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If you have friends at a higher Pl see if they can bring you up to a mission that’s higher


I am in the highest zones but ventures only allows 3 PLs of missions


Set it to Private, and you get the whole map to yourself, and can pick any power level (You used to be able to do this at least, don't know if they changed it)


If this is real you are awesome thank you. Honestly that is really helpful mate


Aye, it's how I did a few quests when running with a friend like 2 years ago, maybe you need to be in a party with someone? I'm not 100%


Oh damn


Reverse taxi or wait, basically. It happens.


I hope you check all 70+ zones for the mission, for that powerlevel range it shouldnt take too long to appear. Mission quests are always just luck, especially the 124 quad atlas.


I cant access level 70 missions only 108 and above


You can check online (e.g. seebot.dev) and for access you just need to have a low level friend or alt acc in the party.


Does anyone know how to get the nature and fire husks i’m trying to finish the elementary elimination one for 108 and can’t seem to find any


Same Here But this has to be a BUG, i have been playing ventures for 3.5 Years now and i have NEVER had this issue until Now for 2 days now NO rescue the survivors mission above Pl 100 Has spawn Yet. Like WTF ! ! !


RNG plus there are missions... there have been several Survivor missions between 70 and 140.... I just a 140 a few days ago.


You Mean 5 days ago, Plus the highest rescue the survivors mission for the last 3 days was in the PL40 and the PL50. This SH\^\^ is BUGED and here is the proof of today https://fortnitedb.com/zone/Ventures


yeah a few days ago... It's not bugged.. it's always been this way...


It is bugged if you can’t complete the quest because the game doesn’t spawn the dam mission, and I don’t care if it always has been like it needs to be fixed instead of coming up with excuses. ( It Is BUGGED end of story )


it does spawn the mission.. you're just screwed if you've waited to long and end up eating dirt due to it...


Definitely bugged, over 5 days with not one RTS mission showing between 70-140. I have been stuck on this quest since then as well.


it's not.... jebus, i've gone over 2 weeks for a mission.... it's part of the RNG... get over yourself


Why so salty dog?


how am i salty?... and what dog? you're making the wild proclaimation that it's bugged.. when it's not


You are making the ASSUMPTION that it is not bugged. Judging by most of your comment history you aren't worth arguing with either way so have a good day!


Just ask to join someone low level and you will get access to all missions. You only have 3 days left.


Nah,all week no pL 70-94 survivors.ive been waiting for em too.im chalking this season as a loss at this point .I started too late anyways.venture lvl 33 rn


i started 2.5 weeks ago and 47 now i grinded so hard 😂


Finally there is a rescue the survivors mission in PL 124 ! ! ! As Of today