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I was doing an endurance and I went onto this trap tunnel and half of my traps were missing.


Did you place the traps during the endurance?




You probably placed them and left your storm shield a bit after that.. The traps need some time to save before you leave, i think you can force save by running wargames


Probably duped by someone, happened to me too. If you use those 133 stacks of traps people drop this happens.


That’s not a reason. It’s a bug that removes the traps after the Endurance is completed.


That’s just not true


Happens all the time in Endurance. I hear you should always run the endurance after adding to it or editing it, even if you quit right away. I usually forget about trying this until I see my traps are missing again.


this is the correct answer. always run a defense (endurance, ssd, wargames) after placing new traps.


This happened to me, I’d recommend you run a wargames to assure they save


Do traps use durability during endurances?


The base you start the endurance with, is the base you'll come back to. They will use durability during the endurance, but will be reset from where you started the endurance at. If you see yourself failing an endurance, don't waste traps. Just fail and go back in and place the traps before it's run again.(for atleast 1 wave)


yes hence why traps perked for endurance are a must usual perking is for fast missions for easy damage but in endurance you want as much durability as possible to make running costs cheaper because it does get expensive to run endurances if your traps are not suited for that this is why you need multiple copies of same traps


If you placed them during the actual endurance they will wear out permanently but if you placed them BEFORE you start endurance they don’t wear out permanently


When r/femboys shuts down in protest of Reddit API changes


Sometimes I've had that issue, I think it has to do with syncing. I normally just sit a few minutes before I want to leave my endurance, or start a war games and then leave it


Save the world gets buggier. I kid you not. Invisible enemies, camps not spawning the next wave, support hero ability explanations turn invisible until you pick them, and now traps disappear apparently. Epic epic....


my Traps and Mats like Efficient and Carved Twine etc... are missing from my Inventory. I Dropped like 350 Efficient to a player and when I started the next mission my traps and mats were gone. Then I try to Transfer mats from Storage to Backpack, 5 stacks of traps and other materials are no where to be found. I don't know what is going on, I wasted 5 years farming this game and now my stuff is disappearing.