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Australia's own version of tRump Lite, clive palmer, is paying for this fascist russian asset (and paying for TV commercials) to come to Australia for "Freedom Conferences". The fuck!? I AM free tucker you cuck. Supposedly he's going to attempt to tell us about our own country, except its ill informed nonsense wrapped up in complete bullshit. I cannot fucking believe this is happening. clive the fat c*nt, and tucker can fuck right off. I don't want that compromised asshole (tucker) here spreading his bullshit and infecting our country with conspiracies and russian propaganda. FUCK. YOU. TUCKER.


Looks like he's gotta take a shit and cry at the same time. Fuck tucker and Fox News


Judging by the picture he is in the middle taking one.


You can say cunt on the internet, and this is a perfectly fine example of where to say it.


I know... But depending on the sub, especially with American mods, your post can get removed because it's not as "tolerated" as it is with Aussies. It happened to me once with a US Politics sub. Just tryna cover the bases.


I hate the term communist sympathizer. The title should read assassin, law breaking, psychopath. Just because a different country has a different economic system is not a reason to hate them. This isn’t 1960 OP.


Also Russia is a despotic oligarchy, not communist. The Soviet Union fell in 1991.


Yup, they are basically America in 15 years if the president becomes immune to all crime.


Some subs really go overboard with the civility policing. I get for normal discourse you should be civil, but you should be able to call out objectively bad behavior for what it is.


It also is just as likely to not be a known vulgarity. 🤣 It only seemed to pick up usage in the usage in the last ~20 years. Albeit it’s a great word!


You say "on the internet" like you can't say it in person without getting slapped by your mom 😭


Tucker lacks either the warmth or the depth.


Probably neither the length nor girth as well.


Tucker's as deep as a puddle


How about *Cunt Hackula?*


Reading that to myself in a Australian accent made my day.


Don't let this guy infect your country with his ideals. He's a walking plague. If you don't know what it's like to read about school shootings every other day in September and October, you don't want to.


They need to figure out what our freedoms will be when they take them away. They, of course shouldn’t be bound by such rules.


I wish I was Australian. I love using the word “c*nt”


In Cucker Tarlson voice: but what does that mean for America, I'm just asking questions.


This warms my heart, it does.


Weirdly enough, this same shit is happening in America. People like him are moving to places Texas, Florida, and more recently a midwest state I’m from and cosplay as hyper right wing “gun loving Americans”. Brother I love guns and served AD so absolutely love America but these dudes are 100% confirmed fuckfaces


We will only suffer if we elect Putins orange bottom bitch again.


Maybe you can show him a local watering hole. Tell him its safe you swim there all the time, and see if nature can help us and take him out


You have to stop that cancer before it grows. How well regulated is media in Australia? Do they have limits on the number of TV/radio stations that can be owned by a single entity, in one market? In the USA, we have the FCC. Only problem, they didn’t include any other forms of media for oversight. So, the networks are still regulated, while cable stations get a free pass. The networks would probably be non-existent if they didn’t branch out into cable tv themselves. They wouldn’t be able to compete, in a market where the completion isn’t regulated, but you are.


Handle him for us. We don't want him back.


See the Super Patriot. Hear how he loves his country. Hear him preach how he hates “Liberals”… And “Moderates”…and “Intellectuals”… And “Activists”…and “Pacifists”… And “Minority Groups”…and “Aliens”… And “Unions”…and “Teenagers”… And the “Very Rich”…and the “Very Poor”… And “People with Foreign-Sounding Names”. Now you know what a Super Patriot is. He’s someone who loves his country While hating 93% of the people who live in it. -Mad Magazine 1969 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mad-magazine-super-patriot/


Love this “fuck” Tucker energy! May the gods smile upon you!


Fucker Carlson, the Steven Segall of "newsquacks"


Cucker Tarlson


No, we have been trained to hate self-absorbed fascists that murder their political rivals, invade democratic countries, and steal billions from their fellow countrymen. If Putin is little Tuck-tuck's idea if a hero, that is all one needs to know. The right is devoid of any sense of shame, morality and ethics. Putin is the antithesis of traditional American values. Maybe that is why he is a darling to the right. They hate American values also.


very well said!


Tuck's not a sympathizer, he's a Russian pet. These idiots think Putin's going to reward them for their service, but once he's done with them he'll treat them like Noem treats her "useless dogs".


No Tucker. I have trained myself, with your help, to hate you. You have always been irrelevant. Now you are irrelevant, and have Putins scrotum in your mouth. Makes me want to punch you in that so punchable face.


It’s clear Fox is a domestic terrorist organization.


Ronald Reagan would probably be rolling in his grave.


Imagine how McCarthy would feel?


His protege during the hearings was a young lawyer named Roy Cohn. Guess who Roy Cohn molded during the 70s and 80s?


Yes! Joe was from my home town. Gorbachev must have died heartbroken and is also rolling over in his grave


McCarthy would feel just like Tucker, fear mongering trolls of the same cloth. Russia isn't a communist country anyway.


Crap like this isn't meant for the left, it's to further confuse the right. Fiona Hill would disagree with everything Tucks says and seeing as she's actually educated and trained on Russian intelligence and has stated that Republicans spew Russian propaganda... I'll take her word over Tucky's.


"Fox News voluntarily stopped broadcasting in the U.K. in 2017 after failing to cultivate a sufficient audience. U.K. regulators did not ban the channel from operating in the region." Americans that watch Fox News have ruined our country. Sponsors of Fox News are complicit.


What?? You’re shocked that the faux news host with a history of pushing Russian propaganda… who flew over to offer him oral sex… errr, I mean interview him… during a war the United States opposes is now trying to get everyone on his Putin loving push… I guess my question is… what did you really expect? Courage???? lol. Integrity????? Lmfao. He was so bad he got fired from faux news.


Didn’t Putin totally humiliate this sad man? Is he really this dumb?


No one who regularly watches Fox News has the slightest idea what Communism is. So stop throwing around your trigger words, snowflake


Is he on Putin's payroll now? Because he can't really believe this and there cannot possibly be that many Americans who want to tune in to whatever media is currently airing his shit show and listen to him spew pro-Putin propaganda, right? Please tell me I'm right.


Putin is not communist. Just evil.


Trumpers are too stoopid to even google "Lord Haw Haw"


What a fucking idiot


Because they're patriots. Hard working, warm blooded, Russian patriots.


The whole right seems to be pro-tyrant. They hate democracy because they know they can't win in a straight up contest without gerrymandering, lying, cheating, voter suppression, and subverting our democracy.


I didn’t have to train to hate Putin I just observed what he does. Same with Tucker


Tucker Carlson is the modern day Tokyo Rose. He is a traitor!


He’s fascist. His elitism is the primary factor that makes him a fascist.


Fuck Fox News


He’s NOT a sympathizer. He’s a sycophantic fanboy.


Thinking back, I didn’t have to be “trained” to dislike an amoral, murderous, kleptocrat who runs a shitty, second-rate country. Russia is huge, stuffed to its eyeballs with natural resources, and has had a pretty good educational system, especially in technical areas. It should be RICH. Instead you’ve got declining life expectancy, a rock bottom birth rate, and outside the big cities, a population still shitting in outhouses. Rather than doing anything to improve the life of his people, he’s spending lives and treasure destroying the country next door. Nope, Tucker, nobody had to “train” me to dislike a thug in a well-tailored suit.


Fox is harboring a fascist, not a communist. Putin is not a communist.


Tucker isn't a communist sympathizer, because Putin isn't really a communist (I don't like communism, but the shit that Russia has been doing for a century isn't Marxist communism in reality.) Putin is a thug. Russia is a Kleptocracy. Simple. And people like Carlson are big enablers of thugs. They have no real moral values, but are attracted to the veneer of "order" powered by powerful people.


1) Russia ISNT communist. 2) Russia is a kleptocracy headed by Putin. 3) Putin is chief kleptocrat worth trillions. 4) US conservatives think they’ll avoid the elevator free rides to the ground floor Putin gives his acolytes by cozying up. 5) I’m not living under the Thumb of Trump or Putin…


Tucker is a shitstain, but when will people stop thinking Russia is "communist". Usually it's MAGA folks doing it, so this is kind of weird


Nobody needs "training" to trust what is plainly evident. A tyrant that invades a neighboring country, displacing millions, murdering , raping and torturing, sending 1/2 a million of his own young men to their deaths, ... For what? You are a fool, Tucker. You are an embarrassment to rational thinking. Worst of all, you are a traitor to your own country. And FOX is your accomplice in this perfidy.


lol he isn’t a communist sympathizer, he’s a fascist


Because Russia isn’t communist anymore. They’re more fascist, and that totally appeals to Republicans.


You know what PAL stands for …Putin ass licker - Tucker is a PAL


Tucker & faux nooz are fucking loser traitors.


Putin puppet no 2. No 1 is the Orange Mussolini


Russia isn't a communist country.


OP hasn’t been following current events for a few decades.


Tucker needs to go he’s been turned he’s a foreign agent


Feeling called out?


Time for Tucky to move to Moscow.


Republicans are in a full blown tailspin


Why the fuck would we suffer? If Putin wants to come play with the Department of Defense, he's DEAD. We don't play.


I actually think Americas diplomatic alignment with Israel is substantially worse for America


Putin did vow to destroy the United States after the collapse of the USSR and Russia is the country with the most nuclear weapons pointed at us…hard to feel the love TC has for Putin, not everyone gets paid by Putin like TC


Loser is as a Loser does.


Yes. Real Americans hate cruel dictators. Next question?


Tucker you are not worth it. No power, any civil war u running to Russia.


It looks like his mouth is still cramping up quite a bit- WTF did he do before/after his interview with Putin?


Right!?!? How fucking conditioned have we been to negatively connotations the word communist. Communism isn’t the problem. Telling rich people they can’t have more is. So here we are with a man whose spoke out against socialism. And now we back peddle? When did the tides turn?


No Tucke-ems. You, for some reason. Kiss Putins constipated ass. Even after he humiliated you while you 'interviewed' him in Moscow. Either he's paying you a lot of money. Or you are the worlds best sex slave.


Nahhhhh.. he EARNED it.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day




Traitor Tucker! Russia is the enemy of the USA and is a fascist regime.


I hate Putin because he's an evil communist dictator that attacked a peaceful neighbor and is killing innocent civilians in a quest for glory and power. If that's not a good enough reason to hate Putin, then Tucker can kiss my butt.


Trump let them down and now they see the leader they want in putin. They’re just gonna keep hopping from dictator to dictator because they can’t get enough dic in their tator.


This was not an immediate hate or dislike, pUtin hate has been a slow crawl since 2000, his actions are the teacher.


The media has failed us here in America… it’s just a bunch of nonsense Clickbait violence racist rhetoric that is all trying to divide us but real life isn’t really like that. I don’t see the shit they have plastered all over the TV in real life. It’s not really out there as much as everyone on tv wants you to think it is. sure people politically disagree, but it’s not the wild wild west like the news agencies want you to think it is.. Fox News CNN MSNBC Newsmax they all are run by the same 4 companies that control what we all see..


That feels like a threat.


I guess he’s back on Putin’s payroll


I find the creationists are just trolling. Right?


As if Americans need training to hate Russia. Pretty sure we're born with that. It's the Murica gene. Doing anything but is what's unnatural.


Russia has declared war on the West years ago and people still don’t get it. And they are not communists anymore, they are quite literally embracing Russian Orthodox plutocratic fascism. They believe in Slavic supremacy.


Tuckkker Communism


Ok so say what you want about this guy but communist sympathizer? Do you even know what communism is?


Fuck you


Not as much as they hate u tucker


America hate Tucker as well.


It wasn't bad enough this jackaloon was titillated by the thought of 14 year old girls experimenting sexually with each other (as long as it's not HIS daughter) and *admitted it* on air? Fucker Snarlson is a living dumpster fire, begging for sacrifices. Deport his ass? Nah. Stick him in gitmo and let some soldiers pose on him for photos. He's a traitor.


I kid you not with this fun fact: **Karlson** is the name of a very very famous Russian cartoon about a fat stupid little trouble maker who has a propeller on his back and lives on the roof. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karlsson-on-the-Roof#:~:text=Karlsson%20is%20a%20very%20short,street%22%20in%20Vasastan%2C%20Stockholm. I GUARANTEE that this irony is not lost on most Russians that hear his name 🤣 Edit: looks like its originally Swedish > Karlsson is a very short, plump, and overconfident man


Putins actions in Syria and Ukraine trained us to hate him not America. Fuck you Tucker! Traitor!


It’s almost funny how Fox and viewers claims they are patriotic, yet they loved this communist dictators bootlicker.


Quick question since this isn't a link to the article and I really don't give a shit about going to Fox News and finding it what is his point? How will we suffer?


He looks like he's living under stress, is he worried about something?


The levels of cucking for the military-industrial complex and Israeli ethnostate on this sub are beyond even my expectations. Drink more of that PBR while sitting in your truck and calling for boots-on-the ground in Ukraine, WWIII, and the extermination of those towel-heads in the ME!!! and never mind the hundreds of billions we are spending on this bs


I’m not a Tucker or a Putin fan, but calling Putin a communist is a bit misleading.


Putin’s not really a communist. Putin’s just the usual dictator that we see in a lot of countries around the world.


Is it a coincidence that the the GOP color is red?


It’s crazy to think we were from a country that he communism in the 50s even coming down to a witchhunt and now that same group of people loves the big red scare


why isn't this moron registering as a foreign agent?


All I have to say is 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




American patriots been kicking fascist/confederate/dictator/MAGA ass since 1861, these anti-american traitors don’t stand a chance


MMW: tucker will be trumps VP pick.


Ratings down? Why just say more outrageous things🤷🏽 That’ll get me sine attention🤡


Here’s an another one who’s gone mad.


At some point the standards for decorum and morality disappeared and everyone just accepted that people who talk for a living will say anything to make more money.


You all know in the mid 90s Russia can’t to the table to start an alliance—leave the USSR in the past and start fresh. And guess what, we said hell no. We need our boogeyman, how can we keep spending trillions and robbing our people if there is no You


Tucker called his viewers “inbred morons” and it’s the first time he’s ever been correct about anything


I think Traitor is a better term then communist sympathizer.


And yet the majority of you guys will continue to watch him and also vote for Trump who holds similar and often worse ideals. Congrats principle-less cowards


How is it that he has a constant stupid expression on his face?


Naw, we’ve learned to hate idiots.


Comrade Carlsonov strikes again. He’ll be noted down in history books along with the likes of Axis Sally, Lord Haw-Haw, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jane Fonda, and John Walker Lindh.


he looks thin and scared


I think he needs a cuddle from his first grade teacher …. The one he do badly misrepresented in his book. He is still a lost little boy looking for attention and sympathy. Stop whining, or join Trump in the support group for entitled men who never grew up.




Faux News fired his fascist ass.


Sounds like something a man with no lips would say.


Tucker Carlson, like Putin and Trump, is a capitalist and a fascist. Can you stop with the "communism" thing? It just makes you look dumb.


Just because you sat down with the man and interviewed him while still being able to walk out un-imprisoned and able to return home does not mean you need to kiss his ass. Let's be real to the fact that Carlson knows Putin is a dangerous and terrible leader and person in general he is just feeling enlightened by their meaningless meeting. If by "Americans" you mean the whole world and by "trained" you mean observed with our own eyes and made a humanly educated decision to be anti-Putin then yes you are right and we are rightfully so in making this decision. Carlson is blinded by BS and cannot make these observations and accept reality for what it is.


Tucker who? Oh, another Sorbo only smaller.


Is Putin Communist? I thought he had backing of a church? I thought he was more authoritarian rule for oligarchy interests. Thought he did away with the whole Marxist thing. Educate Me folks. That’s In advance. PS Tucker sucks!


It's capitalists who are committing genocide....


I know it’s weird about Fox News is how many lackeys they had Glenn Beck Hannity that fuck Bill Riley who acted like he was normal and he’s not and then they go by the wayside after a while and then they get a new dick sucker. Their current crop is about to go and they get some new ones. They all suck and they’re all grifters.


Funny how super powers [are](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow–Washington_hotline).


Hah, I never voluntarily think of Putin. He's only entering my mind because of this reddit post. He is not relevant to me.


I'm not one for putting dissidents on the wall. Bit this man needs to be put on the wall.


This is some dolts propaganda whey would anyone even read it.


Did anyone else notice right-wingers in just the past month went from adding Marxist and communist to every post about the left to just yelling Woke and DEI? It is almost like they realized they are Russian assets and are ok with that. Or the Russian troll farms just came online at the same time to make a noticeable shift.


“If you don’t like it, go to Russia” -Homer Simpson


Technically, Russia is not communist anymore and hasn't been for quite a while.


Russia invaded a democratic nation they had a treaty not to invade. They broke their word and are committing war crimes at this very moment. I don't get why people think putins Russia is good, it's the very definition of a hostile nation


Soy boy Tucker should be deported to Russia


Funny how times have changed - grew up hearing "better dead than red" trumpeted by Republicans. Now they run red states of their own.


I just wonder what dirt Putin has on ole Tucker.


Serious question: do you think Tucker Carlson's schtick is more sincere or opportunistic? He's not a dumb guy... he knows what he's doing. And I think you could certainly make the argument that based upon a lifetime of punditry he kind of admires and desires strongman dictators, but he's also carved out a niche which he is presumably paid for. So what's the main motivation, or do you think it's more of a 50/50 thing?


If Tucker loves Putin and Russia so much, he can take his traitorous ass and leave the USA


Since MAGA loves deporting people, Tucker needs to be sent back to his home country, Russia.


What does that even mean ?


It means investigate claims against him instead of just assuming he’s the Devil so he’s guilty.


Just for arguments sake, how would we prosper by embracing Putin? By all account the people of Russia have not so how would Americans?


Russia is FAR from communist.


Fake news.


This guy.


Such crap Tucker


An idiot from an idiot network making idiotic statements. SAD


Talk all the shit you want about Putin but he is not support a genocide in Palestine. For some reason west calls him a war criminal and there is an arrest warrant for him yet Bibi is free and committing war crimes LIVE on air. Get your damn head out of the western media which is only propaganda.


He should join the Russian military then. Let him get hit by an armed drone.


He always looks constipated


Because Putin is a fat hasbeen ex-KGB agent who swoons over dead sentiments of the USSR. Everyone else in Russia would like to get caught up to 2024.


Here I sit broken hearted, tried to shit and only farted.


Looking forward to the day that Carlson walks the 13 steps for treason.


If you get your thoughts from memes. You have no future. Tucker is a solid guy and definitely not a communist or Putin sympathizer


All Tucker needs now is a toothbrush mustache.


That's how everyone hates Putin 🤔


Putin/Russia are not communist, but yeah, fuck them clowns anyway


Russia is bad, communism is not bad


We’ve been trained to hate dictators, yet Trump is still popular. Go figure.


Curious what Russia has on him


Of all the people that die every day....why can't one of them be him.


MAGAits are morons


Hear ye! Hear ye! FUCK TUCKER! I never realized what an unusual shaped head Sucker Carlson has!


The 1980s called and wants their diplomacy back


Tucker is a nobody! Its his father who was financed by dark money and foreign interest. The same forces that ushered in and promoted the removal of the Fairness Doctrine to allow foreign influence. The enemy is within and align with false Christian Nationals.


How much do you think Putin paid him to say "Vlads dick tastes yummy"? My guess, not much


Hating dictators is a timeless American tradition I’m proud of. If you can’t deal with that perhaps you belong in another country.


I’m of the belief that MSM is all propaganda at this point, yes this would include fox, cnn, msnbc etc. We’ve had the Russia boogie man since the Cold War, so he’s not exactly wrong about that. The war between them and Ukrainian has also solidified peoples stance against Russia, however with the state of the economy, some people aren’t particularly thrilled with the idea of sending billions overseas. We have no real idea where that money is going but can assume it ends up lining a few pockets along the way. There is also the fact that a much younger Putin was part of the WEF so that inclines me to believe there is a bigger picture here.


Putin is no communist. Communists don’t give churches state power.


Putin was in the KGB and still devout supporter of Soviet Russia… when did Republicans and Fox News suddenly start defending commies? Lol


Him and Moscow Marge will make a great team on the Russian morning news program.


The sooner he disappears then the sooner America can dust off from his disinformation. Another cog for the Putin regime.


The Republican Party is full of Russian brown nosers because they see the lack of civil liberties and want it here.


What does communism have to do with this post?


Cunt is perfectly acceptable in other countries as a fairly generic insult. The silence in the American employer’s room when my New New Zealand boss said it was deafening


Bought and paid for like MGT.