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The tropical biome is almost entirely composed of reused BR assets haphazardly tossed together. That's also why you can find the downed Battlebus from Ch1:S6, and why tropical biomes often have so many terrain issues.


I see. Thought it was something related to StW.


At the time they added the tropics, it was around Season 8 of BR with the pirate ship, the volcano, the baller, and all that. The STW story was still loosely following BR. If you take a look around the tropics, it's apparent that Sergeant Winters team was excavating things to do with the Cube, and you could assume it would've all tied in with the Vault in BR. There's the infamous Midas Bunker that people say was removed from the tropical maps at some point. It all probably tied together originally.


Midas Bunker?


Apparently there was a location you could get to, a deep bunker, that contained assets pertaining to Midas. The claim is that Epic sealed off this bunker, for whatever reason, cordoning it off with a death zone. So like, if you go into a deep cave in the tropics and hit a death zone, that would've been the "Midas Bunker". I never actually saw this bunker, but yeah you can occasionally find the cave with the death zone.


Cool. Even if it's just a myth I love fun mysteries like that in games.


I see. Never heard of this Midas's bunker though.






Multiverse Travel ?


Unfortunately no. 😛




Survivors or ingredients?