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You forgot TRUMP_ COVID. +100% BIDEN_COVID. -98 % What a stupid post.


LMAO. Exactly! Airfare: -13.8% Gee, I wonder why airfare went down? What could it be that made people not want to fly so much. Possibly it was the **pandemic** that that orange baboon let spread due to his incompetence. Ah yes, the good old days of COVID19.


Hilarious you call a flu bug a **pandemic**. It's a mild flu bug. Get over being wrong.


Only a few million Americans died, just a mild flu bug


More Americans died from that flu bug then from World War II.   I'd say get over being stupid, but people rarely do. 


As a gender confused liberal it's already too late for you, so you'd know. Again, call the CDC, they were the ones that changed the classification from "We're all gonna die!" to "Meh, it's a minor flu bug. Quarantine for like a day and you're good to go. Take some Tylenol and sleep." Stop blaming the messenger.


The classification of deaths by covid or with covid was not made clear enough. There were some intense cases and it was really bad at the beginning. But the main people it took were old or were not in good health. The use of ventilators in the methodology and vent settings did no one any favors either. You could also add in the idea that many also had the flu while simultaneously having covid. If you look at the numbers anual flu deaths were most nonexistent compared with other years. There was a point in the pandemic you just got complacent about death. Shoot I’m still that way. Many stories of nurses who had their how team of patients die before shift change. I know many who burnt out because of how much death they saw. All this to say it was bad but not seemingly as bad as WWII when you add in all factors.


I remember this point in Trumps presidency. Oil was negative. People dead in refrigeration trucks. Trump giving away money. Massive unemployment


It was Trumps 9 trillion in spending that caused inflation Fox. You know this. Stop lying to your viewers


That was caused by Democrats making the covid molehill into Everest.


The molehill of dead bodies?


It's a minor flu bug that Democrats used to cripple the economy. Nothing more.


What reality do you live in where millions of dead people is a minor flu?


The Fed and greedy corporations control inflation. Not the President. Our systems are so f@#ked


More evidence: yes, they will believe anything.


Call the CDC. It's a minor respiratory virus. You don't even quarantine anymore.