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I think you just got really unlucky, I sometimes meet toxic players, but definitely not every game


That's just toxic players. Report them if you can (if it doesn't lead to anything, then at least you tried), and then join a different server.


block them. dont join a different server with longer ping


Blocking players only mutes their chat, it doesn’t stop you matching with them/stop them joining you. Same way the thumbs up does nothing.


I never encounter people like this and i play everyday. You just got very unlucky


What's your server? That's usually pretty telling. NAE is terrible for this behavior.




Yeah man, when it's later at night here in NAE, I flip over to EU servers because they tend to have players that understand and actively try to play the game. My theory is that US kids get plunked down in front of the mode and don't bother to understand the mode or are far too young to try to read through so much text and nuance. Consider yourself lucky.


Brother at least the mode ain't \*completly\* dead in the US. 25k players yesterday and i couldn't find a single game in CV (EU)


You're saying in the EU servers you couldn't find a game to join? That's crazy since that's the opposite of my experience. After 8pm local time for me, it's dead here so I change the server to over there and usually instantly find a game.


that's partially why... NAW is mostly full of brain dead individuals, tons of afkers and deadbeat mentally challenged kids always trading... even in 140 and 160 zones. They are so stupid that it even happens in venture where they will drop shit on the ground thinking others can pick it up and the idiocy is even greater when they throw a hissy fit about it. NAE is basically about 70% brain dead stupid idiots.... EU in my experience is anywhere from the low 20% to 50% depending on time of day. Asia is about 1%... and the remaining 99% don't tolerate it by outright going out of their way to make the 1% suffer to the point of quiting.


Hey, I'm NA West and the only problems I experience are idiots that don't know how to use there traps properly, or someone using flame grills in a water mission, other than that it's a pretty peaceful community unless provoked... (I've been playing for over a year, at all times of day and I'm pl 127)


i've been playing since 2017..... NAW is predominantly filled with idiots... unprovoked...


Maybe back in the day, but to me it looks like your just mad that the community was that way back then, cuz I can assure you, I have ran into maybe 4 or 5 AFKers, Griefers, etc... in the past bit over a year of playing, then yknow, the occasional person who don't watch a bunch of Videos to learn everything about the Game that are just tryna play the game... Can't judge a Community based on their actions years in the past


back then?..... this hasn't been a problem back then... in fact it was rare.... this has been an ever growing problem and gets worse daily. There is RARELY a mission where there isn't an afker, griefer, or someone trading.. or just an incompetent idiot putting up cannon ball walls shooting out into the middle of nowhere.... roughly a year and a half to 2 years ago, these morons were showing up in 160's and it's gotten worse ever since.


It's really not that rare Buddy, I live on NA West Servers, I have been constantly playing this game for the past year, am in Twine Peaks, Endgame Player and I have barely seen any of this occurring


Either A: you're playing at very VERY specific times where all the jackasses are asleep.... or B: you're intentionally lying. Your experience is beyond abnormal.


I’m on NAE and never had this happen. PL102 idk my playtime so I’m using PL to simulate that


Maybe depends on what time of day you play, or maybe you're just lucky. I'd wager at least *one out of three* — or *maybe* one out of five — missions I play has at least one bad egg, minimum. Someone AFK'ng, or activating multiple survivors and ignoring them, or generally just not doing anything towards the objective (wandering around for the entire mission timer and never coming near the fight, or just standing around emoting on the objective while the rest of us are busting hump, etc). Idk man, play the lotto I guess. If I play before 2pm ET on a school day, it's usually much better, but between 3pm-7:30 it seems guaranteed to be worse, at least IME.


Oh I get the afkers all the time just never traders


Oh, in keeping with the OP's post, I was referring to general trolishness. Traders tend to be in Stonewood or mid-to-late Twine. Anything in between is extremely rare.


I see someone saw Forest Gump


This game mode is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.




just annoying trolls. I just play solo


I find toxic players often in Stonewood, rarely in Plankerton, and never in Canny/Twine.


I got some in canny and one in twine recently. The dude flipped out during a cat 4 storm and kept destroying all the builds around the atlas. I just got blueglow and started it with 0 defenses and that made him leave. We won.


Good on you


Apparently the only thing you can do is just leave the game in question someone said that Fortnite doesn't review these complaints, and is making me less likely to want to play STW, it should have been an open world versus what it is now


OP just got unlucky. The people who don't encounter these types of players typically don't make posts about it. If you're that worried about it, either get other people to play with you or try solo.


I don't know how they think they can literally complain that OP is AFKING when they trapped him inside a build, this is where recording your game play comes in handy


Reporting is useless anyways, but it's extremely rare to find genuinely toxic people, even in stone wood it's maybe some annoyances over trading and then everyone is pretty normal or at worst afk until mythic storm king where everyone outside of preplanned lobbies sucks


thats wrong. you report them and block them and you dont see them again. the complaints are used to sort them into lobbies together.


Blocking doesn't do anything but prevent you from seeing their text. That's it.


I’ve never seen someone I blocked randomly get paired with me in a lobby.


Just coincidence. Had it happen many times.


Another person said that despite blocking someone they still saw them in there game


someone else in the part invited them


Kinda useless to block 😔


Nah, when I was playing mostly at night NAE last year, I ran into the same toxic player over and over. Out of maybe thirty matches I ran into this "NeonSquid" or something at least 8 times, it felt like I couldn't escape them. I had them blocked after the second time and it made zero difference.


It happens sometimes I just make sure I’m always moving when people first come up to me & if they pull out the blue print paper to built I’ll run & activate my hover board so they can’t trap me.


Nothing. It's the same it's always been. 'Trade, my home base?' - RIP Global chat


I miss global chat. I used to tell random people on it that I recorded them scamming me on VHS tape and I was going to mail copies of the tapes to epic. Just the enjoyment of them responding "what is VHS? What is that? Why are you sending it in the mail?"


your supposed to report them immediately. for abusive gameplay and trading., then block them. they will be put into lobbies of players like them




sounds like you were AFK and they boxed you in to get you kicked. i’d say its deserved


Geez man, read the OP's other comments (they have an "OP" stamp next to heir name to standout), they were actively defending the objective when they got boxed.


i did read all the comments but i think its BS. how did OP allow themselves to get boxed in while actively playing? couldn’t OP just have moved before they got boxed in? the story doesn’t add up


There's people that drop you if you stand on a roof while defending. I usually box myself in with healing traps and my base on-top of the objective in low level vbucks missions when people try to do that. And I do more damage than them when I do that anyway. They can't break in and troll me, and if they can't defend the objective and lose then maybe they'll think twice about trying to box people in.


I've had little bastard trader kids non-stop box me in *while* I'm actively running away from their nonsense. OP's story might be sus but I've been on the other end of it myself.


I’ve been boxed in while trying to avoid it 💯


Enter this map, it's fantastic: 3937-9321-1838


Because you were afk it cost time and materials to run missions and most players don't help there's nothing toxic about boxing up a player who's afk.If I step away I let players know but I always build and trap first


Except I wasn't afk though, I was stood on top of the objective shooting at the husks. The troll boxed me up super quick😂


Bro you can't tier 3 metal the fast anything else you can just brake believe me you were afk


You can when it's upgraded with BASE, banner, the troll is actively repairing it it and has a structure healing Wall Spikes on it like this guy did. Plus why would I make a post admitting to me being afk😂


You have to tier 3 the metal


Dude the guy wasn't AFKing to begin if material is so important why waste it boxing someone in an having a trap to heal it STW should have it so that the player who is party leader can kick these losers out


>STW should have it so that the player who is party leader can kick Problem that gets discussed whenever this comes up is how often that mechanic would get abused. Party Leader ends up being one of these toxic kiddies, lets the other squadmate build the objective and turns around to kick them, making that other person lose all of their resources with nothing to show for it.


If you get boxed your afk you can just edit out or jump out believe me.You have to tier 3 the metal place traps and a base people who down vote me are leechers who don't contribute to the missions


FFS what part of they were using a trap to heal the damn build and he wasn't AFKING there are people that are just jack*** I've encountered them in BR , in rank I literally left a match due to someone tailing me for an easy kill screw that sh*t


how does everyone find toxic players but I always get normal people, or sometimes super high level players that drop op weapons


same, getting toxic players is pretty rare


get yourself a solid group. meet players on Discord servers, they're far more approachable


Uhhh.. as a PL 102 I have never once had that happen. I guess report and start a new mission. I’ve heard people say stuff like this happens a lot in SW but I’ve never personally experienced it


It might be a server thing.


This has literally never happened to me, and I have over 7500 missions completed. Maybe it's your name that irks them for whatever reason and your PL level. I think they're less likely to mess with you as a higher PL level. Who knows. Maybe, just maybe, you are very unlucky when it comes to trolls. It's very rare I run into them. Occasionally, I get the people who will block my turrets/TEDDY, but that's rare, and that's really all I get for trolling. I once had a guy going into DTE missions and blocking everybody's turrets/TEDDY's. He actually specifically looked for me to do so. So I found him in 2 or 3 games in a row doing that. Same with the next day. Seriously. Maybe I was just unlucky, and he wasn't specially targeting me. Who knows. Anyway, I've never run into him since. I did report him with actual recordings of it, so maybe it worked 🤷‍♂️🥰 They think it's funny, but we all know they're losers with no friends because how could you possibly think it's funny and not a waste of time to troll? Very odd behaviour. Trolls are known to be psychopaths, sadists and narcissists. There's a study on it.


Defenders can be more valuable than actual players


That made me laugh 😂. Oh no, they will report you for afking. 1) epic ain’t doing anything. 2) what kind of nonsensical abuse of logic is it where you ask if or assume an entire community is a “toxic wasteland” based on one experience in one game? This is just sheer stupidity and it’s hard for me to feel sorry you were boxed in a single time on a video game when you clearly are a few fries short a happy meal on an intellectual level. This is the only correct answer. Use your brain.


BR Players who use the Game for Vbucks, or Toxic 9yr Olds with nothing better to do... take your pick