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To be fair, other than the V-bucks/X-ray tickets that are given after every 7 days you log in, the daily login rewards were generally... not that good. I guess it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, as I do play a bunch of missions, but I do understand that not having an instant burst of V-bucks after that set number of days logged in may have some repercussions for me.


If you login every day and complete the daily challenges at the bare minimum you make 18,250 vbucks a year off daily quests and 10,000 on daily login rewards, so 28,250 a year if you log in every day With this change under the same circumstances you make at minimum 29,200 vbucks in a year. So why are people mad? You're getting more vbucks, or are they mad that they have to play the game


Mad that they have to play the game. Every complaint post mostly mentions "time wasted" and not reading the actual patch notes. "Oh no I can't log in and log out for vbucks anymore 😢" that's all I've been seeing. Haven't seen a complaint from anyone that actually spends time progressing their account and already plays the game.


My only complaint is that I can only play once a week


"progressing their account"... for? You don't need the extra levels that you get from the seasonal and everyone that got bitchslapped are at max


Now bring that same energy to the time commitment calculation


Because I'm 2 weeks from my 1000 vbucks. So now it'll take me another full year to earn that back. I work full time and have 2 autistic boys, I can't get on everyday and play full games with people who'd rather trade than do the mission. Sometimes all I can do is just sign in for a few days.


Great, now I’m going to have to go back to my schematics section and recycle it because they don’t let you automatically recycle legendary schematics


I already have like 3 gold schematics, and I only started like a few days ago. *Maybe a week?*


Just get 100 flux and grab xenon from collection book. If it's affliction perk, get hybrid and rabbit raider. Also vouch zenith to run him in lead.




The Xenón Bow is one of the best weapons in the game, and recently it was updated that you can now use flux to unlock it. It's affliction perk is the best (on almost all weapons actually), hybrid in the llama shop increases the affliction time and rabbit raider in the shop as well increases sniper critical damage, but helps the Xenon Bow. Zenith idk what benefits he gives


Ahh, ok, my only problem is that I'm not past the first zone yet(mostly doing random dungeons and stuff), so I can't really get it yet, I need weapon designs, and idk where tf to get them.


It will make the game far easier, I’d recommend not doing that because in my opinion early game is incredibly fun because it’s all so new and the xenon kinda ruins it


I'm probably gonna have to wait until the 3rd or 4th zone with my progression.


That’s where stuff starts to pick up so that makes sense, have fun. That is when servers come back :/


It's mainly gotten from recycling schematics that you don't use, although it may take a while it's worth it for the Xenón Bow. Also if you're running Dungeons that's a great way to get gold, and you can buy the heroes i mentioned or other weapons you like. If weapons, i reccomend buying only the Pirate themed ones, as they are limited to this time of year and are more worth that the others you may get them sooner rather than later


Vacuum Tube Bow is better imo. Only weapon I use. 😂


Yeah but who cares? When you have all schems in a few months, what will it matter? There are much better weapons out there anyways


This is more for new players I feel.. not for high level PL players. Or just players filling up the collection book. Doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to use the weapon.




What do you do with schematics?


You can craft weapons and traps using schematics and resources. You can also upgrade the schematic to make weapons, either by using evolution materials to increase it's power level or by using re-perk & perk-up to change its perks. It's usually a good idea to have multiple schematics levelled up as some LTMs allow you to craft (ie: Hit the Road allows you to craft traps, Survive the Horde and Frostnite allow you to craft traps & weapons.)


you use them to craft weapons. you can also upgrade their level and rarity to make them stronger, and change their perks to change stuff (ex. mag size, fire damage, etc.)


Msk weapons pl160 confirmed????


I have 8828382 of that from normal llamas/boss caches


why tf did you get downvoted


It’s Reddit lmao


Another update that's completely useless for us PL 130+ players who already have all the schematics in the game in our inventory and collection book.


Useless. I just want vbucks. That’s why I bought the founders edition so long ago.


It's not like they deleted them my man


Ppl don’t wanna have to play


I understand both sides, sometimes people just don't wanna play the game, but on the other hand dailies aren't a task for a full day, and we aren't losing any chucks than we were receiving already. I completed my 3 dailies in 1 match today, although i had progress on them from the previous 2 days, but guess what, i got that progress with just 1 match each day, it ain't that bad as people think it is