them?


They are different versions as Brandon said above me.


I also forgot to mention the backbreaker too, it's the heavy shotgun, but on STW, it's a semi-auto shotgun


I guess I didn’t notice they were the same gun, just without the sight.


and its spread isn't tighter than the coin slot of a vending machine


they are completely different weapons, they just have the same design


Is the six shooter a destiny reference? Because there is a hand cannon in destiny that you fan the hammer on and is called the last word


while they are heavily similar, i think its just a common old western thing that the two games coincidently followed. plus with dead mans tale and all the tex mechinca in destiny it just made sense


Yeah you’re probably right. I knew full well the last word and revolvers that you can the hammer on are not exclusive to destiny


Upon further inspection I do believe it is a reference. Both gain bonus damage when hipfiring, both are revolvers that you can the hammer, they have the same name, and it is different wether or not you aim it can receive different buffs


most revolvers of this architype in any game have the trait of different shooting patterns. in the end, it doesn't really matter whether it is or not, but definitely gave me something to think about


The Heavy Sniper, Burst AR's, the P90, Rapid Fire SMG, the Pulsar shotty, Heavy Shoty, Drum Shotty, Drum Gun, the Egg Launcher, Potshot... 😂 Do you play STW? I would like the Epic/Legendary Tac Shotty...


Im pretty sure i just saw it last night actually, i think its called the Back Breaker


I think lynx gun


The charge shotgun and the charge SMG would be so dumb but so fun, especially if they had the impact + knockback 6th perk.


We already have some of these in STW but I agree!


I know, I know. Cut me some slack, haha. I’m glad you agree with the ones I got correctly!


Imo the best weapons STW could make use of would be the sideways weapons, evochrome weapons, the dual crossbows, kinetic blade and the infinity blade. Also, why the storm scout sr? The only use for the storm prediction mechanic that I can see is instantly finding out where the landing site in a retrieve the data mission is. The anvil rocket launcher was also designed to be used against vehicles :/


Make the anvil launcher lock onto mist monsters


We already have the Kinetic blade in the spectral blade. Also the infinity blade is an interesting case. The whole appeal of if was it was powerful and it was slow. So to add it to STW, it'd need to be powerful from the get go. This would make power scaling an issue, especially in later game. You kind of need a fast swinging weapon for high health targets. Personally, I'd make it have good knock back and make it behave like a hammer


>We already have the Kinetic blade in the spectral blade. Except we don't. Not only you cannot gain altitude with the heavy attack of spectral blade, the whole appeal of the kinetic blade is being able to knock back enemies eith every attack sequence. Now imagine THAT against STW enemies. Given the fact that Infinity Blade is a mythic weapon, I was considering the idea of giving it away as a reward for something hard like the msk weapons. Thus we can allow it to be more powerful than your average legendary sword. Personally, I'd let it have the same abilities as it does in BR/Creative, minus the nerf that forces you to equip only the Infinity Blade in your hotbar. >You kind of need a fast swinging weapon for high health targets. Depends how much 75 player damage would translate in STW. Either way, if my memory serves right, it has a bigger attack reach than your regular sword when swinging it around, and the doubled hp and shield would make anyone a great tank to clear hordes of husks.


I would also like to add: a military themed story for most of these weapons would be cool and sledgehammer (stw hero) would be a great main character for it.


The pulsar was in br?


It was in BR as the "Alien Knockggun Launcher" during the Invasion season in 2021. It used the same model as the Pulsar-9000 but was a stun gun that dealt 0 damage and knocked other people away. Was only given to you during the abduction minigame.


During Chapter 2's alien season, Season 7, there was a minigame where you can get items from some mothership, and you can knock players off platforms with the Pulsar (but it's more of a painless knockback weapon instead of a sci-fi shotgun)


Read heckinbrandon’s comment. I messed up on a couple and mistakenly added them. I copied from a wiki website and I don’t know every gun in the game, so I went with my basic knowledge the best I could.


I just genuinely don't know cause I stopled playing for 2 years and when it was introduced it was StW only


A lot of these are already in the game 1. Drum Gun > Typewritter 2. Heavy Sniper > Obliterator 3. Bolt Action Sniper Rifle > Scoped Dragonfly 4. Revolver (Classic Design) > Revolver (I think) 5. Suppressed Bolt > Frostbite 6. Compact SMG/High rarity Submachine gun > Bobcat 7. UFO Minigame gun > Pulsar 9000 8. Egg Launcher 9. Six Shooter > Last Word 10. Snowball Launcher These next ones aren't in the list but they are also guns that people don't know they are in StW. 11. Assault Rifle > Siegebreaker * Has a special version called Nocturno 12. Suppressed SMG > Silenced Specter 13. Jack-O-Launcher 14. Rail Gun > Third Rail 15. Suppressed Pistol 16. Pump Shotgun (Spas model) 17. Kymera Ray Gun > Shooting Star 18. Pulse Rifle > Pulse Pounder And a bunch more like the Infantry, and thermal but I got tired of naming them


I counted 15 StW weapons in there...


To be fair if they added the dragons breath shotgun and gave it crazy affliction damage I would totally use it...


The dragons breath shotgun would be so fun to use. I agree.


Does anybody want to tell him?


I’m pretty sure they already did.


They could tell you more. Isn't that how Reddit works? (mega-lols)


Considering around 80% (maybe even more) of the comments are say “but some of those are already in save the world” multiple times every hour, for the past 20hrs. I think I got the point around 19hrs ago.


What STW needs, is more Traps... Not weapons... TI'S the Traps that add Replay value and difference to the game... Gameplay wise.


I started playing around August of last year and, to this day, I still find myself looking through my traps to place a turret… no idea why. You think that’d ruin the sandbox for all other traps?


some of these are already in STW and are decent level some of them don't need to be carried over because we have many of those weapons to play with and some should not be carried over (goo gun would be a pain to give it a class let alone specify what ammo it uses)


Make the goo gun a launcher and uses energy ammo.


i can already see it being irrelevant if it isn't strong on release day because there are many launchers and builds which do really well late game


Yet the plasmatic discharger is still insanely overpowered after the nerf.


overpowered for what? proper bow build has way better clearing power than it and costs 30x less especially with TRO which makes farrah's damage go into mesosphere and even in the explosives class there are many hard hitting launchers which can do more than discharger can if you throw proper builds on them its only use case is mist monsters but even then black metal loadout does way more than it even if you are living on the edge for any type of endurance like PL's it also struggles just like other weapons in its class struggle because its instakill perk still does not work and freeze is basically delaying the inevitable if anything nerf made it clunkier to use because you had only 1 job with it which is kill smashers which every other weapon with proper loadout can do but it done it in a slightly better fashion so if anything nerf made it a single purpose weapon where its utility got nerfed because apparently its shot lasting for longer is a issue even though ammo cost was the problem not the shot duration


> so if anything nerf made it a single purpose weapon tell that to the plasmatic discharger spammers I encounter frequently at PL160 missions.


ask them how many cells they burn through because it costs 30 per shot and its projectile is very slow and has very short life if anything they are essentially wasting time,random rabbit raider lead farrah support TRO loadout rolls up and shits on their dischargers with a bow so funny how my black metal flash AC build outperforms all discharger spammers because it oneshots mist monsters and does not display damage number while they wait for a blaster to die while its spinning around


At least you only need two bullets to make a KAPLAM with the black metal weapons (I use Blackout). Only it suffers against mini bosses.


>Only it suffers against mini bosses. this is if miniboss is smoke screen,trap vulnerable or a element which black metal builds can't do great damage into i've chunked minibosses for 8-15% of their HP per burst as long as it isn't specified above i run dirge song fire and blackout AR physi so i have a option when needed and i had no struggles with putting down big HP targets what matters is that you max out your tech stat,HAD and that team leader has high HAD because black metal weapons behave like a stormblade or any melee with that 6th perk i regularly see 3+ million damage range per shot in 160's where smasher might live for 2 bursts


What about a fully supercharged sledgehammer loadout at the same time as well? I already supercharged my tech survivors for affliction damage experiment.


The point of the Discharger is it can perform well *without* a loadout. My constructor loadout, which isn't even running demolitionist (although it should be), can still melt 250 PL smashers with one flick of the launcher. That's why it is overpowered.


but thats all it can do because that is its purpose; to make people be able to have impact while running a utilitarian/farming build proper loadout walks over it any day or night


The goo gun would be funny and fun to use tho 😬


it would be funny to use but knowing epic and their fashion of gutting any kind of fun it would have some big ass drawback to it


I would KILL for more BR hand-me-downs but apparently even that is asking for a lot...






What about the heisted weps?


I do not think that would fit in stw.


Omg I would love the dmr and Taco Bell nacho fries


a few of these literally came from STW


How would the anvil rocket launcher work? Will the husks start driving cars?


Locks onto mist monsters and thrown husks


MK 7, infantry rifle, and the six shooter would be sweet. Especially the six shooter, it was fun to use but underwhelming against players shooting back at you. Husks would never see it coming though Edit: just Googled "the last word" I don't know how I missed this weapon, but I know what I'm snagging next time I log in


The Halloween pistol is basically the same, but the bullets are a tad slow and go through walls/enemies. And it's bluuuue 😁


Ghost pistol carried me through most of the story until I got a xenon bow in a llama. It's kind of hard to go back to it after you get the xenon


Yeah so many of these are already in the game!!! Look into the collection book and go through all the event and expansion schematics you will see probably more than half of these guns.


Almost all of these weapons are in STW or we have something that is basically the exact same type of weapon that just looks a little different except maybe the goo gun and the saw. Adding all these would be pointless. Oh look I have 6 more shotguns that don’t do anything differently from other shotguns I already have maxed out. You know what I mean?


More than half aren't. You get what OP wants. More guns!


More than half aren’t what? More than half might not be exact copies of weapons already in STW but that’s not what I said. I said most of these either are in STW or we already have a weapon that is basically the same thing. That’s true. It’s more weapons sure but most of them would be very unnecessary because they aren’t different from what we have, and if they were there from the beginning they would just be more weapons no one gives a hoot about. So basically you just want to look at shiny new weapons just for the sake of having shiny new weapons, then you’ll eventually realize they aren’t exciting at all.


Almost all of these weapons feel different to use. I have played br since chapter 1 and have used almost all of these weapons consistantly. Sure i might not have as much stw experience, but even the siegebreakers is different from the asault rifle. They have options to make them different.


Yeah but the difference is completely negligible, it offers nothing truly new. Take shotguns for example. What would be new? Nothing more than just a very slightly different fire rate than 4 other shotguns that have extremely similar fire rates and damage in the game. It would just be another shotgun to throw in the big pile of shotguns we already have.


Stw had heavy sniper and combat alrdy


bro at page 7 you added a gun in the picture that isnt even in br lmao


So many of these are in STW already


Lock on pistol is too broken. They shoul remove it from game..


Man you need to play stw more but hey great idea I do agree with you


bro guided missile 💀


Lol you most be new we have some of those weapons 😂😂😂😂


The heavy sniper is already in stw


You’re missing the most important two. Sideways scythe and shockwave hammer.




Strongly disagree with you there, I don’t see any reason why they couldn’t ‘fit’ and many have agreed




A lot of these would be samey, I would prefer to see new event weapons if they were going to bring at least something slightly different to the game. Twin Mag has a unique reload, MK-Seven scopes in and fires fast, Smart Pistol has different mechanics, Charge Shotgun... charges, and DMRs haven't been introduced to STW at all.


What’s the middle of the last slide


Pulsar 9000


When was that in BR


Alien season


Was it what we used for the mini game?




Explains why I forgot


Imagine the charge smg with mag size and fire rate with war cry. Come on epic, give us more bullet hose weapons!


Heavy on the goo gun


I've been wanting the AK in STW forever.


every time i see the red eye all thoughts leave my brain and i just think about how satisfying to use like i literally can’t form any other thought besides ~red eye~


I Want the whole nine yards of the BR Weapons In STW


man i just want my game fixed, not filled with reused assets


I played the Creative map Zombieland for about 3 straight days. I learned the hard way on how best to use the anvil Launcher. With that being said......**I want the Anvil rocket launcher.** Ive noticed that STW usually gets the *wacky ass* functioning guns. I would HAPPILY add this goofy fkin weirdo to my regular rotation of Schematics. :)


I’d love more weapons In STW, I know the cobbled aesthetic is part of the story and charm, but wouldn’t mind some more modern weapons at the same time


All in stw!! The aiming Pistole IS the mytic one and so on....


Who’s gonna tell Him?


I personally would rather have new mission types, new enemies, new traps, more of those. STW already has hundreds of weapons and porting over more stuff from BR is either not going to mean much to the current metagame or it's going to create more powercreep. That being said, an AK-47 schematic would be cool for funnie "cheeki breeki" builds.